Háskóli Íslands Félagsvísindasvið Félags- og mannvísindadeild Guðmundr á Glasisvöllum A Study of Potential Foreign Influences Ritgerð til MA-prófs í norrænni trú Felix Lummer Kt.: 2003904829 Leiðbeinandi: Terry Gunnell Maí 2017 In memoriam avi mei Richard Haufler (1927 – 1996) Á Glæsisvöllum Hjá Goðmundi á Glæsivöllum Horn skella á nösum gleði er í höll, og hnútur fljúga um borð, glymja hlátra sköll hógværi fylgja orð, og trúðar og leikarar leika þar um völl en þegar brotna hausar og blóðið litar en lítt er af setningi slegið. storð brosir þá Goðmundur kóngur. Áfengt er mungátið og mjöðurinn er forn, Náköld er Hemra mögnuð drykkjarhorn, en óminnishegri og illra hóta norn því Niflheimi frá undir niðri er stiklunum þruma. nöpur sprettur á. En kaldara und rifjum er Á Grími enum góða konungsmönnum hjá, af gulli höfuð skín, kalinn á hjarta þaðan slapp ég. gamalt ber hann vín en horns yfir öldu eiturormur gín og enginn þolir drykkinn nema jötnar. Goðmundur kóngur Grímur Thomsen er kurteis og hýr, 1820-1896 yfir köldu býr. Fránar eru sjónir en fölur er hans hlýr og feiknstafir svigna í brosi. Á Glæsivöllum aldrei með ýtum er fátt, allt er kátt og dátt. En bróðernið er flátt mjög og gamanið er grátt, í góðsemi vegur þar hver annan. Foreword I would like to dedicate the following lines to express my deepest gratitude to all the people who have helped and supported me by various means during the composition of the current Master’s thesis. I would like to address several individuals (both scholars, friends and family members) in particular. First of all, my thanks go to Terry Gunnell, supervisor and mentor during the time of composition of my thesis. He was a guiding light when my thoughts led me astray. Special thanks also belong to Barbara Hillers, who gave me a warm welcome at the University College Dublin, showing me the archive of Irish folk material as well as augmenting my understanding of the Irish side of scholarly research regarding both otherworldly islands and cultural ties between the Irish and Norse worlds. Another scholar I owe thanks to for a fruitful exchange of thoughts is PhD candidate Rosie S. Taylor of Berkeley University on matters regarding Ódáinsakr and Þórisdalr. In addition, I want to express my gratitude to Matthias Egeler, Tom Muir, Line Esborg, the late Lawrence Tulloch and Ane Ohrvik for their repeated e-Mail support and the information they supplied me with. Last but not least, I want to cordially thank my family and friends for always being there in times of need, helping me in word and deed and being an anchor when I was finding myself in stormy waters. Finally, I want to again express my deepest gratitude to all of those the people, whether mentioned above or not, who have given me their support, love and a friendly ear. Felix Lummer Reykjavík, 20th March 2017 Abstract This thesis aims to continue the scholarly debate on the potential Irish influence on the Guðmundr á Glasisvǫllum subject matter, which allows a careful comparison of the Irish and Old Norse data. The study will then bring into question whether Irish origins are more likely than a background in the Nordic culture. To do so, other material is considered that was largely omitted from the discussion about Guðmundr, Glasisvellir and Ódáinsakr to this day, namely past and present local folk tales of magical and vanishing islands found in both mainland Scandinavia (especially the so- called “Utrøst” legend in Norway) and the North Sea area (Faroe Islands, Iceland and Orkney). As will be shown, a Norwegian background seems most likely. It seems reasonable to interpret Ódáinsakr as a separate motif other rather than being intrinsically connected with accounts of Guðmundr. As this motif is found in both Irish and Old Norse literature, it can be suggested that Ódáinsakr has shared Christian origins. Útdráttur Þetta rannsóknarverkefni er ætlað sem framlag til frekari umræðu um hugsanleg írsk áhrif á efni um Guðmund á Glasisvǫllum til þess að gera samanburð á írskum og norrænum upplýsingum. Ritgerðin rannsaknar hvort írskur bakgrunnur sé líklegri en uppruni í norrænni menningu. Til að gera það eru ýmis gögn notuð sem hingað til hefur verið sleppt í umræðunni um Guðmund, Glasisvelli og Ódáinsakur. Þessi gögn eru gamlar og nútímalegar þjóðsögur Skandinavíu (“Utrøst” í Noregi) og eyjanna í Atlantshafi (Færeyjar, Ísland, Orkneyjar) sem fjalla um yfirnáttúrulegar eyjar sem hverfa. Norskur bakgrunnur virðist vera líklegastur út af því að það er hægt að túlka Ódáinsakr sem óháð minni sem er ekki tengt við lýsingar Guðmundar. Þar sem mótifið er bæði til í írskum og norrænum bókmenntum er uppruni Ódáinsakrs sennilegt kristilegur. Table of Contents 1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 1 1.1 Methodology .......................................................................................................................................................................... 4 1.2 Stand der Forschung .............................................................................................................................................................. 7 2. The Old Norse Sources ........................................................................................................................................................................ 13 2.1 Saxo Grammaticus and Gesta Danorum .............................................................................................................................. 13 2.1.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................................................................... 13 2.1.2 The Fourth Book and the Account of Ódáinsakr ................................................................................................ 14 2.1.3 The Journey to Guthmundus and Geruthus ......................................................................................................... 15 2.1.4 Conclusion .......................................................................................................................................................... 18 2.2 Hervarar saga ok Heiðreks .................................................................................................................................................. 19 2.2.1 The Hauksbók-Variant ........................................................................................................................................ 20 2.2.2 The U-Redaction of R 715 .................................................................................................................................. 23 2.2.3 Conclusion .......................................................................................................................................................... 25 2.3 Norna-Gests þáttr ................................................................................................................................................................ 26 2.3.1 The Grímar Incident ............................................................................................................................................ 26 2.4 Helga þáttr Þórissonar ........................................................................................................................................................ 27 2.4.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................................................................... 27 2.4.2 Topographical Information ................................................................................................................................. 29 2.4.3 The Malevolent Guðmundr ................................................................................................................................. 30 2.4.4 Ingibjǫrg af Glasisvǫllum ................................................................................................................................... 31 2.4.5 Conclusion .......................................................................................................................................................... 32 2.5 Bósa saga ok Herrauðs ........................................................................................................................................................ 33 2.5.1 The Elder Bósa saga ok Herrauðs ...................................................................................................................... 34 2.5.1.a The Frame Narrative .......................................................................................................................... 34 2.5.1.b The Localisation of Glæsisvellir ........................................................................................................ 36 2.5.1.c Goðmundr á Glæsisvöllum ................................................................................................................ 37 2.5.1.d Hleiðr, systir Goðmundar á Glæsisvöllum ......................................................................................... 39 2.5.1.e Conclusion ......................................................................................................................................... 39 2.5.2 The Younger Bósa saga ok Herrauðs ................................................................................................................
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