“Open the doors to all — let the c h i l d ren of the rich and the poor take their seats together and know of no distinction save that of industry, good conduct, and intellect.” — Townsend Harris, founder c u n y.edu/news THE CITY UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK • FOUNDED 1847 AS T H E F R E E A C A D E M Y SEPTEMBER 2006 Macaulay Gives $30 Million to Honors College, I n s i d e Says He was Inspired by CUNY’s ‘ Tu r n a r o u n d ’ PA G E Wrongfully Convicted, 2 Now Pursuing B. A . n September the University received also that this academic year marks the I ra q .” He had been in Jordan for three Alan Newton spent 22 the largest donation of its history, a beginning of three highly significant new months awaiting an American visa. years in prison for a I$30 million gift to the CUNY Honors p r o g rams at the University, a Gra d u a t e The 27-year-old Zeyad (who for his crime that DNA shows College from financier William E. School of Jo u r n a l i s m , a Teacher A c a d e m y own protection did not use his last name) he did not commit. M a c a u l a y, who said he wanted to “ h e l p specializing in math and science, and an will study interactive media with Professor Medgar Evers comes to ensure that young people today can get a Online Baccalaureate progra m . Jeff Ja r v i s, whose own blog inspired the rescue with a schol- high quality education just as I Z e y a d ’s efforts. Z e y a d ’s reports from arship and a job offer, received at CUNY some four I raq have been featured by The New and Newton now hopes decades ago.” York Ti m e s, The Washington Po s t, a n d to become a law y e r. S e e Macaulay added, “The turnaround The Guardian, among other major pages 2 and 3, t o p. at CUNY over the past several years news outlets. under Matt Goldstein has given me The new Teacher A c a d e m y, w h i c h PA G E New Trustees Promise the confidence and inspiration to has 107 students in its inaugural class to Build on Past Gains help support the University through but hopes to reach 300 students in its 2 this gift.” second academic year, is located on Philip Berry The generous grant will go largely seven CUNY campuses — Brooklyn and Fr e i d a t o ward the purchase of a building on C o l l e g e, The City College, College of Fo s t e r- To l b e r t M a n h a t t a n ’s Upper West Side that Staten Island, Hunter College, are newest will become the permanent home of Lehman College, Queens College and members of the Honors College. York College. Its purpose is to “ p r e- the Board of Chancellor Goldstein expressed pare a new generation of exceptional Tr u s t e e s. T h e y deep appreciation, noting the teachers to produce high levels of stu- will work Honors College “has become a mag- dent achievement and to inspire mid- with Chair- net for the city’s finest students.” dle and high school students’ interest man Benno C. S c h m i d t , who was reap- Board of Trustees Chair Benno C. in mathematics and science.” pointed to a new seven-year term, a n d S c h m i d t , J r. s a i d : “ M r. M a c a u l a y ’s A great incentive for applying to will bring “special perspectives” to their generosity comes at a time when the the Teacher Academy is that, like the t a s k s. See pages 2 and 3, b o t t o m . University is seeing record enroll- Honors College, students receive free PA G E ments and highly accomplished tuition and stipends for their four The College Library s t u d e n t s … ” y e a r s. The Academy is a `partnership 4 Enters a New A g e Macaulay is a 1966 Honors gra d- between CUNY and the New Yo r k The role of the college uate of City College, h aving majored City Department of Education. l i b rarian has changed signif- in economics at the Baruch School This summer, a student in the icantly in recent years, of Business, which was part of City incoming first class of the A c a d e m y, Chancellor Matthew Goldstein (left) with William and especially since the birth of C o l l e g e. Steven Herbst, addressed a gathering Linda Macaulay, outside the Steinhardt Building at 35 We s t the Internet. The craft is an This is indeed a time of expansion of other students, professors and 67th Street, a Gothic revival structure that will be home of increasingly complex disci- and of great achievements at the CUNY administrators at The CUNY the CUNY Honors College, thanks to William Macaulay. p l i n e, and librarians are now U n i v e r s i t y. G raduate Center. more teachers than they are According to preliminary fig u r e s, The journalism school — the only such “The real reward of the Te a c h e r f a c i l i t a t o r s. See page 4. 226,213 students were enrolled in CUNY g raduate program at a public college in the Academy is not only the full tuition schol- degree programs at the beginning of this Northeast — is historic in more ways than arship we have all received, nor is it only PA G E College Recruiting s e m e s t e r, making it the largest student o n e, being located in the hallowed former the dedicated faculty we are privileged to body in 31 years. And increasingly they are headquarters of the late, great H e r a l d work with,” Herbst said. 6 As an A r t t ransferring to our colleges from others. Tr i b u n e newspaper in midtown. The real rewa r d , explained Herbst, w h o Colleges are aggressively marketing them- T h o u s a n d s, h aving heard about the suc- The class of 57 students, selected from will be based at Hunter College and is a selves to prospective students, trying to cesses of CUNY among 216 applicants, g raduate of James Madison High School in tell the stories of success that make oth- students and gra d u a t e s constitutes the most B r o o k l y n , is the joy of helping others to ers say, “I want to go there!” Hearing the in recent years, a p p l y ‘The turnaround at diverse student body of succeed in life. n e w s, t h o u s a n d s from out of state. ( S e e any graduate school of “New York City will have a new genera- of out-of-state article on page 7.) CUNY… under journalism in the country. tion of math and science teachers to teach residents are Especially worthy of Matt Goldstein has D avid Chiu, 3 2 , o f the future of New York City,” he said. “A n d applying to mention is the experi- B r o o k l y n , said he wa s I am proud to be a part of it.” and attending ence of the Honors given me the pleased by his decision to Executive Vice Chancellor for CUNY col- C o l l e g e, where applica- e n r o l l . Academic Affairs Selma Botman said: “ T h e l e g e s. See pages tions soared nearly 40 c o n fidence and “The professors I’v e Teacher Academy is a place for aspiring 6 and 7. p e r c e n t , to 3,186, c o m- had are experienced and teachers to blossom….” inspiration to help PA G E pared to last year. T h o s e the students are bright As for the new CUNY Online Bacca- CUNY Month seeking admission were support the and full of energy,” h e l a u r e a t e, it is designed for working 12 All around the University during facing some of the U n i v e r s i t y,’ Wi l l i a m s a i d . C h i u , who worked students who have great difficulty attend- N o v e m b e r, CUNY Month, c a m p u s e s stiffest competition as a freelance contributor ing classes and can benefit from “ d i s t a n c e sponsor conferences on topics of interdis- a r o u n d , with the appli- E . M a c a u l ay said. for such publications as l e a r n i n g.” ciplinary interest; they hold open houses; cants from some of the The New York Ti m e s a n d “If you are looking for a flexible way to and they otherwise show best high schools in the Rolling Stone, a d d e d : “ I ’ m gain a high quality bachelor’s degree while how excit- r e g i o n , applying for roughly 320 seats.
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