Vol. 5, No. 38 Copyright by Eastman Kodak Company, Rochester. N. Y . September 25, 1947 Gets 'em Quick as a Flash! Jl(odak Introduces New Method ~-------------------------------------------------- To Make Silver Nitrate Crystals Process Replaces One in Use for 50 Years A new method of m a king silver nitr ate crystals was an­ nounced yesterday by th e Com­ pany. It replaces a slower process tha t has been used for the last ha lf century. In the improved process glisten­ ing white pa rticles are pumped from a tank much as a threshina machine spews forth gr ain. ., The crystals were pr oduced by eva poration in open porcelain dishes in the old operation. Company engineers said the new system is a histo1·ic step in photo­ graphic ma nufacturing. Designed by Koda k before the war, the recently completed sys­ tem uses machinery tha t m akes the silver nitra te crystals contin­ Bantam Beauty _ Mary Elizabeth Ziefel of Dept. 26, Camera uously a nd dries them in a few Works. exhibits the Kodak Flash Bantam. m inutes. Forme rly this opera tion Flash attachment is new and the Bantam itself has been streamlined. took several d ays. Silver is the stuff tha t m ak es modern photogra phy possible a nd Koda k a nnually uses some 15,000- E. /(. Carver Flash Boosts 000 ounces of it. ' The New Process Named Aide Versatility of Here is how the ne w silver ni­ tra te-making process works: First, several chunks of silver To J(P Head EK's Bantam are dissolved in nitric acid. These A s treamlined beauty is the ingots weigh a bout 75 pounds each Dr. E. K. Carver has been named and are 99.97 per cent pure silver. to a new position as technical as­ Kodak Flash B a ntam, now fea­ The r esulting greenish liquid sista nt to the general manager of turing built-in synchronization goes into storage tanks. From these Kodak P a rk. Dr. C. R. Fordyce for picture taking with flash. The tanks the solution is pumped slow­ has been appointed superintendent improvement is designed to add ly into crystallizers or 1000-gallon N d th Old In the new Kodak process of producing of the Dept. of Manufacturing Ex­ to the adaptability and usefulness stainless steel tanks. In them the eW an e - !'ilver nitrate crystals. Robert H. Corke of periments to fill the vacancy left of the ca mera. liquid is constantly stirred by cir­ Kodak Park guides the salt-like substance, compound of silver and nitric acid. into stainless steel basket, at top. The picture above shows by Dr. Carver. The announcements The newly streamlined body of cu lating pumps. This stirring and the Flash Banta~ contains m any the constant addition of fresh sil­ the old and much slower method of making silver nitrate crystals by of the features of the earUer model, ver nitrate solution result in the evaporation in open porcelain dishes. the Kodak Bantam f/ 4.5, favorite formation and growth of silver n i­ of amateur photographers. The tra te crystals in the tank. from the crystallizer the second pocket-size camera uses 8-expo­ Soaking wet a nd resembling salt, tim e a nd have been whirled until M. J. Hayes Named sure No. 828 film, including Koda­ the crystals then are drawn from they are only damp, they a re chrome, and its focusing range the tank through a pipe a nd poured dumped into a r otacy drying dr um. State AA Officer remains from 21h feet to infinity. into shiny, perforated, stainless At the other end of the revolving The Lumenized Kodak Anastigmat steel baskets. Myron J. Hayes, Koda k vice­ The baskets are whirled so most drum the crystals pour out com­ Special f/ 4.5 lens is retained, as is pletely dry. president, was elected first vice­ the four-speed 0 / 25-1/ 200 second> of the m oisture in the crystals is president of the New York State shutter, as well as " time" and carried off by the spinning action. Funneled into stainless steel Automobile Association a t the "bulb" settings. Each basket conta ins 60-70 pounds b arrels, each holding $5000 worth group's annual convention held re­ The fl ash synchronization of the of crystals, worth about $500. of the product, the dry silver ni­ cently a t Sa ranac Inn. new camera will operate for shut­ Next the crystals a re redissolved trate is trucked to the emulsion in distilled water. Again they go m akers. They then turn the white Hayes, who has been a direc­ ter settings up to 1 I 100 of a second. tor of the Associa tion , was elected A sma rt leather field case also through the same crystallizing crystals into the materials that a re steps. After the wet crystals come the essence of today's photogra phy. on a pla tform pled ged to an inten­ is newly availa ble. It features the sive campaign to extend highway same attractive, durable suntan safety. He has been interested for leather used in cases for more years in protective measures for expensive models, such as the EJ( Honors 25-Year Folks motorists and pedestrians and is Dr. E. K. Carver Kodak 35 and the Kodak Reflex, credited with contributing m any and retails at $5.50. Its button­ constructive ideas for statewide were made recently by C. K . Flint, down flap allows free use of the At Dinner Program Tonight accident prevention. gener al manager of the P ark plant. camera without removing it from its case, even with the a ttachment (List of names on Page 5) Dr. Carver received A.B. and of a Kodak Flasholder. A carry­ The Company was making final preparations today to honor Ph.D degrees from Harvard Uni­ ing strap is provided on the case, m en a nd women of Kodak w ho complete 25 years of service dur­ Got Your License? versity in 1914 and 1917, respec­ doing a way with the necessity of in g the current year. They w ill gath er this evening at Kodak Kodak drivers are reminded tively, a nd served as captain in a strap on the camera body. This Office for the annual dinner pro- r----- ----- -----­ that operators' licenses- both Military Intelligence with the U.S. adds to its streamlined sm oothness. gra m arranged to celebra te their 1947 and two with 50th anniver­ the one-year and three-year Army during World War I. From anniversaries. With the Rochester saries this year. variety~xpire Sept. 30. Driv­ expanded to its present personnel ers may obtain a new license 1919 to 1921 he continued his stud­ of 165 members. group will be more tha n a score of A special entertainment pro­ out-of-town Koda kers-all 25-yea r gra m has been prepared with the good until Sept. 30, 1948, or get ies at Harva rd on a Na tional Re­ During World Wa r II Dr. Ca rver a three-year license expiring sea rch Council Fellowship, follow­ people-who are here for three WHAM Orchestra, under the ba ton was in charge of work on two con­ days as gu ests of EK. of Charles Siverson , providing the Sept. 30, 1950. ing which he taught physical chem ­ tracts for the Na tional Defense Presentation of the George East­ music. Imogene Coca, satirical Old licenses are renewable istry at the University of Illinois Resea rch Council, one relating to ma n medals will be m ade infor­ comedienne, a nd three singer~ without tests for one year after for three years. fuels for incendia ry bombs a nd ma lly to Rochester 25-year folks billed as Da y, Dawn and Dusk will expiration. However. those driv­ He j oined Kodak in 1924 as a fl ame throwers and the other to before the start of the program. offer specialties. ing after Sept. 30 without re­ member of the staff of the Re­ m a king substitute rubbe r for Cra ig P . Cochrane, director of Most of the out-of-town Koda k newing their licenses are liable sear ch La boratories under Dr. pieces used in civilian gas masks . Industrial Rela tions, will introduce folks arrived in Rochester early to a fine. Samuel Sheppard. In 1928 he Dr. Fordyce, a native of Iowa, Dr. A. K. Chapman, vice-president Wednesday and trey a re partici­ Application blanks are avail­ tra nsferred to the newly-crea ted received his B.S. and M.S. degrees a nd general ma nager of the Com­ pating in a three-day program de­ able at the KPAA, CWRC, H-E Dept. of Mfg. Experiments, be­ from Cornell College in I owa in pany, who will welcome the Com­ signed to acquaint them w ith Ko­ Industrial Relations and KORC coming superintendent in 1934. 1925. After ta king his Ph.D. in pany people, including those who dak in R ochester. E. P . Curtis, EK offices for the asking. Since that time the department has (Continued on P aee 4) complete 40 years of service in vice-president, welcomed them. 2 KODAKERY Septembe r 25, 1947 Latin America Clamors ~---Photo PaHer------------------------------------------------~ P~z.edewe POWt?A oJ BeautiftuL gumei For More Color Film Blf PtUnttnr; 'lf(UU e~ 'Wed~ ·r HERE'S drama and p ower in a sunset w hich you can cap ­ tut·e with your camera. You'll find, too, in the latter hours of t he a fte rnoon, tha t t he sinking sun will strongly silhou­ ette ma ny objects against the sky­ line and, since it dramatically highlights la te-afternoon clouds ther e a re interesting a nd unusua l pictures for the taking.
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