AUCTION 234 Closing Tuesday September 22, 2020 430 429 431 516 1688 1708 VIEW THIS AUCTION ONLINE AT WWW.AUCKLANDCITYSTAMPS.CO.NZ No Buyer’s Commission PO Box 99988 Newmarket Auckland 1149 NZ • Ph +64 9 522 0311 • Fax +64 9 522 0313 • Email [email protected] 23 40 61 Ex 67 Ex 89 129 Ex 231 322 364 365 368 367 366 369 385 382 391 396 409 414 411 427 419 421 432 433 435 447 460 488 493 490 495 494 501 519 - Plate 1 - 517 522 527 Ex 530 547 713 726 727 711 710 716 Ex 1059 1125 Ex 1138 Ex 1137 1140 1159 1160 1161 1162 1163 1164 1165 1166 1167 1168 1169 1171 1173 1176 1182 1184 1185 1186 1189 1190 1191 1194 1198 - Plate 2 - 1202 1204 1205 1220 1224 1226 1230 1229 1231 1232 1234 1238 1237 1246 1259 1274 1277 1280 1284 1279 1290 1294 1297 1305 1399 1405 1407 1408 1409 1416 1485 Ex 1487 1486 1506 1508 1509 1507 1644 1643 - Plate 3 - Welcome To Auckland City Stamps Auction 234 Welcome to Postal Auction 234 which contains 2208 lots of World & New Zealand Stamps & Covers and closes Tuesday September 22, 2020. In World Stamps the highlights include Lot 371 GB QV 1d Black Plate 10 on Entire (Est $1000), Lot 429 GB QV £1 Brown Lilac on White Paper SG 136 Fine Used (Est $6000), Lot 431 GB QV £5 Orange Used (Est $4500), Lot 433 GB QV 10/- Grey Green on blued paper Fine Used (Est $3500), Lot 493 GB QV £1 Brown Lilac Three Orbs Wmk SG 186 Used (Est $2500), Lot 516 GB KGV 1913 £1 Green SG 403 Mint (Est $3750) and Lot 713 GB Official QV £1 Green SG 016 Used (Est $2000). In New Zealand Stamps the highlights include Lot 1159 QV 1/- Yellow Green FFQ London Print SG 3 Used (Est $3750), Lot 1165 QV 1d Orange Pelure Paper SG 81 Mint (Est $5000), Lot 1230 5/- Mt Cook P14 Unhinged (Est $1750), Lot 1486 1910 1/2d Victoria Land used on piece (Est $1500), Lot 1491 1961/62 Christmas Collection of flaws and varieties (Est $2000), Lot 1584 1934 Health FDC (Est $1500), Lot 1612 1947 Unlisted Illustrated FDC (Est $300), Lot 1622 1965 4d Health Min Sheet with black offset unhinged (Est $2000), Lot 1688 1931/40 Arms £3.10s Rose unhinged (Est $4500) and Lot 1746 Fine Paid QV £2 Purple unpunched (Est $1500). In New Zealand Postal History the highlights include Lot 1835 1890 Registered Cover incl 1/- Sideface (Est $450), Lot 1876 1908 Antarctic Cover (Est $1250) and Lot 1971 1863 Missent to Dunedin cachet Cover (Est $3000). Scans of most lots are available – please contact us early with your requests. Good luck with your bidding in Auction 234 – please remember to use our on line bid form at www.aucklandcitystamps.co.nz or you can phone, fax, post and of course e-mail your bids in to us. For those clients who us our on line bid form or email bids note that we will always confirm receipt of your bids by email - so if you don’t hear back from us please email again or contact the office.Auction 234 closes on Tuesday September 22, 2020. So far we are lucky to have avoided the worst of Covid-19 here in New Zealand. We continue to wish our clients and their families all the best during 2020 as the world navigates this pandemic. Certainly, despite what has been at times significant mail delays, we are seeing strong activity in the philatelic market as collectors past and present turn their attention back to the relative calmness of their philatelic interests. Finally, we hope that all our clients and their families are staying safe during these uncertain times. Auction 234 closes on Tuesday September 22, 2020. David Holmes Nigel Shanks Public auction 19 Second Half of 2020 At Our On Site Auction Rooms - Located at Our Specific Areas Of Interest Include 1 Ngaire Ave, Newmarket Specialised Deceased Estates Postal History Collections Deadline for Consignments Fast Approaching Early NZ Errors Revenues Full Face Railway Material Life Insurance Queens Postage Dues Postal Fiscals Exhibitions Contact David Holmes Early Health Specialised NZ for a confidential appraisal. Arms PHONE +64 9 522 0311 Prestamp Disaster Mail Rare Covers WE WILL TRAVEL ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD TO VIEW SUITABLE MATERIAL Early Great Australia Asia Britain Pacific Islands Australian * 15% Vendor Commission British States *GST will be added to the commission rate for local vendors Commonwealth PO Box 99988 Newmarket Auckland 1149 NZ • Ph +64 9 522 0311 • Fax +64 9 522 0313 [email protected] • www.AucklandCityStamps.co.nz 2 LOT NZ$ LOT NZ$ CONSIGNMENTS WANTED FOR OUR UPCOMING PUBLIC AUCTION Let Auckland City Stamps The Auction Covers Sell Your Material The Following Areas • We can travel almost anywhere in New Specialised Collections Deceased Estates Postal History Zealand to appraise suitable material Early NZ Errors Revenues • Alternatively items can be delivered Full Face Queens Railway Material Life Insurance in person, mailed or couriered to our Exhibitions Postage Dues Postal Fiscals Auckland office Arms Early Health Specialised NZ • We are looking for Rare or Unique Prestamp Disaster Mail Rare Covers items to be Showcased in the auction Early Great Britain Australia Asia British Commonwealth Pacific Islands Australian States 15% Vendor Commission* No surprise insurance or unsold fees. Just 15%* and that’s it. *GST added to the commission charge for New Zealand vendors Contact David Holmes To Discuss The Sale Of Your Material New Zealand Clients Call (Toll Free) 0800 78 87 78 Ground Floor, 1 Ngaire Avenue, Newmarket, Auckland Overseas Clients Call +649 522 0311 PO Box 27646, Auckland 1440, New Zealand Email: [email protected] www.aucklandcitystamps.co.nz 3 LOT NZ$ LOT NZ$ WORLD STAMPS & COVERS 26 C 1952 (3OC) 3 1/2d Scout Jamboree tied by Octagonal 10 ADEN ‘Pan Pacific Scout Jamboree’ Special cancel (1) 1 * 1937 Dhow Definitives Set to 2r Good Mint SG 1/10 200 27 ** 1963/65 Navigators Set SG 355/60 Unhinged Cat £150 150 Cat £250 (1) (6) 2 * 1939/48 KGVI Definitives Set SG 16/27 Good Mint. 90 28 ** 1996 Pets Min Sheet Overprinted ‘Hong Kong ‘97’ 10 The 5r has a perf tone. Cat £120 (13) Unhinged (1) 3 * 1951 KGVI New Curreency Definitives Set SG 36/46 70 29 ** 1996 Pets Min Sheet Overprinted ‘Taipei’ Unhinged (1) 10 Good Mint Cat £85 (11) 30 ** 1997 $10 Wetlands Overprinted ‘Pacific 97’ Unhinged 25 4 * (Kahiri) 1951 KGVI Definitives Set SG 20/27 Good Mint 40 (1) Cat £50 (8) 31 U 2002 Golden Jubilee Min Sheet SG MS2172 Fine 10 5 * (Quaiti) 1951 KGVI Definitives Set SG 20/27 Good 25 Used (1) Mint (8) 32 U 2005 150th Anniv First Australian Coin Min Sheet SG 10 AFGANISTAN MS2521 Fine Used (1) 33 U 2007 Christmas 50th Anniv Min Sheet SG MS2904 10 6 ** 1985 WWF The Leopard SG 1070/73 Unhinged (4) 16 Fine Used (1) 7 ** 1987 United Nations Day - Communications SG 1170 10 34 U 2009 Queen’s Birthday Min Sheet SG 3187 Fine Used 15 Unhinged (1) (1) AITUTAKI 35 U 2009 Queensland 150th Anniv Min Sheet SG MS3207 12 8 C 1980’s Airmail Cover to NZ with 5c & 50c Bird Defini- 20 Fine Used (1) tives tied by a light cancel. (1) 36 U 2009 Stargazing Min Sheet SG MS3269 Fine Used (1) 14 ALAND 37 U 2010 Great Australian Railway Journey’s Set & Min 30 9 ** 1996 WWF Eagle Owl SG 105/08 in a Se-tennant 16 Sheet SG 3384/MS3388 Fine Used (4+M/S) Block of 4 Unhinged (4) 38 U 2011 Remembrance Day Min Sheet SG MS3681 Fine 10 ALBANIA Used (1) 10 ** 1990 WWF Endangered Species - The Chamois SG 10 39 ** 2012 Colonial Heritage Min Sheet SG MS3797 Un- 20 2442/45 Se-tennant Block of 4 Unhinged (4) hinged (1) 11 ** 1990 WWF The Chamois SG 2442/45 Block of 4 11 AUSTRALIA CINDERELLAS Unhinged (4) 40 * 1914/18 Citizen’s Life Assurance co Ltd ‘Lieut JH 50 ANGOLA Bisde’ First Australian to win the VC. Brown/White 12 ** 1990 WWF Sable Antelope SG 926/29 Block of 4 20 label. Mint No Gum. Scarce (1) PHOTO-PLATE 1 Unhinged (4) 41 ** Lord Howe Island $7.20 Courier Post 1st Booklet Com- 200 13 ** (Spanish) 1998 Marine Life Expo 98 Set SG 1259/64 25 plete. Very Scarce. Cat A$250 (1) Unhinged (6) AUSTRALIAN ANTARCTIC TERRITORY ANGUILLA 42 ** 1966 Decimals Set SG 8/18 Unhinged (11) 40 14 ** 1983 WWF Turtles Set SG 560/63 Unhinged (4) 50 43 C 1979 (11FE) Antarctic Expedition 1979/First Scout 20 15 ** 1997 WWF West Indian Iguanas Set SG 1004/07 20 Antarctic Day Expedition Printed Cover (1) Unhinged (4) 44 C 1979 (2DE) Printed Antarctic Expedition/Second Scout 20 ANTIGUA Antarctic Day Expedition Scout Cover with ‘Qantas 16 * 1932 KGV Tercentenary Definitives Set SG 81/90 175 Boeing 747 50th Anniv Flight of Admiral Byrd to the Good Mint Cat £225 (10) South Pole’ boxed red cachet. Fine (1) 17 * 1938/51 KGVI Definitives Set SG 98/109 Good Mint 100 45 C 1979 (4FE) Antarctic Expedition/1979 Printed Cover 20 Cat £130 (12) with ‘Rotary Scouting/Partners In Service’ blue cachet 18 ** 1987 WWF Marine Life 15c,40c,60c,$1 Part Set Un- 25 (1) hinged (4) AUSTRIA ARGENTINA 46 C 1980 (14JU) Baden Powell Special Cancel on Printed 10 19 ** 2002 WWF Endangered Species SG 2910/13 Block of 25 Cover tieing SG 1852 (1) 4 Unhinged (4) BAHRAIN ARMENIA 47 * 1938/41 KGVI 1r Grey & Red-Brown SG 32 Good Mint 10 20 ** 1996 WWF The Wild Goat Set SG 358/61 Unhinged 20 (1) (4) 48 * 1938/41 KGVI 2r Purple & Brown SG 33 Good Mint (1) 20 21 ** 2001 WWF Persian Squirrel SG 484/87 Block of 4 12 49 * 1950/55 KGVI Definitives Set SG 71/79 Good Mint Cat 80 Unhinged (4) £110 (9) AUSTRALIA 50 * 1952/54 QE Definitives Set SG 80/89 Good Mint (9) 25 22 U 1914/20 KGV 4d Orange SG 22 postmarked ‘CON- 10 51 * 1953 Coronation Set SG 90/93 Good Mint (4) 15 ARA/TASMANIA’ FE 14 16 Good Used (1) 52 * 1955/60 Castle Definitives SG 94/96 Good Mint (3) 30 23 U 1932 5/- Harbour Bridge SG 143 Fine Used Cat £200 250 53 * 1957/59 QE Definitives Set SG 102/12 Good Mint (11) 10 (1) PHOTO-PLATE 1 54 * 1960 Definitives Set SG 117/27 Good Mint (11) 25 24 C 1940 (6JY) Printed Story Bridge Opening First 50 55 * 1964 Definitives Set SG 128/38 Good Mint Cat £48 40 Day Cover with ‘35 2d Jubilee tied by ‘Story (11) Bridge,Brisbane’ cancel.
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