BACK-TO-WORK ISSUE SEPTEMBER 1971 60c • ~ ~ ~ ~- y •~ ~i•: ¸••¸¸~ ~ , •• ...... %.• f ~J Quality Handbooks on Ceramics for Hobbyists • Schools • Libraries • Craft Centers THROWING ON THE Potter's Decorating POTTER'S Throwing Wheel Pottery on the Projects with Clay, WHEEL Potter's Slip & Glaze ~*.v THOMA~ SELLerS Wheel edited by Thomas Sellers by F. Carlton Ball • m ........ by Thomas Sellers The projects in this handbook pro- This beautifully illustrated book ex- A complete manual on how to use vide step-by-step instlxlction on a plores many easy methods of deco- the potter's wheel. Covers all basic wide variety of special throwing rating pottery with clay, slip and steps from wedging clay to making techniques, with each project demon- glaze. Those who lack skill and specific shapes. Clearly describes strated by an accomplished crafts- confidence in drawing and painting every detail using step-by-step photo man. Bells, bird houses and feeders, will find special pleasure in discov- technioue. Includes section on selec- musical instruments, teapots, and ering the easily executed decorating tion of the proper wheel and acces- animals are just a few items you'll techniques devised by this master sory tools. Used as a text in many find presented. 64 pages $2.00 craftsman. 64 pages $3.00 colleges and schools. 80 pages $4.00 Ceramic Copper Projects Underglaze Enameling edited by Decoration I)y Jo Rebert Thorn.- s Sellers by Marc Bellaire a..d Jean O'Hara % An outstanding selection of projects This complete handbook has all the Recognized as the best in basic in- for the classroom, home and studio. answers on m~terials, tools and tech- stl~action, this elaborate handbook Each project introduces a different niques. You'll like the startling vari- has over 200 photographs. Includes method of working in clay. Foun- ety of new designs Marc Bell~ire fundamentals and helpful, illustrated tains, planters, jewelry, bottles, creates before your eyes. Step-by- how-to-do-its on jewelry. Twenty- bowls and many other unique items step projects are profusely illus- one different projects are complete- are presented complete with photos trated. 37 projects in all -- 286 lively ly described. Highly recommended and step-by-step instruction that is illustrations. A practical guide for by leading enamelists and teachers easy to follow. 64 pages $2.00 the beginner. 64 pages $3.00 everywhere. 64 pages $2.00 BOOK DEPARTMENT Box 4548, Columbus, Ohio 43212 Please send me the following: [] Ceramic Projects @ $2.00 ,'Z Potter's Wheel Projects @ $2.00 E Underglaze Decoration @ $3.00 Brush Decorating Pottery with Decoration Clay, Slip & Glaze @ $3.00 Z Copper Enameling @ $2.00 for Ceramics _~ Throwing on the ~ Brush Decoration for by Marc Be:laire Potter's Wheel @ $4.00 Ceramics @ $3.00 A fascinating book on the use and I enclose _-- Check ::~ Money Order (Ohloresidents add 4°~ sales tax) care of blx]shes. Shows how to make many designs for decorating ceram- Name .......................... ics using just three basic b~shes -- the watercolor, liner and square shader. Designs and sketches shown Address ...................... in this exciting book will offer many decorating ideas. Excellent choice for City State_ __ Zip beginners. 64 pages $3.00 U~ '"+ ++ +i + i + | i +" -o < ~ +l . ~ | z~ - ~ ~ <_~++ , . 0 _ I.! , ++ o+- !+~. +<++++++m ++i i =+ _i_+ <>~. + ++++ 1_= i =l o I -° _z. ,+ + o:_ +o+_ t+.+ ++:,- l++ml+>"- ~ k- u . ,,,, i =a'~ ++ - -" -; + ~ -o o : ,; .~ .=| ~ ~ ==+rag- ~ +. + :E~c i <'- =<" <<J<->~+>, =~+,~ !-~,+ +~e+J<+i<+_ <~:,:<:~-|o:~'--~l+ ~!~ ++. =.-= ........ ® .... ,+: | ...... <<.i<.>l~ ...+=.l ..... ~ ~a ~o -- ~ + -- + I + m m ~ -- -- + " m m m m J m ~ 3 0 < = ~ ~ m .~i,~+~++++;+m.+~J+,t~>++~ !°'iIm ++=+_._,.:+<mm<_~om<o.,>l++.+.~>m+s+++l;==~+++_++~_+ C m ~ 2 0 -- m m ~ + I :+<=:<=+,mo<-. ( 0 : ~ Q .z i '< ~ ~ -+ t f/) -~- < >" _ =.~='],v, ~o ew • o i of 0:o +i u ~ +- 1 u~i " .,n U tl <<i>- >4u"~iu~e~_t=#glJ<_. ~ :-uJ<l;i ~i ~i',~ ~: - < < ,< < > ++='>~'I= ..... _+..u :~u6.,-::-l~,,+,-.~==mzl..+~io~o:ti~z~-;l~_Uiu;+5>l~mo.:zi~l + ....... + ..... +., .... ....... ,-+ . + .......~ i.,~l,..-..°i==.. l+ xm~.J.muwu~ ~-m=~ u ~ • ~ z ~z i ++.+,++++°+..... o,+ + !! ~,;. o.; ~<o - ~<>~ o: o. ><- . - +- 0-.; 0~5 w~ 0.: I- .~-- Z - .a "7" ~ o~ w | i i i i •= z _o ! a +0 +,~, ~! > > 1: 1: m 0 ~ ~ ~ o -~ ~, i °r *°" "° ] !h ~Z2 Ii~ i i ~ l =l!8;8f ~ i ` . i m < < l ~ 0 i " i [ i i I ~I l i Z 8 Zo~ " i~ i"-.++~ (i!<-<Iq~( i"++l'~-<->i:+: i +" l ..... =.ol~ -= I I " - ~+; o,<<,,:.+=<t <=! +=.+ <.,~,+o:,.>i<,>o,.> ~°~'+ <+<,s ~ <~ .,~'=+'.,~ >-:.+=o --'.+.,!i-"i ~ ~ o~=e, i.l.+iu-,_u,~++ ,,..,.-u-~ ~l~i=io ~+.u~ ~i~-+®t w =c c=, .., z < ,.u < w 4 8 +1 >L h |F .jt_ I o (n l I- :E "~ :E =o .... ~=- o ,~ ,+ -.~o+oo0 ,.~ =-~ ~o o _, - o c}_+n" .... ,o. .... :~ :E = v) o < ..... +..o.. <i <-u=~ 1:=+ • o:< (a:=~ L0~o~ _z~e .~ mw~< o3:Z_x~ ......~ z~ ~ :~ <~z,.~ i~~z- u.. September 1971 3 Putting Ceramic Technology To Work Pug Mills Muller-Mixers Ball Mills, Jiggering Outfits Contact Your Distributor • INDIANA 46222 AMERICAN ART CLAY CO., INC. • 4717 WEST SIXTEENTH STREET INDIANAPOLIS, ~loS.Z~9s~!~u~o ~u~o v. For safety's sake • LEAD-FREE COPPER ENAMELS For years a prime reason for ap- prehension among craft instructors has been the lead which is con- ,.9 centrated in copper enamels. The CERAMIC COATING COMPANY has now eliminafed *his hazard. E. x~ You owe it to your own health and #-- ' that of your students to use the safest product available. Choose fhe safe enamels, wrife: CERAMIC COATING COMPANY (~ --"0 P.O. Box 370, Newport, Ky. 41072 Largest domestic manufacturer el enamels for both art & industry I 4 Ceramics Monthly WILLIAMSBURG MONTHLY POTTERY Volume 19, Number 7 September 1971 Special BACK-TO-WORK Issue LIGHTFOOT, VA. 23090 Letters to the Editor ............................... 7 Itinerary ............................................ 9 Suggestions from Our Readers ....................... 13 Marianne de Trey by Eileen Lewenstein .............. 14 Now available from our pottery factory, Throwing the Large Plate by Stanley H. Lee .......... 18 our own plastic clays. We use these clays Three Slip Trailing Techniques by Robert Fournier ..... 21 every day on our potter's wheel. Moist Tz'u-chou Stoneware ................................ 24 in poly bags: Handbuilt Puzzle Jugs by Robert F. Eilenberger ........ 26 Room Design and Curriculum Planning by Charles Rash ................................ 30 White-Cone 04 to 12 -- 6¢ Lb. F.O.B. A Potter's Trip by Keith Morton ..................... 32 Fluoride Glazes by Richard Behrens .................. 33 Red-Cone 04 to 8 -- 4¢ Lb. F.O.B. CeramActivities .................................... 34 New Books ......................................... 41 Index to Advertisers ................................ 42 40 YEARS C)N THE POTTER'S WHEEL On Our Cover Ovoid stoneware jar of the Tz'u-chou type probably dates from the Sung Dynasty (960-1278) in China. The piece, which is approximately 14 inches high, was decorated by coating the leather-hard clay with a dark chocolate-brown slip that was scraped away to leave the shoulder bare. The wide band which extends from shoulder to waist was incised through the slip to the body in a design of triangles framing foliate scrolls and a LOOK WHAT THOMPSON hatched background. The jar, probably designed to hold a blooming spray or two or three flowers, nobly fulfills the objec- OFFERS YOUi tives of the Sung potter--sound potting, heavy and robust shapes, and skillful decoration. Other examples of Tz'u-chou pottery are pictured in the feature article on page 24 of this issue. Photo: Courtesy, Cleveland Museum of Art. Editor: THOMAS SF..LLERS Assistant Editor: FRANCES SAWYER Art Director: ROBERT L. CREAGER Circulation Manager: MARY RUSHLEY Advertising Manager: CONNIE BELCHER Would you believe that all of the items pictured above can be Publisher: SPENCER L. DAVIS yours . and get you started enameling . for only ~pI.9.50? Thompson's catalog introduces a new F. Carlton Ball; Richard Yes, that's correct, Advisers and Special Contributors: package consisting of an electric kiln (inside dimensions m Behrens; Kathe Berle; Edris Eckhardt; Zena Hoist; John Kenny; 5" wide, 7" deep, 4" high.) and including a CAREFULLY Karl Martz; Ken Smith; Helen Worrall; Don Wood. SELECTED group of enamels, metal shapes and supplies . .. everything you need to start enameling immediately . Western Advertising Representative: Joseph Mervish Associates, for only $49.50, plus shlpp~ng charges. Send your order to- 4721 Laurel Canyon, Suite 211, North Hollywood, California day with payment for prompt shipment. 91607. Telephone: TR 7-7556, Area Code 213. The new Thompson catalog, along with its famous Color Guide, is waiting for you . just mall the coupon and it will be on its Copyright 1971 Pro[essional Publications, Inc. way . absolutely FREE. ..................................................... Ceramics Monthly September 1971, Vol. 19 -- No. 7, Published monthly except July and August by Professional Publications. Inc. -- S. L. Davis, Thomas C. Thompson Co. Pres., P. S. Emery, Sec.; at 1609 Northwest Blvd., Columbus, Ohio 43212. Dept. CM 9 m 1539 Old Deerfield Road Correspondence concerning subscriptions, renewals, and change of address Illinois 60035 should be addressed to the Circulation Department, Ceramics Monthly, Highland Park, Box 4548. Columbus, Ohio 43212. Second Class postage paid at Athens, [] Enclosed is payment for new k;ln package. Ohio, U.S.A. Subscriptions: One year $6: Two years $10; Three years $14. tax.) COpyright 1971. All rights reserved. (lllinols residents add 5% sales The articles in each issue of Ceramics Monthly are indexed in the Art [] Please rush FREE Thompson Catalog. Index and The Readers' Guide to Periodical Literature. Microfilm copies are available to subscribers from University Microfilms. 313 Name N. First St., Ann Arbor, Michigan. Manuscripts and illustrations dealing with ceramic art activities are welcome and will be considered for publi- Addres~ cation.
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