Cfje Jleto ^ampsfjtrt VOLUME NO. 44 ISSUE 22 UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE, DURHAM, N. H. — October 21, 1954 PRICE — SEVEN CENTS Evaluations Rolling Ridge Convo Report Expect 1750 Tomorrow Filed By Steering Committee by Neil Sherman The steering committee for the Rolling Ridge Conference has returned a very comprehensive report on the activities and attitudes at Rolling Ridge For Hi-U Day Program this year. The committee gathered their information through the medium of question and opinion blanks distributed to the nearly one hundred students and by Neil Sherman faculty members present at the conference. Added to this material is in forma­ tion taken from the notes of the secretaries of the various organizations that Tomorrow 1750 high school students from all over New Hampshire will arrive on the campus attended. of the University in observance of the annual Hi-U day. They will be met and welcomed by 300 It has been determined that over percent favored the continuance of the students who will spend the day showing them the various aspects of college life and the opportuni­ Rolling Ridge Conferences, however, 52 ties it offers. percent of those people voted to have the Christopher Lynch The high schoolers will be divided into groups, freshmen and sophomores, juniors and seniors. conference alternate' each year with dis­ Activities have been planned to encompass all age groups and interests. The students will be con­ cussions on general campus problems. ducted to New Hampshire Hall where an informal coffee hour will be held in the Alumni Room and Impressed Sings A t 8 Tonight More than 90 percent of the partici­ members of the faculty will greet them. pants found the conference personally At 10 :30 the serious part of the day’s ' " ' valuable — about five percent found the program will get under way when panel 66 conference did not impress them as being discussions pertaining to college life, Now When I Was Here.. particularly valuable. Especially stressed studies and activities, will be held in reasons for personal benefit were the classrooms all over the campus. The chance to meet others in a spirit of co freshmen and sophomore groups will be operation and the chance to get to know shown slides on the whys and wTerefore the members of their own particular or­ of a college education. ganization better. Many were impressed Juniors And Seniors with the close student-administration re­ The junior and senior grups will at­ lationship. tend smaller panel meetings, each of The conference further provided a which is in connection with the particular chance to arange a program and agenda field in which their interests lie. These for the coming year. It was suggested briefly are: liberal arts, agriculture, tech­ that the workbooks for the conference, nology, science, teaching, public, health, while very helpful, should be enlarged to business and home economics. provide more space for spur of the mo­ Lunch will be served to the visitors in ment notes on the conference and suggest­ the field house between noon and 1 p.m., ion for coming conferences. Information at which time they will be entertained by was also obtained on length of the ses­ the University band, under the direction sions at the conference. Most of the dele­ of Professor David M. Smith. Music gates felt that the present length as well will also be provided during the day by as the length of the conference as a whole the Henderson Memorial Carillon. (continued on page 8) In the afternoon the students will tour the campus. Informal open house will be held by the fraternities and the sororities, Christopher Lynch in the laboratories, at the Notch, and in Mike and Dial Will the ROTC rooms. Exhibits will be shown Newman Club will sponsor Christopher by the various departments, featuring Lynch, lyric tenor, in a concert to be their activities. Air Brandeis Game held in Murkland Auditorium tonight at The high school students will be given 8 p.m. Campus radio station W M DR has the chance to attend sample twenty min­ Mr. Lynch is a native of Ireland and announced details of their broadcast of ute classes to see how college instruction has been in this country since 1946 sing­ the UNH-Brandeis football game this and learning take place. They are to have ing on radio, and television. He is a Saturday. The play-by-play broadcast their choice of Humanities, economics, protege of John McCormack, the famous will originate direct from the campus of Mechanical Engineering, chemistry, agri­ Irish singer. TOM WALKER, 1954-55 STUDENT SENATE PRESIDENT left Brandeis University in Waltham, Mass. culture, and English. Born in Ireland talks over Senate problems with Robert Merchant, the first president of Senate Will Tell Requirements Broadcast time will be 1:55 p.m. to the The son of a Limerick stock farmer, and Carlton Eldrede, last year’s president. Eldredge visited the University of end of the game at 650 on the radio dial. At 2 :30 an informal discussion will be Christopher spent a part of his youth New Hampshire campus last weekend, coming from Washington where he is The College Shop is again sponsoring held in Murkland Hall at which the di­ working on his father’s farm and planned attending the Georgetown law school. Merchant is doing graduate work in gov­ rector of admissions Donald Richards, the program. of becoming a breeder of prize horses. ernment here, and is house director of East Hall. Tom Walker, majoring in Also announced by Eliot Jameson, will be on hand to talk to interested stu­ He did dream of a career in athletics, psychology, is the fourth president in the Senate’s short history. dents about marks and admission re­ president of Mike and Dial, was the di­ and was selected for the Irish “all state” rect broadcasts from the Notch on Hi- team in the game of hurley, Ireland’s quirements. Eases Faculty Load U Day tomorrow. Broadcasting facili­ Hi-U day will close at 3:15 with a national game. ties will be set up and programs of music concert given by the University choir at From his singing in church choir his and interviews with high school students New Hampshire Hall. Through the close voice impressed the wife of a banker who will be run from 9 a.m. till 4 p.m. cooperation of the students and faculty encouraged him to study voice. From Senate Asks Shortened Exam A new program has been added to the of the University, it is expected that the listening to phonograph records of famous regular broadcasting schedule of radio high schoolers will depart with pleasant operatic singers, young Lynch learned station W M DR which is to be called recollectons of the day they spent in the elements of voice control. “ On the Grill.” Under the direction of Durham and a more crystalized idea of Period To Allow For Vacation Knew John McCormack Guy Harriman and Fred Wooster, the what college life is really like. As an amateur in a local musical, Initating a new policy of holding informal meetings in the Alumni Room at newest of W M D R ’s shows will be panel Lynch’s talents impressed friends of John New Hampshire Hall between the formal sessions, the Student Senate met discussions of campus topics and prob­ McCormack and soon afterw/ards the Monday evening to discuss approving the campus calender for 1955-56 sub­ lems every Tuesday from 9 to 9:30 p.m. young singer met the famous Irish tenor. Student Rates for mitted by the Faculty Senate. The proposed celender would shorten the exami­ The first two programs were concerned When McCormack first heard Lynch nation period so that a short vacation would be. given between semesters. with the 1954-1955 University Calendar sing he was impressed by his voice and Brandeis Game and University Day. The next program by Jim Budd character. He predicted a future for the to be broadcast next Tuesday will be en­ Arrangements have been made singer which has often been interpreted Class Of ’58 And Winter Carnival would be held at titled: “ Campus Clothes and Curfew, or as McCormack’s way of passing his place so that UNH students wishing to Too Little and Too Late.” that time. The actual examination per­ on to the younger talent. attend the UNH-Brandeis game iod would be shortened by holding Due to the new housing arrangements Coached in Dublin Transfers Top Goal in College Road Dormitory, Mike and Saturday in Waltham, Mass., may three two-hour exams a day instead of McCormack sent the boy to his own the two three-hour finals given under Dial has moved its broadcasting facilities teacher in Dublin where he was coached purchase half-price tickets. Simply back into the studio in T-Hall third floor. Officials of the Student Memorial Union the present set-up. in his art. McCormack continued his in­ present your student Identification Campaign have announced the success of The transmitter is being kept in College terest in young Lynch, but died before Four Day Rest Road Dormtory and a line run between Card at the Brandeis University the pledging of this year’s freshman class.” final success was achieved. Ticket Window. Under the present conditions the the two buildings so that receiving power Coming to New York from his native Pledges from 711 freshmen amounted to $20,537.00. This is $2,537.00 over the faculty bas a heavy work load in will be constant. It is now possible for Ireland, Lynch began to carve himself interested persons to visit the studios of goal of $18,000.
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