Choice Cut Flowers of The LargeSt and FineSt ColleCtion in Canada Every Kind in- Season ' Designs for All Occasions We Guarantee Safe Delivery anywhere on the Continent. Send for Price List 96 Y onge Street Toronto, Ontario CHURCHES DENOMINATIO:\i" S CHURCHES PRINCIPAL CHURCH LOCATION Baptist. I7 . Jarvis Street . .. Cor. Gerrard and Jarvis Streets Bible Christian 4 . Agnes Street .. Cor. Agnes and Teraulay Streets Catholic Apostolic I .. Catholic Apostolic. Cor. Gould and Victoria Streets Congregational . 9 . Bond Street. .. Cor. Bond Street and \Vilton Avenue Christadelphian . I .. 269 College Street . 269 College Street Episcopal . St. Alban's Cathedral Howland Avenue Episcopal . 42 . St. James' Cathedral. Cor. Chu•·cb and King Streets Episcopal (Reformed) I . • Christ Church ... Cor. College and Lippincott Street Hebrew Synagogue 4 - . Hebrew Synagogue Bond Street - Lutheran .. I . Lutheran .... I r6 Bond Street Methodist . 36 . Metropolitan _ . Queen St. E. , between Bond and Church New Jerusalem I. New jerusalem .. E lm Street Presbyterian . 30 . Old St. Andrews . Cor. J ar~is and Carlton Streets Roman Catholic 14 _ St. Michael's Cathedral Shuler Street, between Bond and Church Society of Friends I .. Society of Friends . Carlton St., between Yonge and Church Salvation Army. 6 .. Salvation Army. Cor. James and Albert Stree ts Unitarian .- .... I .. First Unitarian ... 216 Jarvis Street APPOINTED BY ROYAL WARRANTS FURRIERS CJ"o H. M. the Queen and H.R.H. the Prince of Wales Our showrooms contain ~uch that is interesting, and a visit places you: un ­ der no obligation to make a purch·ase. Holt, Renfrew & Co., Limited 5 King Street East, TORONTO::J and at QUEBEC PLACES OF INTEREST AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS City Hall, Queen Street, head of Bay Street. Dunlop's Conservatories, Bloor Street and Parliament Bt~ildings, Queen's Park. Lansdowne Avenue. Osgoode Hall, Queen Street West. City Dairy, Spadina Avenue. Armories, University Avenue. Exhibition Park and Buildings. Kormal School, Museum, etc., Gerrard and St. James' Cathedral (Episcopal), King St. E. C hurch Streets. Knox Church (Presbyterian), Spadina Ave. Temple Building, Bay and Richmond Streets. St. Michael's Cathedrnl (R.C.), Shuter St. Lieut.-Governor' s House, corner King and Metropolitan Church ( \I.,th. ), Queen St. E. Simcoe Streets. Baptist Church, cor. Jarvis and Gerrard Sts. Custom House, cor. Yonge and Front Sts. 1 Knox College, Spadina Avenue. Post Office, Adelaide Street East. Trinity College, Quee n Street \liest. Public Library, cor. College and St. George Toronto University, Queen's Park. Streets. McMaster Hall, Bloor Street \Vest. Board of Trade Building, corner· Front and Yonge Streets. Allan Gardens and Burns' Monume nt, corner Canada Life Assurance Building, King Street Sherbourne and Carlton Streets. West. Riverda le Park and Zoological Gardens, Confederation Life Building, Yonge and Rich- Winchester and Sumach Streets. mond Streets. Queen'.s Park and Monuments to the Heroes Central Prison, Strachan Avenue. of Ridgeway, Queen Victoria, Governor Simcoe, Sir John A. Macdonald, Hon. Provincial Lunatic Asylum, Queen Street \li. George Brown, Sir Oliver Mowat, and to Toronto General Hospital, Gerrard Street E . the Heroes who fell in the North-West Traders' Bank Building, Yonge and Colborne Rebellion. Streets. High Park, Western City Limits. WE KEEP THE BEST ASSORTMENT OF Fishing Tackle IN TORONTO. Rods, Reels, Lines, Flies, Live and Preserved Bait, Campers' Supplies, Tents, Blankets, Utensils, Canoes, Paddles, Lazy Backs, Row Boats, Oars, etc., Guns, RiRes, Revolvers, and Ammunition of all kinds. Athletic Goods, Golf, Tennis, Cricket, Baseball, Lacrosse, Football, etc. Manufacturers of the Famous TELEPHONE EXPERT FISHING ROD Canadian Black Bird Targets MAIN 2895 AND GUN REPAIRING A. FENN & CO., 101 King Street West, Toronto. NOTHING SO RARE AS RESTING ON AIR. WEIGHS ONLY 10 POUNDS SHOWI:\'G CA:IIP MATTRESSES WITH PILLOW. llTWWN DUCK COVER PAWfLY RE:\'10\'Efl Sing le a nd Double l'LSHI NG PANTS F ISHING, S l IOOT!l'\G A~D Can;,e ot· l:loat . CJ\~1P llLANKETS AUTOMOB IL E COAT S AND C U S 1-l I 0 N S SPOWl' INC BOOTS CAPES. 1:\ ~ lightwcig:ht wntet·­ proof Coat--particuGrlr adapted Rubber Hose Belting & ~fats for warm weather ; weighs less tb~n 2 JjO\ulct~ ~- , THE ONTARIO RUBBER CO. Everything in 4-t YONGE STREET TORONTO, ONT. RUBBER Queen's Hotel. 9 THE QUEEN'S HOTEL MeGA W & WINNETT, Proprietors T ORONTO, CANAD A ~ NE of the largest and most comfortable hotels in the Dominion of Canada, being adjacent ~ to the lake, commands a splendid view of Toronto Bay and Lake Ontario. It is well known as one of the coolest houses in summer in Canada, and is elegantly furnished throughout. 250 Rooms with 100 Bathrooms in connection. THE QUEEN'S Has been liberally patronized by Royalty and nobility during their visits to Toronto and «mong those who have honored -it with their patronage are: His Imperial Highness, the Grand Duke Alexis of Russia. Their Royal Highnesses, Prince Leopold, P•·ince George, Princess Louise and the Duke and Duchess of Connaught. The Marquis and Marchioness of Lansdowne, Lord and Lady Stanley of Preston. The Earl and Countess of Aberdeen. Lord and Lady Minto, and the best families. lO Y0 U can trust your finest costumes and EXPERT GLEANING garments of any kind to these Works. II Over thirty years' experience and the largest MEN'S & WOMEN'S and best equipped Works in Canada is a GARMENTS guarantee. Our improved French method does not harm the most delicate fabric, lace or embroidery. Spots are taken out of men's and women's clothing- not covered up to reappear. Let us show you what expert work really is. R. PARKER & CO. Canada's Greatest Dyers and Cleaners, TORONTO, CAN. HEAD OFFICE AND WORKS, 787-791 YONCE STREET. Handsome Branch Stores in Leading Shopping Centres. II The beautiful grounds about it, being both s pacious and a iry, the Croquet and T e nnis Lawns render it one of the most pleasant and desirable Hotels for business men, pleasure seekers and the trave lling public. THE QUEEN'S Is Furnished with all the Latest Modern Improvements. Handsome Passenger Elevator, Telephone in every Room, Etc. From the engraving it will be see n that TH E QUEEN's is four storeys high, covering a large a rea of ground, used exclusively for h otel purposes, and, having lawns on either side, with means of exit ft·om the house, in addition to those in front and rear, these re nder it almost impossible for a ny accident to take place from fire, consequently THE QuEEN's is looked upon as the safest Hotel in the Dominion of Canada. TELEBHONE C:OMMUN IGATION THROU(!I-!OUT. f Private Coache s meet a ll Trains a nd Boats. No Runne rs Employed. 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 Special Showroom in King 0 0 (R C:G I STE RED) Edward Hotel Building. 0 0 a]· • • FURS Known and Worn by good people Everywhere OUR FUR SHOWROOMS ARE OPEN THE YEAR ROUND AND V ISITORS ARE ALWAYS WELCOME- NO OBLIGATION TO BUY. u We mahe euerything we sell and guarantee everything we make" 0 0 FAIRWEATHERS LIMITED 0 0 84-86 Y onge Street, T oronto 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 A beautiful and picturesquely situated Summer .-JrlliiJE­ Hotel. Located in a private park on the shore of Lake Ontario at the mouth of the Niagara @IDJJEJE~~~ · River twelve mil es from Niagara Fails. Open from June to September. Two Golf Links, six T ennis Courts, Bowling Green, Boating, Bathing, ~CQY'IT'&L Black Bass Fishing. Fine Roads for Motoring. Rooms en suz'te with baths. Latest and most NIAGARA-ON-THE-LAKE · improved sanitation . THE QUEEN'S ROYAL was chosen by the Canadian Government for the use of .their Royal Highnesses the Prince and Princess of Wales and party during their visit October 14 to 17, 1901. No finer compliment could possibly be paid. The appointments, cuisine and service are of the highest order. Illustrated circular on application. Steamers WINNETT & THOMPSON between Niagara:on-the-Lake and Toronto every Niagara-on-the-Lake Proprietors O ntario two hours. H S I D IO: \"lm.AND:\11 vmw, LOOKI NG t\CROSS NIAGARA Rl\'ER, FORT :":IAGARA . :\,V. , 1:": THE DIST t\~ CE . [,'; EDUCATIONAL Toronto can boast of t l)e fo ll owing Educational Institutions·, a ll of which a re worthy of a visit: U ni versity of Toronto, Q ueen's Park. Wycliffe Coll ege, Q ueen's Pa1·k. Upper Canada Coll ege, Avenue Road. Loretto Abbey, \ Vellington Place. Coll egiate Institute, Jarvis Streel. St. Michael's Coll ege, St. Joseph Street School of Practical Science, Quee n' s Park. Toronto Technical School, Coll ege S treet. Nor_mal School, St. J ames' Squa re. McMaster University, Bloor Stre et \ Vest. Mod.e l School, St. James' Squa re. Moulton College, Bloor Street East. Trinity Coll ege, Queen Street \ Vest. St. Andrew's College, Rosedale . ~nox College, Spadina Avenue. V ictoria University, Queen's Parle Bap_tist College, Bloo1· Street. Bishop Stracha n School, ·coll ege Street. A FEW FACTS ABOUT TORONTO Toronto, the Capita l C ity of the Province of O ntari o, is 75 years of age, being incorpor- ated as a c ity in 1834. ·Its population then was about IO ,ooo, to-day it is nearly 350,000. Tor- onto's acreage in r834 was 5,ooo acres, in 1909 it is 14,000 acre s. Toronto is t he seat of the Ontario Governme nt, a nd is the financial a nd commercial centre o f the Province. · There a re over goo factories, represent ing· a n in vestmen t of $75,ooo,ooo ; employin g upwards of 70,000 people whose pay roll amounts to $2g,ooo,ooo annually .
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