AUSTRALIA $1.50 · CANADA $1.50 · FRANCE 1.00 EURO · NEW ZEALAND $1.50 · UK £.50 · U.S. $1.00 INSIDE Join int’l effort to expand reach of ‘Militant,’ revolutionary books — PAGE 3 A SOCIALIST NEWSWEEKLY PUBLISHED IN THE INTERESTS OF WORKING PEOPLE Vol. 83/no. 37 OctobeR 14, 2019 Blackjewel Step up solidarity with Impeachment miners end UAW strikers at GM! hysteria targets protest camp, Autoworkers say no more temps, no more tiers working class, fight goes on political rights BY MAGGIE TROWE by terry EVANS LOUISVILLE, Ky. — Miners who The liberals in the big-business had blocked the railroad near Cum- press editorial offices and the Demo- berland, Kentucky, since July 29 took cratic Party are ecstatic about a leak down the encampment, cleaned the from an anonymous “whistleblower” area and ended this phase of their — reported to be a CIA agent — who struggle Sept. 26. But, they and their said President Donald Trump men- supporters said that this doesn’t mean tioned former Vice President Joseph the fight is over. Biden in a phone call with the new “We will remain strong,” Donna president of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zel- Sexton, a home health worker and ensky. They think they’ve finally got mother of Chris Sexton, the miner what they’ve been looking for in their who first set up the blockade, told the relentless effort to smear Trump and Militant Sept. 28. “That’s what we are impeach or indict him. and what we truly believe in.” Driven by contempt and fear of the After Blackjewel LLC, the sixth- millions of working people who voted largest coal mining company in the for President Trump, or who couldn’t U.S., declared bankruptcy July 1 and bring themselves to vote at all, Demo- laid off 300 miners in southeastern crats announced a fast-track impeach- Kentucky and 1,400 more in Vir- Zuma Wire/Jim West ment inquiry in the House of Repre- Autoworkers picket Detroit GM Hamtramck Assembly Plant, Sept. 25. Key issues are perma- ginia, West Virginia and Wyoming, nent status for temporary workers, end to divisive two-tier pay scale, reopen shuttered plants. sentatives. the company withdrew the final pay- And Democratic House Majority checks out of the bank accounts where BY SamaNTHA HamLIN porary workers permanent, as well Leader Nancy Pelosi says that’s not miners had deposited them. BOLINGBROOK, Ill. — The near- as to get rid of two-tier wages and enough. She says she will push to When angry miners in Harlan ly 49,000 United Auto Workers union to force GM bosses to put workers at change U.S. law so sitting presidents County found out the company was members on strike against General four plants they are shuttering back to Continued on page 6 planning to haul coal they had mined Motors since Sept. 16 are winning work making cars. Continued on page 7 solidarity in their fight to make tem- Fellow autoworkers from other companies, members of other unions, workers at Walmart and others who Declining trade, have no union, and many more have Dallas cop who killed Botham joined them on the picket lines at the growing rivalries 33 factories and 22 parts warehouses Jean is found guilty of murder on strike. They’ve brought food, sup- heighten crisis of Continued on page 7 imperialist ‘order’ by Roy LaNderseN World trade growth has turned SWP: Building down to its weakest point since the global financial crisis shook the capi- solidarity helps talist rulers worldwide in 2007. Man- ufacturing activity has begun to con- boost working tract, led by falling auto production. In Germany, Russia and the Czech Republic factories are running at the class struggle lowest levels in a decade. U.S. man- by JANET POST ufacturing contracted as consumer “We came here to be in solidar- Continued on page 9 ity with the fight pressing for Amber Guyger to be convicted and jailed for killing Botham Jean,” Malcolm Jar- rett, Socialist Workers Party candi- Inside date for Pittsburgh City Council told Thousands protest against Shelia Bennett, one of the many op- racist abuse in West Papua 2 Christian Chronicle/Bobby Ross Jr. ponents of police brutality gathered Sept. 30, 2018, Dallas protest after cop Amber Guyger shot and killed Botham Jean as he ate outside the Dallas courtroom where ice cream in his apartment. Protests forced cops to fire Guyger and led to murder conviction. UK rulers move to stop ‘Brexit,’ Guyger was on trial Sept. 27. “The Johnson seeks US trade bloc 4 BY GeorGE CHALmerS she feared for her life when she saw SWP stands for the fight against po- DALLAS — A 12-person jury someone else there. She faces from lice brutality, racist discrimination Oberlin College keeps up here found Dallas cop Amber Guyger five to 99 years behind bars. and the entire capitalist injustice drive to crush the Gibsons 9 guilty of murder Oct. 1 in the killing Jean, a native of the island of St. system.” last fall of Botham Jean, a 26-year-old Lucia in the Caribbean, was working Jarrett and Alyson Kennedy, the –On the picket line, p. 5– Black man. Jean was shot while eat- in Dallas as an accountant. He was SWP’s candidate for president in Calif. sheet metal workers walk ing ice cream in his own apartment. 2016, are on a national tour speaking also a part-time preacher and song out over low pay, health care Guyger, who is Caucasian, had just leader at the Dallas West Church of for the party, offering solidarity to au- come off duty at the time and was still Christ. Fifteen hundred people at- toworkers on strike against GM and British Columbia Steelworkers in uniform and armed. She claimed tended his memorial service in Rich- taking part in other battles and dis- strike Western Forest Products she thought it was her apartment and Continued on page 6 Continued on page 3 Thousands protest against racist abuse in West Papua BY PATRICK BROWN tional average. AUCKLAND, New Zealand — Days after the attacks in Java, angry Demonstrations of thousands in crowds took to the streets across West Jayapura, Manokwari and elsewhere Papua, home to 3.6 million people, as across the West Papua region — the well as in the Indonesian capital of Ja- Indonesian-ruled half of the resource- karta in central Java. Thousands ral- rich island of New Guinea — broke lied in highland villages. out in mid-August against racist abus- An Aug. 29 mass march in Jaya- es faced by indigenous Papuans. pura highlighted a second wave of Despite stepped-up military and protests. With more than 250,000 police repression the protests are con- people, Jayapura, capital of Papua tinuing, leading to the renewal of the province, is the largest city in the nationalist movement. Many Papuans West Papua region. are demanding the government in Ja- karta allow a referendum on indepen- Solidarity in the region dence for West Papua. Marches in solidarity with the West News of attacks on Papuan students Papuan people were held early in Sep- in cities in Java on Aug. 17, Indone- tember in Papua New Guinea and in sia’s independence day, sparked the Vanuatu, both predominantly Mela- AP Photo/Safwan Ashari Raharusun protests. According to the U.K.-based nesian Pacific island countries. Led by a banner reading, “Stop intimi- Free West Papua Campaign, “military As part of rallies across Austra- dation and racism towards indigenous Graeme Easte officers” in Surabaya taunted Papuan lia, several dozen people gathered Papuans,” march in Manokwari, West students as “monkeys” and accused in Kingsford, Sydney, an area with Papua, Aug. 19 protested Indonesian gov- them of desecrating the Indonesian a substantial Indonesian population, ernment repression. Many Papuans call for government in Jakarta to allow a refer- flag. Tear gas was used in an attack on Sept. 7, to condemn violence against endum on independence for West Papua. student dormitories. the protests in West Papua. The indigenous people of West Bridget Harilaou, of the Anti- aspirations against Indonesian mili- security forces attempt to flush out” Papua face systematic military re- Colonial Asian Alliance, who is of tary repression. We have a common armed pro-independence groups. pression, slurs and attacks. West Indonesian-Australian descent, said it enemy in the imperialist rulers in Alleged “ringleaders” of the pro- Papua, the last colonial outpost in the was “important to show there are In- Canberra and Wellington who have tests have been arrested by Indone- Dutch East Indies, was incorporated donesians who support independence backed Jakarta’s decadeslong occupa- sian police, including Buchtar Tabu- into Indonesia in 1963. Indonesia it- and freedom for West Papua and who tion.” ni, a leader of the United Liberation self gained independence from Dutch condemn the violence from the Indo- Movement for West Papua, and Surya colonial rule after World War II. Capi- nesian government.” National repression continues Anta, spokesperson for the Indone- talists, both from Indonesia and over- Annalucia Vermunt, Communist Weeks after the Java attack, police sian People’s Front for West Papua. seas, profit mightily from mining and League candidate for Auckland may- shot and killed demonstrators in Jaya- Jakarta has moved to cut off news forestry in West Papua. or, told the Militant Sept. 29, “Work- pura, Wamena, as well as Fakfak and from the region, imposing limitations Less than half the population has ing people around the world, and es- Deiyai. Jakarta has sent in thousands on internet access. access to electricity. Over a quarter of pecially in New Zealand, Australia of soldiers and police to reinforce tens Fearing violence by cops and armed West Papuans live below the poverty and the South Pacific should support of thousands of security forces al- pro-military militia, hundreds of stu- line, more than twice the official na- the West Papuan people’s nationalist ready stationed there.
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