SCA%NNEE-IILE COPY_ 4 Box Na 4i > t w E | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~CAT,wLog Public Disclosure Authorized AlalIphPnamer O ^ or #) Ln/Cr GRITF oCESW Co/Rg Adi REPUBLIC OF KENYA $ b MINISTRY OF ROADS, PUBLIC WrORKS & HOUSING 4 Public Disclosure Authorized ROADS DEPARTMIENT REHABILITATION AND MAINTENANCE OF MAU SUMMIT- e KISUMU ROAD (Bi,Al) Public Disclosure Authorized 4 $ THE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT STUDY REP(ORT (EIASR)i FEBRUARY 2004 Public Disclosure Authorized I,r_______ __ _____!___ CHIEF ENGINEER (ROADS) THE PERMANENT SECRETARY MINISTRY OF ROADS, PUBUC MIN ISTRY OF ROAIDS, PUBLIC 4 WORKS & HOUSING WOI LKS & HOUSING P.O. BOX 30260 P.O BOX 30260 4 NAIROBI NA ROBI 4 AAgT.AAT A rAA&A as TABLE OF CONTE NTS PAG I:. ABBREVIATIONS ..............uuu........u..m........ u.EE.E I"rI! EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ....... m.uumum..mm..Su....u....uuu................. lbL I INTRODUCTION ............................ L III BASELINE INFORMATION l.. IV ANTiCIPATED IMPACrS ........................... ; . V MmGATION MEASURES. .2 VI ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN (EMP) ............................ -; VII CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS ........... .3..........3 CHAPTER l ... .....E......EuEuSI.I......WEuE.........6uEMMu ... nEE :1.. 1.0 INTRODUCTION . .. 1.1 BACKGROUND ........................................ !14.... 1.3.2 Justification of the Project................... .........5 CHAPTER 2 ........ .............u.............. ...... 2.0 DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT ............................ ........ I 2.1 LOCATION AND EXTENT .................................... 'I 2.2 GENERAL LAYOUT .............. IS..... CHAPTER 3 ..... ... ..... ..... W........ .....W.WuWE.u..E...W..E........E 3.0 BASELINE INFORMATION .. 7 3.1 GENERAL .......................... 7 3.2 NATURAL ENVIRONMENT.. 7 3.2.1 Climate ........................... .7 3.2.2 Topography and Geology .7 3.2.4 Bio-diversity ................ Flora ........ .... Fauna .. s 3.2.5 Forestry ............................................ 9 3.3. POPULATION AND SEtILEMENT PATFERNS . ..........9.......... 3.3.1 Land Use ................................................................................... 3.3.2 Economic Activities .9 3.4 CURRENT CoNDmoNS OF THE ROAD .......................................... 10 3.5 TRAFFIC FLOW STATISTCS ALONG THE PROJEC ROAD (AADT) ...................... :I 0 3.6 EXISTING ROAD OPERATIONAL IMPACTS ....................................... :12 3.6.0 Siltation and pollution. 12 3.6.1 Induced development ............................. 12 3.6.2 Noise and atmospheric pollution ................................... I...12 3.6.4 Accident Statistics along the Project load ................................... 2 CaArnn.,, 7flI1A AqnAflflAI 0. LI t7-.-L .. CHAPTER 4 ....... uE..s..m .E.uu.SuuuE.uEm.u...s.uuu..mu. 15 4.0 LEGISLATION, POLICY AND INSTUTIONi tL FRAMEWORK .. 15 4.1 INTERNATIONAL CONVENTIONS AND TREATIES . ............................ 15 C 4.2 NATIONAL LEGISLATION POLICIES................... .i.... 4.3 NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY .. 1E 17 4.4 INSTrlTIONAL FRAMEWORK .. 4.5.1 Project Implementation Strategy ......... ......................... 1;, CHAPTER 5 ............EEE USWUPUEEE.E....EUUE.. lEI 5.0 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT A ;SESSMENT AND MMGATIOPr MEASURES.. ......................................... I . I. 1h, f 5.1 GENERAL . 1 11% 5.2 IMPACT ASSESSMENT PROCESS ............................... 1; 5.3 IDENTIFICATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS . 5.4 ROAD REHABILrTATION AND MAINTENANCE POTE M[HAL IMPACTS . 2:1 5.4.1 Positive Impacts .................. .. 21i 5.4.2 Negative Impacts .................. .... 2" 2 . 5.5 PROPOSED ENVIRONMENTAL MMGATION MEASU kES . .................................... 5.5.1 Environmental Mitigation Measures in Road Contractual Agreement!' .2......... I .. .... 21. CHAP1ER 6 .uE .....E...u.. .. .Em.....EE..*....SSSU ,. 2p1:' 2' 6.0 ANALYSIS OF ALTERNATIVES. 2. 6.1 PROJECT SIlTING ................................................................................ 2,.....................2; 6.2 PROJECT DESIGN .................. 2?..................Z..7 6.3 REHABILrrATION TECHNIQUES ..................... 2,7 6.5 No REHABILITATION ALTERNATIVE ....................... CHAPTER 7 .........EE..muE E ... ... mm.m.....u IDUU..EEEuW .. .. EmEEuu...E.S 2 B3 3 7.0 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN . .;: ; B 7.1 GENERAL .................. B 7.2 MONITORING AND AUDITING ..................;... 7.3 PROGRAMME DECOMMISSIONING ..............................................................F2 : 2............... 7.4 PROPOSAL TO ESTABLISH AN ENVIRONMENr AN(' SOCIAL UNrr (ESU) 7.4.1 Unit Objectives ............... 2: 7.4.2 Role of the Unit ................... 2 :l3 7.4.3 Establishment and Strengthening th'. Unit ................................... 3 7.5 CAPACITY BUILDING ... CHAPFER 8 . ..........., * ..............u......EUEU. J 7 8.0 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS.. : 7 7 8.1 CONCLUSION .7 . ........................ .. 7 8.2 RECOMMENDATIONS ................. A PP EN DItC ES .......... ..................................... APPENDIX 1: MAPS ............ .............................. .:......... 9 LOCATION OF THE PROPOSED PROJECT .............................................. ................. 4 APPENDI)( 2: PHOTOGRAPHS .......................................... 441 ROAD STATUS ........................... .................. ........................................ 4! ROAD USE AND USERS ...................................................... 4.......................4:; ROAD CONFLICT .......... ..................................... 5.......1..................51 ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES ................................. ...................................... 5; APPENDIX 3: REFERENCES ................................. ... 1 54 APPENDIX 4: TERMS OF REFERENCE (1OR) ........................ 54: Environmental Impact Assessment Team .......... ....................... 5!, Terms of Reference (TOR) .... ......... .SI CURRICULUM VIrAE ................ ,.u......... ..................E.........EEE E 5 ABBREVIATIONS AADT = Average Annual Daily Traffic ADT Annual Daily Traffic BOQ = Bills of Quantities CAP - Caption CER = Chief Engineer Roads DDC = District Development Committf e DRE = District Roads Engineer DFO = District Forestry Officer DWO = District Works Officer DRO = District Roads Officer EIA Environmental Impact Assessr ent EMCA Environmental Management C )ordination Act EMP = Environmental Management P an EU European Union FTC = Forestry Training College GOK = Government of Kenya KPC = Kenya Pipeline Company KRB = Kenya Roads Board MORPW&H - Ministry of Roads, Public Wor s & Housing NES - National Environment Secreta iat NEAP = National Environmental Actior Plan PRE = Provincial Roads Engineer PWO = Provincial Works Officer RMFLP = Roads Maintenance Fuel Levy Fund RSU = Road Safety Unit TOR = Terms of Reference WB = World Bank KWS = Kenya Wildlife Services MoLS = Ministry of Lands and Settlerr ents ESU = Enviromental and Social Unit EXECUTIVE SUMMARY I Introduction The Mau Summit-Kisumu section of the B1 Road serves as an important link wi h other parts of Kenya, countries of the Great Lake:; Region and beyond, connecding these with the Trans-Africa region. Currently, mo ;t of the road is seriously deteriorated with some sections virtually at the p int of collapse. This has beer compounded by the lack/untimely maintenance. The Northern Corridor Road Improvement Project proposes to address the iss jes of this section. This will be jointly funded by the Kenya Government and Int !rnational Devellopment Agenc y (IDA). The project will go along way in achieving and facilitating economic recc very in an effort to alleviate poverty. The objective of the study is to identify significar t environmental and social irn l)acts of the proposed project and the necessary mitigz tion measures. II Description of the Project The Mau Summit-Kericho-Kisumu section of the oad B8 and Al comprise the 'roject area covering about 140km. The project runs in 3 south westerly direction frorri Mau Summit Centre at the junction of road A104 and Bi towards Kericho, then in a north westerly direction to Awasi and to the junction o: roads Al and 1B1 in Ahero ard finally to Kisumu (see location map of project ro; id in Appendix 1) III Baseline Information The Road Project traverses through four district of Rift Valley and Nyanza Pr 'vinces namely Nakuru, Kericho and Nyando, Kisumu re ;pectively. The main annual rainfall in these districts varies with rainfall shiarply declininc with altitude along the west Mau escarpment toward:; Kisumu. The terrain is rollinc and sloping gradually towards Lake Victoria to the w ?st. The soil and rocks in the environs range from ri :h volcano soils, igneous and metamorphic rocks in Nakuru, black cotton soil n Kericho and granite rocks ir' Nyando and Kisumu. The forests along the project road regulate the *ydrological regimes over mo!:t the road. The natural vegetation comprises of a mi> ture of montane forest with dominant tree species such as Podocarpus grac lior, Juniperus procera, Crotoir macrostachys and Acacia woodlands. Some exo :ic tree such as pinus patula, Eucalyptus Saligna and others are found in neai by plantations on the roadsidi'. The main land uses within the road reserve include forest conservation, tea growing, livestock keeping, and crop production (maize, )otatoes, vegetables, sorghuri', and sugarcane) from Mau Summit to Kisumu. The main economic activities along the road pri xject is farming which include: tea, sugarcane, maize, pyrethrum, dairy farming an, i fishing. The business
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