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Edgington, a graduate former Mason teacher. of Hillsdale college, Is a native · Pruden, who was picked from of Cement City. She Is a fifth a Ust of 40 applicants, has been grade teacher In the Mason sys. assistant principal at Niles, a tern. The Edgingtons have 2 school with an enr.ollment of daughters, Patricia, a freshman over 1,200. He served in that at Mason, and Pamela, a seventh capacity for 3 years. grader. Prior to serving at Niles, Pru­ den taught and coached at Stock­ With the hiring of the 2 prin­ bridge. He taught speech and cipals Mason's administrative physical education and was head Robert Pruclon Donald Edgington force Is complete, Pruden will basketball CIJach for 7 of Ills 10 oflll the l'acancy brought about years at Stockbridge. While at when M. Chandler Nauts was Stockbr ldge he also coached var­ lion from the University of Mich­ Chicago, Illinois. elevated to superintendent to sity baseball and was director of Igan was awarded In 1954, Edgington Is a native ofDetroit succeed James Vander Yen who summer recreation. where he graduated from M•:Ken• retired. Edgington will fill the Prudon holds degrees from Mr. and Mrs. Prudon have 3 zie high school in 1941, He serv­ vacancy caused when John Waldo Kalamazoo college and the Uni­ children, Kathy Jo, i4; Barbara, ed In the army from 1943 to 1946. accepted an elementary prlnci­ versity of Mlclilgan. He graduated 12; and David, 9. Mrs. Pruden is After his arm7 service he com­ palshlp In the Okemos school with a B.A. degree from Kala­ a native of Granville, Ohio, and pleted his college work at Hills­ system. Walter Mcintosh will mazoo In 1950, His M.A. degree graduated from Kalamazoo dale college, receiving a B.A. contlnue as elementary school The new half-million dollar Wickes Building Supply Center in In secondary school admlnlstra- college. Pruden is a native of degree In economics In 1947, coordinator. Mason has set Ju Iy 9 as the target date for its grand opening. The Wickes 40,000 square foot center occupies 27 acres and is located a mile Plt;~,s JStart south just off U.S. 127. The center wi II operate on a cash and carry Will basis, according to Robert Erskin, manager, and will handle top brand On New Park names and grades of lumber, hardware, plumbing, heating and Mason councilmen are going electrical appliances. Initially 10 men and women from the local area, ahead with some planning on the Open development of Lay lin park, the will be employed. This will be the 49th Wickes outlet in a chain that Brickyard pond area given to the stretches from coast-to-coast, and the 11th located in Michigan. This city of Mason by Mr. and Mrs. .luly 9 Arthur Jewett. picture taken shows a string of box cars being unloaded along the At Monday night's cour.cll specially-built spur track at the Wickes outlet. meeting City . Engineer Walter Zimmer was ordered to prepare a topographical map of the wood­ ed area. M:tyor Gilson Pearsall report­ ed that the a1·ea has great prom, Patrolman Resigns ·1se as a park but that It would Chief Tim Stolz oi the Mason require some professional plan­ Veterans Ingham Deputies Nab ning and time In order to devel­ pollee announced this week that op It properly. He also pointed Patrolman Richard Cooper, who out that another ingredient would has been a member of the de­ be money which could come from Seek Help partment for about 5 months, has Prison Farm Escapee the city recreation millage voted Mason veterans groups are resigned, effective July 1. Stolz this spring, seeking names and locations of said Cooper plans to join the Bennie Banks, a 21-year-old school at Fitchburg and Wright deceased veterans who do not Ingham county sherlli's depart­ Negro convict who walked away roads last Friday night as offi­ have VFW or American Legion ment. from the Dalton prison farm last cers searched the area for him, flag markers on graves. week Tuesday, was captured by He said he was hiding In a bush Robert Fuller of the VFW re­ Ingham county sheriff's o!f!cers and of!lcers passed within 2 feet City Lets quested the assistance of the Sunday night at Bunker and Toles of him. city and friends and relatives Thieves Hit roads In Aurelius township, Sher~ Earlier Friday a telephone em­ In Identifying graves for mark. Iff Kenneth L. Preadmore an­ ployee vlsHed the Wright school Paving Job ers. nounced Monday. to disconnect the school tele­ The VFW and American Le­ Restaurant phone. As he entered the build­ Spartan Aspbalt will pave and Officers were led to Banks as gion posts have markers for Entering through an open rear the result of a break-In at the Ing he came upon Banks. He told repave Mason streets. The Spar­ former members. They are Banks he would call the author­ tan firm was low bidder Mon. window, burglars rifled the cash home of Vlrgll Hock, 5249 Toles working with the city on a pro­ register In the Family cafe, 429 road. Chief Deputy Arlo Eare­ Ities and Banks fled out a rear Car Shows day night on furnishing and lay. ject to provide markers for those Impact s. Jefferson avenue, In the early good went to the Hock home door of the school Into the field. lng blacktop for one of Mason's deceased veterans with no veter­ hours of Saturday morning and Sunday night to Investigate the The search was called ofl at most extensive pavlngprograms. ans group associations. 10 p.m. The Spartan bid was $45,- escaped with between $75 and $901 break-In and found in a shed To aid In the project City pollee. reported this week. 284.50, The other bidder was Engineer Walter Zimmer ispre­ on the place, a bundle of prison Boy Robbed Pollee Chief Tim Stolz said the clothing, including prison-type At the time of his escape Banks Relth-Rlley Construction com­ paring a detailed map of burial was serving time In prison for pany with a bid price of $50,190, plots at Maple Grove. restaurant closed at 2:30a.m. and overalls, a trench· coat and a was to reopen at 5:30a.m. James pair of prison-made shoes. unlawfully driving away an auto. On Street Due to get the paving are Val­ Relatives who desire flag mobile and breaking and enter­ ley Court, North Rogers, Kerns, Rife, the proprietor was asleep Shortly after this discovery a Mason pollee are looking for markers have been asked to con­ Ing in the night time. Ann, West Elm, East Elm, Jef­ In the basement of the building resident In the vicinity reported a young man who accosted a tact City Clerk Harold Barnhlll. ferson, Okemos and Mason while the burglary was In pro­ to the sheriff's department a Mason boy on the street last gress, Stolz said. Negro man was walking bare­ Banks told officers that when he streets along with some patch was captured he had lost his way. Thursday about 8 p.m., threat­ jobs on other city streets. Taxi, Taxi! Pollee said they found finger­ footed along Bunker road east ened him and robbed him of his A heavy detail of sheriff's Mason may have another taxi prints on the window through toward Gall road, money, Pressroom Sale which the burglars made entry, officers and Citizens' Radio band venture. Mrs, Audrey Newman Sheriffs cars converged on the operators conducted the search. Terry Zanger, 131 of 123 W, Another theft was reported to Sycamore street, was walking It's finally happened. The and Martha McKinzie requested scene and Banks was picked up Trade Mart Is having a Press­ the council's approval for set­ pollee last Saturday morning west on the north side of the also. Thieves pried the coin box at 10:30 p.m. They said he had She rill Preadmore said he will 100 block of E. Ash street when room Sale In the old Ingham ting aside a parking space at the a knife on his person when cap- . prosecute Banks for breaking and County News building on South northwest corner of Jefferson and off a pop machine outside the he saw a light blue Ford car Cedarway Shell station at Cedar tured. entering. Banks was brought to parked at the curb with 3 men Jefferson. The Mason second­ Maple on Jefferson for a taxi Banks told officers he was the Ingham county Jail to await hand and antique firm ·has re­ stand, The council granted per­ and Columbia streets and es­ in it.
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