DISTRICT MINERAL FOUNDATION: KEONJHAR. (2"a Floor, DRDA Bulldlng, Keonjhar-7s800{ E-mail : dmfkeonjhar@gmail. com O u-ql Memo No. I SIO /DMF. Date: ll A'q Copy for-warded to all the members of the DMF Trust Board and invitees for favour of information & necessary action o,",n"rtfif;i.l r.;ffi"i.o,,3r,,, ..Ase1arl s\ 7') Memo No. I Sll /DMF. Date: $l\ trll A+Y Copy to the PrinciPal Secretaryl to Government,' Steel & Mines, Odisha, Bhubaneswar/ Director of Mines, Odisha, Bhupaneswar for kind information. chief E*.rufi#{rr?rr, District Mineral Founddtion, Keonjhar. MemoNo. lSlA /DMF. Date: Oll 011 )4\4 Copy to the Principal Secretary to Governmdnt, Planning & Coordination Department, Odisha, Bhubaneswar for kind infogmation. chief e*r"ffT{dH".r, District Mineral Foun6ation, Keonjhar. Memo No. I Sl! /DMF. Date: ol I $-1 \ }r D-f Copy to the Director of Mines, Odisha, Bhubeiheswa| for kind information. J A D istrict ih yx;ffi:il;,,i n",. MemoNo. l-H4 /DMF. Date: ol\st\}tH Copy to the District Informatics Officer, NIC, District Unit\Keonjhar [r"r'3#l*:t"tJeceSSaryaction.HeisreQuested::":'ffiedingsin District Mineral F'oundation, Keonjhar. $cY\ a\ \s12. PROCEEDING OF THE loth DISTRICT MINERAT FOUNDATION, KEONJHAR TRUST BOARD MEETING HELD ON 24.06.202I AT 11AM VIRTUATTYTHROUGH GOOGTE MEET The 10th Trust Board meeting of DMF was called as per the clause 8 of the DMF Trust Deed. The meeting was held on 24.06.202I at 11 AM virtually on Google Meet under the chairmanship of Shri Ashish Thakare, lAS, Collector-Cum-Chairman & Managing Trustee, DMF. The list of participants is enclosed in the Annexure- l. CEO DMF then shared the agenda for the 10th Trust Board Meeting which is as follows: 1. Welcome Address by Chairman & Managing Trustee 2. Presentation by Chairman & Managing Trustee on DMF Fund Collection/Expenditu re 3. Presentation by Major line departments DFO Keonjhar/CDMO/R&B Keonjhar/RWSS Keonjhar/RD 2 4. Approval of New Projects under DMF 5. Approval ofAnnual Report for FY 2018-19 and FY 2019-20 6. Quotation Call Notice to be floated for audit of accounts for FY 2O2o-zL 7. Discussion on Action Plan for FY 2021-22 and its Approval 8. Discussion on Perspective Plan for DMF and its Approval 9. Any other agenda by permission from Chair 10. Vote ofthanks by CEO DMF Keonjhar Starting off as per the agenda, Collector welcomed all the Trust Board Members and the invitee participants present in the meeting. He also apprised the members that due to prevailing conditions of CO|D19, physical meeting couldn't be held for the past few months. However, since the situation is not looking favourable to improve, therefore an online meeting is called to take up matters of importance. Following this, PD DRDA-Cum-Chief Executive Officer, DMF informed the meeting the meeting that minutes of the meeting for the gth Trust Board Meeting held on 02.05.2020 has been sent to all members via e-mail. lt was then confirmed & approved by the members. Collector then gave a brief presentation on DMF fund accrual and expenditure status sector wise/department wise updated as on 31't May 2027, which is as follows: Total Receipt of funds- 5890.12 Cr Projects Completed - 638 Sanction of Funds- 3912.58 Cr Ongoing Projects- 331 Amount of Released funds- 2418.86 Cr Projects Not started- 157 Projects Sanctioned- 1140 Projects Cancelled- 14 Following this, Collector also highlighted various sector wise initiatives taken up under DMF since 9th Trust Board Meeting, where a lot of projects/works have been initiated and executed in the mining areas. He then requested respective line departments to present the major projects sanctioned u nder DMF. EE R&B Keonjhar presented the details of major road and building projects. Hon. MLA Sadar expressed his concern regarding the delay in the progress of Medical College and Rangadihi- fr Phuljhar-Balabhadrapur-Jagadala Dam Road. He requested the department to complete it on priority basis as it has been a major demand from the public in the district. EE R&B responding to this informed that the said road has been taken up in three phases, where last phase was recently sanctioned and has been already tendered. He assured the meeting that it will be completed by Dec 2021. Whereas regarding medical college, he informed that efforts are being taken to ensure its completion at the earliest. Subsequently, EE RD l/ll/Anandapur presented the details of major projects sanctioned. EE RD ll Keonjhar mentioned thatfor Du buna-Pidapokhari road project, a length of3.5 km passes through the mining lease of OMC. A letter requesting for clearance has already been submitted to the Executive Director (F&E) OMC Ltd, Bhubaneswar vide letter no 4341 dated, 13.11.20. But no reply has not been received till date. collector then informed the meeting that RN4, OMC Keonjhar has been informed about this and subsequently he willtake it up with MD, OMC for its early resolution. For a road project'Construction from Tukuna to Ambo' under EE RD Anandapur, Hon. M LA, Anandpur expressed his concern re8arding quality of road being constructed. Responding to this, EE Anandpur assured to take up remedial measures and see that there is no compromise in quality of work across all the projects. Further EE, Anandpur highlighted the issue in 'Malliposi to Sarat road' where a section of road falling in lvlayurbhanj district is required for seamless connectivity. Collector Keonjhar informed that he will discuss the matter with Collector, Mayurbhanj. Following this, GM OBCC Bhubaneswar presented the details of the ongoing projects namely 'Construction ofJoda Flyover' and 'Barbil Ring Road'. He highliShted the land acquisition and eviction issues in the'loda Flyover'project and informed that eviction notice has been served to all the encroachers by Mu nicipa I Authority. He then informed that as per the latest circular, eviction cannot be conducted during the lock down period and will be initiated once unlock beSins. He emphasized that without eviction, the construction activities cannot be started in full swing. Taking note of this fact, Hon. MtA Sadar mentioned that work needs to be expedited as this project is a lifeline for the Joda-Barbil mining affected area. Collector and Hon. MLA Champua also agreed to undertake a joint visit for carrying out assessment of Barbil ring road and finding resolution for certain challenges as highlighted by OBCC. Following this, Collector briefed the meeting on COVID management and ongoing vaccination drive in the district. He hi8hlighted that during the second wave, COVTD Hospital Ranki saw an increase in ICU beds from 14 to 44 and ventilators from 08 to 26. Also, with the hospital partner it was ensured that enough trained doctors and nurses are on board for providing the COVID treatment for the affected patients. Apart from this, oxygen tenerator was installed durinBthe onset ofsecond wave additional High Dependency Units (HDUs)have been setup. He also assured the DMF Trust Board that district administration has a strict management for ensuring the treatment and service delivery at COVID Hospital and Covid Care Centres (CCCS) where allthe basic essentials like Oxygen Supply, Food, HySiene lssues, Feedback to patient attendants are beinB monitored and reviewed on hourly basis. FurtherCollectorbriefedthemeetingthatpreparationsforscalingupthefacititiesforpossible COVID third wave are ongoing. District health personnel's including doctors and paramedics have undertaken a first round of training on COVID Treatment Protocol, Oxygen Administration, Operating Ventilator and hands on training on other lifesaving technolo8ies q and equipment's made available at COVID Hospital. Apart from this, expansion of lcus has been planned at SDH Anandpur/Champua & Centenary building at DHH Keonjhar' Also, efforts are underway to upgrade/scale up Pediatric facilities at DHH considerint the alert from health experts anticipatinB COVID affecting children. lt is also being planned to setup oxygen plants at Sub Divisional Level. Collector also informed the meeting that Keonjhar has now two operational RT PCR labs with a capacity to test 1OOO samples per day which will help in expediting the CoVID test results and reduce the dependency on state. All the funding for COVID management at COVID Hospital and CCCS has been taken up under DMF- allthe Trust Board members appreciated the efforts taken up. Hon. MLA Sadar while appreciating the efforts thanked the district administration for the steps taken to contain the spread of COVID. CDMO then presented the activities taken up from DMF under health sector. Hon. MLA Sadar praised the initiative taken up for establishinB cancer treatment facility in the district alonB with dialysis centre at Barbil. However, he expressed his concern regarding the unavailability of qualified doctors from the COVID HosPital partner hospital at Ranki. CDMO assured him that district is also assisting with HR support wherever required in case there is a felt shortfall of doctors or as per increase in COVID case load. Further, Hon MLA Anandpur opined to strengthen the COVID preparedness in village areas of the district and urged to hold vaccination camps for 18-44 Years in ward no 1-7 in Anandpur and urged to assess the feasibility and usage for ECMO machine. cDMO assured that vaccination has already been initiated in the said wards. Further, EE PHED Keonjhar presented the progress of ongoing projects for 'Urban Water supply'. There is only one project which is onEoing while rest has been completed. Collector taking note of this, requested him to share a timeline on providing individual household connection in all the wards of all urban local bodies. EE PHD assured to provide the details as soon as possible.
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