ABBREVIA TIONS ACP African Caribbean Pacific Adm. Admiral a.i. ad interim b. born bbls. barrels bd board bn. billion (one thousand million) Brig. Brigadier bu. bushel Cdr Commander CFA Communaute Financiere Africaine CFP Comptoirs Franyais du Pacifique c.i.f. cost, insurance, freight C.-in-C. Commander-in-Chief CIS Commonwealth of Independent States cu. cubic CUP Cambridge University Press cwt hundredweight D. Democratic Party DWT dead weight tonnes ECOWAS Economic Communily ofWest African States EEA European Economic Area EEZ Exclusive Economic Zone EMS European Monetary System EMU European Monetary Union ERM Exchange Rate Mechanism f.o.b. free on board ft foot/feet G8 Group Canada, France, Germany, ltaly, Japan, UK, USA, Russia GDP gross domestic product Gen. General GNP gross national product GRT gross registered tonnes GW gigawatt GWh gigawatt hours ha hectare(s) HDI Human Development Index ind independent(s) K kindergarten kg kilogramme(s) kl kilolitre(s) km ki lometre( s) kW kilowatt kWh ki lowatt hours 2004 ABBREVIATIONS lb pound(s) (weight) Lieu!. Lieutenant m. million Maj. Major MW megawatt MWh megawatt bours NRT net registered tonnes NTSC National Television System Committee (525 lines 60 fields) OUP Oxford University Press oz ounce(s) PAL Phased Alternate Line (625 lines 50 fields 4-43 MHz sub-carrier) PALM Phased Alternate Line (525 lines 60 PAL 3·58 MHz sub-carrier) PALN Phased Alternate Line (625 lines 50 PAL 3·58 MHz sub-carrier) PAYE Pay-As-You-Earn PPP Purchasing Power Parity R. Republican Party RtHon. Right Honourable SADC Southern Afiican Development Community SDR Special Drawing Rights SECAM H Sequential Couleur avec Memoire (625 lines 50 fields Horizontal) SECAM V Sequential Couleur avec Memoire (625 lines 50 fields Vertical) sq. square SSI Supplemental Security Income TAFE technical and further education TEU twenty-foot equivalent units tm. trillion (one million million) TV television Univ. University VAT value-added tax vfd value for duty 2005 PLACE AND INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS INDEX PLACE AND INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZA TIONS INDEX Italicized page numbers refer to extended entries An ' denotes a further referenee in the addenda, pages xxxi- xxxiv Aaehen 691 Adana 1570, 1572, Agnibi lekrou 505 AI-Batan 1043 Aalborg 54 1, 547, 548 1576 Agra 807, 838, 872 al-Bayadh 138 Aalst 283 Addis Ababa 558, 605, Agri 1570 AI-Buni 139 Aargau 1518, 1519 606,609 Agrihan 1929 AI Ghwayriyah Aarhus 540, 54 1, 547, Adelaide 171, 172, Aguaseali entes 1120, 1315 548 182,183, 210, 213 , 1121 AI- Hi 11ah 904 Aarlen see Arlon 214 Aguijan 1929 AI Hoeeima 1147, Aba 1226 Aden 74, 1972, 1973, Ahal 1579 1148 Abaeo 253 1974, 1975 Alunadi 1007 AI-Jafarah 1043 Abadan 896, 897 Adilabad 824 Alunadnagar 851 al-Jaza'ir see Aigiers Abaiang 987 Adlyaman 1570, 1572 Alunedabad 807, 814, AI-Jofra 1043 Abakaliki 1226 Adjaria 687 820, 822, 836 AI Jumayliyah 1315 Abakan 1348 Ado-Ekiti 1226 Ahorne 1121 AI-Kamishli 1526 Abaneay 1280 Adoni 825 Ahuaehapan 584 AI Kharija 576 Abariringa see Kanton Adrar (Algeria) 138 Ahvaz 896 AI Khour 1315 Abbotsford 383 Adrar (Mauritania) Ahvenanmaa 618 AI-Kofra 1043 Abeche 433, 436 1110 Ain Chok-Hay AI-Kut 904 Abemama 987 Adygeya, Republic of Hassani 1147 AI-Marj 1043 Abengourou 505 1330, /342-3 Ain Defla 138 AI-Morqib 1043 Abeokuta 1226 Adzope 505 Ain Sebaä-Hay AI-Muthanna 904 Aberdeen (Seotland) Aegean North region Mohammadi 1147 al -Obeid 1490 1611 , 1614, 1632, (Greeee) 747 Ain Temouehent 138 al-Oued 139 1669, 1670,1671 Aegean South region Aioun el Atrouss al-Qadarif 1490 Aberdeen (South (Greeee) 747 1110, 1113 AI -Qadisiyah 904 Dakota) 1897 Aetolia and Aeamania Airdrie (Alta.) 380 AI -Qoba 1043 Aberdeenshire 1611 , 747 Aisen 438 AI Rayyan 13 15 1669 Afar 605 Aitutaki 1211 AI Shamal 13 15 Aberystwyth 1680 Afghanistan' /27- 3/ Aix-en-Provence 632, AI -Wahad 1043 Abia 1226 - in world 647 AI Wakra 131 5 Abidjan 238, 505, 506, organizations 12, Aizawl 821, 824, 857 Alabama 1732, 1742, 507,508, 509 90, 91,92,1 15, 116 Ajaceio 63 1 1744, /774- 7 Abilene 1735, 1902 Afriean Development Aj loun 968 Alagoas 323 Abkhazia 686-7 Bank /03- 4 Ajman 1601 Alajuela 500, 503 Abohar 862 African Export- Ajmer 807,838, 865 A lamagan 1929 Aboisso 505 Import Bank /05- 6 Akashi 958 Alandur 867 Abomey 297 Afyon 1570 Akele Guzai 594 Alania see North Abqaiq 1386 Agadez 1221 , 1223 Akershus 1233 Ossetia Abruzzi 940 Agadir 1146, 1147, Akita 958 A lappuzha 847 Abu Dhabi 160 I, 1148, 1151 Akjoujt 1110 Alaska 1732, 1742, 1603, 1604 Agalega 1115 Akmola see Astana 1744, 1747, 1759, Abuja 1225, 1226 Agafia 1927 Akola 807, 851 , 853 /777- 81 Abyan 1972 Agartala 821 , 824, 870 Akouta 1223 Alava 1470, 1471 A9äba 1110 Agatti Island 883 Akranes 797 Alba 1321 Acajutla 585, 587 Agbovi 11e 505 Akron 1734, 1878 Alba [ulia 1321 Acapulco de Juarez Agege 1226 Aksaray 1570 Albacete 1470, 1471 1121 Agency for the Aksaz-Karaaga9 1573 Albania 69, /32- 7 Accra 740, 741, 744 Prohibition of Aktau 978 - in European Aceh 886, 887 Nuclear Weapons Akure 1226 organizations 62, Achaia 747 in Latin America Akureyri 797, 80 I 63 ,70, 72 Acklins Island 253 and the Caribbean Akwa Ibom 1226 - in other Acre 323, 328 89-90 Akyab 1160, 1161 organizations 12, ACS85- 6 Aggeneys 1464 AI Ain 1603, 1604 45,67,111,115, Adabeya 58 1 Aghios Nikolaos 747 AI-Amarah 904 116, 121 Ad-Diwaniyah 904 Aginskoe 1353 AI-An bar 904 Albany (New York) Adamaoua 360 Aginskoe-Buryat AI Arish 577 1869, 1870, 1871 Adamawa 1225 Autonomous Oblast AI-Basrah 904, 905, Albany (Oregon) 1884 Adamstown 1720 1331 , 1353 906,907 Albany (W. Aus.) 226 2009 PLACE AND INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZA TIONS INDEX Alberta 365, 366, 367, Almirante 1266 Amnesty International Anglesey, Isle of 371,379, 380-3 Alo 670, 671 113 1610, 1677 Albina 1496 Alofi (New Zealand) Amphissa 747 Angola 147-52 Albuquerque 1733, 1214, 1215 Amravati 807, 851 -in world 1866, 1868 Alofi (Wallis and Amritsar 807, 820, organizations 10, Albury-Wodonga 219 Futuna) 670 862,863 12, 79, 103,106, Aleala de Henares A lor Setar 1081 , 1086 Amroha 871 107, 108, II1 1471 Alotau 1269 Amstelveen 1181 Angoon 1778 Aleobendas 1471 Alphen a/d Rijn 1181 Amsterdam 1180, Angouleme 632 Aleorc6n 1471 Alphonse 1395 1181 , 1182, 1185, Anguilla 75, 86, 88, Aldabra 1395, 1705 Alsace 631 1187, 1188, 1190 89,1699-701 Alderney 1693, 1694, Alta Verapaz 759 Amsterdam Island 662 Angus 161 1, 1669 1698 Altai, Republic of Amtimam433 Anhui 446, 452 Aleg 1110 1331 , 1343 Amur Oblast 1331 Anjouan see Nzwani Alegranza 1471 Altai Krai 1331 An Giang 1964 Ankara 15 70, 15 72, Alentejo 1305 Altamira 1126 An-Najaf 904 15 76 Alentejo Central 1305 Alto Alentejo 1305 An-Nasiriyah 904 Ann Arbor 1735, 184 1 Alentejo Litoral 1305 Alto Paraguay 1275 Anaconda-Deer Lodge Annaba 138, 139, 140, Aleppo 1526, 1527, Alto Parana 1275 1852 142 1529 Alto Tras os Montes Anadyr 1353 Annapolis 1834, 1835, Älesund 1234 1305 Anaheim 1734, 1787 Annecy 632 Aleutians East 1778 Altoona 1888 Anambra 1226 Annemasse 632 Aleutians West 1778 Alwar 864 Anand 835 Annobön 589 Alexander Bay 1464 Al ytus 1052 Anantapur 825 Anping 475 Alexandria (Egypt) Amadora 1306 Ancash 1280 Ansan 992 576, 577, 578, 579, Amagasaki 958 Anchorage (Alaska) Anshan 447 581 Amambay 1275 1734, 1764, 1778, Antalya 1570, 1572, Alexandria (Romania) Amapa 323 1780 1576 1321 Amapala 784 Anchorage (Cook Antananarivo 1071, Alexandria (Virginia) Ämari 599 Islands) see 1074 1734, 1910 Amarillo 1734, 1902 Suwarrow Antarctic Treaty 114 Alexandroupolis 747 Amarpur 870 Ancona 940, 943 Antigua and Barbuda Aigarve 1305 Amasya 1570 Andalusia 1470 153-6 Aigeciras 1471 Amazonas (Brazil) Andaman Islands and - in world Aigeria* 58, 138-43 323,328 Nicobar islands organizations 12, -inother Amazonas (Colombia) 805,807,810, 812, 39, 74, 79, 85, 86, organizations 67, 478 821,824,877- 8 88,89, 90 79, 98,99,101, Amazonas (Peru) 12 80 Andean Community Antioquia 478 102, 103, 111 , 115, Amazonas 84- 5 Antipodes Islands 11 6 (Venezuela) 1958 Andean Development 1197 - in UN 12 Ambala 837, 838, 862 Corporation 83 Antofagasta 309, 438, Algiers 138, 139, 140, Ambato 571 Anderson 1817 439,442, 443 142 Ambattur 867 Andhra Pradesh 806, Antrim 1682 Alhucemas 1471 Amboina 887, 891 810,816,821 , Antsiranana 1071 Ali-Sabieh 556 Ambrym 1952 824- 6 Antwerp 282, 289 Alicante 1470, 1471, America see United Andijon see Andizhan Anuradhapura 1485 1478 States of America Andizhan 1947, 1950 Anvers see Antwerp Alice Springs 193, American Samoa 94, Andorra 10, 12, 62, Anyang 992 194, 196, 197 1732, 1743, 63 , 67, 144- 6, Anzoategui 1958 Aligarh 807 1930-3 14 78 Aoba 1952 Alkmaar 1181 Amersfoort 1181 Andorra-Ia-Vell a 144 Aomori 958 Allahabad 807, 812, Ames 1820 Andros 253 APEC 93-4 821 ,872 Amhara 605 Androth Island 883 Apeldoorn 1181 Allentown 1735, 1888 Amherst (N,S.) 398 Ane-Ia-Raye 1363 Apia 1371, 1373 Alma-Ata see Almaty Amiens 631 , 632 Anegada 1705 Apolima 1371 Almaty 974, 975, 978 Amindivi Islands 883 Aneho 1552 Appenzell-Inner Almelo 1181 Amini Island 883 Aneityum 1952 Rhoden1518, 1519 Almere 1181 Amirante Isles 1395 Angarpota 264 Appenzell-Outer Ahneria 1470, 1471 , Amman 968, 969, 970, Angeles 1288 Rhoden1517, 1519 1478 971 Angers 632 Appleton 1919 2010 PLACE AND INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZA TIONS INDEX Apra Harbor 1928 Arkansas 1732, 1742, Assab 594, 595, 596, Augusta-Richmond Apure 1958 1744, /784-7 597,605 County (Georgia) Apurimac 1280 Arkhangelsk 1331 Assam* 806, 810, 814, 1734 Aqaba 968,969, 970, Arkhangelsk Oblast 815, 816,821 , 824, Auki 1426 971 1330 828-30 Aulnay-sous-Bois 632 Aqmola 974 Arlington (Texas) Assen 1180, 1181 Aunu'u 1931 Aqtöbe 974 1734, 1902 Association of Aurangabad 807,
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