THURROCK SCHOOLS’ FORUM 17th January 2019 at 9.00 a.m Thurrock Adult Community College, Room 10, Richmond Road, Grays, RM17 6DN Contact: 01375 372476 AGENDA Primary Academies Headteacher – Kenningtons Ms J Sawtell-Haynes Headteacher – Abbotts Primary Mrs L James Principal – Woodside Academy Mr E Caines – Vice Chair Headteacher – Giffards Primary Mrs N Haslam-Davis CEO - Catalyst Academies Trust Mr T Parfett Headteacher- Arthur Bugler Primary Mr J Bryant Governor Primary Maintained Schools Headteacher – Aveley Primary Miss N Shadbolt Governor Mrs H Gentry Secondary Academies CEO – Osborne Co-operative Academy Trust Mr P Griffiths – Chair Principal – Harris Academy Chafford Hundred Mrs N Graham Headteacher – William Edwards Mr S Munday CEO – ORTU Federation Ltd Dr S Asong Governor – Hathaway Academy Mr S Sweeting Secondary Maintained Schools Headteacher – Grays Convent Mrs P Johnson Special Maintained Schools Headteacher – Treetops School Mr P Smith Special Academy Headteacher-Beacon Hill Academy Ms S Hewitt Olive AP Academy Executive Headteacher Ms E Hinds Non School Members Diocese of Brentwood Mrs M Shepherd Diocese of Chelmsford Miss S Jones 0-11 Representative Ms A Jones 11-19 Representative Mr D Pearson Portfolio Holder – Children and Learning Cllr J Halden 1 Contact Jan Walker. Children’s Services (01375 652559) Children, Education & Families, Civic Offices, New Road, Grays, Essex RM17 6SL Minutes: Caroline Koblitz Introductory Items Item Item Time Guide 1. Welcome from Chair 1 min 2. Apologies for Absence 2 mins Agreement of agenda, time-guide and notification of ‘Any 3. 2 mins Other Business’ Items for Decision High Needs Block Funding 2019/20 4. 30 mins • Presented by David May Additional Targeted Support for High Need Pupils in Mainstream Schools and Academies 5. 30 mins • Presented by David May School Expansion Process and Principles 6. 5 mins • Presented by Sarah Williams Items for Information Dedicated Schools Grant 2019/20 7. 20 mins • Presented by David May Closing Items Agenda Priorities 8. • Review of provisional agenda items for the next 5 mins meeting, presented by Sarah Williams 2 Contact Jan Walker. Children’s Services (01375 652559) Children, Education & Families, Civic Offices, New Road, Grays, Essex RM17 6SL Minutes: Caroline Koblitz Schools’ Forum Forward Plan 9. • To consider and agree any urgent additions to the 5 mins forward plan, presented by Sarah Williams 10. Minutes of the previous meeting held on 15th November 2018 5 mins 11. Matters Arising 5 mins 12. Any Other Business 5 mins Date of next meeting 14th March 2019 at 4.00 p.m. Thurrock 13. Adult Community College 3 Contact Jan Walker. Children’s Services (01375 652559) Children, Education & Families, Civic Offices, New Road, Grays, Essex RM17 6SL Minutes: Caroline Koblitz Thurrock Borough Council Agenda Item No.4 Schools Forum 15th November 2018 THURROCK SCHOOLS FORUM REPORT DATE: 17th January 2019 SUBJECT: High Needs Block Funding 2019/20 REPORT OF: David May THE REPORT IS: For Decision 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1.1 This report provides updated information to School Forum members in relation to the funding of the High Needs Block within the DSG for 2019/20 and progress on the commissioning arrangements and values for high need places in specialist provisions from September 2019. 2. RECOMMENDATIONS 2.1 School Forum members are asked to: (i) Consider and comment on the information provided in the report. (ii) Consider the updated HNB funding for 2019/20. (iii) Agree to the proposed band values to be applied to both 2018/19 and 2019/20 commissioned numbers. (iv) Agree to the development of detailed Service Level Agreements as detailed in the report. (v) Agree to receive a final consolidated report for the High Needs Block at the March meeting. Page 1 of 8 Thurrock Borough Council Agenda Item No.4 Schools Forum 15th November 2018 3. HIGH NEEDS BUDGET 2018/19 3.1 The outturn position for 2017/18 was an overspend of £3.152m, categorised into 4 main areas: • Additional payments of £2.045m in support of children with Statements/Education and Health Care (EHC) plans; • Additional post 16 payments totalling £0.315m; • Independent school fees – transport payments totalling £0.340m; • Additional Home to School Transport payments totalling £0.453m 3.2 The latest outturn position for 2018/19, before any additional funding is applied is £2.120m, shown in the table below: High Needs Block Budget Forecasted Deficit 2018/19 Outturn 2018/19 Home to School Transport 2,403,885 3,647,490 1,243,605 EHCP - Top Up Payments 9,039,443 9,484,315 444,872 Out of Authority Placements 800,000 1,014,024 214,024 Independent Special Schools 3,220,000 3,311,735 91,735 Post 16 1,000,000 1,133,674 133,674 Retained HNB 1,275,344 1,275,344 0 Travellers Team 56,000 47,973 (8,027) High Needs Block 17,794,672 19,914,555 2,119,883 3.3 Additional funding has been provided, to support 2018/19 budget position: • Thurrock Council £0.500m, a one off contribution to support the DSG 2018/19 financial outturn position; • ESFA additional HNB funding allocation of £0.452m This additional funding reduces the HNB 2018/19 deficit to £1.170m as reflected in the table below: High Needs Block Budget Forecasted Deficit 2018/19 Outturn 2018/19 Home to School Transport 2,403,885 3,147,490 743,605 EHCP - Top Up Payments 9,291,443 9,484,315 192,872 Out of Authority Placements 900,000 1,014,024 114,024 Independent Special Schools 3,270,000 3,311,735 41,735 Post 16 1,050,000 1,133,674 83,674 Retained HNB 1,275,344 1,275,344 0 Travellers Team 56,000 47,973 (8,027) High Needs Block 18,246,672 19,414,555 1,167,883 Page 2 of 8 Thurrock Borough Council Agenda Item No.4 Schools Forum 15th November 2018 3.4 The overall DSG deficit for 2018/19 is forecasted to be £1.3m. This includes the forecasted overspend on pupil growth within the schools block. 4. HIGH NEEDS FUNDING 2019/20 4.1 On 17 December, the Secretary of State for Education announced details of Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG) allocations for 2019/20. The table below shows the detail for the High Needs Block and provides reconciliation from 2018/19 to 2019/20 funding settlements. High Needs Block Funding 2019/20 £m Funding Settlement 2018/19 22.312 Import / export adjustments (0.171) 22.141 Planned change in funding 0.624 Change in Pupil Numbers 0.051 Additional HNB funding (Dec-18) 0.452 Funding Settlement 2019/20 23.268 Less Academy Recoupment: (5.414) 17.854 Transfer between Funding Blocks 0.595 HNB Retained budget 2019/20 £18.449 4.2 The High Needs Block of the DSG has been increased by £125m in both 2018/19 and 2019/20 to provide support for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). The growth in SEN is now recognised and it is hoped this investment is the start of providing sufficient resource to manage the increased demand for services. 4.3 In addition, extra national capital funding of £100m in 2019/20 has been announced to increase capacity locally for pupils in mainstream and special schools, and for young people aged 16 and above. This additional funding will give more children access to a good school or college place that meets their individual needs. This could also pay for more state of the art facilities, such as sensory rooms and specialist equipment. 5. HIGH NEEDS BUDGET 2019/20 5.1 A review of the DSG was undertaken in 2018 that identified the increase in both Education Health and Care Plans and Home to School Transport as the key areas of change and represent the most significant financial risk. Page 3 of 8 Thurrock Borough Council Agenda Item No.4 Schools Forum 15th November 2018 5.2 The review of the DSG and HNB resulted in the following changes being implemented: • Top up Hourly Rate decreased to £10 from April 2018; • Review of HNB band values for 2018/19 and 2019/20; • School Block 2019/20 to be top sliced by £1.843m to support HNB; 5.3 Thurrock council as part of its Budget Planning Framework for 2019/20 and beyond has been considering how it can support the DSG High Needs Block to develop a long term sustainable solution. 5.4 Thurrock council has agreed that the risk of EHCP and Home to School Transport should be shared between the Local Authority and the DSG. 5.5 The responsibility for the financial management of the EHCP will be with the DSG, with the Local Authority taking responsibility for Home to School Transport. 5.6 The DSG will make a fixed annual contribution of £1.787m towards Home to School Transport; this is being consistent with the DSG budget that was applied from 2006/07 through to 2016/17. 5.7 This decision and the increase in funding (reported in 4.1 above) delivers the following budget for 2019/20: High Needs Block Budget Forecasted Budget % 2018/19 Outturn 2019/20 Increase 2018/19 Home to School Transport 2,903,885 3,647,490 1,787,000 Fixed EHCP - Top Up Payments 9,291,443 9,484,315 9,725,000 2.5% Out of Authority Placements 900,000 1,014,024 1,040,000 2.5% Independent Special Schools 3,270,000 3,311,735 3,400,000 2.6% Post 16 1,050,000 1,133,674 1,166,000 2.8% Retained HNB 1,275,344 1,275,344 1,275,000 0.0% Travellers Team 56,000 47,973 56,000 0.0% High Needs Block 18,746,672 19,914,555 18,449,000 5.8 The HNB budget table shows a percentage increase of more than 2.5% for key areas when applied against the 2018/19 forecasted outturn position.
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