EXPLORING YOUR LOCAL HISTORY EXPLORING YOUR LOCAL HISTORY EXPLORINGA HeritageA HeritageYOUR Guide LOCAL Guide HISTORY EXPLORING YOUR LOCAL HISTORY A Heritage Guide A Heritage Guide EXPLORINGEXPLORING YOUR YOUR LOCAL LOCAL HISTORY HISTORY This heritage guide is an introduction to the history of Newcastle’s This heritage guide is an introduction to the history of Newcastle’s EXPLORING YOUR LOCAL HISTORY outer west villagesThis heritage of Newburn, guide is an Lemington, introduction Sugley to the andhistory Bell’s of Newcastle’s EXPLORING YOUR LOCAL HISTORY outer westThis heritage villages guide of Newburn, is an introduction Lemington, to theSugley history and of Bell’s Newcastle’s outer west villages of Newburn, Lemington, Sugley and Bell’s Close. It includesClose. outer It three includes west illustrated villages three illustratedof walkNewburn, trails walk Lemington, offering trails offering insights Sugley insightsand into Bell’s into Close. It includes three illustrated walk trails offering insights into the heritagethe of heritage thisClose. area. Itof includes this area. three illustrated walk trails offering insights into The Outer West The Outer West the heritage of this area. EXPLORING YOUR LOCAL HISTORY the heritage of this area. When this area became part of the City of Newcastle in 1974, it TheThe OuterOuter WestWest When this area became part of the City of Newcastle in 1974, it When this area became part of the City of Newcastle in 1974, it NEWBURNNEWBURN LEMINGTON LEMINGTON SUGLEY SUGLEY brought withbrought it aWhen long with this and it a area longfascinating became and fascinating part history. of the history. ItsCity strategic of Newcastle Its strategic in 1974, it NEWBURN LEMINGTON SUGLEY brought with it a long and fascinating history. Its strategic THENEWBURN OUTER LEMINGTON WEST SUGLEY location aslocation the lowestbrought as the crossing with lowest it a longcrossingpoint and on fascinatingpoint the River on the history. Tyne River meant ItsTyne strategic meant BELL’SBELL’S CLOSE CLOSE location as the lowest crossing point on the River Tyne meant NEWBURNBELL’S BELL’SLEMINGTON CLOSE CLOSE SUGLEY that, beforethat, the beforelocation Norman the as Conquest,Normanthe lowest Conquest, crossingit was regarded point it was on regarded the as Rivermore asTyne more meant that,that, before before the Normanthe Norman Conquest, Conquest, it was it wasth regarded regarded as moreas more BELL’S CLOSE important than Newcastle. Duringth the 17th century, it was the site important thanimportant Newcastle. than Newcastle. During the During 17 thecentury, 17 century, thit was theit was site the site of a decisiveimportant battle than of Newcastle. the Civil War. During Later, the 17the century,Industrial it was the site A Heritage Guide of a decisiveof battle a decisive of the battle Civil of War. the Civil Later, War. the Later, Industrial the Industrial AA HERITAGEAHeritageA Heritage Heritage GUIDEGuide Guide Guide Revolutionof a decisive transformed battle ofthe the area, Civil giving War. Later,Newburn the Industrial the name of Revolution transformedRevolutionRevolution transformed the transformed area, thegiving thearea, Newburnarea, giving giving Newburn the Newburn name the the ofname name of of “New Sheffield”, while glass-making and other industries “New Sheffield”,“New“New whileSheffield”, Sheffield”, glass-making while while glass-making glass-making and other and industries and other other industries industries flourishedflourished further further east east in in Lemington. Lemington. CoalCoal – both miningmining and and flourished furtherflourished east in furtherLemington. east in CoalLemington. – both Coal mining – both and mining and exportexport – –played played a a major major role role in in thethe locallocal economy. export – played exporta major – played role in a themajor local role economy. in the local economy. Join us on a journey to explore the history of the outer west. Join Joinus on us a on journey a journey to explore to explore the thehistory history of the of the outer outer west. west. Join us on a journey to explore the history of the outer west. StSt James’ James’St James’ Heritage Heritage Heritage & & Environment Environment & Environment GroupGroup Group St James’ StHeritage StJames’ James’St James’Heritage Heritage& Environment Heritage & & Environment Environment & Environment Group Group Group Group isis anan is independent an independent St James’ Heritagevolunteer-runvolunteer-runvolunteer-run & Environment organisation organisation organisation Group and and isregistered registeredand an registeredindependent charitycharity charity providing providing volunteer-runactivitiesactivities organisationactivities and and resources resources and and resources registered for for people people for peoplecharity of of allall of agesprovidingages all ages to explore to explore andand and activities andcelebrate celebrateresourcescelebrate the the for history history thepeople history of of the ofthe of allwest west the ages westend end to ofendof explore Newcastle.Newcastle. of Newcastle. and celebrate the Email:historyEmail: [email protected] of [email protected] west end of Newcastle. Website: Website: https://stjamesheritage.com https://stjamesheritage.com Email: [email protected] Website: https://stjamesheritage.com Write:Write: St James’ St James’ Heritage Heritage & Environment & Environment Group, Group, c/o Sunnybankc/o Sunnybank Centre, Centre, Email: [email protected]: St James’ Heritage & EnvironmentWebsite: https://stjamesheritage.com Group, c/o Sunnybank Centre, 12/1412/14 Sunnybank12/14 Sunnybank Sunnybank Avenue, Avenue, Avenue, Newcastle Newcastle Newcastle uponupon upon Tyne,Tyne, Tyne, NE15 NE15 6SD6SD 6SD Write: St James’ Heritage & Environment Group, c/o Sunnybank Centre, 12/14 Sunnybank Avenue, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE15 6SD St James’ Heritage & Environment Group © St James’ Heritage & Environment Group, 2020 West End Heritage Guides ©© St St James’ James’ Heritage Heritage && EnvironmentEnvironment Group,Group, 20202020 StSt James’ James’ Heritage Heritage & & Environment Environment Group Group St James’ Heritage & Environment Group WestWest End End Heritage Heritage Guides Guides © St James’ Heritage & Environment Group, 2020 St James’ WestHeritage End & Heritage Environment Guides Group West End Heritage Guides TheThe Outer Outer West West Newburn:Newburn: an introductionan introduction A HeritageA Heritage Guide Guide NewburnNewburn today today is on is the on peripherythe periphery of the of Citythe Cityof Newcastle of Newcastle uponupon Tyne, Tyne, bypassed bypassed by its by major its major transport transport routes, routes, but thebut the ContentsContents areaarea has anhas important an important history history long longpredating predating its incorporation its incorporation into theinto citythe incity 1974. in 1974. Although Although it remained it remained a small a small settlement, settlement, it occupiedit occupied a strategic a strategic location location that thatgave gave it a significant it a significant role rolein in PagePage 1 1 Newburn:Newburn: an introduction an introduction a widera wider economic economic and andpolitical political context. context. In fact, In fact,before before the the NormanNorman Conquest, Conquest, Newburn Newburn was wasconsidered considered more more important important PagePage 4 4 NewburnNewburn Village Village Heritage Heritage Trail Trail thanthan Newcastle. Newcastle. A circularA circular walk walk taking taking you aroundyou around the the historichistoric heart heart of the of villagethe village of Newburn, of Newburn, The Theancient ancient manor manor of Newburn of Newburn was wasimportant important strategically strategically for for startingstarting and andending ending at the at Warthe WarMemorial Memorial in in manymany centuries centuries because because it was it wasthe lowestthe lowest crossing crossing point point on on the mainthe main street street the Riverthe River Tyne. Tyne. Consequently Consequently many many marauding marauding armies armies have have headedheaded for Newburn for Newburn on their on their way wayto attack to attack other other places. places. PerhapsPerhaps the mostthe most famous famous was wasthe Battlethe Battle of Newburn of Newburn in 1640 in 1640 PagePage 16 16 TyneTyne Riverside Riverside Country Country Park Park and andbeyond beyond wherewhere a Scottish a Scottish army army defeated defeated an English an English one, one, leaving leaving the the A circularA circular walk walk starting starting and andending ending at at way wayopen open to seize to seize Newcastle Newcastle and andproving proving a decisive a decisive turning turning NewburnNewburn Leisure Leisure Centre Centre at the at easternthe eastern end end pointpoint in the in Civilthe CivilWar. War. of theof Tynethe Tyne Riverside Riverside Park, Park, Newburn, Newburn, and and visitingvisiting Blayney Blayney Row Row and andthe cokethe coke ovens. ovens. LaterLater on, Newburnon, Newburn was wason the on routethe route of the of Wylamthe Wylam Waggonway,Waggonway, along along which which coal coalwas wascarried carried from from the pitthe at pit at PagePage 22 22 Bell’sBell’s Close, Close, Sugley Sugley and andLemington: Lemington: WylamWylam to the to staithesthe staithes at Lemington at Lemington via Newburn. via Newburn. This This An introductionAn introduction waggonwaywaggonway was wasone oneof the of the oldestoldest in England, in England, and andone oneof
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