The Weather Cloudy, cool with ocoaMonal rain today and tomorrow; low tonight in mld-SOa, Ugli« to- moirow 40-40, , Manchester 'A Oiy of Village Charm (Clasalfled Advartiaing on Page 0) PRICE SEVEN CENTS VOL. LXXXV, NO. 137 JtTWELVE PAGES—TV SECTION) MANCHESTER, CONN„ SATURDAY, MARCH 12, 1966 Draft Drops WASHING’rbN (AP) — Tt^ Defense Department’s New Indonesian Boss monthly draft call has ^^ dropped to 21,700 men for ^ ^ April—the lowest since last Augrust shortly after the Viet Nam military buildup began. ^ All of April’s quota will Disbands Gommunists go to the Army. The Navy, Marine Corps and Air Force are meeting their needs through voluntary enlist- ments, the department said Army Ghief ^ ^ Friday. ^ ^ The March call was 22,- ^ 400 men.” In C ontrol Of Country UAC Asks SINGAPORE (A P )--L t. Gen. Suharto, Indonesia’s ^ New Vote new strong man, dissolved and outlawed the Indo- By Union nesian Communist party today in the name of EAST HAR’TPORD (AP) — President Sukarno, Ja- United Aircraft Oorp., which is karta radio announced. having contract negotiation dif- At the same time informants ficulties with the International in Singapore reported tttet Su- Association of Machinists, has karno and First Deput^ Pre- (Herald i^oto by Satomis) challenged the lAM’s fight to mier Sutiandrlo, Ms prO'J’eking bargain for the workers. chief lieutenant,'Were not being ilie Long Wait Required Patience, Plenty of Coffee ’The company notified officials allowed to leave the presidential of lAM Local 1746 and Local palace in Jakarta. 743 Friday that it feels a Na- These sources added that the Tolland^s Annual Scramble tional Labor Relations -Board shape of developments in Jakar- election ^ould be held to see if a Indicated Suharto, the Indo- nesian army cMef, was Wrmly the workers at the Pratt & in control end that Sukarno, Whitney Division plants in Blast Parents Endure Long Wait Hartford and Manchester and now apparently only a figure- the Hamilton Standard Division head, h ^ little chance of stag- plant in Windsor Locks want the ing a comeback. lAM to represent them. Jakarta radio broadcast ex- The company will mcike the cerpts of a meeting of high gov- For Rare Kindergarten Spots request to the NLiRB If the ernment officials at Sukerno’e palace where Sukarno said ha By BETTE QUATRALE The majority of parents arrived and reported to their wives at union falls to do so, Martin F. Burke, UAC vice president for had ordered Suharto to take Ttolland's annual co-operative in tiie next half hour. home, who than drove up—and industrial relations, said. control of the country and main- kindergarten registration Several parents reported that waited. The lAM contract at Pratt ft tain peace and order. acrtunhle was held at 10 this state police arrived about 2:80 The final number assured of Then Suharto spoke and said morning at the United Oongreg- in the morning, and checked repstration was picked up by (See Page- Eleven) he had no intention of moving ational Church. Only 44 chil- drivers’ licenses and registra- Mrs. Joseph Kolwicz at 4:30 Indonesia’s political ouUook el- , dren out of more than 240 eli- tlons, and asked what they were a.m. At 6:16 cars lined the ther to the right or extreme left. giUe (18 per cent) could he doing there. Apparently the par- streets on both sides, and the "It is already left,” he said. accepted In today’s session. ents were reported by the Jail social room of the rfiurdi was FBI Cracks Plot ’That broadest said Suban- A strategic plan, second only located across the street. One already filled with mothers and drio — cMef target of antl-Oom- to a well mapped military cam- mother told ’Ihe Herald, that fathers drinking coffee, playing To Sell Secrets munist students — was present paign is required to win the when she explained to the po- cards, sleeping, sewing,’ and at the meeting and he was re- prize: The acceptance of your lice she was waiting to register tr^ng to find a solution to the Of DuPont Firm ferred to as deputy premier. child in kindergarten. her child In kindergarten at 10 problem of registration. The But Informants in . Singapore, The first numlmr was pi<*ed this morning, he looked at her vvait was described by some as WHAUNGTON, Del. (AP) — Astronauts Neil Armstrong (left) and David Scott receiving Independent reports up by Mrs. Robert Noonan, who "as if I were nuts.” ‘‘dissatisfying and discourag- The FBI has broken. what it from Ind<mMia, said Subandrio arrived at the church at 1:10 Fathers also endured ttie long mg” . says was a plot with interna- was out and was being held a a.m. with some neighbors. ’They wait. Some had gotten out of jjg jjy stayed although they tlonai overtones, to sell induetri- virtual prisoner in the presiden- parked their cars outside the work at midnight, and they ^ , ^lancea of eettlne secrets worth millions to the tial palace. door, and remained, there until tam e directly^ over. Others had Co. Astronauts^ Space Chiefs "And Sukarno Mmself is not ttie doors openod at 3:30 a.nu driven by, "cased the situation” spending the time try- ^ spokesman said the allowed to leave the palace at present,” one Informant said. -----------------------:— II I ............................... I ,j.iiBiWMa»iiiiBW»4 Ing to figure out how to teil^e waa h^an wheaJL-JUJ^ «5>ectant drildren they wouldn’t Nemours ft Oo report- ’The sources expressed belief he able to go to school for an' eid it had been ofitered seOret Muddle over Gem in i Plans Subandrio and other pro-Oom- formulas of competitors. An munist membei’s of Sukarno’s Other year. GAPE KENNEDY, Fla. (AP) mand pilot (Armstrong) and the ducted fuel loading tests with Cabinet will go on trial before a Military Shopping Some motiters wept, mostly - T’l* Gemini 8 astronauts. Pilot are considered physically the Atlas booster. The regulator tribunal now con- said by'doctors to be in fine -ady for flying from a medical that was removed developed a on cL s to- ,huddle today ^ -Ivinf fo,onis^^_^^ of early registrotmnrertstration ^ pnyBicai snape, nuaara^ louay readypractice. being involved in a CJommunlst- Up by Half-Billion meant arriving at 3 Scott Is one of the healthiest Maneuvering fuel will be load- mington chemical firm for data all aspects of next week’s dar- led coup attempt in October. morning, rather than at 9, and strongest of the astronauts ed aboard the Gemini 8 space- Jointly owned by the B. F. Good- jng space flight. Two Cfommunlst leculere Eilready WASHINGTON (AP) - The $4 billion In suppUes this fiscal Although all are registered, — which is a major reason he craft today emd a preliminary have been sentenced to death government’s military itiiopping year for resale to the military, and put on a waiting list, the Oorp-. Akron, Ohio, and the Reports will be made was selected for the space walk countdown will start tonight- and, according, to some reports, Hst for food, clothing and medi- ' ......................... The two Mg rockets will be executed. cal suppUes is sweliing by half a year. ©ut durliar the year pilots were In the fueled Sunday and Monday. ... <~t v . » , r . v S A broadcast following the bUUon dollars during liie cur- The grocery Wn alone will run more thai two or three. Sthetic c ^ rrubber, ^ b ^ ^bM^no^^dete^sbut no details the spacecraft mlssibn control o ^ c e . ’the AtlM-Agena Thexi.e wweatherman eam erm ^ lOTecasie-^forecasted ^ meeting announced the rent buildup, officials disclosed over $1 billion, including aJbout spacecraft, missibn control palace meeting announced the were disclosed. Montecatini. a centeT ^^drSdnT net a ground satisfactory ronditlons for Tues- dis«<^g and outlawing todav 8175 mUUon for honelesw and __ Problems were ____disclosed._ . _____ Montecatini,________ a '-*“center, '**> worldwidewwrmwiue trackingiraciung neinet pressure regulator < and con- day's planned launch. ® price tag for these items ca^^ass b ^ Ptoblem is elementary, big chemical manufacturer, is work and recovery forces. Indonesia’s massive Communist ^ ’ p a r c ^ bert. Fo<^ and a « ^ s many children and little in regarded as a competitor of Du- Following the conference as party. " « « “ ted to a ,, appropriate faciU- p ir t fa the world rJiaricet. conference, as Indonesia’s Communist party and well being of the individual $889 million. tronauts Nell A. Armstrong and David R. Scott planned a long has been the world’s large! out- servlceiman, will total $1.8 bll- If the money staggers the su- (See Pago Two) (See Page Two) Cong Safe Under Cover side tile Communist Moc of na- Hon for the 1966 fiscal year end- permarket thinking, quantities session in a spacecraft simula- tor in the control center, re- tions. Ing June 30, Defense Supply too are impressive. The agency. hearsing various phases of the The Singapore sources s;;id Agency officials said. for example. Is buying over 400 three-day journey. they have not yet been able to This comi>ares with $1 billion clarify whether Sukariio was to $1.26 biUlon spent in the (See Page Two) They will concentrate on the Air Attacks Slowed forced to let Suharto take power same category in fiscal 1966. two most exciting a t^ cts : the attempt to catch and hook up but they said present indications The Defense Supply Agency are that the 64-year-old presi- serves a vart general store with an Agena space vehicle on the first day and Scott’s space By Bad dent had yielded to pressure where the armed forces pay Governors from the army.
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