CONTENTS Contents Symbols, Sources & Thanks 5 31 Najdorf-Sozin: 10 Íg5!? 45 Introduction to the New Edition 6 32 Accelerated Dragon: Uogele: Introduction to the First Edition 7 9 a4 and 11 Ëh4 47 33 c3 Sicilian: 5...Íg4 6 dxc5 48 Part 1: Open Games 34 c3 Sicilian: 5...Íg4 6 dxc5 Ëxd1+ 49 1 King’s Gambit: Fischer 9 2 King’s Gambit: Rosentreter 9 Part 3: Other Semi-Open Games 3 King’s Gambit: Rosentreter: 4...g4 10 35 Caro-Kann: Gunderam 52 4 King’s Gambit: 2...Ìc6, 3...f5 11 36 Caro-Kann: 4...h6 53 5 King’s Gambit: Capablanca’s Barry 13 37 Caro-Kann: 3 Ëf3 54 6 Philidor with an Early ...Ìb6 14 38 Caro-Kann: 3 Ëf3 dxe4 56 7 Danish Gambit 15 39 Caro-Kann: 5 Ìf3 and 6 Ìc3 58 8 Scotch Opening: Malaniuk’s Idea 16 40 French Winawer: Icelandic 59 9 Scotch Four Knights: 5...Ìxe4 18 41 French Winawer: Paoli Variation 60 10 Hamppe-Allgaier Gambit 19 42 French Winawer: Paoli, 11...dxc3 62 11 Hamppe-Allgaier Gambit: 8 Íc4+ 20 43 French Exchange with 4 c4 63 12 Italian Game: 5 d4 and 6 0-0 21 44 French Defence: 13 Italian Game: 9...Ëd3 22 Winckelmann-Reimer Gambit 64 14 Closed Ruy Lopez: 9...a5 23 45 Modern Defence: 15 Ruy Lopez: Berlin/Steinitz Accelerated Gurgenidze 66 with 4...Íe7 and ...d6 24 46 Modern Defence: 3...d5 67 16 Ruy Lopez: Bulgarian Defence 26 47 Scandinavian Defence: Portuguese Gambit: 5 Íb5+ 68 Part 2: Sicilian Defence 48 Scandinavian Defence: 17 Sicilian: Gaw-Paw 27 Portuguese: 5 Íb5+, 6...a6 70 18 Sicilian: Gaw-Paw (2) 28 49 Alekhine Defence: 19 Dragon: Yugoslav Attack: 10...Ëc7 29 2 Ìc3 with 4...f6 71 20 Dragon: Yugoslav Attack: 50 Alekhine Defence: 3 Ìa3?!! 72 10...Ëc7 (2) 30 21 Sicilian: Pin Variation with 6...Ìe4 31 Part 4: Flank and Irregular Openings 22 c3 Sicilian: Sherzer’s Line 32 51 English Opening: 23 Sicilian: 2...Ìc6 and 4...d5 33 Anti-Anti-Grünfeld 73 24 Sicilian: Kupreichik’s 5...Íd7 34 52 Adorjan English 74 25 Kan Variation: 5 Íd3 g6 6 b3 37 53 English Opening: Botvinnik 6...f5 75 26 c3 Sicilian: Milner-Barry’s 54 Avoiding the Fianchetto Other Gambit 38 King’s Indian 76 27 c3 Sicilian: Milner-Barry: 55 Reversed Alekhine 77 8...e4?! 9 0-0! 39 56 English Opening: 28 c3 Sicilian: An Unrefuted Line 40 Zviagintsev’s 4 g4 78 29 c3 Sicilian: 7...Ëc7 8 Ëe2 g5 43 57 English Opening: Pseudo-Sämisch 79 30 c3 Sicilian: 8...g5: 58 Réti Opening: Aggressive Responses 44 Wahls’s Anti-KIA/Réti Idea 81 4 125 CHESS OPENING SURPRISES 59 Réti Opening: 92 Benko Gambit: NFA: Wahls’s Idea: The Main Point 82 The Solid 8...Ìbd7 128 60 Réti Opening: Reversed Budapest 83 93 Modern Benoni: Íd3 – 61 Anti-Sokolsky Ideas 85 A Try for Black 130 62 English Opening: Myers Defence 86 63 English Opening: Part 7: Queen’s Pawn Openings Myers Defence with 2 d4 87 94 Budapest: Fajarowicz: 4 a3 b6 132 64 A More Palatable Modern 88 95 Dutch: Bellon Gambit 133 96 Dutch: Bellon Gambit 5...c5 134 Part 5: Queen’s Gambit 97 Dutch: Bogoljubow Gambit 135 65 QGD Tarrasch: A Quick ...Íg4 91 98 Trompowsky: 2...e6 3 e4 c5 136 66 Semi-Slav: 7 a4 Ëb6 with d5 92 99 Trompowsky: 2...d5, 3...gxf6 137 67 Semi-Slav: 7 a4 Ëb6 (2) 93 100 Schmid Benoni 5...0-0 6 e5! 139 68 Semi-Slav: Ragozin Gambit 94 69 Chigorin Queen’s Gambit: Part 8: Latest Ideas Costa’s Idea 95 101 The New Barry 140 70 QGD Tarrasch: 102 King’s Indian without c4: 6 b3 141 The Chandler Variation 96 103 Exchange Alekhine: 6...Ìc6 142 71 QGA: 7 e4!? Pawn Sacrifice 98 104 Alekhine: Miles Variation: 72 QGA: 7 e4!? Ìxe4 100 Ideas for White 144 105 Exchange Caro-Kann with 5 Ìe5 146 Part 6: Indian Defences 106 Sicilian Sozin with 6...g6 147 73 Old Indian 4...Íf5 5 Ìg5!? 102 107 Vienna: 2...Ìf6 3 f4 d5 4 exd5 148 74 King’s Indian: Epishin’s 10 Ëc2 103 108 Petroff with 3 Ìxe5 d5?! 150 75 King’s Indian: Four Pawns: 109 Scotch with 8 h4 151 6...Ìa6 7 e5 104 110 Scotch with 6 Ëe2 152 76 King’s Indian: Averbakh: 111 Reversed Exchange Grünfeld (1) 154 6...Ìa6 7 Ëd2 c6 105 112 Reversed Exchange Grünfeld (2) 155 77 King’s Indian: Ko‰ul Gambit 107 113 The Not-So-Lame Torre 156 78 King’s Indian: Kazakh Variation 109 114 Albin Counter-Gambit: 5 Ìa3 158 79 Grünfeld: 5 Íg5 c5 111 115 A Gambit in the Slow Slav 159 80 Exchange Grünfeld: 6...c5 112 116 QGA: 3 e4 e5 4 Ìf3 Ìf6 161 81 Grünfeld: 5 Íg5 with 8 Ëa4+ 114 117 QGD: Íg5 and Ìbd2 162 82 Grünfeld: h4 Ideas 115 118 Semi-Tarrasch with 5...cxd4 163 83 Nimzo-Indian: 4 Ëc2, 6...Ëf5 117 119 Exchange Grünfeld: 4 Ìf3/6Íg5165 84 Nimzo-Indian: 4 Ëc2: A Sharp Line 118 120 Grünfeld: Russian with 7...Íe6 166 85 Queen’s Indian: 7 e4 Gambit 119 121 Queen’s Indian: Aronian’s 9 Íe1 168 86 Queen’s Indian: 7 e4 Gambit: 122 Queen’s Indian: 8...f5 9 Ìe5 169 9...Ëh4 121 123 King’s Indian Sämisch: 87 4 a3 Queen’s Indian: 5...g6 6 Ëd3 122 6 Íe3 Ìc6/8...Ìa5 170 88 Bogo-Indian: A Violent Line 123 124 King’s Indian Sämisch: 89 Benko Gambit: 4 f3 124 6 Íg5 Ìc6/8...Ìa5 172 90 Benko Gambit: Nescafé Frappé Attack 125 125 And Finally... 174 91 Benko Gambit: NFA: The Chaotic 8...g6 127 Index of Openings 175 PART 8: LATEST IDEAS Part 8: Latest Ideas Surprise 101 W devastating attack; e.g., 8...c6 9 Íd3 f5 10 Ìf3 Ìd7 11 0-0-0 Ìf6 12 Ëh3 Ìg4 13 Îh1 h6 14 Soundness: 2 Surprise Value: 4 Ëg3 threatening Ìe5 or Íxh6) 7 hxg6 hxg6 (this severely exposes Black on the h-file, but 7...fxg6 8 dxc5 left Black positionally worse in The New Barry Tuncer-Nevednichy, Izmir 2017) 8 Ëd2 Ìc6 9 Ìge2 b5 10 f3 b4 11 Ìa4 cxd4 12 exd4 Îe8 13 The Old Barry, in case you didn’t know, is 1 d4 Íh6 Íh8 14 0-0-0 æ Kleinert-W.Class, corr. Ìf6 2 Ìf3 g6 3 Ìc3 d5 (3...Íg7 4 e4 leads to a 2013. Pirc) 4 Íf4. White plans kingside play (in b) 5...c5 has a significant and surprising dis- some lines he breaks open lines with h4-h5), advantage: White can tie Black up on the queen- but 4...Íg7 5 e3 0-0 6 Íe2 c5 forces attention side and then go about pursuing his kingside back on the centre, and is pretty well worked and central ambitions: 6 Ìb5 Ìa6 7 c3 (7 a4 out by now to give Black equal play. and in particular 7 Íe2!? could also be tried) In the New Barry, White first of all places the 7...0-0 (7...Íg4 is an annoying reply, and an ar- bishop on f4 (as part of a new awareness of the gument in favour of the 7 Íe2 move-order) 8 benefits of playing 1 d4 followed by 2 Íf4 – for Íe2 h6 (8...h5 9 Ìf3 gives White a nice grip more on this, see Win with the London System by on the centre) 9 Ìf3 (9 a4!?) 9...Ìe4 (9...Íg4 Johnsen and Kova†evi‡) and sets the h-pawn 10 Ìe5 Íxe2 11 Ëxe2 with good attacking quickly in motion: 1 d4 Ìf6 2 Íf4 g6 3 Ìc3 d5 chances, because h5 is already a threat, meeting (3...Íg7 4 e4 d6 5 Ëd2 is an unusual Pirc line – ...g5 with Íxg5!) 10 Ìe5 À Zhang Zhong- though it may transpose to a ‘150 Attack’ if Praggnanandhaa, Dubai 2017. White went on White plays Íh6 – where White has scored to claim a scalp that will perhaps become rather well; in comparison, the Old Barry committed prized before long. White to Pirc lines with Ìf3) 4e3Íg7(4...c6 5 c) 5...c6 6 Ìf3 (6 h5?! Ìxh5 7 Îxh5 gxh5 8 Ìf3 transposes to an ‘Old’ Barry, having side- Ëxh5 Ìd7 clearly shouldn’t be enough com- stepped Black’s best response with a quick ...c5; pensation, even though it may be tricky for 5 h4 is of course also possible) 5h4(D). Black to defend in practice; 6 Íe2 h5 7 Ìf3 and now 7...Íg4 transposes to line ‘d1’, while rslwk+-t 7...Íf5 can be answered by 8 Ìg5!?) 6...Íg4 zpz-zpvp (6...Ëb6!?) 7 Íe2 Ìbd7 8 Ìe5 Íxe2 9 Ëxe2 B Ìh5 (9...h5 is again line ‘d1’) 10 Íh2 and now -+-+-sp+ 10...Íxe5!? 11 dxe5 Ëa5 looks like Black’s +-+p+-+- best option. Instead 10...f5 led to unclear play -+-Z-V-Z after 11 0-0-0 Ìxe5 12 dxe5 Ëc7 13 f4 0-0 14 +-S-Z-+- g4 fxg4 15 Ëxg4 Ëc8 in Nemcova-Gaponenko, PZP+-ZP+ Women’s World Team Ch, Khanty-Mansiisk 2017, but 11 Ìd3, intending 0-0-0, f3 and g4, T-+QMLSR looks more promising. d) 5...h5 (chosen by Carlsen) 6Ìf3(D) and Then it is yet to be determined how Black then: should best respond: d1) 6...Íg4 7 Íe2 c6 8 Ìe5 Íxe2 9 Ëxe2 a) 5...0-0?! is really asking for it.
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