September 19, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1451 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS RECOGNIZING MARIPOSA COUNTY ice to the United States Army and to the HONORING SARAH KENNEDY DISTRICT THREE SUPERVISOR United States of America. Lieutenant Colonel JANET BIBBY Evan Ewachiw will be transitioning from his HON. HOWARD P. ‘‘BUCK’’ McKEON present assignment as an Army Congressional OF CALIFORNIA Budget Liaison (SAFM–BUL) to serve as an HON. TOM McCLINTOCK IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF CALIFORNIA operations research analyst for the Deputy Chief of Staff, G–1, United States Army. Thursday, September 18, 2014 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES A native of Fallston, Maryland, Lieutenant Mr. MCKEON. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Thursday, September 18, 2014 Colonel Ewachiw was accepted into the Col- honor a young lady from California’s 25th dis- Mr. MCCLINTOCK. Mr. Speaker, I rise today lege of William and Mary’s Reserve Officer trict who is making a lasting difference in our in recognition of The Honorable Janet Bibby, Training Corps program in 1991 and, upon community, one friendship at a time. Mariposa County Supervisor. graduation in 1995, was commissioned a Reg- I’ve been blessed with the honor of serving Janet Bibby was born and raised in ular Army Infantry Officer. LTC Ewachiw grad- in Congress for nearly 22 years, and I’ve had Mariposa County. She grew up in a ranching uated with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Eco- the pleasure of meeting many extraordinary family with five generations of deep roots in nomics. He has subsequently earned Master’s people. However, today, it is a privilege to the community. degrees in Legislative Affairs and Operations share a few words about the inspiring work of Ms. Bibby’s love of community forged the Research from the George Washington Uni- Sarah Kennedy. beginnings of her career as a public servant in versity and Florida Institute of Technology, re- Sarah is a 14-year old student from Santa Mariposa County in 1985. Janet served as the spectively. Clarita, California. I had the joy of meeting Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, and worked Lieutenant Colonel Evan Ewachiw’s assign- Sarah and her family not too long ago. It was in the District Attorney’s office and the Farm ments have been diverse and include service evident from our brief conversation that Sarah Advisors office. As a clerk in the District Attor- within the Active Duty Army, as well as the is a person who can transcend boundaries, ney’s office, she devoted herself to making the Army National Guard. His assignments include and her honest and sincere personality lights community a better place to live, work, and Infantry Platoon Leader in B Company 1–503 up a room. Sarah is the type of person you recreate. She was elected to the Mariposa Infantry, Camp Casey, the Republic of Korea; want to know and befriend. Board of Supervisors in 2003 to represent the Information Management Officer, 10th Special Actually, friendship is her secret weapon. third district—an honor she has held for the Forces Group, Fort Carson, Colorado; Signal Sarah is behind a growing anti-bullying move- past eleven years. Detachment Commander and Battalion Signal ment that recognizes the good in everyone. Janet Bibby has taken her commitment to Officer, 19th Special Forces Group, Colorado Through the power of relationships, Sarah public service seriously, tirelessly working for Army National Guard; Operations Research breaks down the boundaries that often divide the constituents of Mariposa County. Her con- Analyst, National Guard Bureau, Arlington, Vir- students in our schools. Upon meeting some- tributions to the advancement of agriculture in ginia; Army Congressional Fellow in the office one, Sarah offers the individual a gumball, and Mariposa are notable, as she has promoted of Representative JOHN CULBERSON (TX–17); soon they are fast friends. I wouldn’t be sur- the industry throughout her career. Janet has and most recently as a Congressional Budget prised if every student in Santa Clarita has a been involved in a variety of county-improve- Liaison Officer. Additionally, Lieutenant Colo- gumball by now. ment projects to benefit those she represents, nel Ewachiw deployed to Kabul, Afghanistan, Too often in our busy lives, we forget about including: the Yosemite Wastewater Treatment in 2002 in support of Operation Enduring the power of the simple things in life. A simple Project, the construction of the Don Pedro Freedom. ‘‘hello’’, a modest ‘‘how are you’’, these hum- Wastewater Treatment Facility, a multitude of Lieutenant Colonel Ewachiw’s leadership ble words make a difference. Through Sarah’s projects to improve the local airport, and innu- throughout his career has positively impacted inspiring and wise actions, she is bringing stu- merable efforts to improve funding and sup- his soldiers, peers, and superiors. As an Army dents together. Adults should stand ready to port for fire stations. Budget Liaison Officer for the past two years learn from her as well. We all have time in our Janet has also made significant efforts to with the Office of the Assistant Secretary of busy days to make a friend. make the county family-focused, such as the the Army for Financial Management and As a father, grandfather, and great-grand- creation of the Recreational Sports Complex, Comptroller, he worked directly with the House father, I am grateful for the noble pursuit the Mariposa Park Amphitheatre, the Arts and Senate Appropriations Committees to Sarah has undertaken. Mr. Speaker, we know Park, and the Skate Park. educate and inform Representatives, Sen- that Sarah is fighting the good fight. I know This is only a sampling of the work Ms. ators, and congressional staff about military that her family is proud of her, and I stand Bibby has done for the community. She con- and civilian personnel issues, force structure, here today to congratulate Sarah on her stantly strives to make Mariposa safer, strong- operation and maintenance, and the Army progress. I hope everyone has the chance to er, and more united. I am proud to honor and Working Capital Fund. Additionally, he served have a true friend like Sarah Kennedy. thank Mariposa County District Three Super- as the Army’s liaison to the Office of Manage- Sarah is an inspiration to all of us, and she visor Janet Bibby for her many years of public ment and Budget and the Congressional has a friend in me. and community service. Budget Office. f f Our country has been enriched by Lieuten- ant Colonel Ewachiw’s extraordinary leader- RECOGNIZING THE 103RD ANNIVER- PAYING TRIBUTE TO LIEUTENANT ship, thoughtful judgment, and exemplary SARY OF DOUBLE TEN DAY FOR COLONEL EVAN C. EWACHIW FOR work. As a personal matter, I have benefited THE PEOPLE OF TAIWAN HIS EXCEPTIONAL SERVICE TO from his counsel and I deeply respect this offi- THE UNITED STATES ARMY AND cer for his dedication to serving others. HON. MADELEINE Z. BORDALLO TO OUR NATION Mr. Speaker, it has been a pleasure to work OF GUAM with Lieutenant Colonel Evan C. Ewachiw dur- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ing his time as an Army Congressional Budget HON. PETER J. VISCLOSKY Thursday, September 18, 2014 OF INDIANA Liaison. On behalf of a grateful nation, I join IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES my colleagues today in recognizing and com- Ms. BORDALLO. Mr. Speaker, I rise today mending Lieutenant Colonel Evan Ewachiw for to congratulate the people of Taiwan on the Thursday, September 18, 2014 almost two decades of service to his country. upcoming celebration of the 103rd anniversary Mr. VISCLOSKY. Mr. Speaker, I rise to pay We wish Evan, his wife Carrie, and his chil- of ‘‘Double Ten Day.’’ Double Ten Day traces tribute to Lieutenant Colonel Evan C. Ewachiw dren Ana and Rhys all the best as they con- its roots to the Wuchang Uprising that oc- for his exceptional dedication to duty and serv- tinue their journey in the United States Army. curred on October 10, 1911. The Wuchang ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:14 Sep 20, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K18SE8.001 E19SEPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1452 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 19, 2014 Uprising signaled the end of the Qing Dynasty thousands of women mostly from Korea and and beyond, and I am confident that the orga- and the start of a democratic movement that China to serve as sex slaves for the Japanese nization will continue to serve as a leading- we continue to celebrate and recognize. Dou- Imperial Army. Estimates vary as to how many edge think tank for many years to come. ble Ten Day is a celebration of the birth of de- women were involved, but most agree the Please join me in congratulating Bioneers on mocracy and the Republic of China. number is around 200,000. their 25th anniversary celebration and wish I want to especially recognize the people of These women were referred to as ‘‘comfort them many more successful years. Taiwan on this important occasion. The women.’’ But there was nothing comfortable f strength of the relationship between the peo- about their role. The first so-called ‘‘comfort ple of Taiwan and the people of the United station’’ opened in Shanghai in 1932. These PERSONAL EXPLANATION States is strong. I look forward to continue stations were used to satisfy the sexual de- working to expand business opportunities as sires of Japanese troops.
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