October 27, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1951 These qualities are not uncommon among that critical capacity by delaying the launch longer jointly procure the NPOESS satellite the men and women who serve in our nation’s of the next generation polar-orbiting sat- system; instead, each agency would plan and Armed Forces, but it’s not every day that you ellites, said Jane Lubchenco.’’ You are also acquire its own satellite system.’’ quoted as saying, ‘‘It is a disaster in the Your reported inaccurate and partisan can point to someone who has lived up to making. It’s an expression of the dysfunction comments are unhelpful. I urge you to pub- these standards over a career that spans in our system.’’ Your remarks mirror similar licly correct these inaccurate statements. I nearly seven decades. I am pleased to recog- comments made by deputy administrator await your prompt response. nize a man who has done just that, John Kathryn Sullivan to the Washington Post Best wishes. Bruce of Troy, Michigan. earlier this summer. Sincerely, Mr. Bruce served in the South Pacific during Perhaps you are unaware that the Repub- FRANK R. WOLF, World War II as a member of the Army Signal lican-authored House FY 2011 bill rec- Chairman, Commerce-Justice-Science Corps. After being honorably discharged fol- ommended a higher level of funding for Subcommittee, Appropriations Committee. lowing the war, he began a career at the De- NOAA’s satellite acquisition account than f the Democrat-authored Senate bill despite troit Arsenal in 1946 as a cost/price analyst. the House having a lower allocation than the HONORING JULIE WATKINS FOR Mr. Bruce has been with TACOM ever since, Senate. Further, for FY 2012, the House Com- TWENTY-THREE YEARS OF PUB- accepting greater and greater responsibilities. merce-Justice-Science Appropriations sub- LIC SERVICE He has served as Chief of Payroll, Chief of Fi- committee recommended $901 million, a nancial Accounting, Deputy Comptroller, and nearly $430 million increase—91%—above the Chief of the Detroit Arsenal Procurement Of- FY 2011 level for JPSS. Despite having an al- HON. NICK J. RAHALL II fice, to name only a few of the positions he location $2.5 billion higher than the House, OF WEST VIRGINIA has held over the years. the Senate recommended an amount only IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. Bruce has been honored on many occa- slightly above the House recommendation, $920 million. To my knowledge, you have Thursday, October 27, 2011 sions for his service. His awards include the never criticized Senate funding levels for Mr. RAHALL. Mr. Speaker, it is always hard Secretary of the Army Award for outstanding JPSS. While the House did not provide the achievement in material acquisition; the Com- full $1 billion requested, the House level is a to say goodbye to a valued staff person, but manders Award for exceptional Civilian Serv- significant amount of funding given these today is especially difficult in wishing Julie ice, the Meritorious Civilian Service Award, the austere budget times when other programs Watkins a fond farewell as she begins her re- Achievement Medal for Superior Civilian Serv- in the Commerce-Justice-Science bill were tirement. ice, the Superior Civilian Service Award, the significantly reduced or eliminated alto- Julie has served the people of West Virginia Commander’s Award for Civilian Service, and gether. as a staff member in the U.S. Congress since Finally, I would call your attention to the the Department of the Army Decoration for Ex- 1989, almost 23 years. fact that any gap in satellite data is not due Julie began her Congressional tenure work- ceptional Service. to lack of funding, ‘‘Republican budget-cut- Mr. Bruce is a graduate of UCLA, where he ting measures’’ or ‘‘the dysfunction in our ing in the mailroom for West Virginia’s beloved earned a Bachelor of Science Degree in Busi- system,’’ but rather years of poor inter- Senator Robert C. Byrd. She later moved to ness Administration. He and his late wife, agency management that resulted in the Senator Byrd’s front office, where she was a Jean, have two daughters, Nancy and Bar- cancellation of the National Polar-orbiting Staff Assistant who proved her commitment bara. Operational Environmental Satellite System daily to her job. Rising at 3:15 a.m., each When John Bruce retires on his 94th birth- (NPOESS) satellite program after being morning, in order to drive from rural Virginia to day on December 3, he will be TACOM’s and more than five years behind schedule, twice be in the office by 5 a.m., Julie impressed as expensive with fewer satellites and less Senator Byrd and everybody on staff with her the Army’s longest serving employee. I ask capability. The caution shown by the Con- the House of Representatives to join me in ex- gress with regard to funding the successor diligence and hard work. pressing our gratitude to Mr. Bruce for his program, JPSS, is fully justified in light of Julie later was promoted to Front Office many years of service to the nation. Congratu- this record of waste and mismanagement. I Manager and then Office Manager, training lations for a remarkable career and a job well have noted below portions of September, 2011 every new Staff Assistant who came to work done. GAO testimony to the Congress on NPOESS in Senator Byrd’s front office, forty-eight in mismanagement, from GAO–11–945T: f total, while she was in that position. After fif- ‘‘When its primary contract was awarded teen years, in 2005, she left the front office to LETTER TO NOAA ADMINIS- in August 2002, NPOESS was estimated to try her hand at casework. Senator Byrd, who TRATOR JANE LUBCHENCO RE- cost about $7 billion through 2026 and was thought so very highly of Julie, was deeply re- GARDING HER INACCURATE AND considered critical to the United States’ luctant to let her go—refusing to accept for the UNCONSTRUCTIVE PUBLIC COM- ability to maintain the continuity of data required for weather forecasting and global longest time that Julie was no longer looking MENTS ON THE HOUSE APPRO- after his front office—a position upon which he PRIATIONS LEGISLATION climate monitoring. However, in the years after the program was initiated, NPOESS en- placed tremendous value. She had been, for countered significant technical challenges in so long, his warm, welcoming, efficient rep- HON. FRANK R. WOLF sensor development, program cost growth, resentative to so many West Virginians when- OF VIRGINIA and schedule delays. By November 2005, we ever they called for help or came to visit Cap- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES estimated that the program’s cost had grown itol Hill. to $10 billion, and the schedule for the first When Senator Byrd passed away last year, Thursday, October 27, 2011 launch was delayed by almost 2 years. These I was fortunate that Julie agreed to come to Mr. WOLF. Mr. Speaker, I submit a letter issues led to a 2006 restructuring of the pro- work on the House Natural Resources Com- that I have sent to National Ocean and Atmos- gram which reduced the program’s mittee, on which I was Chairman. She worked pheric Administration administrator Jane functionality by decreasing the number of in my Committee office, and later graciously Lubchenco in response to inaccurate and planned satellites, orbits, and instruments. The restructuring also led agency executives moved to my personal office, once again re- unconstructive remarks about the House Com- to decide to mitigate potential data gaps by suming the vital duties of the front desk. merce-Justice-Science Appropriations Sub- using NPP as an operational satellite. Even I cannot help but feel a little boastful in say- committee recommended funding for the Joint after the restructuring, however, the pro- ing that I succeeded where Senator Byrd did Polar Satellite System. gram continued to encounter technical issues in developing two sensors, significant not in convincing Julie to move back into the HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, front office. I know, however, that Senator Ocober 26, 2011. tri-agency management challenges, schedule Dr. JANE LUBCHENCO, delays, and further cost increases. Faced Byrd would be so proud to know that all of Undersecretary for Oceans and Atmosphere, with costs that were expected to exceed $14 Julie’s skill and experience were still being Department of Commerce, Washington, DC. billion and launch schedules that were de- employed, at least for a little while longer, in DEAR DR. LUBCHENCO: I was disappointed layed by over 5 years, in August 2009, the Ex- serving the people of West Virginia. by your recent remarks to the Guardian ecutive Office of the President formed a task Julie is one of those prized Congressional newspaper accusing congressional force, led by the Office of Science and Tech- staffers who master their job. Many times they nology Policy, to investigate the manage- Repub1icans of endangering the Joint Polar are not high profile positions, but they are es- Satellite System (JPSS). I want you to know ment and acquisition options that would im- that your reported accusations were neither prove the NPOESS program. As a result of sential to a smooth running office and to en- accurate nor constructive. this review, the Director of the Office of suring that our constituents are well and effec- According to the article, ‘‘Republican Science and Technology Policy announced in tively served. Julie knows what so many of us budget-cutting measures would knock out February 2010 that NOAA and DOD would no forget or fail to understand: filling the copy VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:45 Oct 28, 2011 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A27OC8.016 E27OCPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1952 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks October 27, 2011 paper each morning, checking the fax ma- TRIBUTE TO USS ‘‘CALIFORNIA’’ California is a state with a long naval history chine so it works properly, knowing the right and strong naval tradition.
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