Sl. No. Item Unit Particulars 1. GENERAL PARTICULARS : i. Latitude Degree 23° 45°N to 24° 45° N ii. Longitude ,, 93° 45° E to 94° 15° E iii. Altitude (above MSL) Metre 781.0 iv. Annual Rainfall 2013 m.m. 219.05 v. Humidity (2013) a) Minimum p.c. 53 b) Maximum p.c. 89 2. AREA (2011 CENSUS) : i. Total Geographical Area : Sq.Km. 514.00 a) Rural ,, 485.39 b) Urban ,, 28.61 ii. Households No. 85965 a) Rural ,, 54888 b) Urban ,, 31077 THOUBAL DISTRICT iii. Village Inhabited (2011 Census) ,, 87 3. ADMINISTRATIVE SET-UP, 2013 AT-A-GLANCE i. Sub -Division No. 3 ii. Community Development Block ,, 2 2014 iii. Municipality ,, 2 iv. Nagar Panchayat ,, 8 v. Zilla Parishad Constituency ,, 16 vi. Gram Panchayat ,, 42 vii. Gram Panchayat Member ,, 454 viii. Police Station ,, 13 ix. Police Out-Post ,, 1 x. Assembly Constituency ,, 10 a) Inner Manipur ,, 3 b) Outer Manipur ,, 7 xi. Fire sub-station ,, 3 4. POPULATION, 2011 CENSUS i. Total Population : No. 422168 a) Male ,, 210845 Directorate of Economics & Statistics b) Female ,, 211323 Government of Manipur ii. Rural Population : No. 270835 Imphal a) Male ,, 135470 b) Female ,, 135365 iii. Urban Population : ,, 151333 a) Male ,, 75375 b) Female ,, 75958 1 Sl. No. Item Unit Particulars Sl. No. Item Unit Particulars iv. Sex Ratio (Females per 1000 Males) : No. 1002 b) Male P.C. 85.0 a) Rural ,, 999 c) Female ,, 64.1 b) Urban ,, 1008 xviii. Rural Literacy rate : ,, v. Rural population to Total population P.c. 64.15 a) Person ,, 71.2 vi. Urban population to Total population P.c. 35.85 b) Male ,, 82.5 vii. Density of Population 821 c) Female ,, 60.0 a) Rural ,, 558 xix. Urban Literacy rate : ,, b) Urban ,, 5290 a) Person ,, 80.3 viii. Decadal Variation (2001-2011) : No. 58028 b) Male ,, 89.4 a) Rural ,, 37967 c) Female 71.2 b) Urban ,, 20061 xx. Total Scheduled Castes : xi. Decennial Growth rate (2001-2011) : P.c. 15.94 a) Person No. 40593 a) Male ,, 16.30 b) Male ,, 20137 b) Female ,, 15.28 c) Female ,, 20456 x. Total Population in age group (0-6 years) : No. 60556 xxi. Rural Scheduled Castes : a) Male ,, 31294 a) Person ,, 4397 b) Female ,, 29262 b) Male ,, 2217 xi. Rural population (0-6 years) : ,, 39981 c) Female ,, 2180 a) Male ,, 20665 xxii. Urban Scheduled Castes : b) Female ,, 19316 a) Person ,, 36196 xii. Urban population (0-6 years) ,, 20575 b) Male ,, 17920 a) Male ,, 10629 c) Female ,, 18276 b) Female ,, 9946 xxiii. Total Scheduled Tribes : xiii. Sex Ratio, 0-6 years (Female per 1000 Males) ,, 935 a) Person ,, 1808 a) Rural ,, 935 b) Male ,, 929 b) Urban ,, 936 c) Female ,, 879 xiv. Literate Population : ,, xxiv. Rural Scheduled Tribes : a) Persons ,, 269304 a) Person ,, 853 b) Male ,, 152617 b) Male ,, 406 c) Female ,, 116687 c) Female ,, 447 xv. Rural Literates ,, xxv. Urban Scheduled Tribes : a) Person ,, 164370 a) Person ,, 955 b) Male ,, 94714 b) Male ,, 523 c) Female ,, 69656 c) Female ,, 432 xvi. Urban Literate : No. xxvi. Population of Town a) Person ,, 104934 Lilong (NP) No. 22888 b) Male ,, 57903 Samurou (Part) (NP) ,, 5861 c) Female ,, 47031 Heirok (NP) ,, 2974 xvii. Literacy Rate : * P.c. Wangjing ,, 8055 a) Person ,, 74.5 Thoubal (MCI) ,, 45947 Sikhong Sekmai (NP) ,, 7390 Yairipok (NP) ,, 9569 *Literacy rate is the percentage of literate to population aged 7 years and above. 3 2 Sl. No. Item Unit Particulars Sl. No. Item Unit Particulars Sugnu (NP) No. 5132 i. Institution No. 222 Kakching khunou (NP) ,, 11379 ii. Teacher ,, 1220 Kakching (MCI) ,, 32138 a) Male ,, 806 TOTAL URBAN ,, 151333 b) Female ,, 414 xxvii. Census-wise Population since 1951 iii. Student ,, 18693 1951 No. 76,782 a) Boy ,, 8645 1961 ,, 1,34,924 b) Girl ,, 10048 1971 ,, 1,81,771 iv. Scheduled castes student : ,, 5612 1981 ,, 2,31,781 a) Boy ,, 2835 1991 ,, 2,93,958 b) Girl ,, 2777 2001 ,, 3,64,140 v. Scheduled Tribes student : ,, 1280 2011 ,, 4,22,168 a) Boy ,, 681 xxviii. Scheduled caste population to Total population P.c. 9.6 b) Girl ,, 599 xxix. Scheduled tribe population to Total population ,, 0.4 MIDDLE /JR.HIGH/SR.BASIC SCHOOL xxx. Main workers: i. Institution No. 91 a) Persons No. 133428 ii. Teacher ,, 693 b) Male ,, 90299 a) Male ,, 438 c) Female ,, 43129 b) Female ,, 255 d) Rural ,, 86319 iii. Student ,, 12352 e) Urban ,, 47109 a) Boy ,, 5995 xxxi. Marginal workers : b) Girl ,, 6357 a) Persons No. 61891 iv. Scheduled castes student : ,, 2525 b) Male ,, 19078 a) Boy ,, 1283 c) Female ,, 42813 b) Girl ,, 1242 d) Rural ,, 40783 v. Scheduled Tribes student : No. 895 e) Urban ,, 21108 a) Boy ,, 487 xxxii. Non-worker : b) Girl ,, 408 a) Person No. 226849 HIGH/HIGHER SECONDARY & b) Male ,, 101468 MULTIPURPOSE SCHOOL c) Female ,, 125381 i. Institution No. 70 d) Rural ,, 143733 ii. Teacher ,, 812 e) Urban ,, 83116 a) Male ,, 548 xxxiii. Total worker : ,, b) Female ,, 264 a) Person ,, 195319 iii. Student ,, 18503 b) Male ,, 109377 a) Boy ,, 9363 c) Female ,, 85942 b) Girl ,, 9140 d) Rural ,, 127102 iv. Scheduled castes student : ,, 1695 e) Urban ,, 68217 a) Boy ,, 861 xxxiv. Work Participation Rate P.c. 46.3 b) Girl ,, 834 a) Main Worker to Total Worker ,, 68.3 v. Scheduled Tribes student : ,, 722 b) Margin Workers to Total Worker ,, 31.7 a) Boy ,, 428 5. EDUCATION (2012-2013) b) Girl ,, 294 Pre-Primary/Primary/JB/UJB School : 4 5 Sl. No. Item Unit Particulars Sl. No. Item Unit Particulars vi. Colleges for General Education : No. 9 xi) Potato (2,120 hects.) No. 18762 a) Government ,, 4 xii) Wheat (350 hects.) ,, 836 b) Aided ,, 1 B. Consumption of chemical fertilizers: (Kharif only) c) Recognised ,, 1 i) Urea ,, 6,200 JAWAHAR NAVODAYA VIDYALAYA (2012-2013) ii) DAP ,, 620 i. Teacher No. 27 iii) MOP ,, 230 a) Male ,, 14 iv) SSP ,, 330 b) Female ,, 13 C. Seeds and Agricultural Equipments distributed ii. Total Student ,, 506 i) Maize Kg. 46 a) Boy ,, 315 ii) Soyabean ,, 900 b) Girl ,, 191 iii) Groundnut ,, 420 iii. Scheduled castes student : ,, 193 iv) Plant protection Equipments No. 240 a) Boy ,, 123 D. Rice, 2010-2011 b) Girl ,, 70 i) Area under rice ‘000 hects 28.85 iv. Scheduled Tribes student : ,, 39 ii) Production of rice ‘000 Tonnes 69.99 a) Boy ,, 27 iii) Yield Rate Kg/hects 2425.72 b) Girl ,, 12 7. HORTICULTURE (2012-2013) DIET-KAKCHING ( 2012-2013) A. Fruits : Production of : i. Teaching Staff : No. 22 i. Papaya ( in 240 hectares) M.T. 1392 a) Male ,, 7 ii. Pineapple( in 105 hectares) ,, 892.5 b) Female ,, 15 iii. Lime/Lemon ( in 136 hectares) ,, 544 ii. Trainee : (Pre Service D.E.T.E.D Course) ,, 80 iv. Banana ( in 72 hectares) ,, 540 a) Male ,, 21 v. Guava ( in 70 hectares) ,, 260 b) Female ,, 59 vi. Mango ( in 42 hectares) ,, 2018 iii. Scheduled caste Trainee: No. 41 vii. Peach/Pear/Plum ( in 37 hectares) ,, 259 a) Male ,, 9 viii. Yongchak ( in 40 hectares) ,, 110 b) Female ,, 32 ix. Pomegranate ( in 240 hectares) ,, 232.2 iv. Scheduled tribe Trainee : ,, 1 x. Jack Fruit ( in 44 hectares) ,, 162.8 a) Male ,, 1 xi. Passion Fruit ( in 21 hectares) ,, 168 b) Female ,, Nil xii. Others (in 1270 hectares) ,, 3810 6. AGRICULTURE (2012-2013) B. Vegetables : Production of : ,, A. Production of : i. Cabbage ( in 235 hectares) ,, 2585 i) Pre-Kharif Paddy (in 5000 hectares) M.T. 11,400 ii. Cauliflower ( in 105 hectares) ,, 2300 ii) Kharif H.Y.V. paddy (in 19,670 hects.) ,, 81,434 iii. Tomato ( in 48 hectares) ,, 336 iii) Improved paddy (in 2675 hects) ,, 4,013 iv. Pea ( in 42 hectares) ,, 326 iv) Local paddy (in 155 hects) ,, 234 v. Radish ( in 40 hectares) ,, 400 v) Maize (in 1500 hects) ,, 2670 vi. Bhindi ( in 38 hectares) ,, 152 vi) Kharif Pules (in 500 hects) ,, 580 vii. French bean ( in 150 hectares) ,, 600 vii) Kharif oilseeds (1,200 hects) ,, 972 viii. Brinjal ( in 45 hectares) ,, 360 viii) Sugar cane (1,5000 hects) ,, 87045 ix. Knol-Khol ( in 55 hectares) ,, 275 ix) Rabi pulses ( 3,250 hects) ,, 2568 x. Onion ( in 56 hectares) ,, 616 x) Rabi oilseeds (3,440 hects.) ,, 2718 xi. Carrot ( in 54 hectares) ,, 388 6 7 Sl. No. Item Unit Particulars Sl. No. Item Unit Particulars xii. Others (in 400 hectares) M.T 3600 v. T.B. Cases detected ,, 397 8. HEALTH SERVICES (2012-2013) vi. T.B. Patients (undergoing DOTs Treatment) ,, 117 i. District Hospital No. 1 Male ,, 83 ii. Community Health Centre(CHC) ,, 5 Female ,, 34 iii. Primary Health Centre (PHC) ,, 12 10. LEPROSY ERADICATION PROGRAMME (2012-2013) iv. Primary Health Sub-Centre (PHSC) ,, 51 i. Leprosy patient detected at OPD : No. 3 v. Institutional Bed Strength ,, 108 Male ,, 2 vi. Leprosy Control Unit ,, 1 Female ,, 1 vii. Person Employed : ii. Leprosy case detected : ,, 3 Doctor No. 88 Male ,, 2 Pharmacist ,, 34 Female ,, 1 Staff Nurse ,, 52 Balance case : 1 Lady Health Visitor ,, 1 Male 1 FHS ,, 22 Female Nil Matron ,, Nil 11. FHW No. 37 CHILD DEVELOPMENT (2012-2013) MHW ,, 45 I.C.D.S. Project No. 2 Ophthalmic Asstt. ,, 3 Anganwadi centre ,, 1214 Laboratory Technician ,, 6 Anganwadi worker ,, 1207 MHS ,, 27 Anganwadi helper ,, 1207 Others ,, 184 12. SOCIAL WELFARE (2012-2013): viii. Patients treated : ,, 67558 i. Old age Pension In patients (IPD) ,, 2200 A) State : Out patients (OPD) ,, 65358 a) Beneficiary No. 5,030 ix. Casualty ,, 8168 x. Operation done (Minor) ,, 1491 b) Amount paid Rs. In lakhs 90.54 xi. Incidence of diseases treated : B) Central: Gastro Entireties/Dysentery of all forms No. 3421 a) Beneficiary No. 11,970 Measles ,, 3 b) Amount paid Rs. In lakhs 244.66 Tuberculosis ,, 5467 ii. Financial Assistance to poor & needy women : Whooping cough ,, 6 a) Beneficiary No.
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