Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 12-15-1943 Bee Gee News December 15, 1943 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "Bee Gee News December 15, 1943" (1943). BG News (Student Newspaper). 681. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/681 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. BGSU Remembered . .. And Bought Pearl Harbor . /?.ee Qee yiwi $3,000 Of Bends Student Publication of Bowling Green State University VOL. XXVIII—an BOWLING GREEN, OHIO, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1943 NO. 11 Key Beauty They Say 'Merry Christmas, Everybody' 80 Per Cent of Eligible Coeds Contest Plans Receive Bids To Sororities Eighty per cent of the coeds eligible for rushing—those Are Changed who made a 2.2 average and registered in the office of the Dean of Women—received bids to sororities. Due to the change of the Ninety-three Bowling Green women have now been schedule of the Christmas vaca- pledged to the four national and three local sororities on the tion, the Key beauty contest peti- campus. tions will be riven out at the Key Pledges for the various groups Joney Rothc, Bonnie Sawyer, Ar- office Wednesday, January 6, in- are: lenc Stearns, and Josephine Van stead of January S as previously Alpha Epailon: June Bruce, Wegner, freshman, and Wilma annuonced. Holzhauer, upperclass student. Alice Cadwell, Verly Collins, Viv- The petition with the picture ian Graecly, Beulah Miller, Bar- Delu Gamma: Miriam Balliet, Donna Jean Brown, Patricia Cloos, must be returned to the Key office bara Miller, Barbara Rhodes, and by Monday, January 10. Margaret Hamann, June Koehler, Marforie Yodcr, all freshmen. Dorothy Luedtkc, Jean Mains, Names must be sumitted on an Alpha Phi: Marguret Baker, Vir- Jane Schneider, Ann Seubert, official position blank bearing the ginia Bryan, Aurelia Christea, El- Joyce Shaw, Janice Smith, Jean Smith, Suzanne Tonkin, Patricia signature of 20 or more students len Crowlcy, Barbara Fish, Au- U n d e r h i 11, Martha Vietmeier, or faculty. This petition must be drey Johnson, Marjorie Keycrle- 1'iyrtty Davidson, Mary Lou Mc- accompanied by a black and white ber, Doris Lorenz, Mrs. Mary Knight, Jerry Ottgcn, Phyllis Nae- photograph of the head and shoul- May, Virginia Moore, Varena gle, transfers; and Nancy Kinne ders. Schumacher, Patricia Snyder, Bet- and Miriam Willets, upperclass women. The photos may or may not be ty Stephen, and Shirley Walker, glossy. According to Helen Pugh, all freshmen. Las Amijai: Nancy Bogdanoff, managing editor, 8 by 10 is the Betty Canfield, Virginia Cryer, preferred site but other sizes will Alpha XI Delta: Delores Bryan, Josephine Davis, Eloise Diebert, be accepted, although it shouldn't Shirley Campbell, Mary Diedrick, Patricia Eagy, Mary Louise Gabel, be smaller." Joanne Etzel, Opal Ford, Dorothy Norma Hilyard, Evelyn Kibler, No posters or publicity in sup- Gray, Marcia Hachtcl, Suzanne Phyllis Lowe, Marian Organ, Doro- thy Rains, Mary Ridenour, Laura port of any candidate will be per- Harris, Alice Johnson, Patricia mitted. Mae Summer, Marita Snyder, Kroft, Ruth Loudcnslagel, Kath- It is emphasized that Christmas Hetty Wagner, freshmen; Jean vacation is a good time to get a leen Price, Elizabeth Sou- Cholley, Helen Fling, Ethel Gro- copy or a new picture taken be- der, Gloria Speers, Dorecn ver, Janet Hartael, Joyce Keller, cause pictures must be in with the Stouffer, and Joanne Waugh, and Clare Mctzger, upperclass stu- petition. dents; Gene Moomey and Virginia freshmen; Patricia Barton, Doro- Schwinn, transfers. thy Bowers, Mariar Richardson, Phratra: Magdalene Batcha, Betty Rosencrans, and Ruth Schill, Dorn Ehrhart, Carol Lowman, and Next Play Cast transfer students; Barbara Gus- Ella Ann Vaughan, freshmen. After Vacation taveson, Barbara Hackctt, Laura Morris, Elmere I'arquette, and CORRECTION Tryouts for the second speech Mary Schoup, upperclass students. Money received from th* play will be held the first week Gamma Phi Beta: Glcna Ben- Silver Tea will not go into a after vacation, Prof. Elden T. fund for .ending YW delegates Smith, head of the speech depart- Presenting a different war-time holiday scene for the first time this year, this representative group zing, Katherine Bonfiglio, Helen of Bowliag Green students, V-S Cadst Paiil Hunter, Connie White, Navy V-12 Claire Rrarick, Kathleen Bowen, Eleanor Cira, Glennls to the annual conference, as ment, announced last Friday. printed in last week's Bee Gee Pries, Pat Kreft, and Marine V-12 David Robinson join la wishing yoa all a very Merry Christmas Cole, Mary Craigmile, Shirley Gcr- Despite the difficulty in getting News. Tha YWCA will clothe nert, Jean Halleck, Marjorie Han- new scenery, the play will be per- and a Happy New Year. two needy* children who were formed, as scheduled, on the 4th line, Ann Hammock, Mary Fran- ces Hyde, Gloria Lumlcy, Nancy contacted through on* of th* and 6th of February. As yet it is churches. not known who will be available Marsh, Doris Miller, Jean Ricketts, for the parts. How Will Wizards Spend. Vacations? There is a possibility of doing Today begins a three-week per- do these educational wizards plan period" coming after Christmas. "Tovarlsch" by Deval, "The Old iod during which Bee Gee will to spend their well-earned vaca- Garfirld Harris, at home in Dear Bill—Christmas Eve Maid" by Akins or "A Doll's scatter to the four corners of the tion? These are some examples: Bowling Green: I intend to work House " by Ibsen. The play will country that part of its population Ann Antypas, to Akron, O.: in a butcher shop in Toledo cut- be decided upon after the Christ- which has been seeking knowledge, I'm going to spend all my ting meat. Is Not The Same—Love Mary mas holidays. wisdom, and enlightenment. How time at the public library studying Helen Bircher of Louisville: A Editor's Note: This feature article was printed for the first time Einstein's theory and Newton's complete rest for the ordeal ahead. in the Bee Gee News Christmas ieue last year. Due to special request, law of gravity. I'm also going to we are reprinting it. find out just what made William Joe Henry, a marine from Lake- Dear Bill: Same Virtues Needed To Win Tell. wood: If I'm off the list, when I In a few moments it will be Christmas. Yes, another Mary Thompson, In New York get home I'm going out all night Christmas Eve gone and another Christmas Day to cele- War And Peace, Says Hambro is going to: Spend New Year's Eve and sleep all day, but if not, on Times Square. Drive my I'll spend a quiet and peaceful brate. Celebrate? It won't be much of a celebration, Bill, by JEAN NEWMAN brother's model T. Catch up on Christmas in Bowling Green. but something has to be done for the younger kids. You "The last peace of Versailles was a peace to end all the letters I owe. Go to high Annamarie Panasuk, a native of know, this is the first time in four years that we haven't been together on this night. peace. The nations of the world must realize that the same school basketball games. Hicksville, Ohio, and the soul Remember how it used to be? anne now, Bill—she's so much grim virtues are necessary in winning the peace that are Warren Foster will go home to of brevity: Eatl taller now and is really blossoming necessary in winning the war. Sandusky and: Practise swimming; The gang all got together and we had a big progressive party. And out. It seems funny to see my "The Versailles conference failed because the delegates go to dances; in general, have a "little brother" Tom and her to- were politicians and soldiers who did not discover that the good time. That is, if I'm not "Quill-Typers" will meet in we used to be so full by the time we got to the main course that gether, but we used to look like human problems are far more im- „ , restricted. studio B, Practical Arts Building that, you and I. none of us could eat. Then we'd portant than the military prob- « disease packed Europe, and the Aurelia Christea, hometown, New Year's Eve was always the lems." tubercle bacillus germ is rapidly Jan. 5, at 7:00 p.m. end up in front of the big tree Canton: Get caught up on all the perfect and wonderful end to a va- — ■. ... .. _ becoming as common as the flu One of the highlights of the singing and laughin. We all used President of the Norwegian Par- . Casu.lities on the homo work I haven't done since June. cation. What a time Tony used to idemic program will be a spelling bee. singing and laughing. We all used Ham.nt and of tie League of ^ ^ a, ^ Sort of brush up for the "exam to laugh a lot, Bill. have in his little restaurant. And NaUons Assembly, notable states ^ the more people that were there, thoM on btMe front fa And Christmas day was just man, author, journalist and lead- Wor]d Wu , ,„ d,ed ,n the better I It was wonderful wel- one mad scramble. Up bright coming in the new year in New er in world affairs, the Hon.
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