Pax gene diversity in the basal cnidarian Acropora millepora (Cnidaria, Anthozoa): Implications for the evolution of the Pax gene family David J. Miller*†, David C. Hayward‡, John S. Reece-Hoyes*‡, Ingo Scholten*, Julian Catmull*‡, Walter J. Gehring§, Patrick Callaerts§¶, Jill E. Larsen*, and Eldon E. Ball‡ *Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, James Cook University, Townsville, Queensland 4811, Australia; ‡Research School of Biological Sciences, Australian National University, P.O. Box 475, Canberra ACT 2601, Australia; §Biozentrum, University of Basel, Klingelbergstrasse 70, CH-4056 Basel, Switzerland; and ¶Department of Biology, University of Houston, Houston, TX 77204-5513 Contributed by Walter J. Gehring, January 31, 2000 Pax genes encode a family of transcription factors, many of which Many Pax proteins contain motifs in addition to the PD; most play key roles in animal embryonic development but whose evo- of the arthropod and chordate Pax genes fall into four classes on lutionary relationships and ancestral functions are unclear. To the basis of comparisons of domain structure and sequences address these issues, we are characterizing the Pax gene comple- (9–12). The Pax-6 class, which includes Drosophila eyeless, is the ment of the coral Acropora millepora, an anthozoan cnidarian. As only unequivocal case of conservation of function (reviewed in the simplest animals at the tissue level of organization, cnidarians ref. 13). The Pax-2͞5͞8 class is viewed as that most closely occupy a key position in animal evolution, and the Anthozoa are related to the Pax-6 group—the ‘‘supergroup’’ comprising Pax- the basal class within this diverse phylum. We have identified four 6͞2͞5͞8 is clearly distinct from the other supergroup, which Pax genes in Acropora: two (Pax-Aam and Pax-Bam) are orthologs comprises the Pax-3͞7 and Pax-1͞9 clades (11). In addition to of genes identified in other cnidarians; the others (Pax-Cam and these four classes that include orthologs from a wide range of Pax-Dam) are unique to Acropora. Pax-Aam may be orthologous animals, many ‘‘orphan’’ Pax genes are known (see, for example, with Drosophila Pox neuro, and Pax-Bam clearly belongs to the Pax-2͞5͞8 class. The Pax-Bam Paired domain binds specifically and ref. 14), with more restricted distributions. preferentially to Pax-2͞5͞8 binding sites. The recently identified The approach that we are taking to understanding the evo- Acropora gene Pax-Dam belongs to the Pax-3͞7 class. Clearly, lution of these genes is to characterize the Pax gene complement substantial diversification of the Pax family occurred before the of the staghorn coral, Acropora millepora, an anthozoan. The Cnidaria͞higher Metazoa split. The fourth Acropora Pax gene, Anthozoa are the basal class within the Cnidaria (15–17)—the Pax-Cam, may correspond to the ancestral vertebrate Pax gene and simplest animals at the tissue level of organization—and are thus most closely resembles Pax-6. The expression pattern of Pax-Cam, likely to reflect ancestral character states more closely than in putative neurons, is consistent with an ancestral role of the Pax members of the other classes. The rationale behind this assump- EVOLUTION family in neural differentiation and patterning. We have deter- tion is that, in a representative basal animal, genes should be mined the genomic structure of each Acropora Pax gene and show performing more restricted functions, and hence, ancestral roles that some splice sites are shared both between the coral genes and may be more clearly seen. We previously identified two Pax between these and Pax genes in triploblastic metazoans. Together, genes in Acropora (18), one of which has orthologs in the these data support the monophyly of the Pax family and indicate hydrozoans Hydra littoralis (19) and Hydra magnipapillata (20) as ancient origins of several introns. well as the scyphozoan Chrysaora quinquecirrha (19). A third cnidarian Pax gene is known from the hydrozoan Podocoryne he Pax genes encode a complex family of transcription carnea; EMBL accession no. AJ249563) as well as C. quinque- SPECIAL FEATURE Tfactors with multiple DNA-binding domains and diverse cirrha (19), H. littoralis, and H. magnipapillata (19, 20). Although functions, and for these reasons, many aspects of their evolution these genes have provided novel perspectives on Pax gene remain speculative. Pax genes are defined by the presence of the evolution (18–20), some speculation is involved in relating the paired box, first identified in the Drosophila pair-rule gene paired known cnidarian genes to the Pax gene classes identified in (1), and encode a large (128-aa) DNA-binding domain (the higher animals. Additionally, nothing is known about the roles of Paired domain or PD). In addition, a number of Pax genes also these genes in lower Metazoa. encode a complete or partial homeodomain (HD). Pax HDs are Herein, we describe two genes from Acropora, bringing the distinguished by the presence of a serine residue at position 50 number of Pax genes identified in this animal to four. One of but are clearly related to those encoded by genes such as the Arx these genes is likely to be orthologous to the Pax-B gene known and Otx families (2). Pax and related HDs preferentially bind as from several other cnidarians and a single sponge species, and it dimers at palindromic targets consisting of two TAAT half sites can be viewed as corresponding to an ancestral Pax-2͞5͞8 gene; (3). The PD consists of two distinct helix–turn–helix motifs (4). the second falls unambiguously into the Pax-3͞7 class and has no In the case of Paired (prd), only the N-terminal PAI subdomain orthologs among lower animals. The identification of a Pax-3͞7 makes DNA contacts (5), but in some other Pax proteins, the gene in Acropora indicates that substantial diversification of the C-terminal RED subdomain makes contacts and modulates Pax family predates the Cnidaria͞higher Metazoa split, and the binding (6, 7). Additional complications in understanding the binding of these proteins are that a distinct set of targets seems presence of common intron positions is consistent with the to exist for the RED subdomain (8), that complex sites bound by monophyly of the Pax family. We have elsewhere argued that Pax both PD and HDs have been identified (4), and that Pax HDs can heterodimerize with a range of related proteins (3). Nine Pax genes are known in mammals, and eight (nine if eyegone is Abbreviations: PD, Paired domain; HD, homeodomain. included) are known in Drosophila; alternative splicing and Data deposition: The sequences reported in this paper have been deposited in the GenBank multiple roles during development complicate the identification database (accession nos. AF053458, AF241310, AF053459, and AF241311). of ancestral functions. †To whom reprint requests should be addressed. E-mail: [email protected]. PNAS ͉ April 25, 2000 ͉ vol. 97 ͉ no. 9 ͉ 4475–4480 Downloaded by guest on September 30, 2021 Fig. 1. Alignments of Acropora PD (A) and HD (B) sequences. Shading (generated with BOXSHADE 3.21) indicates identity of at least two (HD) or three (PD) sequences. The inverted triangles indicate two intron positions: that in the first codon of the PD is present in Pax-Aam, Pax-Bam, and Pax-Dam and that in the HD is present in Pax-Bam, Pax-Cam, and Pax-Dam. diversification accompanied and facilitated the elaboration of were then analyzed on 6% nondenaturing polyacrylamide gels the nervous system (2, 18, 21). Consistent with this argument, we containing 0.5 ϫ TBE (90 mM Tris͞64.6 mM boric acid͞2.5 show that Pax-Cam is expressed in presumed neurons. mM EDTA, pH 8.3). Materials and Methods Whole-Mount in Situ Hybridization. A. millepora embryos were Isolation of cDNA Clones. The construction of the cDNA library is fixed at intervals spaced appropriately such that all major described elsewhere (22). Details of the PCR primers, amplifi- morphological stages were represented. Fixation was for 10–20 cation conditions, and methods used for screening cDNA librar- min in 3.7% (vol͞vol) formaldehyde in Millipore-filtered sea- ies have been described (18). water buffered to pH 8.0 with Hepes buffer. Embryos were then washed repeatedly in Millipore-filtered seawater, dehydrated Genomic DNA and Genomic Clones. High molecular weight genomic through a graded methanol series, and then stored in absolute DNA was isolated from A. millepora egg-sperm bundles as methanol at Ϫ20°C until needed. The embryos contain large described (23). Size-fractionated genomic DNA that had previ- amounts of lipid; thus, a complex delipification procedure must ously been partially digested with MboI was used for the con- be carried out, which will be described elsewhere (E.E.B., struction of a genomic library in GEM12 (Promega) by using unpublished work). The hybridization solution, hybridization the manufacturer’s recommended methods. Plaques were procedure, and in situ probe production have been described by screened at moderate stringency by using the homologous cDNA Kucharski et al. (24), except that hybridization was at 55°C. clones as probes. Genomic clones were subjected to direct DNA Specimens were cleared through a graded glycerol series and sequencing with the Applied Biosystems BigDye terminator mounted in 90% (vol͞vol) glycerol. Photographs were taken on chemistry, and sequences were determined on ABI310 Genetic a Zeiss Axioskop with Kodak Ektachrome 64 tungsten film with Analyzers. the resulting images converted to digital form by scanning. Other images were captured directly with a Spot digital camera. Electrophoretic Mobility-Shift Assay. A PCR product containing a Digitized images were processed with ADOBE PHOTOSHOP. BamHI site upstream of the complete Pax-Bam paired box followed by a KpnI site and a (TAG) stop codon was generated Results from the cDNA. This product was cloned into the BamHI and Cloning of Acropora Pax Genes.
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