Status and Future of the Tevatron Program Status and Future of the Tevatron Program (and other Fermilab programs) Michael Witherell KITP Collider Physics Conference January 14, 2004 The Fermilab program f The Weak Scale and the Energy Frontier – Run II of the Tevatron: CDF and D0 – US -LHC and US -CMS – Linear collider R&D Neutrino and Lepton Flavor Physics – The US accelerator -based neutrino program: MiniBooNE and NuMI/MINOS Quark Flavor Physics and CP violation – Quark flavor physics experiments to operate in 2009: BTeV Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology – Sloan Digital Sky Survey – The Auger Cosmic Ray Observatory – The Cryogenic Dark Matter Search Collider Physics 1/14/04 2 Mike Witherell, FNAL (KITP Collider Conference 1/14/04) 1 Status and Future of the Tevatron Program Run II of CDF and D0 f • From now until arrival of the first LHC physics results, CDF and D0 are the only experiments able to address many of the central questions of particle physics. • It is important for the field of particle physics that we pursue aggressively the Tevatron program. – Any discovery would change our understanding of particle physics and would help to clarify the energy requirements for the initial phase of the linear collider. – Even in the absence of a striking discovery, our knowledge of the Standard Model will be advanced by improved top and W mass measurements combined with results from Higgs searches. Collider Physics 1/14/04 3 Fermilab PAC on Physics at 2 fb ---1-111 f • Top quark – The top-quark production cross section angular distribution – An improved measurement of the top-quark mass, δ( )~ 3 Mt GeV – The electroweak production of single top quarks via t-channel W exchange, measuring |V tb | • New physics searches – supersymmetry, extra dimensions, new gauge bosons •Bs and other heavy quark physics – Spectacular new capability from high-rate vertex triggers • QCD – production of highest p T jets, W,Z with jets – production of heavy quarks Collider Physics 1/14/04 4 Mike Witherell, FNAL (KITP Collider Conference 1/14/04) 2 Status and Future of the Tevatron Program Run II f • P5: “The Tevatron is the world’s highest energy accelerator and, until the LHC produces physics, it will have an unparalleled opportunity to address the major questions in elementary particle physics. The Run II program attacks the most fundamental questions facing particle physics .” Collider Physics 1/14/04 5 Double b -tagged Lep+Trk event at CDF Mike Witherell, FNAL (KITP Collider Conference 1/14/04) 3 Status and Future of the Tevatron Program Searching for Extra Dimensions in D0 • Signal would be an excess of ee, µµ , γγ events at large mass and large angle, due to virtual graviton exchange High-mass electron pair event mass = 466 GeV cos θ* = 0.03 SM QCD → → → → Fakes * θ θ θ θ cos mass →→→ Signal Data DØ limits from pp →→→ ee, µµµµµµ , γγγγγγ (Summer 2003) MS(GRW) > 1.37 TeV (Run I + Run II combined) pp →→→ ee and γγγγγγ Electroweak measurements f • The top mass and the mass of the W boson provide important constraints on the self - consistency of the Standard Model, and allow limits to be set on the mass of the Higgs boson Collider Physics 1/14/04 8 Mike Witherell, FNAL (KITP Collider Conference 1/14/04) 4 Status and Future of the Tevatron Program Fermilab PAC on Physics at ~8 fb ---1-111 f • Top quark and Electroweak ― δ ( ) ~ 2 GeV Mt ― δ( ) ~20 MeV MW ― Prediction of SM Higgs mass to 30% ― δ|V tb | ~ 8% with t -channel production of single top and δ|V tb | ~ 6% with s -channel production ― evidence or exclusion of much of standard Higgs • New physics searches • QCD •Bs and other heavy quark physics – Bs mixing with full sensitivity Collider Physics 1/14/04 9 Weekly Luminosity and Phases f 60 design 50 electron cooling ) -1 40 of antiprotons in the Recycler 30 base 20 Integrated Luminosity per Week (pb Week per Luminosity Integrated 10 0 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 FY2003 04 05 Start of06 Fiscal Year 07 0 8 09 Collider Physics 1/14/04 10 Mike Witherell, FNAL (KITP Collider Conference 1/14/04) 5 Status and Future of the Tevatron Program Projected Integrated Luminosity f Design plan gives doubling time ~1 year for next 4 years 10 9 design 8 7 ) -1 6 5 4 base Integrated Luminosity (fb Luminosity Integrated 3 2 1 present sample 0 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Start of Fiscal Year FY2003 04 05 06 07 08 09 Collider Physics 1/14/04 11 FY 2004 Plan and Status f 160.0 140.0 120.0 100.0 Base plan 80.0 Design Plan Achieved 60.0 40.0 20.0 FY04 Integrated luminosity endat of week 0.0 11/17/03 12/01/03 12/15/03 12/29/03 01/12/04 01/26/04 02/09/04 02/23/04 03/08/04 03/22/04 04/05/04 04/19/04 Week starting on this date Plan 1/04 1/03 • Run II total 0.25 pb -1 on 10/03 Best week(pb -1) 11 7 expect 0.55 pb -1 by 9/04 Typical week 8 5 Best lumi(10 31 cm -2s-1) 5 3 Collider Physics 1/14/04 12 Mike Witherell, FNAL (KITP Collider Conference 1/14/04) 6 Status and Future of the Tevatron Program The Neutrino Program f • Neutrino oscillations are the greatest experimental surprise of the last decade. – large mixing among the three neutrino flavors – possibility of observing an important new instance of CP violation – possible connection through the see-saw mechanism to a very high mass scale • Fermilab is home of the US accelerator -based neutrino program: – MiniBooNE – NuMI/MINOS Collider Physics 1/14/04 13 MiniBooNE f • MiniBooNE is designed to follow up on the LSND evidence of an antineutrino oscillation at high ∆m2, requiring a sterile neutrino • The experiment is running well in its first year of operation. • Accelerator experts are working to increase proton intensity. Collider Physics 1/14/04 14 Mike Witherell, FNAL (KITP Collider Conference 1/14/04) 7 Status and Future of the Tevatron Program MINOS f For atmospheric oscillation • Demonstrate oscillations • Measure parameters ∆m2 to ~10% 2 – Sin 2θ23 to ~5% • Improved sensitivity to transition of νµ to flavors other than ντ θ13 First neutrinos ~1/2005 Collider Physics 1/14/04 15 Future of Neutrino Physics f • Is a new source of CP violation in the neutrino sector accessible to experiments? • Possible steps in an experimental program to explore the neutrino sector 2 2 – MINOS measures ∆matm and sin (2 θatm ) well, extends search for θ13 . – Off-axis NuMI experiment offers great discovery potential with modest enhancements of the existing beam. – Proton driver would greatly increase the neutrino flux. – Very large detector would give another large increase in sensitivity. • This is being considered by the Long -range planning committee (see later). Collider Physics 1/14/04 16 Mike Witherell, FNAL (KITP Collider Conference 1/14/04) 8 Status and Future of the Tevatron Program The USUS----LHCLHC Accelerator Program f • US -LHC accelerator project – Project >80% complete – IR quadrupoles are well into production. • Planning the US LHC accelerator research program (LARP) with BNL, LBNL – R&D on high -field low -beta IR quadrupoles Collider Physics 1/14/04 17 USUSUS-US ---CMSCMS f • Project >80% complete – on schedule and budget baseline – most of silicon detector assembly still ahead – installation and commissioning • Planning the transition to the CMS research program. – CMS software and computing project – maintenance and operations – Physics Analysis Center – planning growth of Fermilab CMS physics analysis effort Collider Physics 1/14/04 18 Mike Witherell, FNAL (KITP Collider Conference 1/14/04) 9 Status and Future of the Tevatron Program Experimental Astrophysics f • The experimental particle astrophysics effort – First -rate experiments: Auger, CDMS, SloanDSS – Important roles suited to Fermilab strengths – Done in partnership with NSF, DOE university program, and international partners, using modest investment of DOE- Fermilab resources – Good ties with the theoretical astrophysics group • We are starting to plan how this area will evolve. – A Fermilab group has joined the SNAP collaboration. – Auger, CDMS are starting to operate while construction continues and planning next steps. Collider Physics 1/14/04 19 Quark Flavor Physics in 2009 f Y. Grossman at Lepton Photon 2003: • The Standard Model flavor structure is special ‒ Universality of the charged current interaction ‒ Flavor Changing Neutral Currents are highly suppressed • Any New Physics model must reproduce these successful SM features. Many proposed models of new physics lead to observable anomalies in the mixing and decays of K, Bd, and B s mesons. Collider Physics 1/14/04 20 Mike Witherell, FNAL (KITP Collider Conference 1/14/04) 10 Status and Future of the Tevatron Program BTeV f • BTeV – will have a very broad particle physics program, including charm physics, but the primary motivation is the search for new physics through CP violation in the B d and B s systems. – represents a breakthrough in designing collider experiments. • P5: “The strength of the BTeV experiment comes from the combination of its vertex trigger with precision mass measurements for both charged and neutral decay modes and excellent particle identification capabilities. ” • P5: “P5 supports the construction of BTeV as an important project in the world-wide quark flavor physics area .” • Fermilab is developing the BTeV project with custom IR optics to optimize the luminosity. Collider Physics 1/14/04 21 P5: The Roadmap in the intermediate term f 1.1.1.LHC 3.3.3.Particle Astrophysics – Atlas – Auger – CMS – GLAST 2.2.2.Quark Flavor – Ice Cube – BTeV – CDMS +other DM searches – KOPIO – (SNAP) – (CKM) 4.4.4.Lepton flavor Fermilab is host laboratory – NuMI-MINOS of those in red.
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