Св. АНДРІЯ УКРАЇНСЬКA KАТОЛИЦЬКA ЦЕРКВA St. Andrew Ukrainian Catholic Church 7700 Hoertz Road Parma, Ohio 44134-6404 Church Office: 440/843-9149 (by appointment only) Fax: 440/845-2986 Hall: 440/886-3258 Web Page: www.standrewucc.org Email: [email protected] Fr. Ihor Kasiyan, Pastor Phone: 440/845-2270 (residence) *Reminder* - If you have a loved one in the Cell: 440/391-8500 hospital and would like Fr. Ihor to visit, please contact the church with hospital and room Subdeacon Joseph Zappernick information. Email: [email protected] Legacy Society - Please remember the Ukrainian Catholic Divine Liturgies Schedule Eparchy of St Josaphat (Parma) (440/888-1522) or St. Saturday: 4:30 p.m. English Andrew Ukrainian Catholic Church in your estate planning. Sunday: 9:30 a.m. Ukrainian; 12:00nn English Weekdays & Saturday Mornings: 9:00 a.m. Confession/Reconciliation: Saturdays at 3:30p.m. The Policy for the Protection of Children and Youth in our Eparchy, go to http://stjosaphateparchy.com/category/safe-environment/ 15th Sunday after Pentecost WEEKLY COLLECTION / DEPOSIT ОГОЛОШЕННЯ і ПОВІДОМЛЕННЯ. (9/05/2021) Weekend Of: 8/29/2021 ЮВІЛЕЙНИЙ ФОНД- Повідомлямо усіх наших парафян про те, що у Weekly $ 2,410.00 Birth of the Theotokos (9/8) наступному 2022р, ми будемо святкувати 55-ту річницю з дня будівництва Initial / Dues $ 50.00 нашої церкви. З цієї нагоди проголошуємо про створення ювілейного Energy $ 86.00 комітету і збір коштів на цей ювілей. Усіх бажаючих долучитися до цього TONE 6: Eparchial $ 40.00 комітету просимо зголоситися до о. Ігоря Касіян. The Sacrifice of Praise (Eng) Pages 112, 280 Let Us Lift Up Our Hearts (Ukr) Page 47, 117 Maint / Beautification $ 90.00 ВИСВЯЧЕННЯ НА СВЯЩЕННИКА і ПЕРША УРОЧИСТА Св. ЛІТУРГІЯ. Scripture readings for Sunday Candles $ 124.00 У середу 8-го вересня 2021р. на свято “Різдва Пресвятої Богородиці”, отець Epistle: Cor (4: 6 - 15) In Memory Of $ 200.00 диякон Дмитро Касіян буде висвячений нашим єпископом Кир Богданом Gospel: Mt (22: 35 - 46) Special Gift $ 125.00 Данило на священника. Початок Св. Літургії о год. 10.00 ранку. Сердечно запрошуємо усіх взяти участь. Dormition $ 30.00 Liturgy Intentions: We still have dates available for Transfiguration $ 5.00 the remainder of this year. Please contact the Church Нововисвячений о. Дмитро Касіян відслужить свою першу Урочисту Office to schedule your liturgy intentions. Vestments / Altar Lin. $ 60.00 Божественну Літургію у церкві “Св. Андрія” у неділю 12-го вересня 2021р. Exaltation of Cross $ 5.00 о год. 11.00 ранку. Ret Priest/ Med $ 10.00 Liturgy Intentions & Confession Schedule: Please ПОДЯКА- Сердечно дякуємо усім нашим жертводавцям, які минулого Fest. Rfl tkt sales $ 525.00 note NEXT weekend’s services –English Liturgy only тижня зложили свої пожертви на потреби нашої церкви, а саме: родина on Saturday at 4:30 pm. The Ukrainian liturgy will be Fest. Sponsor/Don. $ 3,350.00 Сохоцький пожертвувала в пам'ять померлих +Софії і Ярослава Сохоцький at 11:00 A.M., Sunday, 9/12 Fest. Venders $ 300.00 $100.00, родина Петро і Лідія Парк пожертвували $100.00 в пам'ять Church Deposit $ 7,410.00 померлого +Річарда Плат. Анонімний жертводавець пожертвував Cemetery Deposit $ 7,270.00 $100.00.Йосиф Хома пожертвував $50.00 на потреби церковного вівтаря. Saturday 9/4 9:00AM +Taras Ivashchuk (Family) ФЕСТИВАЛЬ- Просимо усіх приходити на наш фестиваль, який відбудеться 3:30PM Confession / Reconciliation 4:30PM For the People of the Parish у суботу 4-го вересня від год.3:00 пополудні до 11:00 веч. і неділю 5-го 4:30 English +Jane Zysek (Mary & Olga Rusyniak) вересня від год. 1:00 після обіду до год. 11:00 вечора. Sunday 9/5 12:00PM Health & Blessings to Bohdanna & Andrij (Kosc Family) Ukrainian KATEXИЗМ- Катехитичні кляси для наших дітей при церкві Св. Андрія, Monday 9/6 No Morning Liturgy розпочнуться в місяці Вересні-Жовтні 2021р. За додатковою інформацією Tuesday 9/7 9:00AM +Ihor Olijar (Maria Krislatyj) просимо звертатися до п. Віри Ґернаґа, або до нашого церковного офісу на 7:00PM Vespers – Evening Prayer ном. тел.440-843-9149. Wednesday 9/8 10:00AM Ordination of Deacon Dmytro Kasiyan Birth of the Theotokos МОЛОДІЖНИЙ ФЕСТИВАЛЬ- Патріярша комісія у справах молоді Thursday 9/9 9:00AM +Taras Ivashchuk (Family) запрошує усіх у неділю 12-го вересня 2021р взяти участь фестивалі молоді Friday 9/10 9:00AM +Semen Paselsky (D & I Malysewycz) під назвою “Вітер на- Дії”. Цього року фестиваль буде проходити “Online”. Saturday 9/11 9:00AM +Taras Ivashchuk (Family) Більше інформації можна отримати за електронною адресою: 3:30PM Confession / Reconciliation https://vnd.org.ua/about 4:30PM For the People of the Parish th 20 Anniversary Remembrance of events of 9/11/01 MORE NEWS & INFORMATION… Sunday 9/12 11:00AM First Solemn Divine Liturgy celebrated by Fr. Dmytro Kasiyan Estate Planning Seminar – Sunday, September 19th 12:30 p.m. – 2:30 p.m at the +Mychajlo & Olena Liszniansky (Family) St. Josaphat Astrodome. Speakers include Marta Liscynesky Kelleher, Esq., MBA and John F. Kurey, Esq., MBA. Topics include wills, powers of attorney, charitable giving, etc. If interested, you must register by calling 440-888-1522. This is a free event. NEWS & INFORMATION ORDINATION TO THE HOLY PRIESTHOOD & FIRST SOLEMN DIVINE LITURGY Catechism for Young Faithful at St. Andrew - Our Catechism classes will begin in September/October. However, due to the ongoing Covid issues, we Fr. Deacon Dmytro Kasiyan will be ordained into the Holy Priesthood by Most will only have classes for children ages 6-7 (First Grade) and children ages 7+ Rev. Bishop Bohdan Danylo at St. Andrew Ukrainian Catholic Church on for First Sacrament of Reconciliation and Solemn Holy Communion. Please contact Wira Gernaga or the church office if your child will be attending. If Wednesday, September 8, 2021, the Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin there is enough interest, we will consider adding Continuing Development Mary. Divine Liturgy will be at 10:00am. All are cordially invited to attend. sessions for children who have already received their First Sacrament of Reconciliation and Solemn Holy Communion. Additional details will be provided in future bulletins. – Wira The newly ordained Fr. Dmytro Kasiyan will celebrate his first Solemn Divine Gernaga. Liturgy at St. Andrew Ukrainian Catholic Church on Sunday, September 12, 2021, at 11:00am. All are cordially invited to attend. Catechetical Sunday – we will celebrate on the weekend of September 19th, where we will pray for our teachers and students. More information will be provided in a future bulletin. The St. Andrew Parishioners wish Fr. Dmytro Kasiyan God’s Blessings and we pray… O loving Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of Thank You! We thank an Anonymous donor for their gift of $100.00 and we thank Jack & Laverne Tibbitts (neighbors) for their gift of $25.00. Thank you to Joseph Khoma for his gift Priests, take to your heart your sons who are close to you because of $50 to altar vestments and altar linens. May God bless you. of the power which they have received to carry on the work of Christ in a world which needs them so much. Be their comfort, be Thank You, too! We also thank the Sochockyj Family for their gift of remembrance of $100 their joy, and their strength. In peace let us pray to the Lord. in memory of +Jarolsaw & Sofia Sochockyj. We thank Peter & Lidia Parc for their gift of Lord, have mercy. $100 in memory of +Richard Platt. God bless all of you for your kind memorial gifts. Celebrate the New Liturgical Year – Spiritually Adopt a Priest. The Patriarchal Commission for Youth is cordially inviting youth from our parishes to Heavenly hosts worship ceaselessly as we mark the beginning of a new take part in “Вітер на-Дії” youth festival on Sunday, September 12, 2021. Participation in the liturgical year, September 1st. Join the celebration by spiritually adopting festival will also be available online. More information can be found at https://vnd.org.ua/about a priest. Become a second “soul” to a bishop, priest or seminarian in our eparchy, by offering daily prayers, fasting, and other supplications. To A Benefit Luncheon for the Eparchy of Saint Josaphat – will take participate, please e-mail your name and address to: place on Sunday, October 10, 2021, at the Astrodome in Parma, 5720 [email protected]. Indicate your preference for an English State Rd. There will be a reception at 12:30 p.m. and the Luncheon or Ukrainian prayer card. Or log onto https://stjosaphateparchy.com/ . will begin at 1:00 p.m. Bishop Bohdan will be attending. This is an Thank you for interceding on behalf of our priests. important opportunity to support our Eparchy. Everyone is invited to attend or to support this event in some way. You may In Remembrance – On the 20th Anniversary of 9/11, we carry a heavy burden of register via the mail or online at the Eparchy’s website memory. We remember the heroism of the many that lost their lives in saving others. (www.stjosaphateparchy.com). For more information, please see Fr. Ihor or send an email We remember all those who suffered and died, we grieve for them still, friends and to [email protected], or call 440-888-1522. Please support this important strangers alike, along with their families and friends. event for the Eparchy! NOTE: Church/Cemetery Office will be CLOSED on Monday, September At this time, we ask that you remember to pray for our friends and 6 in observance of Labor Day. Additionally, the Church/Cemetery family members who are home-bound, ill, recovering from surgery or Office will be CLOSED on Wednesday, September 8th due to the receiving treatment.
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