ENA REPORT RAPPORT FROM FRÅN THE SWEDISH FEDERATION SVENSKAOF CONSULTINGEN RAPPORT TEKNIK&DESIGNFÖRETAGEN ENGINEERS AND ARCHITECTS DECEMBER 2016 FRÅN SVENSKA TEKNIK&DESIGNFÖRETAGEN SECTORBRANSCH ÖVERSIKTENREVIEW En svensk, nordisk och internationell kartläggning av EnA Swedish,Arkitekt-, svensk, nordiskNordic teknikkonsult- och och internationelland International kartläggning Survey of av arkitekt-,Theindustrikonsultbranschen Consulting teknikkonsult- Engineering och andindustrikonsultbranschen Architectural Groups 1 KEY FIGURES 2015: SEK 81 The sector had a turnover of SEK 81 billion, foreign billion subsidiaries included. SEK 65 The sector had a turnover in Sweden of SEK 65 billion. billion 70 000 The sector employed 70 000 personnel, personnel foreign subsidiaries included. 55 000 The sector employed 55 000 personnel in Sweden. personnel 11100 The sector consisted of some 11100 companies in Sweden. companies SEK 1158 k The turnover per employee was in total SEK 1158 000, foreign subsidiaries included SEK 1186 k The turnover per employee in Sweden was SEK 1186 000 5.8 The average profit margin was 5.8 % % 6.0 The average operating margin was 6.0 % % THE SECTOR CONTENTS REVIEW The Sector Review has been published by the Foreword by Magnus Höij, Swedish Federation of Consulting Engineers Association’s Managing Director 4 and Architects (STD-företagen) since 1995. It is a compilation of the architectural, engineer- Five current trends 4 ing consultancy and industrial consultancy Introduction, Lena Hagman, sectors in Sweden, the Nordic countries and Chief economist Almega 6 Europe. The Review presents ranking lists of the largest corporate groups on the respec- tive markets, interesting key business ratios, THE SWEDISH MARKET 8 news about structural transactions and in- Sector development 2015 and 2016 8 formation on the development and economy within the sector over the past year. Development, by sectors 9 Since 2005, STD-företagen’s counterparts Interview, Jannice Steijner Johansson, in the neighbouring Nordic countries have Tengbom 11 contributed to the Review. The organisations Interview, Magnus Meyer, WSP 12 that participate in this cooperation are FRI and Danske Ark (Danish Architects) in Denmark, A comparison with other RIF in Norway, SKOL and ATL (Architectural knowledge-intensive industries 14 association) in Finland and FRV and SAMARK Interview, Klas Persson, (Architectural association) in Iceland. Sigma Technology Development 15 The figures in the Review are based on the Key figures for the largest latest available data that we have been able to Swedish consulting firms 16 find on the respective firms. For just over half the firms the review is equivalent to a calendar Interview, Johan Dozzi, closing for 2015. The remaining firms have Sweco Civil Engineering 17 split financial years. In most cases, we have The 50 largest architectural groups 18 received their annual reports for 2015/16. The 50 largest industrial consultancies 19 However, some annual accounts were not Swedish structural deals 19 ready when work on the collection of basic data came to an end, for example for those Interview, Per-Arne Gustavsson, companies whose annual accounts close at Projektengagemang 20 the end of August. In these cases, we have The 30 largest groups in Sweden 23 retained the same figures as for 2014/15. For Sweden’s 300 largest groups 24 the sake of simplicity, we refer to the compiled figures that applied for 2015. The corporate information in the Review THE NORDIC MARKET 30 has been acquired via the databases Soliditet (Sweden) and Factiva Dow Jones Compa- Introduction 32 nies & Executives (Europe), from the Nordic Nordic comparison of key figures 32 organisations, direct from companies or via The 100 largest architectural the companies’ home pages. The monitoring groups in the Nordic region 33 covers some 1,500 companies in Sweden, the Nordic Area and Europe. Collecting the FRI – the Danish market 35 information is an extensive and time-consum- DA – the Danish market 38 ing task, and in some cases it is impossible to Denmark’s 100 largest groups 42 obtain reliable information. The information on the international companies is more difficult to RIF – the Norwegian market 44 access. In Sweden, annual reports are public Norway’s 100 largest groups 48 documents. This is not the case in all coun- FRV/SAMARK – the Icelandic market 50 tries, and many firms are reluctant to disclose their figures. In these cases, we use the most Iceland’s 20 largest groups 52 recent material we can find. Consequently, all SKOL – the Finnish market 53 companies that appear in – or should appear ATL – the Finnish market 55 in – the Review are requested to contact STD- företagen and to submit their details in order Finland’s 100 largest groups 56 to make sure that the information published on them is correct. Cover photo: THE INTERNATIONAL MARKET 58 We would like to thank those companies The new architectural school at the Royal Institute that have helped us by submitting their annual of Technology in Stockholm, designed by Tham & International development 60 reports or figures Videgård architects Profit margin development, We would especially like to thank Lena Photo: Åke E:son Lindman Europe’s 200 largest groups 60 Hagman (Almega), Klas Persson (Sigma), World’s 10 largest groups 60 Jannice Steijner Johansson (Tengbom), Swedish Federation of Consulting Per-Arne Gustavsson (Projektengagemang), Engineers and Architects Listed consultancies in the West Magnus Meyer (WSP) and Johan Dozzi Graphics: Pär Ek Grafisk Form – a comparison 61 (Sweco) for their contributions to the report in Printing: Ineko Stockholm 2016 Europe’s 50 largest architectural groups 62 interviews and introduction. Translations: JNG Ainscough HB Europe’s 200 largest groups 63 SECTOR REVIEW • THE SWEDISH FEDERATION OF CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND ARCHITECTS • DECEMBER 2016 3 FOREWORD MAGNUS HÖIJ, MANAGING DIRECTOR OF THE SWEDISH FEDERATION OF CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND ARCHITECTS FIVE CURRENT GROWTH AND TRANSFORMATION TRENDS IN THE SECTOR When 2016 is to be summed up, certain words and formulations will almost cer- tainly be used. Those of us who represent the Swedish Fed- eration of Con- sulting Engineers and Architects will hear just as many personal points of view on the year that has gone as we have member firms. Some of our COMPLEX SOLUTIONS firms see clear signs of overheating. REQUIRE INTERDISCIPLINARY Construction is in progress more than RESOURCES THE WAR ON COMPETENCE ever, and the plans for the future are, to say the least, aggressive. Both housing and infrastructure need to be construct- MODERN SOCIETY is becoming increas- IN STEP WITH THE GROWING NEEDS of soci- ed on a large scale. The need for innova- ingly complex, and community develop- ety for engineering and architectural know- tion and development of the industry ment projects require growing resources. how, it will become increasingly important is acute in many places. Regardless of Digitalisation has driven development: to find the right personnel. But the uni- which sector you work near, the compe- tence of the knowledge-intensive firms technical development, new business versity and institute of education system is in enormous demand. models, greater specialisation and an in- has not managed to keep up with develop- Other firms point out that we con- creasingly powerful globalisation. ments, and the number of graduates from stantly need to wrestle with our sur- The range of services offered by engi- our universities and institutes of technology roundings and a policy that does not re- neering and architectural firms will there- has failed to increase at the rates. At present ally understand what our companies do. The change from a traditional industrial fore be increasingly broad. Good and in- there are many players dragging at the new society into a modern service society telligent solutions to difficult problems re- engineers and architects – and not only the has been going on for a long time, but quire cooperation, in which many expert private community development or product 2016 has offered a considerable amount areas together generate one or more an- development engineering firms and archi- of resistance from several quarters. The swers. Larger teams and groups have to be tectural offices. The IT sector needs more regulations are failing to keep up with these changes. The will and direction of established in order to share the work-load. developers and engineers, for example the the policy can sometimes be ques- In many companies, behavioural scientists, vehicle industry, is turning in the direction tioned. But the transformation into a sociologists, IT developers, geographers of new solutions and trying to grab up the modern business community, in which and many others are now taking a place be- same engineers as others. In addition, the knowledge-intensive services play a major role, is not only desirable and side the more traditional professional roles. buyers’ side – for instance municipalities natural but also unavoidable. It will be increasingly important to and authorities – often require knowledgea- It is in other words sometimes wine weave together various competences into ble and experienced planners and architects and sometimes water. Important tasks an invitation that is not owned by one par- in order to be able to cope with the housing lie ahead of the sector companies and ticular individual. Ultimately, the brand shortage which is currently so acute. representatives – our company has a key role to play in creating the smart and name of the company or the organisation Companies in advisory professions are innovative society. will be more important than the different doing well in this competition, and STD- In this year’s Sector Review, we sum- parts and the individual employees. företagen members often come high up on marise not only the year that has passed The soul of our sector will always be fo- the list of desirable companies when it is and the developments within the sector. We try also to look ahead in order to cused on the knowledge of engineers and time for the students to choose an employer.
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