SPEaND THAT1 $ At HGM ANE H6ME WlLL EAGLE VAL.LEYNEWSPROSPER VOLUME 2, NO. 38 RICHLAND, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 6, 1914 $1.50 A YEAR ATTENTION K. OF P. AND JIM DOWNING VERSUS" PYTHIAN SISTERS ILETO HAVE mtm FACTORY SAYS JENSON i FRANK McCARROLL On August 10th you and each Mc-Carr- Jim Downing and Frank oll . of you and your families are in- will meet at the Gymnar. vited to come out to an informal sium Saturday, night this being, meeting of both the Pythian Via- The following extract from a moved from the railroad and from tionally fine grade and we are de- the second match with these twp tor and the IC. of P, Lodgca Ictlerfrom H. F. Jcnson, of the the markets in general, so that it veloping a market for that cheese as principals, the last one going f& at which time we wiuh to plan Jensen Creamery Company may is well for your people to concen- and have had no trouble in selling to McCarroll. Jim believe3 he. the dedication of our now prove of great interest to the trate their attention on dairying, it. seems now we might for It that can win against the "Boxing . dairymen homo. Thia will be an informal of Eagle Valley and stock raisjng, the canning Of fruit also find a market for cheese Cowjboy" and hds been in trainT meeting and you will bo expect the NEWS publishes it fdr yopr etc.; in fact, those things' that from Richland you might suy; ing for the event. As a prelimw ed to sing, whistlo or apeak for benefit, it explains just how the can be concentrated into a pro-- '. immo 'iatelv. nary, schedule'! six rounds , are the entertainment of your friends situation stands here between the duct oi. cops e ..value on l shall send your letter to Mr. between Ira Corson df Half.wr present, Hall will bo lighted at Jcnson people and the cheese which the transportation is not Frank Wallington, our manager and Walter Jones of Richland. business. excessive! j.who 7:lb o'clock. Be sure and come at Baker, Ore., has direct The hand may, play! , A good and family. is Salt Lake City, July 31, Of coursij; your people are now charge of this business in your bring your This 19R fast exhibition is expected and, -- for all that have ever affiliated Mr. Wm; L. Flower, Editdr, producing a great deal of cream valley and also, in Pine Valley, no doubt a good si'z'dd audience with che order any time or placo Eagle Valley News, and you know, we have a plant and undoubtedly, Mr. Wallington will be on hand'. YOU ARE INVITED. Richland, Ore. in Richland that is practically will gee you Before long and will Dear Sir. Uanding idle and I can say to make a proposition to your peo- I have your of July 25th. you that we plan to open this ple. Weekly Picture Show Ladies see the new millings letter We are interested hj thedevel-men- and "Tango" liair pins, just in t plant for cheese making and it Thanking you for writing me, Itichland will have motion pic7 of the dairy business in at Saunders I3ro's (Adv.) will be done sometime before I remain tures once a week from now on Eagle Valley, and must Jsay you March, 1915. We Ybur3 very truly if thincrs eo right. Prof. Parker have one the first of arc of the most beautiful w auuv. , mi valleys ever saw in my life. making now quite a quantity of H. F Jensen ' iiwti ivu PROFESSIONAL thatl I entirely new one eacn weeic, 0 alley exeep- - And yet it is some distance re-- cheese in Pine of an President Thursday of each week. He has built a concrete foundation for, A TT WT1W. I ATTENTION his engine, at the hall and this 21. VVIUkUUb AUTHORITIES VISITED RICHLAND SUNDAY steady! n. A meeting to consider a Har- will make the light more DENTIST vest Home Festival will be held He uses electric lights and gen- in the City Hall, Richland, Fri- erally is credited with having.a 'S gooi show. Mr. Parker is in Now at Ofllcc In Halfway, Oregon Early Sunday morning the One or two other places day night at 8:30, Every body Rich-lan- structing the Eagle Valley band. Watcli for aiinouncfinciU of d oxnectod hannenod when. Shor-- 1 were but no who has Eagle's interest at heart Datos. searched evice.nce iff Ed. Rand and Deputy Sheriff Vas found of a nature sufficient is urged to be present. Jackson, Constable Walter Pal to secure a conviction; 23News wanted by the NEWS.-- r 4 i te. tail iii, k mer and District Attorney C. T. This visit is only .natural out FarWelI Dmner; Godwin appeared in' Eagle and come of .Mitt J,M proceeded to turn things up side of the internal revenue bfficer J' down in an to unlaw- ainer last ouiuaj.icreyalliiarry effort locate wjjo wxxs fojjowed all.around the WOODSON L. PATTERSON Herri who on Thursday Ief.t for ful booze. They invaded and ldwn?by( two detectives who so AT L AVV searched all establishments, both Salt ake where he expects to AND RESTAURAIfT hir as iiy dbe knew'i secured jio begin his life career as a self sup U. S. COMMISSIONER in New Bridge and Richland evidence, though from the last DARKER - - OKKOOK porting man. The time had FRESH BREAD where it was thought that this visit of the county authorities, T come when he thought it time to DAY e liquor might be kept and as a re it is plainly evident that they EVERY H. MC ARTHUR B. A. sult made several arrests. tacklo the ojd world and all his must have at least got onto some friends are certainly hoping that ANYTHING IN THE.. AND Jim Downing, Dick Dillard, J PHYSICIAN well grounded suspicions. he makes good. The dinner was PASTRY LINE BAKED Ashby of New Bridge, and Chas. New Bridge and Richland havej TO ORDER . --J 4 V - served to Harry's most intimate c ' ' ' ' . I Kellorof Cornucopia also Mrs. J been under suspicions for some dnd was great success. Phohe two longs on all lines, day Kellor were all placed under two friends a time, it being evident that booze Those present were, Allen Wright I RICHLAND OREGON J or night. , hundred and fifty dollar bonds to in was being sold Somewhere Cecil Saunders, Curtis Herring-ton- , HIGHLAND V OREGON appear Monday dnd answer the these places, this seemed to be Fred Belgian and Wm. L. o o v o ! o s J & o a o a o ; o & ' charge of unlawfully selling booze generally known, but where it Flower. l SANDERS cama from, no one could tell, -- in a dry territory. : :: whether they luwcryet the r right RICHLAND Physician and It is understood that spirits ' parties in all instanses, yet re- To make room Leonard Goss of Surgeon in es- : Livery were found the soft clrink mains to be seen bul they, have New Bridge can spare .6 young and Feed i 'Ofllcc Phone Ojiu tablishment at Richland and also at a,cted. and from all out- Registered. Jersey Cows or 6 heif c Contrnl fluytimn.. Ionic ring least. ; Stable on any 'phone at riighl. ,a government licence. At New ward appearances, New Bridge er Calves for sale but not both o OREGON RICHLAND ROBINETT STAGE RICHLAND and Richland will from now on come and see them. (33-3- 9. Ad v) I ! Bridge no booze was found but a LINE IN CONNECTION '' 4--o governmedt license was in evi- - bo free from liquor. atage leaves Richland 8:00 a.- - m, : OV. FRANK HQP.KiNS Arrives at Robinott 10:00 a. m. " YOUNG MENS CLASS EN- Miss Nina Moulton and Merle PYTHIAN SISTERS ENTER Iteturninfj leaves Robjnatt 1;80, 4 n, arrives at Richlsnd 8:80 p. m PASTOR METHODIST TERTAINED Simonis, Willie and Carl Carna-ha- TAIN K. of P. Beard CHURCH Levi Eyipg, E. and .Rich-land- ; LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE of the The Pythian Sisters of ,' Tho young mens' class Claude Quk'c, all of New Bridge Oregon, entertained tli;e K. Good teams and lournouts, IDAHO STATE LIFE Methodist Church Sunday School went to Powder river to attend of P. in their new home on tae' prompt and first class service U INIII IRANCE CO. entertained the young ladies class a dance given in the new school evening of July, 30, at' which every patron. Traveling mcn'c patronage soltciteO. Rev. Frank Hopkins, Pastor of' the same, ut tho lqague room house near Claude Bennett's time the lodges property was Church, Richland Ore. 1 moved over placed Alethodist of the church last Friday even- place one night last week. and in their FRED COOPER. o No charges for any services property rooms', after which Jice- - ing. A number of games were . o- - dered. Will go to Robinettc, 'cream and cake was served. Richlana Grcqcti ' Sparta, New Bridge or to any played and greatly enjoyed by Mrs. Lizzie Connall and,jq?n The Pythian Sisters presented point in reach, if my eei vices are those present. Refreshments Doyle Mp. and Mrs. Clum Ewing eighteen (18) nice chairs for use 0 '0 needed. consisting of ico cream and cake and George Ashby made a trip in the lodge rooms. These chairs RICHLAND .'. .'. OREGON served, the young men act- mountains last w.eck to were badly needed and very much 1 were to tha appreciated.
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