Disciples of Christ Historical Society Digital Commons @ Disciples History Christian Plea 6-1928 Christian Plea Vol-02-10-June-1928 Vance G. Smith Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.discipleshistory.org/christianplea VOL. II JUNE, 1928 No. 10 In Praise of Childhood In praise of little Children I will say God first made man, then found a better way For woman, but His third way was the best. Of all things created, the loveliest And most divine, are Children. Nothing here Can be to us more gracious or more dear. - And though when God said all His works were good There was no rosy flower of babyhood, 'Twas said of Children in a later day That none could enter Heaven save. such as they. The earth which feels the flowering of a' thorn, Was glad, 0 little Child, when thou wert born. The earth which thrills when skylark scales the blue, Soared up itself to God's own Heaven in you; And Heaven, which loves to lean down and to glass, Its beauty in each dewdrop on the grass- Heaven laughed to find your face so pure and fair, And left, 0 little Child, its reflex there. - William, Canton. ;"'~"_~_;:::;_;P::;;_p;;;;_;;::;o;_;:;_;p::;;_p;;;;_p;;;;_~_;:::;_;p::;;_p;;;;_;;::;o;_;:;_;p::;;_p;;;;_;;::;o;_~_;:::;_~_p;;;;_;;::;o;_;:::;_;p::;;_p;;;;_;;::;o;_;:;_;p::;;_p;;;;_;;::;o;_~_;:::;_;p::;;_;;::;o;_~_;:::;_;p::;;_p;;;;_;;::;o;_;:;_;p::;;_p! ~ +__.._ .._ ... ._ .._.1_ ••_1._ ••_ ••_ ••_111_ ••_ ••_ ••_ ••_ ••-"-111 __ '-"'-"-- ••-'1' an executive and woman of power and I I vision. While in 'fexas, she was prominent ilj. :1' Religious Education I club work and has traveled extensively. i PROF. P. H. MOSS, EDITOR I Her wide interests and her vital personality +,._,,_,,_u __ "_"_"_'._._'._"_.'_'._"_ .._'._.'_"I __._ •.._,._11 "1_.._ .._.+ will mean much to those who will be at Conference. She is at her best in assem- bly but yet she has had experience in the INTERDENOMINATIONAL nomillational council for superin- formation of a Christian Home, which COOPERATION tendents. I think the suggestion course she is to teach. "N0 MAN liveth to himself/' is will be put into effect. There should MRS. RE'TTA M. LOGAN, DEAN OF as true today as it was when be more teamwork done among the WOMEN workers of the Bible School. You Mrs. Logan has held the position as Ele- it was spoken a long, long time ago. will find that our problems are the mentary Superintendent for the state of vVe cannot have an American break- same. These young people and chil- Missouri for many years. While her title fast without calling on several states dren go to the public schools to- is Elementary Superintendent her work has if not countries. If we are using been extended over all departments since get her on weekdays, they meet in she is the only Bible school worker of the the old-fashioned cook stove, we go the several churches on Lord's Day, state. Her acquaintance with the state and to Alabama to get the metallic sub- but the Sunday school lessons, Uni- the young people has been invaluable il). stance out of which the stove is promoting this Conference and the inter- form or Graded, are the same. There est manifested is indicative of her ability made· if you are having tea, we go is no reason why we should not and consecration to the tasli:. - to J ;pan', SUll:ar, vou !!'O to Louis- ~ J ~ train our leaders together when it She is also a loyal worker in all of the iana. You come to Kansas to get is feasible. activities at the Centennial Christian Church your flour, etc. I am glad to s~y , of St. Louis, Mo., serving as Bible school that we are learning the lesson 111 vVe are planning to hold Schools supt. and singing in the choir. k d of Methods in Virginia and Ohio in the religious world. Teamwor an the month of June. vVe are hold- MISS ADELINE E. GODDARD, co-operation are mighty big words INSTRUCTOR ing two Young People's Confer- in our thinking today. In the prep- Miss Goddard is the Young' People's ences this year. We hope to direct Worker in the state of Oklahoma. As soon aration of the textbooks in the New 'at least one Vacation Church school Standard 'l'eachel' Training Course, as she leal'lled that there was the prospect it was discovered that no one Com- and conduct many week-end confer- of a Conference for the Mid-'West region ences. Invite your friends of other she offered not only to help promote it munion had enough talent to write mllOJl.g the churches of Oklahoma by per- , communions in to take part in this all the books, hence the p'ublication sonal visits and sending her former Con- training. boards syndicated to produce t1Ie best ference-ites to these chm'ches, but she also -Po H. M. offered to take a position on the facnlty. material. This spirit of co-opera- She has had the distincfion of bui]ding tion is beginning to manifest itself Who's Who at Conference the Conference up in Oklahoma from a among the Sunday School workers point where the faculty exc<:'ed<:,dthe stu- ANY of the persons used on the and field secretaries. (lent body to the place where two confer- faculty for the Third Annual pnces have been oTg-anized to take care of Fehruary 5-12, the Southside M Young Beople's Conference at the the ovel·flow. Such' a veteTan in Conferenee Training School, of Chicago, Illinois, wOTk has much to offer in this line. put on an effort that listed 17 Southern Christian Institute will be used on the Mid-West Conference MR. RAYMOND BALDWIN, churches, ,,-ith an enrollment of 109 INSTRUCTOR ch'urch school workers, a faculty of faculty. The May issue of the Ch1'is- tia.n Plea carried an account of the Some ha.ve the expeTi<:'nce, others the en- six coming from the following thusiasm. This latter will be the property Church Boards: A. lVI. E. Church, following who will serve in the Mid- of Mr. Baldwin who will come from gradu- represented by Dr. J. C. Calwell; West Conference and will not be re- a.tion at the Sun Flower Conference of M. E. Cll'urch, Dr. F. H. Butler; peated here: Kansas to serve as recreational director of Mid-West. He is a graduate of Cotner Col- A. lVI.Z. Church, Dr. Lee; C. M. E. Mrs. R. B. Grubbs, Instructor. leg-e, Lincoln, Neb., and is to act in Con- Church Dr. Martin; Baptist Church, Prof. P. H. Moss, Dean and Instructor. ferences all over the country as recreational Miss Deetsy Blackburn, Instructor. director. Dr. J. ''1'. Brown, and the Christian V. G. Smith, Director. Church, the writer. These several Eld. P. A. Gray, Vesper Speaker and MISS CAMMIE GRAY, MISSIONARY days of fellowship gave each of us Instructor. Miss Camm.ie Gray has spent ten years in China. Practically her whole service has to' know that we could work to- Others who will serve a.re as fol- gether, for we have a common task. been in "\\"uhu, a city of 150,000, where she lows: has wOl'ked among the women and childTen. lVIr. Prince of the Wabash Y. lVI. C. Miss Gray is a graduate of Baker Uni- ELD. C. E. CRAGGETT, DEAN OF MEN ;\.. was the dean of the school. Mr. versity, Kansas, and has had work at AND INSTRUCTOR Eichelbuger, of the A. M. Z. Church Nortll\Yef\tern UnivCl'sity. She is a woman The Second Young People's Conference was much responsible. for the suc- of very pleasing personality and untiring last year was thrilled with the thoughtful enPl·g'y. Few women on the mission field cess of the school. There were others and exhausti\'e messages of M1'. Craggett have given themselves with mOTe abandon who contributed time, talent and as the Vesper speaker. This year he is be- to -their- task to the natiYe people than has money that this first effort might ing used in the Mid-West Conference in a Miss Gray. not prove a failure. little different capacity but he has proven She went to the foreign field because sl](\ himself as one able to work well with young considered the missionarv task the' most The writer conducted an interde- people and will be an inspiration to all needy field in the world ~nd she has given nominational Leadership Training who will come to this conference. He is herself to the wOl'k w.ith the same com,;c- Institute, March 14-16, at Valdosta, at present minister of the 'Woodland Ave. tion from, the beg-inning", Miss Gmy is a Georgia. There were nine Sunday CIll'istian Church, Kansas City, Mo. Ere strong- speaker. Coming" fl'om China jnst this he was located in Kansas and was the no,," during the difficult tmnsition g"oing' OJ) Schools represented in this insti- author of those gems of thought that use.l in that land, she bring'S a message whid, tute. We gave a lecture course to appear in the Gospel Pl,ea under the is especia]]y helpful.
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