Hampton Roads Chamber of Commerce The Addison Group Allegra Marketing Print & Mail 9 Advertising Agencies Marketing Mr. Tom Powell, Owner Mr. Curtis Hoessly, President 326 E Washington St. Ms Robin Hoessly, VP 911 Medical ID of Hampton Suffolk, VA 23434 1429 Air Rail Ave. Roads (757) 539-1669 Fax: (757) 539-0622 Va. Beach, VA 23455 www.theaddisongroup.com (757) 489-7290 Fax: (757) 498-7454 Medical Information Services www.allegrahamptonroads.com Mrs. Cassandra Lee, President 1748 Emerald Sea Dr. Chesapeake, VA 23323 Adoptions From the Heart Organizations Alliance Group Ltd. (757) 558-8862 Mrs. Penny Barg, Virginia District Public Relations www.911medicalidofhamptonroads.com Supervisor Mr. Rob Jones, President & CEO 1407 Stephanie Wy. #H Ms. Meg C. Willett, Project Manager Chesapeake, VA 23320 9 S 12th St. #300 A (757) 361-0008 Fax: (757) 361-9222 Richmond, VA 23219 www.afth.org (804) 648-6299 Fax: (804) 643-4490 www.AllianceGroupLTD.com Aaron Mountain, Inc. Advance CFO Writing & Editorial Services Mr. Eric Brass, Owner Consultants-Business Ally Apparel, LLC 2416 Indian Hill Rd. Ms. Andrea C. Jentzen, Owner/President Uniforms Va. Beach, VA 23455 5910 Upper Brandon Pl. Ms. Marchele Bachini, Managing Member (757) 460-2071 Fax: (757) 546-8184 Norfolk, VA 23508 11815 Fountain Way #300 www.resumeprose.com (901) 229-2294 Newport News, VA 23606 www.advancecfo.com (757) 926-5235 Fax: (757) 962-5204 www.allyapparel.com AArrow Advertising Virginia Advanced Data - The Share Beach Point People American General Advertising Insurance Danny Hewitt, Owner Software Development Mr. Michael Giardina, Vice President Jamie Lawhorne, Associate General 5213 Settlers Park Dr. Manager Va. Beach, VA 23464 Business Development 629 Wesley Dr. 1115 Independence Blvd. #114 (757) 277-1764 Va. Beach, VA 23455 aarrowads.com/vb Va. Beach, VA 23452 (757) 575-8429 (757) 460-2625 Fax: (757) 460-5868 www.thesharepointpeople.com www.agla.com ABC Digital Secure, LLP Mr. Larry Amaker, CFE , President American General Financial 2212 Colonial Acres Ct. AdzZoo Va. Beach, VA 23456 Internet Marketing Services Mr. Dimitrios Loucas, Campaign Director Finance Companies (252) 264-4311 Fax: (252) 264-0302 (847) 525-7770 Ms Christie Hall, District Manager www.abcdigitalsecure.com 100 Sabal Palm Ln. #104 Ms. Misty Cobb, Branch manager Chesapeake, VA 23320 1406 Battlefield Blvd. N ABC Termite & Pest Control, (757) 454-2861 Chesapeake, VA 23320 dloucas.adzzoo.biz (757) 548-8972 Fax: (757) 549-0550 Inc Mrs. Pauline Ralph, Branch Manager Termite & Pest Control 4300 Portsmouth Blvd. #178 Mr. Don Lenegar, President Affordable Concierge, LLC Chesapeake, VA 23321 PO Box 8786 Personal Assistants (757) 465-2187 Fax: (757) 465-6270 Va. Beach, VA 23450 Ms. Kathryn Arandela, Owner www.agfinance.com (757) 422-0409 Fax: (757) 422-2124 418 Oak Gate Dr. www.abctpc.com Chesapeake, VA 23320 (757) 642-4969 Americare Plus www.affordable-concierge.com Health Care Services Able Computer Services, Inc. Ms. Michelle A. Jones, Agency Manager Computers-Service & Repair 2200 Colonial Ave Mr. Paul Phelps, Vice President Buffy Drake - AFLAC Norfolk, VA 23517 Mr. Ernie Stallcop Insurance (757) 627-1921 Fax: (757) 627-9466 2300 Locks Landing Ms. Buffy Drake, AFLAC Independent http://www.americanretirementhomes.org/ Chesapeake, VA 23323 Agent AmeriCarePlus.htm (757) 635-5883 Fax: (757) 966-1380 2806 Wiigwaas Ln. www.geeksoncall.com Va. Beach, VA 23451 Accounting Results, LLC (757) 332-1134 Fax: (757) 351-6773 AMPMOR Electric Corp. Accountants Electrical Contractors Mrs. Katherine Chester, Owner Mr. Rob Wills, President 529 Woodglen Dr. All That Jewelry L.L.C. Ms, Michelle Woodworth, VP Chesapeake, VA 23322 Retailers 1024 Executive Blvd. (757) 289-1500 Fax: (866) 211-0841 Ms. Caryn Galderisi, Owner Chesapeake, VA 23320-3648 2585 Piney Bark Dr. (757) 547-4444 Fax: (757) 436-7721 Va. Beach, VA 23456 www.ampmor.com (757) 615-4778 www.allthatjewlery.net New Members through October 31, 2010 1 | Page Hampton Roads Chamber of Commerce Angel Care Private Duty The Bead Goes On Boleman Law Firm, PC Nursing Services Craft-Beads Legal Services Ms. Sally Roesler, President Mr. Spencer Luedke, Community Outreach Personal Services Ms. Joyce Elliott, L.P.N. 2700 Avenger Dr. #111 Coordinator 7421 Central Park Dr. #106 Va. Beach, VA 23452 4460 Corporation Ln. #170 Norfolk, VA 23513 (757) 463-5559 Fax: (757) 463-5556 Va. Beach, VA 23462 (757) 313-3000 Fax: (804) 358-8704 (757) 480-2929 www.bolemanlaw.com www.angelcare-llc.com Bekins A-1 Movers, Inc. Moving & Storage Anthony and Sylvan Pools Mr. Bob Broderick Bonaventure Property 5827 Curlew Dr. #5 Pool, Spa, Hot Tubs-Dealers Management Services, LLC Norfolk, VA 23502-4626 Mr. Tom Bowers, Design Consultant Apartments 3121 Holland Rd. #101 (757) 466-9351 Fax: (757) 461-8319 Ms. Janice Gill Va. Beach, VA 23453 www.bekinsa1.com Ms. Erin Higgins (757) 969-0609 Fax: (757) 368-2823 2133 Amberbrooke Way www.anthonysylvan.com Best Friend K-9 Obedience Va. Beach, VA 23464 (757) 961-5593 Fax: (757) 961-6046 Dog Training www.bonaventure.com The Art Institute of Virginia Mr. Jim Ottoson 5137 Thatcher Wy. Beach Va. Beach, VA 23456 Colleges & Universities Boulevard Screen and Sign (757) 336-8088 Ms. Marilyn Burstein, PRESIDENT Advertising Specialties www.bestfriendk-9.com Ms. Jonelle Tate, Sr. Director of Ms. Ember R. Hulett, Proprietress Admissions 1724 Va. Beach Blvd. #107 Ms. Sharon Younger, Dean of Academic BFPE International Fire, Va. Beach, VA 23454 Affairs (757) 962-8540 Fax: (866) 899-2757 4500 Main St. #100 Safety & Security www.blvdcreations.com Va. Beach, VA 23462 Fire Protection Systems (757) 493-6720 Fax: (757) 493-6800 Mr. Michael Beatty, General Manager Dee Caron, Sales Associate Branmall, LLC Mr. Alex Stukes, Sales Associate Property Management 822 Professional Pl. W. Mr. Alfonso Jones, Manager Chesapeake, VA 23320-3600 P.O. Box 2486 (757) 436-1301 Fax: (757) 436-3176 Chesapeake, VA 23320 B www.bfpe.com (757) 237-6830 Bankcard Empire BigTop Entertainment Breakthru! Consulting Credit Card Processing Event Planning Marketing Consultants Mr. Joe Young Mr. David Kiedinger, Secretary/Treasurer Mrs. Melissa Boyce, President / CEO 5422 Bayberry Dr. and Chief Creative Officer 4060 Manning Rd. Norfolk, VA 23502 536 Industrial Park Dr. Suffolk, VA 23437 (757) 461-2373 Newport News, VA 23608 (804) 241-3639 www.bankcardempire.com (757) 875-0505 Fax: (757) 875-0802 www.breakthruconsulting.net www.bigtopentertainment.biz Bay Creek Resort & Club Brick House Diner Golf Courses W. L. Black & Assoc. Restaurants Mr. Mark Wesolek, General Manager Environmental Services Mr. Bill Routsis Joe Burbee, Director of Golf Mr. W. L. Black, Operations Manager 580 East Main St. 1 Clubhouse Way 718 Fenway Ave., P.O. Box 6989 Norfolk, VA 23508 Cape Charles, VA 23310 Chesapeake, VA 23323-3329 (757) 622-1006 (757) 331-8628 Fax: (757) 331-8639 (757) 487-5245 Fax: (757) 487-7114 www.baycreekresort.com www.wlblack.com The Broken Egg Restaurants Bay Technologies, Inc. Blinds and More Mr. Michael Ziegenfuss, Co-Owner Internet Services Window Treatments 5680 Harbour View Blvd. #B-9 Mr. George Shoemaker, President Ms. Barbara Thwing, Designer Suffolk, VA 23435 Mr. Clay Forsberg 2720 Va. Beach Blvd. PO Box 868 Va. Beach, VA 23452 Norfolk, VA 23501 (757) 340-4212 Fax: (757) 340-4512 Brute Strength Gym (888) 400-3979 Fax: (888) 400-1066 www.blindsandmoreva.com Health & Fitness www.baytechs.net Ms. Stella Krupinski 836 Poplar Hall Dr. The Boeing Company Norfolk, VA 23502 Bayside Kennels Government (757) 893-9111 Fax: (757) 893-9133 Pet Supplies & Services Mr. Dewey Mauldin, Director, Business www.brutestrengthgym.net Mrs. Jessica Molina, Manager Development 5201 Va. Beach Blvd. 7007 Harbour View Blvd. #110 Va. Beach, VA 23462 Suffolk, VA 23435 (757) 499-7697 Fax: (757) 499-0669 (757) 295-2100 Fax: (757) 295-2114 www.baysidekennels.com New Members through October 31, 2010 2 | Page Hampton Roads Chamber of Commerce BSI - Business Solutions Cedar Tree Inn & Suites Chick-fil-A Harbor View International Hotels/Motels Restaurants Mr. Ray Patel, Owner Mr. Dan Curran, Owner Business Consultants Mr. Hans Faulstich, Senior Consultant 721 Conference Center Dr. 6212 College Dr. 2827 Majestic Oak Ct. Chesapeake, VA 23320-2673 Suffolk, VA 23435 Va. Beach, VA 23456 (757) 366-0100 Fax: (757) 420-8015 (440) 477-7663 (714) 606-7446 bsi-businesssolutions.com Centerville Insurance Agency, Cobham Composite Products Inc. Government Contractors Mr. Gregg Strangeway Insurance Mr. I. Keith Miller, President Paul Oppenheim, Vice President, General 516 Innovation Dri. S #301 Manager C Chesapeake, VA 23320 Mr. Charlie Young 6900 Harbour View Blvd. (757) 420-0006 Fax: (757) 420-3958 Suffolk, VA 23435 www.centervilleinsure.com Cabler Consulting Group (757) 392-2100 Fax: (757) 392-2799 Consultants www.sparta.com Kathy Cabler, MPA, CID/D The Chamberlin Founder/President Apartments (757) 333-3113 Mr. Brad Fleenor, Director of Community Communique', Inc. www.cablerconsultinggroup.com Relations Advertising-Direct Mail Fenwick Rd. Ms. Sharon L. Smith, Vice President Hampton, VA 23651 250 Jersey Ave. Canteen Va. Beach, VA 23462-6615 (757) 637-7200 Fax: (757) 637-7212 Vending Machines (757) 499-3761 Fax: (757) 497-0872 Mr. Bill Lyons, Regional Sales Manager www.historicchamberlin.com Mr. Piper Dejesus Ms. Jennifer Dorman Chesapeake Arboretum Community Alternatives, Inc. Mr. Jeff Thueatt Tourist Attractions Human Services Planning, Development & 914 Cavalier Blvd. Ms. Sheila Clendenning, Secretary, Board Management Chesapeake, VA 23323-1513 of Directors Mr. Vincente Gallo, Executive Director (757) 485-0051 Fax: (757) 485-0695 (757) 635-0931 Ms. Pam Little, Director of Virginia www.reservicesllc.com P.O. Box 16265 Programs Chesapeake, VA 23328 863 Glenrock Rd. #200 Care Advantage Inc. (757) 382-7060 Fax: (757) 382-7060 Norfolk, VA 23502-3793 www.ChesArbor.org (757) 468-7000 Fax: (757) 468-7007 Health Care Services www.comalt.org Ms. Kimberly Nunnally, Vice President of Operations Chesapeake Humane Society 10041 Midlothian Turnpike Organizations CRS Marble & Granite Richmond, VA 23235 Mrs Lacy Kuller, Board Member, Vice Tile/Ceramic/Quarry/Marble (757) 436-1711 Fax: (757) 436-1885 President Mr.
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