H7206 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE September 11, 1997 The General Accounting Office con- to a large degree in Washington, DC, run their schools the way they should ducted a review of these programs and cannot even open. be run. found that a Connecticut program I think you can balance out the best f could reduce new HIV infection among of government and the best of the pri- participants by 33 percent in 1 year. A vate sector and do what is best not for GENERAL LEAVE 1997 consensus panel of the NIH was political parties but for the children of Mr. PORTER. Mr. Speaker, I ask emphatic on the possible benefits of America and education. unanimous consent that all Members needle exchange programs, stating f may have 5 legislative days in which to they do not increase needle injecting CAMPAIGN FINANCE REFORM NOW revise and extend their remarks on the behavior among current drug users, do further consideration of H.R. 2264, and not increase the number of drug users, (Mr. DEFAZIO asked and was given that I may include tabular and extra- and do not increase the amount of dis- permission to address the House for 1 neous material. carded drug paraphernalia. minute.) The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. I encourage my colleagues, do not Mr. DEFAZIO. Mr. Speaker, remem- HEFLEY). Is there objection to the re- take away the Secretary's discretion ber the handshake, the handshake be- quest of the gentleman from Illinois? on the needle exchange program today. tween Speaker GINGRICH and President There was no objection. Clinton, June 11, 1995? The agreement f f that would go forward with campaign COMPARING PUBLIC EDUCATION finance reform in this country at least? DEPARTMENTS OF LABOR, TO COMMUNISM Eight hundred and twenty-two days HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES, (Mr. GREEN asked and was given ago, $2.5 billion ago, untold scandals AND EDUCATION, AND RELATED permission to address the House for 1 ago, they shook hands. Now what does AGENCIES APPROPRIATIONS minute and to revise and extend his re- the Speaker say? The Speaker says ACT, 1998 there is not enough money in the sys- marks.) The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Mr. GREEN. Mr. Speaker, here we go tem; we should undo the few remaining ant to the order of the House of Thurs- again. After the Civil War, we had radi- reforms and protections we have. day, July 31, 1997, and rule XXIII, the cal Republicans trying to punish the The Republicans want to focus only Chair declares the House in the Com- South. Now we have latter day radical on the Democrats' problems. The mittee of the Whole House on the State Republicans attacking public edu- Democrats have problems. I admit it. of the Union for the further consider- cation, and yesterday we had a Repub- The system is corrupt and corrupting ation of the bill, H.R. 2264. lican colleague compare public edu- for both sides of the aisle. That is true. cation to a Communist legacy. But remember Simon Fireman, the b 1042 vice chairman of Mr. Dole's Committee Public education is a local respon- IN THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE on Finance, was convicted of money sibility; State and school districts, es- Accordingly the House resolved itself laundering. He received a $6 million pecially parents. To compare public into the Committee of the Whole House fine, pled guilty to 74 counts of laun- education to communism does a dis- on the State of the Union for the fur- dering illegal contributions for the Re- service to the millions of students, ther consideration of the bill (H.R. publican Presidential candidate, and teachers, and parents who work hard 2264) making appropriations for the De- was sentenced to 6 months in jail. This every day to educate their children. partments of Labor, Health and Human Mr. Speaker, 75 percent of Americans is a problem on both sides of the aisle. Services, and Education, and related support public education. It is uncon- We need campaign finance reform ac- agencies for the fiscal year ending Sep- scionable to equate support for public tion now. tember 30, 1998, and for other purposes, education with communism. Com- f with Mr. LAHOOD, Chairman pro tem- munism and public education? Not in EDUCATION pore, in the chair. our United States. The Clerk read the title of the bill. f (Mr. LAHOOD asked and was given permission to address the House for 1 The CHAIRMAN pro tempore. When EXTREMISM minute and to revise and extend his re- the Committee of the Whole rose on (Mr. KINGSTON asked and was given marks.) Wednesday, September 10, 1997, the bill permission to address the House for 1 Mr. LAHOOD. Mr. Speaker, I come to was open for amendment from page 78, minute and to revise and extend his re- the floor today to express, in part, my line 12, through page 78, line 22. marks.) agreement with the gentleman from Are there any amendments to this Mr. KINGSTON. Mr. Speaker, I want Texas who says that local people want portion of the bill? to get this correct. I just heard the to have control over their local school The Clerk will read. Democrat Party say that the Repub- boards. That is why we have local The Clerk read as follows: licans who freed the slaves in the Civil elected board members, to run the CORPORATION FOR NATIONAL AND COMMUNITY War were radical extremists. I just schools so that they can hire the ad- SERVICE want to make sure we got that right in ministrators and the teachers to do DOMESTIC VOLUNTEER SERVICE PROGRAMS, the RECORD. The Republicans who led that. OPERATING EXPENSES the fight against slavery were radical Yet, here in Washington, we have For expenses necessary for the Corporation extremists? Very interesting concept. people at the White House and other for National and Community Service to I thought that that chapter of our agencies wanting bureaucrats to tell carry out the provisions of the Domestic Volunteer Service Act of 1973, as amended, Nation's history was a sad one, but un- local boards what kind of test scores $227,547,000. fortunately a necessary one. they should have, what kind of stand- CORPORATION FOR PUBLIC BROADCASTING I think it is a real mischar- ards they should have. acterization when you try to say be- Mr. Speaker, local people do not For payment to the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, as authorized by the Commu- cause someone is saying the Govern- want to be told what the standards nication Act of 1934, an amount which shall ment does not have all the answers, should be. They know what the stand- be available within limitations specified by that you say that that means that they ards should be. They do not want bu- that Act, for the fiscal year 2000, $300,000,000: are extremist. reaucrats in Washington dictating to Provided, That no funds made available to Look at the Washington, DC, school them what kind of standards should be the Corporation for Public Broadcasting by system. Washington, DC, schools are set. That is why they get elected. this Act shall be used to pay for receptions, not even open. In fact in our office, we I would encourage those people who parties, or similar forms of entertainment have a student from Washington, DC, are trying to persuade local elected of- for Government officials or employees: Pro- vided further, That none of the funds con- because she cannot go to her school be- ficials that people in Washington know tained in this paragraph shall be available or cause the inept, incompetent, over- more about it is just absolute non- used to aid or support any program or activ- spending, potentially corrupt govern- sense. We should discourage that and ity from which any person is excluded, or is ment system run by the U.S. Congress give people back the opportunity to denied benefits, or is discriminated against, September 11, 1997 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE H7207 on the basis of race, color, national origin, goal of achieving independence from pendent and that it ought to graduate religion, or sex. the Federal Government that was the from dependence upon public funds; a AMENDMENT NO. 28 OFFERED BY MR. CRANE goal of the Republican-controlled 104th goal that I strongly supported. We did Mr. CRANE. Mr. Chairman, I offer an Congress. And now, as I say, we are the downsizing of the advanced appro- amendment. looking at reversing what we made a priation for CPB with the express ob- The CHAIRMAN pro tempore. The commitment to do and escalating the jective of putting pressure on that Clerk will designate the amendment. expenditure levels for CPB. process in order to bring about an inde- The text of the amendment is as fol- Federal spending is a small percent- pendent status for CPB and a funding lows: age of public broadcasting's revenue. Of source outside of the Federal Treasury. Amendment No. 28 offered by Mr. CRANE: public broadcasting's $1.9 billion budg- Last year, former Representative Page 79, strike lines 8 through 21. et in 1995, only about 15 percent of that Fields, then chairman of the authoriz- Mr. PORTER. Mr. Chairman, I ask comes from Federal appropriations. ing committee responsible for report- unanimous consent that debate on this The functions of public broadcasting, ing the legislation necessary to make amendment and all amendments there- education, entertainment, diversity, CPB an independent corporation, ended to close in 30 minutes and that the are now duplicated in other entities, that process. In our subcommittee last time be divided 15 minutes for the gen- such as cable, direct satellite, VCR's, year we reported out a bill that re- tleman from Illinois [Mr.
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