Issued Tuesday •Tuesday Thursday Issue Saturday _______IB ___ __ ____ Established January, 1846. Entered as Second Class Mail Matter, Rockland, Maine, Tuesday, June 3, 1924. THREE CENTS A COPY Volume 79..................Number 67. NEW BANK PRESIDENT . ROCKPORT JUNIORS ment contains an appeal for a com­ WASHINGTON LETTER A NEW DEPARTURE The Courier-Gazette mercial course, tells of the organiza­ NEARING THE GRAND CLIMAX At a special meeting of the board tion of a girls' glee club, and of the THREE-TIMES-A-WEEK of directors of tftb Rockland National Made a Very Creditable Pa­ adoption of a new honor roll plan. Does Revenge Inspire LaFol- Nominal Admission To Be ALL THE HOME NEWS Bank yesterday,* Capt. Israel Snow Contributors to the miscellaneous Young “Chummy” Gray Holds Vinalhaven High To Four per of ‘‘The Tatler,” Now columns were R. Packard ’26. Kaler lette — Pulling Japan’s Charged To Knox Arbore- was elected president, to fill the va­ Subscription $3 00 per year payable in On Sale. ’25, L. Miller ’24. Elsie Salminen ’28, Singles—Thomaston Has a Temporary Scare. Beard. turn—Mr. Lermond’s New advance; single «*opies three cents. cancy caused by the death of the Priest ’26. and H. Tibbetts '25. The Advertising rates based upon circulation and very reasonable. late Arthur S. Littlefield. Capt. The Junior class of Rockport High class which graduated from Rockport (From our Regular Correspondent.) Specimens. High School last year is thus ac­ two Thomaston men at bat in that Snow has been a director of this Washington June 1.—Senator La- NEWSPAPER HISTORY School can take unto itself a great counted for: inning were quickly retired. Leon­ At a recent meeting of .he council bank 17 years, and its first vice pres- (,ea, ()f credlt ag the ,.esult of the The Rockland Gazelle was established In Alice Butler, employed in Boston. ard pitched the next batter. Condon, Follette’s latest pronunciamento is 1840. In 1874 the Courier was established ’ I SAW CARL BENSON of the Knox Academy of Arts and ident since 1916. He is president of current ,ssue of The Tat’er which Madaline Small, married Raymond I aud consolidated with the Gazette in 1882. and it threw the auburn haired Cam­ everywhere regarded as confirming Sciences It was decided to charge Id The Free Press was established in 1855, and the 1. I.. Snow Co. and has served as came from The Courier-Gazette press I hilbrook. ’ at the Memorial Day game on den twirler off his strove. Feehan long entertained belief that th< In 1891 changed its name to the Tribune drove ball quarry and cents admission to the Knox Ar­ These papers consolidated March 17, 1897. mayor cf the city—being in every ’ the Broadway ground and he the into the Wisconsinite purposes to run for boretum. this also to cover admis­ way qualified to uphold the standard * appeared to be interested in both men scored on Xewhert’s sin-, W, ■«. »•> president on an in<lepend< nt ticket, Al- set by the strong presidents of this * two things. One was the gle. Stone’s fly to Mayhew retired sion to the museum, located In the ••• •». i ■ , the side, but t'he score had been tied, ready petitions are being circulated Let him be satLfled with correct- ♦’bank who have preceded him. * game itself, for the theatrical center of the Arboretum. Those land “Georgia Wildfire’s” festival ♦ ing hinwelf, and not seem to condemn ♦! Vice President Homer E. Robinson * magnate is a confirmed base- I asking that electors for La Follette holding paid-up membership cards, * ball fan; the other was how to chorus was happy once more. —• in another wha; he would not in him- ♦ will continue to have executive be placed on the ballots. Just what or receipts for contributions to the * I The 5ih inning really was the be- seif—Montaigne. ♦ | charge <1 the bank as he did under * keep his perfectly new straw La Folk tie’s purpose is none can sur­ Building Fund, are to be admitted * lid from following the gener- * I ginning of the end. for Thomaston mise. He knows he cannot be elect­ free at all times. ...... Mr. Libttiefield’s Administration. * al direction of the northwest * ( piled up six runs in the next inning: ed. He knows that his candidacy can The opening day is set for July 5. * gale and landing out in the * ' singles by Stone and Sawyer, doubles have only two effects, either to draw To begin with, the museum will be Major Adalbert Ames of Lowell, * vicinity of the warships. I * , by Condon and Feehan. a base on ALL NEXT WEEK from Coolidge just enough votes to open to the public only on Saturdays Mass., a native t( Rockland, whose , * don't know whether Manager * I balls, a wild pitch, two passed balls cause the election of the Democratic and Sundays from 10 a. m. to 5 p. m. •land an error at first combining to division so gallantly captured Fort i Greenwich Village Revue * Benson e#er played baseball candidate, or to throw the election in­ (fast time.) * or not—probably not, because that end. to the House because no candidate, Fisher during the Civil War, has sent , Mr. Lermond, the director of the The musical comedy which carried * he has been busy with the the- * Camden hit Feehan for a total of has a majority in the electoral col­ arboretum and museum, has had an his photograph and the sword and * atrical game ever since he was * 10 banes, but the hits were widely Portland by storm. lege. And there Is every prospect unusually successful collecting trip pistol used by him when Colonel of * knee high to a grasshopper.— * scattered, and “Tippy," as usual, the 20th Maine Infantry, to be placed, that the latter effect of the La Fol­ in Florida the past winter, visiting STRAND THEATRE * The Sporting Editor. proved equal tq emergencies as seen lette candidacy would result in chaos in Grand Army hall, this city. many of the "Keys" (islands) off the * ' . * in the 7th and 9th innings when he Apparently the House will go evenly West or Gulf coast, and securing • ••*••*•• |« ... fanned two men with second and divided to elect a President, in which many rare and fine specimens of third occupied. The League Standing - case tlte election would go to the shells, corals, sponges, crabs, starfish. Camden High went onto the field a Senate, which would lie compelled to sea urchins, fishes, etc. fine spe- The standing of the Knox and Lin­ badly discouraged team, due to its clect as President one of the vice cies of mollusca that he collected in coln Interscholastic League was un- unexpected defeat at Vinalhaven ) altered by Saturday's results so far presidential candidates. La Follette • Boca Ceiga Bay. off Oulflport is new Thursday and the fact that Ogier, the has never forgiven Theodore Roose­ to science, and Dr. Ilall. honorary P AN J I E S an the relative positions of the star .shortstop was not in the lineup. velt for running In 1912, after La Fol- teams are concerned. Thomaston curator of mollusca of the Smithson­ Inquiry as to Ogier’s whereabouts lette's spectacular breakdown at ian Institution and National Museum l High experts to win over Lincoln BEDDING PLANTS was met with the sententious remark Philadelphia. This fact leads many , A uletny in Newcastle tomorrow, has named It Cae.um Lermondl, In —“fishing!” to heli: ve that his motive is purely his honor. yesterday. Follows the cast of char- ■ Grace Parker, teaching at South and then will be all set for the big The writer knows nothing about game with Rockland High on the a desire for revenge, a determination H« shipped home a barrel by FLOWER SEEDS 1 : acters: ] Cushing. the merits of the case, and doubts that the Republican party, because it freight, 14 large boxes by parcel post Catherine Kaler '24, Editor-in-1 Hazel Churchill, at home. Broadway Athletic Field next Satur­ net that Ogier may have a satisfac­ (Fresh Tested) day. Rockland High also has two will not give him the nomination, and brought with him his trunk and Chief. I Vivian Bartlett, employed in Rock- tory explanation, but if he «<uit a shall not win. But whatever his mo­ two hand bags full of shells, corals, games to play—the one just referred ; Marion Upham '24, Asst. Editor. [land. crucial game like Saturday’s merely tive there is no denying the fact etc. to. and on the following Saturday to go fishing his case needs atten­ that his apparent purpose is occa­ The Academy has recently received CUT FLOWERS with Camden. High on the Broadway tion. He certainly does not inherit sioning serious anxiety among the Athieti.- Field. The League stand­ as a gift from W. D. Novel of An­ that kind of sportsmanship from his leaders of both parties. dover, Maine, a very fine and val­ ing: faTher, who preferred playing base­ uable collection of Maine minerals, THE . Won L-oflt l'.c. • « • . ball to catching a nine-pountl salmon. including pink, green (light and 341 Main Street Thomaston .... 6 0 l.ooa The insurgents in Congress have Manning, who took Ogler’^ place dark) and black tourmalines; brown, GLAENTZELi►FLORIST 1 .833 approached the Democrats with a at short was the star of the game, blue and green beryl: and several ROCKLAND, ME., TEL. 120. .285 proposition to form a coalition to handling eight chances beautifully. of the rarer minerals, such as a ............... 1 .200 prevent adjournment June 7. as is de­ GREENHOUSES, CAMDEN, ME., TEL.
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