Abstracts of Europcr & Asiapcr/Singlive 2013

Abstracts of Europcr & Asiapcr/Singlive 2013

www.eurointervention.org Abstracts of EuroPCR & AsiaPCR/SingLIVE 2013 in collaboration with EuroIntervention Jean Marco William Wijns Jean Fajadet Patrick W. Serruys Tian-Hai Koh Eric Eeckhout Abstracts of EuroPCR & AsiaPCR/SingLIVE 2013 in collaboration with EuroIntervention Abstracts of EuroPCR & AsiaPCR/SingLIVE 2013 :H DUH VLQFHUHO\ JUDWHIXO WR WKH UHYLHZHUV DQG JUDGHUV RI WKH (XUR3&5 $VLD3&56LQJ/,9($EVWUDFWV %RRN:H DFNQRZOHGJH DQG UHFRJQLVH WKH WLPH DQGHQHUJ\WKDWWKH\KDYHGHGLFDWHGWRHQVXULQJWKHVXFFHVVRIWKHUHYLHZDQG GHFLVLRQSURFHVV7KHLUSURIHVVLRQDOLVPDQGFRPPLWPHQWLVGHHSO\DSSUHFLDWHG 0RKDPHG$EGHO:DKDE 'RXJODV)UDVHU *DQHVK0DQRKDUDQ 3DWULFN:6HUUX\V 'RPLQLFN$QJLROLOOR 2OLYHU*l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¶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¶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pUDUG)RXUQLDO )D]LOD0DOLN *HUKDUG6FKXOHU :HDOVRZLVKWRH[SUHVVRXUJUDWLWXGHWRWKHIROORZLQJLQGLYLGXDOVIRUWKHLUDVVLVWDQFHZLWKWKH(XUR3&5$EVWUDFW%RRNIRU WKHSULQWHGLWLRQ6WXDUW+HDGDQG-DYDLG,TEDODQGIRUWKHRQOLQHHGLWLRQ5RGQH\GH3DOPDDQG/DPLQ.LQJ 2 CONTENTS Q Abstracts of EuroPCR & AsiaPCR/SingLIVE 2013 FOREWORD Introduction to the scientific abstract presentations at EuroPCR 2013 5 Introduction to the scientific abstract presentations at AsiaPCR/SingLIVE 2013 6 CORONARY INTERVENTIONS Tuesday May 21st A decade of experience with DES: insights from large registries and randomised clinical trials 7 Outcome in contemporary coronary intervention 11 Impact of IVUS in a real world practice 15 DES: updated evidence from randomised clinical trials 17 Procedural factors determining outcome in high-risk patients 19 Coronary chronic total occlusion: from procedural success to long term outcome 22 Unsettled issues with oral anti-platelet therapy: which one? How much? How long? 24 Wednesday May 22nd Left main PCI for left main disease intervention: outcome in 2013 28 MSCT: emerging indication in interventional cardiology 31 From bench to cath lab: clinical implication of stent design 33 FFR in the real world 35 Diabetes and coronary artery disease: a bad association! 38 Revascularisation strategies for multi-vessel disease patients: stents, bypasses or both? 40 Radial access: anything new? 42 Coronary intervention in the elderly population 45 FFR are we working with the best threshold 47 Renal function and clinical outcome after PCI 50 Percutaneous revascularisation from CTO’s : results from registries 52 Individualised antiplatelet therapy based on testing or genotyping: idea from the past or solution for the future 55 Impact of thrombus aspiration device on the results of primary PCI 57 Use of DES in specific subsets of patients/ lesions 61 Radial access: a gold standard worldwide? 65 Thursday May 23rd PCI of bifurcation lesions: results from registries and new dedicated stents 69 Determinants of outcome in STEMI patients 73 New methods for physiological assessment of coronary stenosis? 77 GPIIbIII inhibitors : still useful in 2013? 79 Radiation safety during PCI 82 Updates on contrast induced nephropathy 84 The role of drug eluting balloons in contemporary coronary intervention 89 Bioresorbable scaffolds: clinical results 93 You cannot miss the great session on Rotablator! 95 Stent thrombosis: new evidence from clinical trials and registries 98 New generation DES: comparision with older DES 102 Friday May 24th Predictors of instent restenosis and stent thrombosis after DES implantation 106 Insights from OCT 110 Bioresorbable scaffolds: lessons learned from intracoronary imaging 114 PCI of bifurcation lesions: impact of procedural techniques on clinical outcome 116 From bench to cath lab: clinical implication of stent design 119 Abstracts from AsiaPCR/SingLive 119 INTERVENTIONS FOR STRUCTURAL HEART DISEASE Tuesday May 21st TAVI results from worldwide registries 128 Various imaging techniques for TAVI procedures 132 TAVI: predictors of clinical outcomes 136 Wednesday May 22nd Percutaneous mitral valve repair with the MitralClip system: determinants of outcome 140 Percutaneous valve implantation: new valves and new indications 144 Conduction disturbances after TAVI 146 TAVI and coronary artery disease 149 3 Q CONTENTS Abstracts of EuroPCR & AsiaPCR/SingLIVE 2013 Thursday May 23rd Incidence and prevention of cerebrovascular events after TAVI 151 TAVI and bleeding complication 154 TAVI and kidney injury 156 Intervention for prevention of stroke 159 TAVI technical issues 161 Thursday May 24th Developments in percutaneous closure of the LAA 165 Unfrequent indications for TAVI 169 Novel catheter-based therapies of mitral regurgitation 172 Abstracts from AsiaPCR/SingLive 174 ENDOVASCULAR INTERVENTIONS Tuesday May 21st Novelties in peripheral interventions 177 Wednesday May 22nd In vascular disease, think global! 179 Endovascular aortic aneuvrysm repair: an evergrowing story 182 Aortic aneuvrysms: fundamentals to innovation 184 Carotid artery stenting: clinical outcome 187 Thursday May 23rd Carotid artery stenting: clinical outcome 187 Carotid artery stenting: novelties in risk assessment 189 Carotid artery stenting: challenging scenarios 192 Aorto-iliac angioplasty: what is new in 2013 194 Friday May 24th Below the knee angioplasty: risk stratification and DES benefits 198 Femoropopliteal angioplasty: could new devices improve mid term follow-up 200 INTERVENTIONS FOR HYPERTENSION & HEART FAILURE Tuesday May 21st Renal denervation for resistant hypertension: procedural aspects, clinical effects and off label indications 204 Wednesday May 22nd Novel devices for acute or chronic heart failure 208 Thursday May 23rd Contribution of renal denervation to the treatment of resistant hypertension: a health technology assessment perspective 210 Renal denervation: novel approaches and first-in-man results 212 Abstracts from AsiaPCR/SingLive 215 AUTHORS INDEX 218 Abstracts of EuroPCR & Développement et ISBN: 978-2-913628-82-3 AsiaPCR/SingLIVE 2013 exploitation web : Dépôt légal à parution Gregori Despeaux Imprimé en Espagne Éditeur : Coralie Massonnie par Soler T.G. Europa Digital & Publishing, Davy Bonnafous C/Enric Morera 15 S.A.R.L. au capital de 8 000 euros, Elodie Turlier 08950 Esplugas de Llobregat - España siège social : 19, allées Jean-Jaurès, Graphisme et mise en page : 31000 Toulouse, France ; Groupe Composer RCS Toulouse 411 134 489, 26, rue Marie-Magné APE 5814 Z. BP 3167 - 31027 Toulouse cedex, France Copyright © Europa Digital & Publishing 2013 Coordination éditoriale : Frédéric Doncieux All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, Paul Cummins or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without the prior Véronique Deltort permission in writing from the publisher Europa Digital & Publishing. Enquiries concerning Sylvie Lhoste reproduction outside the scope of the above should be sent to Europa Digital & Publishing Wendel van der Sluis at the address above. 4 FOREWORD Abstracts of EuroPCR & AsiaPCR/SingLIVE 2013 Introduction to the scientific abstract presentations at EuroPCR 2013 -HDQ)DMDGHWDQG:LOOLDP:LMQV(XUR3&5&RXUVH'LUHFWRUV )LUVWDQGDERYHDOOZHZLVKWRWKDQNDOORXUSHHUVIURPWKHLQWHU DOVRUHSUHVHQWLPSRUWDQWLQIRUPDWLRQWKDWKHOSVXVVKDSLQJWKHRYHU YHQWLRQDOFRPPXQLW\ZRUOGZLGHIRUGHPRQVWUDWLQJFRQWLQXHGLQWHU DOO SURJUDPPH FRQWHQW 8QGHUVWDQGDEO\ VKDUS H[SHUWV IURP WKH HVW LQ UHVSRQGLQJ WR WKH FDOO IRU FOLQLFDO FDVHV DQG DEVWUDFWV DW 3URJUDPPH&RPPLWWHHZKRIRFXVDOOWKHLUHQHUJ\RQWKHDGYDQFH (XUR3&5:HKDYHLQGHHGUHFHLYHGDJDLQDQLQFUHDVLQJQXPEHURI PHQWRIYHU\VSHFLILFWRROVRUWHFKQLTXHVWHQGWRIRUJHWWKHJOREDO VXEPLVVLRQVERWKLQDEVWUDFWDQGFOLQLFDOFDVHIRUPDW,QGRLQJVR SLFWXUH7KHVXEPLVVLRQVIURPWKHFRPPXQLW\DUHEULQJLQJXVDOO \RXDUHVHQGLQJDVWURQJPHVVDJHWR($3&,OHDGHUVKLS(XUR3&5 EDFN WR UHDOLW\7KHVH ILJXUHV DUH WHOOLQJ XV ZKLFK LQWHUYHQWLRQDO &RXUVH'LUHFWRUVDQG3URJUDPPH&RPPLWWHHPHPEHUV:KDWFRO WRSLFVDUHRILQWHUHVWWR\RXERWKIRU,QQRYDWLRQDQG(GXFDWLRQVHV OHDJXHV IURP DOO RYHU WKH ZRUOG VHHP WR HQMR\ WKH PRVW DW 3&5 VLRQVDQGVKDOOZHLJKKHDYLO\RQWKHFRQWHQWRIQH[W\HDU¶V&RXUVH

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