THE SENTINEL August 5, 1932 LOS ANGELES JEWS WHO SOUGHT SETTLEMENT IN LAKEVIEW Quality BIRA BIDJAN DESERTING MARKETS Moscow (J. T. A.)-A group of Original R. HORKY, Proprietor Weddings Los Angeles Jews who migrated to Bira Bidjan in 2873 Broadway 2311 Devon Ave. June with a view to permanent settlement there are either 4637 Broadway 2317 Devon Ave. GOLD'S 4723 Broadway 2635 Devon Ave. returning to the United States, dis- Announcement 5040 Broadway 1133 Granville Ave. is made of the ap- appointed, or coming to Moscow with POMPEIAN proaching marriage of Miss Jeannette the hope of settling in Moscow, the 3255 Bryn Mawr Ave. 3201 N. Halsted St. BANQUET ROOM 3356 Bryn Mawr Ave. 1965 Howard St. Mendelson, daughter of Mrs. Rose S. "Emess" reports. Adams, 1369 Hyde Park boulevard, 3370 N. Clark St. 3310 Lincoln Ave. to' The paper mentions the Jewish Everything New Willard L. Levy, son of Mr. and Mrs. 4544 N. Clark St. 4042 Lincoln Ave. families named Filtzman, Heller, NEW COOLING PLANT 5046 N. Clark St. 4756 Lincoln Ave. M. F. Levy, 438 Oakdale avenue. Konsev and Bomart, among those who All Our Cooking Is Strictly Kosher 5250 N. Clark St. 4807 Lincoln Ave. Announcement is made of the mar- are deserting Bira Bidjan. The first All our Wedding Cakes are Baked In 5312 N. Clark St. 1820 Montrose Ave. riage of Miss Anita Epstein, daughter two are already en route to the our own Bake Shop on Premises 5342 N. Clark St. 1441 Morse Ave. of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Epstein, 5501 United States. Distinctive for Weddings, 5552 N. Clark St. 4413 Sheridan Road Congress street, to Jacob Morton Fish- In this connection, the "Emess" 6659 N. Clark St. 6562 Sheridan Road man of Chicago. severely criticizes the American or- Banquets and Social 1245 Devon Ave. 3423 Southport Ave. Mrs. Anna Kaufman of Greenville, ganization "Icor" for sending as pros- Functions 1515 Devon Ave. 3707 Southport Ave. S. C., announces the marriage of her pective settlers "traders and specu- 808-10-12 1533 Devon Ave. 6240 N. Western Ave. daughter, Sally, to Ansel Rothstein, lators who not only are unfit for Bira WEST INDEPENDENT son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rothstein Bidjan, but spread counter-revolu- ROOSEVELT ROAD CHICAGO'S LARGEST of South Bend, formerly of Chicago.. tionary sentiments there." For Reservations Call MEAT DEALER The bride and groom will reside in The paper quotes Mr. Filtzman as Monroe 3417 General Offices and Commissary South Bend. stating prior to his departure: "I No Connection With Any Other 1236-1238 GEORGE STREET Mn. and Mrs. Mike Telechansky, would rather stand in line for Hoo- Restaurant in Chicago Buckingham 4370, All Departments 5053 Ellis avenue, announce the mar- ver's charity soup than enjoy the so- Always Cool riage of their daughter, Yetta, to Hy called Soviet fortunes." S. Gratch, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Twenty-seven American Jews, in- Gratch, 1305 South Millard avenue. cluding three women and six children The bride and groom have returned who landed in Leningrad on their way from an eastern trip and are residing to Bira Bidjan were not cared for by at 5053 Ellis avenue. the Leningrad Ozet with the result Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ollswang, 234 that for three days they remained Radio Bargains Pine avenue, announce the marriage without food or shelter, the "Emess" ON on July 17 of their daughter, Myrtle also reports. FLOOR SAMPLES Ruth, to S. R. Levinson of Chicago. Punishment for the Leningrad Ozet Sanitary Cleaners Mr. and Mrs. Levinson are honey- is demanded by the Jewish Communist We have a few standard mooning in the west. Quality Work daily. make latest model radio sets which have been used At Popular Prices NATHANYAH SCHOOL HONORS PEDDLER LICENSE IN HAVANA HOWARD BLUM, President OSCAR STRAUS RAISED FROM $6 TO $129 on our own floors for dem- onstration which we will 2649-59 SHEFFIELD AVENUE Tel-Aviv (J. T. A.)-The children Havana (J. T. A.)-The municipal- close out at a tremendous of Nathanyah have named their new ity of Havana has adopted a measure We Call and Deliever school house in honor of the late increasing the price of peddler's li- savings. Act quick. Sup. 2352 censes from $6 to $129 per 541 RUSH STREET Oscar Straus, American Ambassador person. Terms if Desired 1453 N. CLARK STREET Sup. 8886 to Turkey. The founders of the The measure severely affects 500 3300 BROADWAY Lakeview 8884 colony who three years ago when they Jewish peddlers, none of whom are 1 N. CICERO AVENUE Col. 5750 broke ground, lived in tents, named in a position to pay the license fee. 460 N. PARKSIDE Est. 1691 the colony after the late Nathan As a result, they will be compelled 5235 N. CLARK STREET Sunn. 9300 Straus. The laying of the new cor- to seek new means of livelihood after Wonder Radio Sales Co. Hyde Park 1410 434 E. 61st STREET ner stone was coupled with a vivid August 1, when the licenses must be - Two Stores - 970 LINDEN AVENUE ceremonial of the delivery of deeds renewed. Sixty per cent of the fami- 3150 IRVING PARK BLVD. Winnetka1234 HUBBARD WOODS, ILL. to Nathanyah's latest settlers among lies of Jewish peddlers will remain 4766 MILWAUKEE AVE. whom were M. Levontin, manager of without means of earning a living. the Anglo-Palestine Bank of Tel- The turnover 2498 Aviv. and the possessions Phones: Keystone of the richest Palisade 1208 When Ordering Beverages Arab Sheiks Jewish peddler is not of the neighboring vil- more than $15. lages, the Governor of Tul-Karem Say O -Just and the registrar of lands participated An urgent appeal has been ad- in the joint ceremony and expressed dressed to Jewish public opinion in O surprise at the unprecedented growth the United States to intervene in the "Blue Rock" matter. Correct Clothes D of Nathanyah which in three years, with the private resources of its Pal- Successful men wear cus- A Sold at All estinian-American settlers. has in- TWO JEWS HANGED AS COMMU- tom tailored clothes and Leading creased its population to 500 people, NIST AGITATORS recognize them on others. planted Do you know that you can get a tailored w Neighborhood Stores 3.500 dunams of orange garment--with all advantages of fit, style groves, built over 85 homes, equipped Budapest (J. T. A.)-Within six and longer life-for as little as you pay A with all modern conveniences. hours of their appearance in court, for ready to wear clothes? Y Liberty Bottling Co. An additional 10.000 dunams have two Jews, declared atheists, were con- New Low Price Levels been acquired by the Hanotaiah Col- victed as Communist leaders seeking A E R THE FASHION S CHICAGO onization Agency, and a new colony. the downfall of the Hungarian gov- D0 t K1 TAILOR Yehudiah, with an area of 6,000 ernment, and hanged. 180 WEST ADAMS STREET dunams, was founded between Na- They are Americh Szalay and Alex- thanyah and Tel-Mond. Yehudiah ander Fuerst. A semi-official com- LAURA JACOBSEN was named in memory of Eliezer munique states that the execution was Ben-Yehuda, the father of modern hurried for the reason that the Con- "Say it with Flowers" Hebrew, in commemoration of the stitution provides that no Jew may be CAFE tenth aniversary of his death. The executed on the Sabbath. JOHN 5311 LAKE PARK AVENUE new colony will link the surrounding An appeal for the postponement of orange settlements. the execution arrived too late. PLODZIEN LUNCHEON DINNER The accused admitted that they at- Florist tempted the reorganization of the 11:30 - 2:00 P. M. 5:00 - 8:30 P. M. POT 1 The local church was making a Hungarian Communist Party. They A LA CARTE 11 TO 8:30 P. M. drive for funds, and two colored sis- claimed that their work was of an PLANT GROWER Daily Except Sunday ters were bearing down hard on Uncle unimportant technical character and SCUT FLOWERS Rastus. 11- SUNDAY DINNER planned the utilization of peaceful Funeral Designs Carefully Arranged 12:00-8:30 P. M. "I can't give nothin'," exclaimed the means only. old negro. "I owes nearly everybody Sheldrake 2230 1836 Peterson Ave. Telephone Fairfax 0968 in this here old town already." CHICAGO, ILLINOIS "But," said one of the collectors, Nate S. Shapero has been elected "don't you think you owes de Lawd vice president of the Detroit Jewish somethin' too?" Welfare Federation, and George M. "I does. sister, indeed." said the Stutz and Judge Charles Rubiner have FUEL OIL!! PIERRE MOREL, Inc. old man, "but He ain't pushin' me like been added to the board of governors. "More Heat Per Dollar" my other creditors is." Mr. Shapero is president of the Jew- with ish Centers Association and has occu- Antiquaire LYNCH-CLARISEY nied responsible posts in each of the - FUEL OILS- After a terrific struggle, the fresh- last three Allied Jewish Campaigns. 3 MILLION GALLON STORAGE Decorateur man finally finished his examination Mt. Stutz is assistant prosecuting at- SYSTEM SIXTY-THREE BELLEVUE PL. Paper, and then at the end wrote: torney. Judge Rubiner, of the Com- 3211 WOOD ST. 2225 MAIN ST. "Dear Professor: If you sell any of mon Pleas Court, was formerly As- Lafayette 3200 Greenleaf 1206 Phone Delaware 1535 Chicago Evanston my answers to the funny papers I ex- sistant Attorney General of the State Day and Night Service I ' t , f pect you to split 50-50 with me." of Michigan..
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