ARMY www.supplyroom.com Photo Courtesy of Damian Trice Phone Orders: (800) 458-5180 • (256) 835-7676 • Fax Orders: (800) 521-5027 Email: orders@supplyroom.com • info@supplyroom.com Catalog 134 2 ACU Patches with Hook Fastener 1st Infantry Div 1st Armor Div 1st Cavalry Div 1st Army 1st Aviation Bde 1st Corps 1st Field Force 1st Support Cmd 1st Personnel Cmd 1st Signal Bde 1st Mar Exp Frc PV-0001A PV-0001B PV-0001C PV-0001D PV-0001E PV-0001F PV-0001G PV-0001H PV-0001I PV-0001J PV-0001K 1st Medical Bde 1st Info Op Cmd 1st Space Bde 1st Sustainment Bde 1st Infantry Div 1st Man Enhance 1st Eng Bde 1st Marine Div 1st Mission Spt Cmd 2nd Infantry Div 2nd Armor Div PV-0001L PV-0001M PV-0001N PV-0001O PV-0001P PV-0001Q PV-0001S PV-0001U PV-0001V PV-0002A PV-0002B 2nd Army Cavalry 2nd Army 2nd Field Force 2nd Mil Int Cmd 2nd Signal Bde 2nd Support Bde 2nd Medical Bde 2nd Marine Aircraft 2nd Eng Bde 2nd Marine Div 3rd Infantry Div PV-0002C PV-0002D PV-0002E PV-0002F PV-0002G PV-0002H PV-0002I Wing PV-0002K PV-0002U PV-0003A PV-0002J 3rd Armor Div 3rd Army 3rd Corps 3rd COSCOM 3rd Personnel Cmd 3rd Signal Bde 3rd Cav Regt 3rd Med Cmd 3rd Trans Agency 3rd Chemical Bde 3rd Sust Bde PV-0003B PV-0003C PV-0003D PV-0003E PV-0003F PV-0003G PV-0003H PV-0003I PV-0003J PV-0003K PV-0003L 3rd Marine Aircraft 3rd Man Enhance Bde 3rd Marine Div 4th Infantry Div 4th Army 4th Trans Cmd 4th Medical Bde 4th Man Enhan Bde 4th Sust Cmd 4th Sust Bde 5th Infantry Div Wing PV-0003N PV-0003U PV-0004A PV-0004B PV-0004C PV-0004D PV-0004E PV-0004K PV-0004L PV-0005A PV-0003M 5th Army 5th Corps 5th Bde Trn 5th Signal Cmd 5th Medical Bde 6th Infantry Div 6th Army 6th Army Cavalry 6th Cav Bde 6th Signal Cmd 7th Inf Div PV-0005B PV-0005C PV-0005D PV-0005E PV-0005G PV-0006A PV-0006B PV-0006C PV-0006D PV-0006E PV-0007A 7th Army 7th Corps 7th Army Spt Cmd 7th Engineer Bde 7th Medical Cmd 7th Signal Bde 7th Trans Cmd 7th Army Reserve Cmd 7th Civil Spt Cmd 8th Infantry Div 8th Army PV-0007B PV-0007C PV-0007D PV-0007E PV-0007F PV-0007G PV-0007H PV-0007I PV-0007J PV-0008A PV-0008B 8th Medical Bde 8th Personnel Cmd 8th MP Bde 8th Theater Sust Cmd 9th Infantry Div 9th Corps 9th Support Cmd 10th Infantry Div 10th ADA 10th Personnel Cmd 10th Sustainment Bde PV-0008C PV-0008D PV-0008E PV-0008F PV-0009A PV-0009B PV-0009C PV-0010A PV-0010B PV-0010C PV-0010D Phone Order: (800)458-5180 • (256)835-7676 • Fax Order: (800)521-5027 • (256)835-7699 ACU Patches with Hook Fastener 3 Prices for every item in this catalog can be found at http://www.pricelist.supplyroom.com/134.pdf 11th Arm Cavalry 11th ADA 11th Aviation Bde 11th Signal Bde 11th MP Bde 12th Aviation Bde 13th Sust Cmd 13th Finance Gp 13th Army Band 14th MP Bde 15th Sustainment Bde PV-0011A PV-0011B PV-0011C PV-0011D PV-0011E PV-0012A PV-0013A PV-0013B PV-0013C PV-0014A PV-0015A 15th Signal Bde 15th MP Bde 16th MP Bde 16th Engineer Bde 16th Sustainment Bde 16th Avn Bde 17th Aviation Bde 17th FA Bde 17th Sustainment Bde 18th Airborne Corps 18th Aviation Bde PV-0015B PV-0015C PV-0016A PV-0016B PV-0016C PV-0016D PV-0017A PV-0017B PV-0017C PV-0018A PV-0018B 18th Engineer Bde 18th FA Bde 18th Medical Bde 18th MP Bde 19th Support Cmd 20th Engineer Bde 20th Aviation Bde 20th Support Cmd 21st Sust Cmd 21st Cavalry Bde 21st Signal Bde PV-0018D PV-0018E PV-0018F PV-0018G PV-0019A PV-0020A PV-0020B PV-0020C PV-0021A PV-0021B PV-0021C 22nd Support Bde 22nd Signal Bde 23rd Corps 23rd Infantry Div 24th Infantry Div 24th Corps 25th Infantry Div 26th Man Enhan Bde 27th Infantry Bde 28th Infantry Div 29th Infantry Bde PV-0022A PV-0022B PV-0023A PV-0023B PV-0024A PV-0024B PV-0025A PV-0026A PV-0027A PV-0028A PV-0029A 29th Infantry Div 30th Armor Bde 30th Armor Div 30th Armored Bde 30th Medical Bde 30th ADA Bde 31st ADA 31st Armor Bde 32nd ADA 32nd Infantry Bde 32nd Support Cmd PV-0029B PV-0030A PV-0030B PV-0030D PV-0030E PV-0030F PV-0031A PV-0031B PV-0032A PV-0032B PV-0032C 32nd Medical Bde 33rd Infantry Bde 34th Infantry Div 35th ADA 35th Engineer Bde 35th Infantry Div 35th Signal Bde 36th Infantry Div 36th Engineer Group 36th Sustainment Bde 37th Trans Gp PV-0032D PV-0033A PV-0034A PV-0035A PV-0035B PV-0035C PV-0035D PV-0036A PV-0036B PV-0036C PV-0037A 37th Inf Bde CMBT 38th Infantry Div 38th Sust Bde 38th ADA Bde 39th Infantry Bde 40th Armor Bde 40th Infantry Div 41st FA Bde 41st Infantry Div 42nd FA Bde 42nd Infantry Div PV-0037B PV-0038A PV-0038B PV-0038C PV-0039A PV-0040A PV-0040B PV-0041A PV-0041B PV-0042A PV-0042B 42nd MP Bde 42nd Spt Gp 43rd Infantry Bde 43 MP Bde 43d Sustainment Bde 44th Medical Bde 45th Infantry Bde 45th FA Bde 45th Sustainment Bde 46th MP Command 47th Infantry Div PV-0042C PV-0042D PV-0043A PV-0043B PV-0043C PV-0044A PV-0045A PV-0045B PV-0045C PV-0046A PV-0047A Email: orders@supplyroom.com • info@supplyroom.com • Web: www.supplyroom.com 4 ACU Patches with Hook Fastener 48th Infantry Bde 48th Chem Bde 49th Armor Div 49th MP Bde 49th QM Group 50th Armor Div 50th Infantry Bde 50th Support Gp 52nd Ord Group 53rd Signal Bde 53rd Infantry Bde PV-0048A PV-0048B PV-0049A PV-0049B PV-0049C PV-0050A PV-0050B PV-0050C PV-0052A PV-0053A PV-0053B 54th FA Bde 55th Sustainment Bde 56th FA Bde 57th FA Bde 58th Infantry Bde 59th Ordance Bde 62nd Medical Bde 63rd Infantry Div 63rd Aviation Bde 65th Fires Bdg 66th Aviation Bde PV-0054A PV-0055A PV-0056A PV-0057A PV-0058A PV-0059A PV-0062A PV-0063A PV-0063B PV-0065B PV-0066A 66th Mil Int Bde 67th Battlefield Surv 67th Army Band 69th ADA 70th Infantry Div 71st Ordnance Gp 72nd FA Bde 73rd Infantry Bde 75th FA Bde 75th Infantry Div 75th Infantry Scroll PV-0066B PV-0067A PV-0067B PV-0069A PV-0070A PV-0071A PV-0072A PV-0073A PV-0075A PV-0075B PV-0075C 1/75th Infantry Scroll 2/75th Infantry Scroll 3/75th Infantry Scroll 75th Ranger, STB 76th Infantry Div 76th Infantry Bde 77th Sust Bde 77th Avn Bde 78th Infantry Div 78th Avn Trp Cmd 79th Infantry Div PV-0075D PV-0075E PV-0075F PV-0075G PV-0076A PV-0076B PV-0077A PV-0077B PV-0078A PV-0078B PV-0079A 79th Infantry CT 80th Infantry Div 81st ARCOM 81st Infantry Bde 82nd Airborne Div 82nd Sust Bde 83rd Infantry Div 84th Infantry Div 85th Infantry Div 85th Civ Aff 86th Infantry Div PV-0079B PV-0080A PV-0081A PV-0081B PV-0082A PV-0082B PV-0083A PV-0084A PV-0085A PV-0085C PV-0086A 86th Infantry Bde 87th Infantry Div 88th Reg Spt Cmd 89th Infantry Div 89th MP Bde 90th RES Cmd 91st Infantry Div 92nd Infantry Bde 93rd Signal Bde 94th ADA 94th Infantry Div PV-0086B PV-0087A PV-0088A PV-0089A PV-0089B PV-0090A PV-0091A PV-0092A PV-0093A PV-0094A PV-0094B 94th Army Band 95th Infantry Div 95th Civil Affairs Bde 96th ARCOM 97th Training Bde 98th ARCOM 99th ARCOM 100th Infantry Div 100th Missile Def Bde 101st Airborne Div 101st Sust Bde PV-0094C PV-0095A PV-0095B PV-0096A PV-0097A PV-0098A PV-0099A PV-0100A PV-0100B PV-0101A PV-0101B 102nd ARCOM 103rd FA Bde 103rd Sust Cmd 104th Infantry Div 106th Signal Bde 107th Armored Cavalry 108th Abn Div 108th ADA 108th Sustainment Bde 110th Aviation Bde 110th Man Enhan Bde PV-0102A PV-0103A PV-0103B PV-0104A PV-0106A PV-0107A PV-0108A PV-0108B PV-0108C PV-0110A PV-0110B Phone Order: (800)458-5180 • (256)835-7676 • Fax Order: (800)521-5027 • (256)835-7699 ACU Patches with Hook Fastener 5 Prices for every item in this catalog can be found at http://www.pricelist.supplyroom.com/134.pdf 111th ADA 111th Eng Bde 112th Med Bde 113th FA Bde 113th Sustainment Bde 115th FA Bde 115th Support Group 116th Infantry Bde 116th Arm Cav 120th ARCOM 120th Infantry Bde PV-0111A PV-0111B PV-0112A PV-0113A PV-0113B PV-0115A PV-0115B PV-0116A PV-0116B PV-0120A PV-0120B 121st ARCOM 122nd ARCOM 122nd Army Band 123rd ARCOM 124th ARCOM 124th Trans Cmd 125th ARCOM 125th Trans Cmd 128th Aviation 130th Engineer Bde 130th FA Bde PV-0121A PV-0122A PV-0122B PV-0123A PV-0124A PV-0124B PV-0125A PV-0125B PV-0128A PV-0130A PV-0130B 130th Man Enhan Bde 135th FA Bde 135th Sust Cmd 135th Army Band 136th Man Enhan Bde 138th FA Bde 141st Man Enhan Bde 142nd FA Bde 142nd Signal Bde 142 Btlfld Srv 143rd Trans Cmd PV-0130C PV-0135A PV-0135B PV-0135C PV-0136A PV-0138A PV-0141A PV-0142A PV-0142B PV-0142C PV-0143A 149th Armor Bde 151st FA Bde 153rd FA Bde 155th Armor Bde 156th QM Cmd 157th Infantry Bde 158th Infantry Bde 158th Mnvr Enh Bde 160th Signal Bde 162nd Infantry Bde 163rd Arm Cav PV-0149A PV-0151A PV-0153A PV-0155A PV-0156A PV-0157A PV-0158A PV-0158B PV-0160A PV-0162A PV-0163A 164th ADA 165th Inf Bde 166th Avn Bde 167th Sust Cmd 168th Eng Bde 169th FA Bde 170th Infantry Div 171st Infantry Bde 172nd Infantry Bde 173rd Abn Bde 174th Inf Bde PV-0164A PV-0165A PV-0166A PV-0167A PV-0168A PV-0169A PV-0170A PV-0171A PV-0172A PV-0173A PV-0174A 174th ADA 175th Finance Ctr 175th Medical Bde 176th Engineer Bde 177th Armor Bde 177th MP Bde 181st Inf Bde 184th Sust Cmd 185th Aviation Bde 187th Infantry Bde 187th Signal Bde PV-0174B PV-0175A PV-0175B PV-0176A PV-0177A PV-0177B PV-0181A PV-0184A PV-0185A PV-0187B PV-0187C 188th Infantry Bde 189th Inf Bde 192nd Infantry Bde 193rd Infantry Bde 194th Armor Bde 194th Engineer Bde 196th Infantry Bde 196th FA Bde 196th Man Enh Bde 197th Infantry Bde 197th FA Bde PV-0188A PV-0189A PV-0192A PV-0193A PV-0194A PV-0194B PV-0196A PV-0196B PV-0196C PV-0197A PV-0197B 198th Infantry Bde 198th Army Band 199th Infantry Bde 200th MP Cmd 201st Mil Int Bde 204th Man Enhan Bde 204th Army Band 205th Infantry Bde 205th Mil Int Bde 207th Mil Int Bde 209th FA Bde PV-0198A PV-0198B PV-0199A PV-0200A PV-0201A PV-0204A PV-0204B PV-0205A PV-0205B PV-0207A PV-0209A Email: orders@supplyroom.com • info@supplyroom.com • Web: www.supplyroom.com 6 ACU
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