Average Debit Card Interchange Fee by Payment Card Network

Average Debit Card Interchange Fee by Payment Card Network

Average Debit Card Interchange Fee by Payment Card Network 2019 All transactions (exempt and covered Exempt transactions 2 Covered transactions 3 transactions) 4 Network 1 Interchange fee Interchange fee Interchange fee % of total Average Average as % of % of total Average Average as % of Average Average as % of % of total value % of total value number of transaction interchange fee average number of transaction interchange fee average transaction interchange fee average of transactions6 of transactions6 transactions5 value7 per transaction8 transaction transactions5 value7 per transaction8 transaction value7 per transaction8 transaction value9 value9 value9 10 Dual-Message 37.4% 36.0% $38.47 $0.54 1.41% 62.6% 64.0% $40.93 $0.22 0.54% $40.01 $0.34 0.85% Discover 95.1% 93.9% $31.73 $0.41 1.30% 4.9% 6.1% $39.91 $0.24 0.60% $32.13 $0.40 1.26% MasterCard 54.0% 53.4% $40.62 $0.59 1.46% 46.0% 46.6% $41.62 $0.23 0.56% $41.08 $0.43 1.04% Visa 32.3% 30.5% $37.50 $0.52 1.39% 67.7% 69.5% $40.79 $0.22 0.54% $39.73 $0.32 0.80% Visa dual-message 29.9% 28.3% $37.56 $0.54 1.44% 70.1% 71.7% $40.74 $0.22 0.54% $39.79 $0.31 0.79% 11 Visa single-message 76.5% 73.5% $37.06 $0.37 0.99% 23.5% 26.5% $43.34 $0.24 0.56% $38.54 $0.34 0.87% Single-message12 36.3% 34.7% $36.01 $0.25 0.69% 63.7% 65.3% $38.57 $0.24 0.61% $37.64 $0.24 0.64% Accel 82.1% 81.1% $39.28 $0.22 0.55% 17.9% 18.9% $41.97 $0.24 0.57% $39.76 $0.22 0.55% AFFN 82.0% 72.9% $31.98 $0.23 0.72% 18.0% 27.1% $54.14 $0.16 0.30% $35.96 $0.22 0.61% Alaska Option13 ATH 17.4% 20.0% $40.56 $0.20 0.49% 82.6% 80.0% $34.27 $0.20 0.59% $35.37 $0.20 0.57% 14 Culiance 100.0% 100.0% $42.05 $0.24 0.57% 0.0% 0.0% $42.05 $0.24 0.57% Interlink 13.8% 10.9% $31.19 $0.35 1.12% 86.2% 89.1% $41.03 $0.24 0.59% $39.67 $0.26 0.64% Jeanie 99.6% 99.7% $45.79 $0.25 0.54% 0.4% 0.3% $38.70 $0.17 0.45% $45.76 $0.25 0.54% Maestro 21.4% 19.2% $31.12 $0.22 0.72% 78.6% 80.8% $35.64 $0.24 0.66% $34.67 $0.23 0.67% NetWorks15 NYCE 79.8% 79.1% $37.18 $0.30 0.80% 20.2% 20.9% $38.78 $0.22 0.57% $37.51 $0.28 0.76% PULSE 62.4% 60.8% $39.31 $0.28 0.70% 37.6% 39.2% $41.99 $0.24 0.57% $40.32 $0.26 0.65% SHAZAM 87.5% 86.7% $34.31 $0.26 0.74% 12.5% 13.3% $36.69 $0.21 0.58% $34.61 $0.25 0.72% STAR 46.9% 44.6% $35.92 $0.20 0.57% 53.1% 55.4% $39.44 $0.24 0.60% $37.79 $0.22 0.58% UnionPay 100.0% 100.0% $31.68 $0.36 1.13% 0.0% 0.0% $31.68 $0.36 1.13% All Networks 37.0% 35.6% $37.64 $0.44 1.18% 63.0% 64.4% $40.10 $0.23 0.56% $39.19 $0.31 0.78% Average Debit Card Interchange Fee by Payment Card Network 2018 All transactions (exempt and covered Exempt transactions 2 Covered transactions 3 transactions) 4 Network 1 Interchange fee Interchange fee Interchange fee % of total Average Average as % of % of total Average Average as % of Average Average as % of % of total value % of total value number of transaction interchange fee average number of transaction interchange fee average transaction interchange fee average of transactions6 of transactions6 transactions5 value7 per transaction8 transaction transactions5 value7 per transaction8 transaction value7 per transaction8 transaction value9 value9 value9 10 Dual-Message 37.4% 36.2% $38.04 $0.54 1.41% 62.6% 63.8% $40.07 $0.22 0.56% $39.31 $0.34 0.87% Discover 96.4% 96.1% $36.82 $0.53 1.44% 3.6% 3.9% $39.32 $0.24 0.61% $36.91 $0.52 1.41% MasterCard 55.0% 54.2% $39.53 $0.58 1.47% 45.0% 45.8% $40.88 $0.23 0.57% $40.14 $0.42 1.06% Visa 32.1% 30.6% $37.30 $0.51 1.38% 67.9% 69.4% $39.92 $0.22 0.55% $39.08 $0.31 0.81% Visa dual-message 29.7% 28.3% $37.29 $0.53 1.43% 70.3% 71.7% $39.87 $0.22 0.55% $39.10 $0.31 0.80% 11 Visa single-message 76.1% 73.6% $37.33 $0.36 0.96% 23.9% 26.4% $42.54 $0.24 0.57% $38.58 $0.33 0.86% Single-message12 36.7% 35.6% $37.23 $0.25 0.67% 63.3% 64.4% $39.00 $0.24 0.61% $38.35 $0.24 0.63% Accel 93.0% 92.8% $40.10 $0.21 0.52% 7.0% 7.2% $41.63 $0.24 0.57% $40.21 $0.21 0.53% AFFN 88.3% 82.5% $34.13 $0.25 0.72% 11.7% 17.5% $54.77 $0.20 0.37% $36.54 $0.24 0.66% Alaska Option13 ATH 16.9% 20.0% $46.77 $0.21 0.45% 83.1% 80.0% $38.10 $0.20 0.53% $39.57 $0.20 0.51% 14 Culiance 100.0% 100.0% $46.89 $0.26 0.55% 0.0% 0.0% $46.89 $0.26 0.55% Interlink 12.1% 10.0% $32.44 $0.35 1.09% 87.9% 90.0% $40.28 $0.24 0.60% $39.33 $0.25 0.65% Jeanie 99.7% 99.7% $46.41 $0.25 0.54% 0.3% 0.3% $43.72 $0.15 0.34% $46.41 $0.25 0.54% Maestro 19.9% 18.1% $32.27 $0.24 0.75% 80.1% 81.9% $36.27 $0.24 0.65% $35.47 $0.24 0.67% NetWorks15 NYCE 83.1% 82.0% $38.00 $0.30 0.80% 16.9% 18.0% $40.99 $0.22 0.53% $38.51 $0.29 0.75% PULSE 61.9% 60.1% $40.86 $0.27 0.67% 38.1% 39.9% $44.07 $0.24 0.55% $42.08 $0.26 0.62% SHAZAM 82.6% 79.9% $34.96 $0.26 0.73% 17.4% 20.1% $41.53 $0.21 0.50% $36.11 $0.25 0.69% STAR 49.7% 46.6% $36.06 $0.20 0.54% 50.3% 53.4% $40.76 $0.24 0.58% $38.42 $0.22 0.56% UnionPay 100.0% 100.0% $3.54 $0.02 0.44% 0.0% 0.0% $3.54 $0.02 0.44% All Networks 37.2% 36.0% $37.76 $0.44 1.16% 62.8% 64.0% $39.69 $0.23 0.57% $38.98 $0.31 0.78% Average Debit Card Interchange Fee by Payment Card Network 2017 All transactions (exempt and covered Exempt transactions 2 Covered transactions 3 transactions) 4 Network 1 Interchange fee Interchange fee Interchange fee % of total Average Average as % of % of total Average Average as % of Average Average as % of % of total value % of total value number of transaction interchange fee average number of transaction interchange fee average transaction interchange fee average of transactions6 of transactions6 transactions5 value7 per transaction8 transaction transactions5 value7 per transaction8 transaction value7 per transaction8 transaction value9 value9 value9 10 Dual-Message 37.6% 36.6% $37.31 $0.52 1.40% 62.4% 63.4% $38.90 $0.22 0.58% $38.30 $0.34 0.88% Discover 99.9% 99.9% $38.22 $0.57 1.49% 0.1% 0.1% $31.20 $0.23 0.75% $38.21 $0.57 1.49% MasterCard 56.0% 55.4% $38.87 $0.58 1.49% 44.0% 44.6% $39.71 $0.23 0.59% $39.24 $0.43 1.09% Visa 32.1% 30.9% $36.52 $0.49 1.35% 67.9% 69.1% $38.75 $0.22 0.57% $38.03 $0.31 0.82% Visa dual-message Visa single-message11 Single-message12 35.6% 34.9% $37.27 $0.25 0.67% 64.4% 65.1% $38.54 $0.24 0.61% $38.08 $0.24 0.63% Accel 85.3% 85.1% $41.75 $0.21 0.51% 14.7% 14.9% $42.62 $0.24 0.56% $41.88 $0.22 0.52% AFFN 90.1% 86.5% $37.85 $0.24 0.64% 9.9% 13.5% $54.13 $0.20 0.36% $39.45 $0.24 0.61% Alaska Option13 ATH 16.3% 20.0% $44.22 $0.20 0.45% 83.7% 80.0% $34.54 $0.20 0.57% $36.12 $0.20 0.54% 14 Culiance 99.3% 99.3% $47.22 $0.23 0.48% 0.7% 0.7% $43.33 20.4% 0.47% $47.20 $0.23 0.48% Interlink 11.0% 9.2% $32.06 $0.35 1.09% 89.0% 90.8% $39.07 $0.24 0.61% $38.30 $0.25 0.66% Jeanie 99.6% 99.6% $45.53 $0.25 0.55% 0.4% 0.4% $47.21 $0.16 0.34% $45.54 $0.25 0.55% Maestro 18.8% 17.7% $33.69 $0.25 0.73% 81.2% 82.3% $36.35 $0.24 0.65% $35.85 $0.24 0.66% 15 NetWorks 33.5% 34.8% $34.94 $0.32 0.93% 66.5% 65.2% $32.95 23.6% 0.72% $33.61 $0.27 0.79% NYCE 82.3% 80.7% $36.20 $0.29 0.80% 17.7% 19.3% $40.27 $0.23 0.56% $36.92 $0.28 0.75% PULSE 61.4% 59.2% $40.09 $0.28 0.70% 38.6% 40.8% $43.89 $0.24 0.55% $41.55 $0.26 0.64% SHAZAM 77.9% 74.1% $34.45 $0.25 0.73% 22.1% 25.9% $42.43 $0.17 0.40% $36.22 $0.23 0.65% STAR 48.3% 45.5% $36.20 $0.19 0.54% 51.7% 54.5% $40.49 $0.24 0.58% $38.42 $0.22 0.56% UnionPay 100.0% 100.0% $10.19 $0.11 1.10% 0.0% 0.0% $10.19 $0.11 1.10% All Networks 36.9% 36.0% $37.29 $0.43 1.15% 63.1% 64.0% $38.77 $0.23 0.59% $38.23 $0.30 0.79% Average Debit Card Interchange Fee by Payment Card Network 2016 All transactions (exempt and covered Exempt transactions 2 Covered transactions 3 transactions) 4 Network 1 Interchange fee Interchange fee Interchange fee % of total Average Average as % of % of total Average Average as % of Average Average as % of % of total value % of total value number of transaction interchange fee average number of transaction interchange fee average transaction interchange fee average of transactions6 of transactions6 transactions5 value7 per transaction8 transaction transactions5 value7 per transaction8 transaction value7 per transaction8 transaction value9 value9 value9 10 Dual-Message 37.4% 36.2% $38.04 $0.54 1.41% 62.6% 63.8% $40.07 $0.22 0.56% $39.31 $0.34 0.87% Discover 96.4% 96.1% $36.82 $0.53 1.44% 3.6% 3.9% $39.32 $0.24 0.61% $36.91 $0.52 1.41% MasterCard 55.0% 54.2% $39.53 $0.58 1.47% 45.0% 45.8% $40.88 $0.23 0.57% $40.14 $0.42 1.06% Visa 32.1% 30.6% $37.30 $0.51 1.38% 67.9% 69.4% $39.92 $0.22 0.55% $39.08 $0.31 0.81% Visa dual-message Visa single-message11 Single-message12 36.4% 35.2% $37.05 $0.25 0.67% 63.6% 64.8% $39.00 $0.24 0.61% $38.29 $0.24 0.63% Accel 93.0% 92.8% $40.10 $0.21 0.52% 7.0% 7.2% $41.63 $0.24 0.57% $40.21 $0.21 0.53% AFFN 88.3% 82.5% $34.13 $0.25 0.72% 11.7% 17.5% $54.77 $0.20 0.37% $36.54 $0.24 0.66% Alaska Option13 ATH 16.9% 20.0% $46.77 $0.21 0.45% 83.1% 80.0% $38.10 $0.20 0.53% $39.57 $0.20 0.51% 14 Culiance NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR Interlink 12.1% 10.0% $32.44 $0.35 1.09% 87.9% 90.0% $40.28 $0.24 0.60% $39.33 $0.25 0.65% Jeanie 99.7% 99.7% $46.41 $0.25 0.54% 0.3% 0.3% $43.72 $0.15 0.34% $46.41 $0.25 0.54% Maestro 19.9% 18.1% $32.27 $0.24 0.75% 80.1% 81.9% $36.27 $0.24 0.65% $35.47 $0.24 0.67% 15 NetWorks NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NYCE 84.9% 83.7% $37.94 $0.30 0.78% 15.1% 16.3% $41.72 $0.24 0.58% $38.51 $0.29 0.75% PULSE 61.9% 60.1% $40.86 $0.27 0.67% 38.1% 39.9% $44.07 $0.24 0.55% $42.08 $0.26 0.62% SHAZAM 82.6% 79.9% $34.96 $0.26 0.73% 17.4% 20.1% $41.53 $0.21 0.50% $36.11 $0.25 0.69% STAR 49.7% 46.6% $36.07 $0.20 0.54% 50.3% 53.4% $40.76 $0.24 0.58% $38.43 $0.22 0.56% UnionPay NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR All Networks 37.1% 35.9% $37.70 $0.44 1.16% 62.9% 64.1% $39.70 $0.23 0.57%

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