L V THE PJfcCIFlC OOUUEUCTAL A CONOLUJr ' DECEMnKK 2V 1SC3. 11 as generally chancellor of the ex- BY AUTAapiTY. MORTGAGEE'S. NOTICE OT ETEN-TiO- N chequer, ar.a in his - last rn.iu3i.ry i.e OK FOKiSOlOSUU; UU Mill ft. added to the former tae sinecure - of AND THE WAGES ' OP BAJ-- K LIMITED. XAU:i) TENDETf lord privy seal (of course without ex- tra remuneration), wl.ich Lord Salis- bury la occupy. Notice Is hereby given Will b at the offlc of ... now to Can any one that pursuant reeled th. explain .hat while the secretary war to ine power of sa.e contaiaed La that jperlnlendent of Public Works tin 12 f r cc. gets 5X100 first minis- la... u.oitiatfe uated J uue 22. 198, xsn'tCK THKTR OPKNINa uc,w nun or Wadneaday. January the lord of the maud by J. W. lUauey oi Honolulu, 2d. isoi. for the OF SIN HERS try receives E0O leas, except on the Island of Oahu, Territory ct Hawaii, aa construction of bridge ground all Her Majesty's secre- over the South branch of the Kauona-hu- a that tuvjiaor, to Edith 4L V. HoidaworUt-o- f streaan. taries of state are paid the same sal- aaid Hono.uiu as mortgagee, and re-cor- aed I'M'trKM Street, lletwecn . ary? moat highly, paid position is In Itegistry Flans and specifications at the office The the of Conveyances 20,-00- 0. in Honolulu in 180. on pages 12 of the pub-H- that of lord lieutenant of Ireland. liber Kii.tf .inl Hotel. Aaatatant Superintendent of e and 12L dhe Tnortta-f- ta-- Worka. but then there are social duties at- i intends ' Japanese Woman Was ex- foreclose the mortgage for coadiUon to office consequent ent The Superintendent tached that and , r iv. me non-paym- in- of Public Works penses which do not apply in other w vi doe not bind himself to accept the terest when dui. r mSHKIME SEW. HAT AS CLED lowest any cases. Notice is likewise given prop- or bid. Nearly Murdered. erty that th J. A. M'OANDLEFS. The lord chancellor pets 10,000 va'f conveyed 'Ty the Baid mortgage ('. 1. 1 AND riB CONVINCED. Judge wilt-- be sold public Huperintendent t Public Worka. of which la as of the highest at auction at the of unr'a'd ard rther a? TODAY auction njms of James., F., Morgan, Iec. nth, m. 57JJ te Queen - of the house of lords a generous street. Honolulu.- on Wednes- CAPTUREDi day, the 9th day of January, 1901. at U . ASSAILAHT IS The lord chancellor of - . Hr ott taai contaaf y HHEIUFT-iALE- emuneration. o'clock noon. ,TftOn dn-t- ls ge (Ireland ree'vp ls ard fc'a AT 10 A, M., - The property oVered by said mort--ga- MI II A LUX'8 STAND wholly Is UK ARC 1 In pursuance ar Judicial, unless he In consists of: "All that certain piec of an execution Issued I will offer for aale or parcel of of - the cabinet, as the present occupant land' situate at 'AlaeakUa, Jout. the Second District Court of Ho- Ha-iwa- ii, a Vagrant, Wields Jack ct tn pat Two thousard pounds fuistnct of Hamakua, Island of Of kl.L KIND. nniuiu. iiani of Oahu. Territory of Kag. a Territory of Hawaii, bounded and ,ia the Ufual salary for such minor posts ! AND OAME. Hawaii, on the th day of December. A. At particularly described aa follows, to irfLTUT In Effjrt To - D. 1.O0. In fni;e an Auction Iwit: ,m!kf:d meats, m matter of Gus Schuman , government board, of agri va. Quong Tal. I have levied upon KM. the boards At the store, on makal tide of King Commencing on the north corner of Fok works, run-.nl- ng OYSTKKa (la shell or can), the personal property - culture, education ard while the street near Bethel, this at stream of Kaumoll." and of said defend- along CR T6S - fXXiS, ant. yuonir rostmarUr rereral. tV dlretir of the Manoa'a kuleana. s UlTTKtt. CHEESE, Took Tal. on thia 10th du om j jpi--- t Vivr'"-'- -' t v o Vl-fd- Is r to a kukui tree marked V.. iaakal a AND VEGETABLES. of Iecember. A. D. 1900. and shall ex-fo- oftthe road; thence up 6.- - rut in - a,d w,th 2ZM- - Gentlemen who hold O along stream aald prvertyfor sale at pub'.! Killed with Jealous rag, over the re- W PA 8 w-- 820 feet to Papapa's kuleana.;. auction to the highest bidder at the fceaJ of money which he had been In Ul CiT 'thence along said' kuleana N. W. various departments are paid from B- a-TO- 1'4 67 s- - M OLS police at t Ion. Kalakaua Hale, In Ho- the habit of getting dally from one of poo ConsistingH'lof valuable MECHANICS' !S .fV. - tee,t; 1 tQ 2PO0 fore-ai- d. Cn tht who,e u c,n, ?50 feet; thence up a?aln along etream nolulu a on the 12th day of Japanese Japan- - GRINOSTONFis-: kTf WTf, the of IwllM. Kaga. a rot tVat Enfrianj paTS rrofes- - Tii,Bri-7ry:..'- .8lo"ill!1(1 tree X. Us 1901. marked Give Call. January. A. Judg- 1-- a I. unless the eae vagrant, attempted early yeaterday r'onal politicians handomly. unless kal of Government road; N. 81 1 IV, ment, amounting to two hundred and morning to murder Toma, a comely they hold legal offices. Prob-bl- the 30 feet to store marked X, mauka of eighty-thre- e -- loo dollars, Today will complete Ktowai; - interest. Japanese woman. Kaga endeavored to-wto- le amount paid to the sale. thence iown along middle of Teli'pttoM Mala 219. Costs and my espene 4re previously Mr. Gladstone stream to place of commencement. end her life with an ordinary Jack- - during his parliamentary career from Containing: thirty-si- x paM, aald property leTled upon being Don't lose this opportunity. an area of crea Owing th exchequer would not have repre- - ;and being the same premises described; On knife known as the IXL". to M a unflntahed carrlare. more as In Royal No. 1737 Pa- - m One oVump th ,l.f.nU nut nr. hir hla mm a iew ears income Patent Grant to unfinished cart. he had turned Instead WILL E. FISHER. Auctr. On dump complete. would-b- e vktVm. he was foiled and fled if manufacturer : cart Jof devoting his life to the servloe of to the mortgagor by deed of Panuuma U CIIA. r. CHILLINGWORTH. when he heard the noiae of people hur- and Polanl. dated August zlsL iM. and his country. It Is unnecessary to say ; Deputy SherliT. Territory rying to the scene. recorded in the office of the Registrar of Hawaii. that there are other compensations. Corporatiuii Notices. 'If.! The woman, as customary among :of Conveyances In liber 14. page 104. Honolulu. Oahu. December 10th. A. D. is logetner with all the rights, ease- 100. ,721 the inmate of Iwllel, gave her earn- NO TO ftP DO BOATS. ments, privilege and appurtenances ings to Kaga regularly, but a short ELECIIO OF umCERS, thereunto belonging. - . --j re- EDITH M-- W. HOLD3WORTIL WATKH NOTICE. time since they quarreled and she Definite Decision Against Building J - - Mortgagee. fused to do so longer. Iioth had lived Them by Mavy. AT THE ANNUAL MEETING OF In 1 Chap- the stockholders of the California Feed aceordaitre with Section of in a room just outside the confines of Terma Caan. jrold ter XXVI. of lawa of 1&M: "A definite decision not to build any United States coin; the the stockade, but after the quarrel the elected officer oeeda at expense of purchaser. - more torpedo-bo- at destroyers or torpe- to serve as rf th rom. i - f All peraona holding water privileges woman took up residence pany for ' , r further particulars apply to r'f her in her do-boats the ensuing year, viz: s has been reported by the & or thoa-- paying water rats are here- numbered room in stockade. Kaga President Mr. 8tan,ey' attorneys for nwrt- - by the naval authorities," says the Marino! Cecil Brown notified that the water ratts for Vice President Manager -- endeavored to gain the woman's favor and , 1900. Review; "and unless Congress should! y..... Dated.- Honolulu. December 14th. the term ending June. 30. 1901. - will be - ir. j:. again but In vain 1 r s- .. due and paable at the office of the direct to the contrary; this policy will - - bump ........ Mr. xi. v. rtt.orsier Shortly after 8 o'clock yesterday present ad- secretary M Honolulu Water Worka on the 1st day be adhered to during the Mr. C. F. Merrifleld morning, was sleeping. U Auditor . Mr. MORTGAGEE'S NOTICE OF INTEN- of January. 190L while Toma ministration of the Navy Department. W. G. Cooper TION Kaga directing Directors Mr. Cecil OF FORECLOSURE AND . AH such remaining unpaid for knock at the door awakened her. In a the board cf construction Brown. Mr. T. rates J. King. Mr. C. M. V. OF SALE. IS days after they are due will be sub- asked to ace h?r for a moment, saying to prepaje a program or...naval increase Forster. Mr. C. F. Merrifield. C. M. V. ject to per he desired to patch up the quarrel. for the next fiscal year, thg Secretary FORSTER. Notice is hereby given that pursuant an additional ten cent. Sec. California Feed Co., Ltd. to the power of All privileges upon which re- Unsuspecting, opened door, of the Navy sugge ted that there sale contained in that rates Toma the ; certain mortgage May 18SV (30 no provi;ioa for torpedo exalt.
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