Dear Editors, Yet an article in the first Sem­ Women's Rights Committee per attacb the 100-200 The AlP Club would like to and the varfous organisers peopte who overstayed the congratulate those people who hove been active in City Council's invitation to who came to the defence of pursuing women's issues, block half of Wickham Ter­ the Women's Rights Area re­ While the general student race for 2 minutes on 24 cently. Il is only through fhe population wouW no doubt Febaiaty 1991. The article is existence of areas like this now accept the necessity for fu II of i nnuendos which refbcf that we con actively combat a Sexuol Harassment Griev­ Ihe bck of any actions which the discrimination thot women ance Committee, a Security could be criticised. still suffer in our society and, Bus and adequote child care facilities on campus - how in parlicubr, on this campus. Fourteen people were ar­ many know thai these were rested that Sunday for civil Despite the opinions of the olf campaigns initiated b/thie disobedience which was a Union's 'conservolive" ex­ Women's Rights Committee. ecutive, the work in past years matter of course in Sydney by members of this Cluij and ond Melbourne. The rest ol Change is poinfuland women many others fo establish and us, including memljers of the have had tobe in fhe frontline devebp Worrons' Rightsand Gulf Action Coalilton, expe­ fo bring about change, let it the full-lime paid position of rienced the terror of burly be remembered thotuniversol Organiser was, and contin­ police charging intothe crowd franchise, equal pay, the ues to be, worthwhile. and grabbing people who alx)lition of the mam'oge bor got in the way. Peopte were and even the right to drink in We condemn the mindless charged with resisting arrest, a public bar at the Regara and politically motivated at­ in Ihe obsence of any reason Hotel were all considered, a' tacks on Women'sRights. We to arrest ihem in the first place. the time, as issues of no corr object to "reviews" which are One was released without cern to the overage woman not designed to enhance fhe chorge affer5 hoursof police and only worthy of the lunaCc Area's function. (Refusing lo 'hospitality', and one young fringe called feminists. If tf-e appoint a new Organiser woman was repeatedly as­ Union Executive is honestly hordly enhances the function­ saulted in fhe back of a police concerned abouf fhe nee-ci's ing of Women's Rights!) car. of women students, it will need to think very long and hard The occupiers and protesters World teoders boasted that about the implications of in­ against the recent actions of the media's lies were an in­ appropriate staffing and fhe Union Exec, have our full tegral weapon in the Gulf funding of the area. Better support. War. Misguided attacks management or short-lorrri within the peace movement Yours in solidarity, monetary gain? only played info fheir hands. Byron R. Green If people hod attackedvicfims on behalf of fhe U.Q. ALP Margaret Reid of police violence in the past, Club. EARC wouldn't now be rec­ ommending changes to leg- P£^ islotion in Qld. The war HKsngers ' strength is instilu- lionalised. Oursfrength is our The Big Rec-Club Dear Semper, democracy and cohesion. Rip-Offl I really must protest! The blo­ Ruth Bird Every year many hundreds cf tont littering of this campus is students become victims lo shameful. How can any self paying TWICE when going respecting students walk for a social drink with friends blithely away from such un­ to the RecClub. sightly scenes of the conclu­ FACT: These students a re not sion of fheir lunch break? I aware of this BLATANT RIP- assert that this is social irre Dear Editors, OFF! How are they ripped sponsib'lity upon an impres­ I was somewhat surprised to off, you ask? Well, it goes sive scab, indicative of an read on page 16 of fhe bst like this. Evety year EVERY uncaring "upYer-bum-mate" edition of Semper that the student pays a Student-Sen^ altitude, and heedless to all cunent Union Executive has ices charge SSC (no doubl notions of aesthetic good- finally recognized that issues you remember this painful sense, economy of effort and of concern to women students experience well). This SSC is collective student welfare. were issues of concem fo the Students' Union. However, a broken down fo provide mony We may not all agree upon careful reading of this articb Essential Student Services much, but surely we can all reveals that, under the guise which the Student Union pro­ agree to stop fouling op our of the ongoing struggle fo vides and therefore we pay own campus? (All of us, fight for the rights of the Nor­ the Student Union $ 142 per whether we be straights or mal Woman student (also year, which is fair enough gays. Christians or ofheisfs, known as Average and Ordi­ (although a little too high); a fls-wonkers orafom-splitlers, nary), it seems that the Union (FULL-TIME SSC = $210 per sociokigisfs or survivalists, yes, Executive is again contem- year, PART-T1MESSC=$ 105 even engineers!) pbting a cutback in services per year), and fhe rest $68 offered to women students. goes to the SPRA (Sports and For the soke of us all, and for White reiterating the Union's Physical Recreation Associo the poor staff buggers who commitment to meet issues of tion) for which WE ARE NOT have lo clean up after us, let's concern to women such as EVEN TOLD what happens to stop shitting in our own nest. 'campus security", sexuol the breakdown of individua' Tony Cooper horassment, women's health, costs-THAT WOULD SUG p fairly seriously indignant equal study and employment GEST THAT THE SPRA HAVE arts-wanker) opportunities and the avail­ SOMETHING TO HIDE. ability of childcore on cam­ pus" il is advocating a "staff­ FACT: The SPRA owns thel ing change" in the Women's RecGlub so in effect we payj Rights area. Better nrancge- for, this "Club" as members of | menf? I foil to see how the if we are entitled to "free" Dear Editors, needs of women students can membership even though it isl The characterisation of be adequately met by the not "free" as we have already I protestors osospiring terrorists Un ion without the empbymenf paidourcontribution. Thisso-I out to impress each other is of 0 full-time and skilled called "Club" is in fact al one the pressconsisfently uses Women's Organiser. BUSINESS on campus which I to discredit protest. Recently almost all of us hjnd and| the Qld Electoral and Ad- A quick glance through the support. mlmslfative Review Commis­ Union Council Minutes over Now here we come (o fhe RIPj sion EARC) vwis forced fo the bst decade will convince OFF. You bmy yearly merrrf admit the lunacy of the street the reader that it has always b»ership costing $7 each BE-: march legislation in Ihis state. been the much maligned FORE you even drink then a."- .4 JSi0^if^£^ DEATH BY PARKING wilh all businesses, profit is nwre obvious and gaping Dear Semper Eds, that Coke was no longer nnade with every purchase avaibble in the Refec. I went hotes. As someone who has What has happened to the (fcieer etc). Consider this if mode his living out of promot­ to see if these scurillous ru­ main refec. Firstly I sow that if 612 (as of AAonday 4/3/ ing bookings and managing mours were frue, and alas is clean, which is a nice sur­ 91) members = $4284 of rock hands in this town for the ihey were! What has all of prise from last year, but then capital IS RIPPE[X)FF YOU lost four years I find Mr this fo do with a 'Trade '•"^ when I entered and went to 'SUCKERS' ([ust in the first Hodder's criticisms of venue Agreement"? a trade ogree- WHIN THE ^^ '"dge, I was surrounded week) this is how they do choice bx3th amusing and in­ menf is one way of circunn- by a foul evil ghastly drink... business? This is just a sleazy tolerable. The biggest proL> EXECUTIve PEPSI yuk! Where is the venting the restrictive provi­ way fo bleed money from lem with Brisbane's live music sions of fhe Trade Practices ; TH0U8HT Coke ? My sugar and first^ear students none of scene is its lock of venues. Act. Mr Pepsico says "I'll chemical levels a re depleting. whom are probably awareof Unfortunately t^^ Bjelke- give you a few nice new rrwu need a Coke ... Help, I their Rec-Club payment Peterson's Notional Parly saw 'Pepsi" frrdges for your refec Djl"^ desire that smelly, toilet woter through the SSC. fit fo pull down nnony of the if you agree not to stock any coloured drink. older more suitabte hotelsand olher products but ours in So in summary: BffiATKA ., n repbce them with new style them". Fair enough, you may FACT: REC-CLUB gets iVlr Reanie taverns. Sure Mr Hodder, it soy, but you have now lost money from: SBHW Cokc-A-Holic would be great to see those the right to buy a convenient (1) SALES (drinks, food, pin- bonds of Cloudland, the m Cokeotthe same pbcewhere ball games and music - yes Queens Hotel, The National you purchase your food. (No you even pay for that!). or even the U of Q Refec, but Dear Eds, you must find vending mo- (2) COVER CHARGE (you unfortunately Mr Hodderthese Anguish, pain, suffering.
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