®l)e flnDcn lenis-®lisettitc The LINDEN NEWS, established 1927, combined with The LINDEN OBSERVER, established 1920. KnT.eied ag second class mall m atter at Vol. Ill, No. 45 8 PAGES LINDEN, N. J., THURSDAY, MAY 8,1958 the Dost Office at Llnde^, N. J PRICE: 5 Cents LINDEN S t a t e o f S e w " e r s e y Lack of Flag Display Testimonial Tendered SCENE 1 3 Thoma.s M. V alejia of 110 ^ Irene .street, has been elected i Scored by VFW Head vice president of Kappa Kappa j P.si. honorary band fraternity, at Rutgers University. .A. junior Failure to di.splay .American Fags on important national holiday- chemi.stry majt r, Valega i.s a ha.- become increasingly noticeable in this community, George Patch, graduate of Linden High School. commander of John Ku.s.sell Wheeler Po.'t, VFW, told City Council H e ha.s .served a.~ vice p resident in a communication Tuesday night, The bu.siness area was once an of the band and is .secretary of iii-piring spectacle on such occas­ Theta Chi fraternity and vice ions, the \’F’W leader pointed out. and jirovide a .sanitary fill to meet pre.sident of the Chemistry Gub. It is common knowledge, he said, present .state re(iuirement.s. I He is the son of Mrs. Anna that on some of the.se days the Five garbage disposal permits; V alega. stores are closed and pers.onnel are were .-uhmitted for approval in ac- * * * unavailable to put up the color-', cordance with the recently pa.ssed \ Herb Smith Trailer Sale.s of liow ever. in other instances it is ordinance regulating control of the Linden is among the firm.' which just oversight. city dump.'. will exhibit in the “Miracle Mile -Many of our neighboring cities, Seven new ordinance.s were in­ of Mobile Homes” in A.sbury he continued, have remedied this troduced and five other.' pas.sed on Park May 22 to 25. The home by a plan to erect the flags for the final reading. The new one.s are: merchants on these special patriotic Designating Urbanowitz Ave. from show will be stageti in conjunc­ -Maj. Gen. H. L. Boatner, Provost .Marshal for the lU S. Army, stands by Civil Defense com- tion with the annual convention days. The appropriate days men­ Linden and Bacheller Ave., and ■ raendation for New Jersey at the Industrial Mu ual .Aid Conference, .May 1 at the EHzabeth-Car- of the State Dealers’ Associa­ tioned were Memorial Day, .Armed A.shton .Ave., from U rbanow itz to tion. teret Hotel Gen. Boatner was principal speaker. Others taking part are (1. to r.), Daniel Higgins, Forces Day, Imiepeniience Day, Linden one-way streets; acquisi­ * * * Public RelatVms Chairman; L. K, Becker, Gen ral Chairman; and Paul M. Tompkins, Plant Veterans’ Day, and Flag Day. tion of land adjacent to Clifford -All that would be required of Law.son Park for expansion; curb Three hundred fifty-one young Manager of the Warners Plant of American Cy inamid Company. the city is to have two men go i pnd gutters in Mopsick Ave., from people attended a Recreation arouml on no more than .seven days IJth to 15th St., $5,000; paving Commission dance in School 8 on throughout the year to place, take ' of Ziegler .Are., from Ro.selle St. Friday evening, .April 25. An­ Activities Reported down, and .store the flags. The to Ru-s.sa St. and Bergen Ave., drew Bartfai was in charge. Cub Pack Given Charter merchants, he stated, would be re- from Ziegler to Carnegie St., Chaperones, furnished by Linden By omen’s Group $70,000; paving of Woodlawn Ave., Chapter 595, Women of the ."pon-sible for purchasing the flag from Edgar Rd. to Hancock Rd. Moose, were Mrs. Bartfai, Mr. sit.s. The letter wa.« referred to Reports were given at the May the veterans’ committee. ami a storm .sewer from 11th St. and Mrs. Walter Kolanage, and At Anniversary Dinner 1 meeting of the Woman’s Society ] Councilmen Tnoma- Ford of to Fklgar Rd., $60,000; and ex­ Mrs, Walter Kubis. of Christian Service of the Linden I TEACHER - M iss Elizabeth Tannahill, a teacher at ♦ ♦ * Elizabeth, chairman of the Imie- tension of a storm se'wer from Methoili.st Church on the fourth [>endence Day committee, a.sked Dobson Park to Maple Ave., alone School No. 2, wha i.s retiring in June after 42 y ears of service, Carol Robacker, 70 Raritan , (luarterly conference of the church Council whether Linden was plan­ W ashington .Ave., from L uttgen was honored at a testimonial dinner Wednesday night, M ay road, is a member of the cast in and the covered dish supper. ! ning to participate in the July 4th PI. to Elm St., $5,600. 7, at the Old .Mil! Inn, Bernardsville. Michael C. Tomasulo, the pre.sentation of Oliver Gold- ceMiration at Warinanco Park. In Finally approved were; Paving principal, presents Miss Tannahill with a gift from the .smjth’.s She Stoops to Conquer Mrs. .Alice W estling, chairm an ■'>r the supper, was as.sisted by the pa.'t the city has contributeil Pali.s-ade Rd., from Wood .Ave., to faculty and friends of the school. to be given May 9, 10 by the Mr.s. K. W. Mc-Alpine, Mrs. G. V er­ $.500 /or the event. The letter was DeWitt Ter., paving Carolina .Ave. ^ . -------------------------------------- Curtain Gub of Ursinus College, non WocMtfield, Mrs. M arie Han- referred to the finance committee. from Garfield St. to Adam.s St. Tannahill has watched Lin- while still commuting on the train, Collegeville, Pa. Carol is a Jun­ -en, Mrs Grace Daneke, Mrs. Irene Garage Plan acquiring land fora playground on grow from a small Township i one of the conductors recognized ior majoring in English. Seymour .Ave.; .sidewalks on both ^ bu.sy city. When she first Miss Tannahill and in conversation * * * Earley, Mrs. Grace Ross, and Mrs. Upon proposal of Councilman Ruth Westling. William Dalziel, Council decided to sides of Woodrow Wilson Park; commuted told her that he still had the flag Robert .M. Dailey of ,321 IP ■ iiriate with Siandanl Oil Co. to and a sidewalk in Linden Ave.',! had given him when he .Ashton avenue, who ha.s en ­ Final arrangement,- were ma'Ie acquire land near the present city from Clinton to Carteret St. ' j and then had to trudge through the was a student in her cla.ss. listed in the I'nited States for the mother-daughter .'inn t dumps to expand for garbage fill The State Highway Department' .station up Wood Mi.'s Tannahill is a member of .Army, left on .April 30 for thi.s evening, May S ; for the train­ purpo.-e.s. to meet .State re-.|uire- has approved erection of a push-^ school. She laugh- the National Education As.socia- Fort Dix for processing and ing cour.se of the WiS.C.-'s. Somh- m .'n t'. button traffic signal light in Route remembers _ being cha.sed tion, New Jersey Educational As­ a.ssignment. orn District to be held in the Lin- Thi.' decision wa- reacheii fol- 1 at Plea.sant Ave., near General f'nies by the gee.-e belong- * * * sociation and has been an officer ion church on .May 14; and fo r a l.'winL' <'ty .Atti-rnev Lewis Win- Motor- Plant, it was reported. The re.sidents of this vicin- and member of the Linden Teach­ The annual mother-daughter fo.xl -ale, in charge of Mrs. W. T. ky'.- c.irnmunication clarifying I’ght will cost $6,800, 25'; of which ers’ .Association. banquet sponsored by the Ladie.s’ Sm ith, on .May IT. _■■■ City’s -ihligution in accordance the city. wit! .pay. , The— -------state will---- Today. when 'vve have, a snow fall She has been piani.'t for all of -Aid Society of St. Paul’.' Luth­ .•■^peaking on varied activities of Mth state regulations in provi.ling control and maintain the light; the f^mediately anticipate having the programs of the first second eran Church will be held on the group were Mrs. Rudolf Rich­ a initary land fill. The citv has city will na,_- ihg electric fee ' remember I and third grades of School No. 2 considered con.st.-ucting an incin-! Police Chief Cbarle.s H . B ettle the (lays she had to plow her way j for all the W ednesday, M ay 14. R eserva­ ter. Methodist Home and mi sion- years she has been ( rator in conjunction with the Lin- was granted permis.sion to attend through monstrou.s .snow banks j f^ore tions may be made with Mrs. ary supplies; Mr.-. Sm ith, mi.s.sion- Clinton Eary, Mr.'. Robert Sch- .len-Reselle Se-werage Authority. a conference in Washington. D, C. through the middle of the street' '''m Is.s Tannahill is anticipating ary education; .Mrs. H erbert B anta. ILiwevcr. Mr. Winetsky explain- J. Edgar Hoover, FBI head, will in t.0 get to .scnool. doing some extensive traveling uerer, Mrs. John Hudak or Mrs. m agazines; .Mrs. la'ona P arker, ed that according to present state conduct tour of feileral bureau’s V. R has throughout the United States and Elizabeth Shaw. The men of flower committee; .Mr.s. Han.sen, the Brotherhood will serve the t H.AKTKR NIGHT — William -Scott, neighborhood commissioner, law- .sewerage authorities and in- building, and operation procedures, been Miss Tannahill s custom to Europe in her retiring years, cancer dressings; Mr.-.
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