c>CONTACT ThePhoenix .Project: A LIGHT IN EVERY MIND! “YE SHALL KNOW THE TRUTH AND THE TRUTH SHALL MAKE YOU MAD!” “NOW THAT YOU’RE MAD, LET’S FIX IT! ” VOLUME 15, NUMBER 1 NEWS REVIEW $ 3.00 NOVEMBER 12, 1996 GeorgeBush And The 12333Serial Murder Ring High=hwlLinksToMurder OfSwedish PrimeMinister Editor ‘s note: Due to the immediate relevance of the fol- I would hope that we can get to the full story as is ongoing in Special Reports lowing information in highlighting important antics of the by EIR on the topic of Bush and the indictments, but we shall see. I do want to overall game-plan of the Elite Controllers, we are reprinting, cover a bit on the murder of Swedish Prime Minister Olof Palme, the South before proceeding with new material, parts I & 2 from last African connections, and miscellaneous other topics and inclusions. This one week’s CONTACT so that this document remains well con- act by that brigade may well prove, in the ending, to be THE END. nected for easy reference purposes. Bear with us while we hop, skip andjump around with excerpts. [Pleasesee George Bush And The 12333 Serial Murder Ring,p.2] 10/30/96#l HATONN INSIDE THIS ISSUE For our South African friends I would like to dedicate this next portion on the dastardly deeds of one George Bush for this V .K. Durham: will be one crime committed too many to allow the bushwhacker A Tip Of.The Iceberg, p. 19 to keep pulling off international intrigue for his, and his cro- Historic Lawsuit Filed By Eustace Mullins; p.20 nies’, self-gains-much longer. Elections, Egypt, And Analyzing Rumors, p-2 1 The News Desk, p.22 L CONTACT FIRST-CLASSMAIL Serious Comments On E. Coli And TWA 800, p.24 P.O. Box 27800 U.S. POSTAGE Slip-Slidin’ Into The New World Order, p.26 Las Vegas, NV 89126 PAID Mojave, Ca. 93501 Election Reflections And Permit No. 110 “Patriots” On The Loose, p.27 Bo Gritz And Son Arrested On Attempted Kidnapping Charges, p.28 Lady Nada: Learning To Manifest The Christ Potential Within Self, p-29 The Science Of Body Manipulation & Programming, p.3 1 Pagk 2 CONTACT: THE PHOEiUX. PROJECT NOVEMBER 12, 1996 direct continuity from, and an expansion of, the 1960s and 1970s British intelligence front-company Per- mindex, that was implicated in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, in the murder of Italian oil industry figure Enrico Mattei, and that tried, unsuc- GeorgeBush And The cessfully, to assassinate French President Charles de Gaulle. That 196Os-era worldwide “Murder, Inc.” was based, at various points, in Montreal, Rome, and The vast 1980s “private enterprise”, like its Permindex antecedent, was sponsored, protected, and deployed by elements of the U.S., British, and French governments, among others. U.S. VicePresident George 12333Serial Murder Ring Jobnnesburg*Bush, the director of- all Reagan Administration “spe- cial situation” -i.e., covert operations-was a pivotal figure in all of these 1980s activities. However, the [Continuedfrom Front Page] British. esueciallv during the years when Margaret Thatcher wis prime minister (1970-1990), played; far more dominant, albeit low-key role, in many of these the responsible agencies. From the very outset, an dirty operations-particular in Africa and Central Asia, ambitious international disinformation campaign was where Great Britain has a long history of colonial rule, OLOF PALME, carried out, involving such “strange bedfellows” as the and maintains vast networks of intelligence assets, Soviet KGB, the East German State Security Service often headed by “retired” British Special Air Services (“Stasi”), the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith (SAS) offices. (ADL), and NBC-TV, to deter honest Swedish investi- [H: I am asked why, indeed, does Bush not sim- SWEDISHPRIME gators from pursuing promising trails of evidence. ply fund the “certificate” from which we have assets Instead, the ADL, the Stasi, et al., colluded to fabricate due and owing ? We offered! Bush and Boys proved- “proof’ that the assassin was associated with Swedish up and valued the instrument and USED IT FOR MINISTER colleagues of American political economist, three-time FUNDING THESE CLANDESTINE ESCAPADES Democratic Party pre-Presidential candidate, and EZR OF MURDER AND CHAOS. THE VALUE IS SO [QUOTING, PART 1; the following will all be from Founding Editor Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. By the time GREAT AS TO, IN ADDITION TO ALL THEY the EIR Special Report:] the bogus “LaRouche killed Palme” tale was discred- SPENT, BE MORE THAN ALL THE CURRENCY [H: I shall not put this into any particular order ited, the trail of the real assassins had turned colder IN THE WORLD. However,tbere was first a “study” other than the sequence as outlayed. You will get the than a Swedish winter. done by ‘them” and they didn’t “...want to deal at message without my input as to structure of writing.] The Palme assassination was not an isolated inci- this time “. Then, they decided they didn’t need us at dent. As you will learn below, since 1984, a large all for they would just take-out a few more players number of public figures, including French general and they would end up with everything anyway. Rent! Augran, German state governor Uwe Barschel, Well, that didn’t work because Bush may well be NEW REVELATIONSIndian Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi, Israeli intelli- brave but an intergalactic war can not be won with gence agent Amiram Nir, Canadian weapons manufac- all his stash of arms and money, gold or warheads. turer Gerald Bull, and Belgian government minister So, he then came back to try and fool us by saying we TIEPALME MURDER Andre Cools, all died sudden and violent deaths. are “nothing more than a tiny annoyance...” So be it, At the time of their death, each of these men was in just call me Anoy Ante. I have time-YOU DO possession of sensitive information about the activities NOT! Moreover, I am certainly sufficient to the TO BUSH, of an international weapons and munitions cartel, op- needs of my crewmates, for I have bigger weapons erating on both sides of the East-West Cold War divide. and they are NOT of war machines.] During the 198Os, this cartel was engaged in an arms The legacy of these 1980s activities today is an business involving many hundreds of billions of dollars even bigger worldwide network of mercenaries, illegal THATCHER-LINKEDa year, fueled by the Iran-Iraq War (1980-88), the arms dealers, drug traffickers, money launderers, ter- Afghanistan War (1979-89), and the East-West surro- rorists, and private spies. Collectively, they are re- gate wars in Angola, Namibia, Mozambique, El Salva- ferred to among intelligence specialists today as “the ARMS CARTEL dor, and Nicaragua. In many instances, the clandestine asteroids”. They operate increasingly outside the pur- shipments of weapons were linked to other under- view of governments, and are involved in smuggling,-_ ._ On Feb. 28, 1986, Sweden’s Prime Minister Olof ground commodities, especially illegal drugs. In the terrorism, and political destabilizations worldwide. Palme was assassinated on the streets of Stockholm, as cases of the Nicaraguan Contras and the Afghanis [H: Ah, readers, but WHAT happens when the he and his wife were walking home from a movie. mujahideen, it has been widely documented that illegal thugs outgrow the leaders who organized the thugs? Palme’s wife was also shot in the attack, but survived. sales of cocaine and heroin, by the U.S. and British Wow; what a “downer” to consider if1 were those no- The assassin, or assassins, escaped, despite the fact government-backed “freedom fighters”, generated much longer-necessary Elite rulers and all those busy -as- that the prime minister’s security detail was in the area of the money used to purchase weapons and other teroids” decided to take ALL the shares!] when the attack took place. materiel. In Africa, a lucrative trade in black market Further, since the end of the Cold War and the More than ten years have passed since the Palme ivory, diamonds, and rhinoceros tusks served the same collapse of the Soviet Union, a large, and growing murder and, up until September 1996, Swedish au- function as the illegal drug trade in Central America number, of former Soviet intelligence operators have thorities had failed to catch the assassins, or even name and Afghanistan. It generated millions of dollars in been integrated into this asteroid apparatus. It is illegal funds to finance the purchase of weapons -to impossible to understand the apparent “overnight” keep the regional conflicts going. emergence of a powerful, worldwide “Russian Mafia”, Executive over the past five years, without factoring in the role of former KGB and GRU (Soviet Military Intelligence) In teII&ence personnel within the asteroids, and without recognizing the antecedents of the new East-West criminal “part- THE nership” in the Cold War era arms- and drug-traffick- Review ing collusion between the intelligence services of the two rival power blocs. This Cold War arrangement, “ASTEROIDS"among corrupted intelligence assets, East and West, P.O. Box 17390 might be termed the policy of “destructive engage- To protect the interests, and carry out the clandes- merit”. Washington, D.C. tine activities of this transnational apparatus, a global The Palme case offers a critical window into this network of hired killers and soldiers of fortune was global asteroid phenomenon, and underscores the role assembled, under a variety of private, commercial cov- of the Thatcher and Bush circles in creating the policy 2004 l-0390 ers. This latter-day “Murder, Inc.” represented both a framework for the proliferation of these modern-day NOVEMBER 12, 1996 CONTACT: THE PHOENIX PROJECT Page 3 pirates and dragoons.
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