AND POLITICAL TNTELLltfENUK ANNAPOLIS, THURSDAY, JUNE 6, ,>-V t'JrV«*r«*e Waihingto* City WetU} men? Tbj^ In England th*rsi* a stupen­ thvnuetv£Pinto a totyrohtee, irp- t» an annual j'Ury, wo vww j|| the ' ' Oattfte, a democratic pbper. dous paper system ? And Ibat person* pointed Jordan Hill, £i(|. chairman, counterpart' «f caumaaiug, »p|-.a» William Cobbett.-*- The newt-paper* in authority trample on the neelu of and adopted the protest which wiH having terrible squinting attiiat* •T Inform us that this popular writer' is tbe poorer clause*? Are these to be be" found in tins paper, h was or­ tocrdioy. It certainly has its (Wo abonttoe«tablish a brunch of his Poltti- tbe topic* of hi* communication* t It coiMtitutctit parts, wtaltlt and power GREEN, col RtgUtff in the United State* of dered to'be published in the three is to be inferred from hi* intimations, of the city. ^IWKthotit an union of the ftro, aa America The motive which he amigrl* that they are. And are these thing" arratocracy could not . exist. , Arc | for the undertaking i* curious, and the nrw to the American mind?. .Do we vre not itrangly prcuwnVshed that I sincerity of it may be regarded as doubt not find the same fact* staring u* in the We the undersigned gfand'juVof*, such must b» t**e u-tuiency ofcau- I ful.. .... face from the day* of Nioirua to those drawn from the counties of Wake, cussea contpossHl 'ofCoMgreeatnfn a<j Mr. Cobbett ha* stated that ba-frndu of George the Third? Prom the period j Franklin, Craftville, Orange, Chat, lie of 'Maryland, sc it difficult, if not impossible, to procure nominau D pr«»rdant, /and -of trie- of the Assyrian empire to t-bat of the ham, Cumberland and lohiistpn, of. tnut lojnake from the republic of America, correct paramount dominion of Great Bntein? the circuit court of the p. States ' cure» t(> mea *h» are information of passing event*; and that u« It i« an erfcroachment «f of AbnCT Iin- From the page of Herodotus to the of America, for the district of N. t*'ilion what he doe* procure, cost* him an en- page of Home ? Surely it i* not neces­ tKe democratic eitaua of our 'go- ormous surd in pottage. He moreover Carolina, feeling a deep'concern foe vernm«nt,' upon the executive, ' nty . de«*»sd. sary for Mr. 'Cobbett to send bis ton the welfare of the American people, the notice r^ assert* that IM find* it hazardous to hither to inform u* that vice and mise­ whicb we fear, is U>t took upon publish in England facts in relation to ry increase with tbe populousness of and knowing we are called together which our republican* institutions the corruption* of the British govern­ only for t\ie special purpose of pro* iSJ.WATKlNS,] nations; that crime* augment in pro­ will oad day be wrecked. We fear week. for the .pace o six ment wilh which the World ought to be portion to lhe deatiny of communitie*; Meeting their institution* .and laWs* it will induce atrong«r temptation* *»T TMI.OB. ' U" M*"'inJ **»' acquainted. 'Prom these consid- again*! (Die influence of crime*, have tppotite Cafbn't &.KtteamJsi'ohiical that cunning men govern the ignorant; to bribery a~nd corruptioo, b/ «na- iki to a gencroo»«»l n*» ^sauces the public, he has and that established power will pre­ nevertheless, felt ourselvaV 'bound blinj^ thole who are in congress to is received, and begik*.. ', to institute a press on this aide serve itself by strong or vicious means, on this occasion, to extend ouf en retain their seats, .by purchasing the and the public, tasthsl of the Atlantic, for the particular pur­ A. A. County. if it cannot. dode »o by weak. «cvirtuous I q*uiric* beyond those limits which votes of their constituent*. Buc the HJiimorc, ' pose of promulgating here what he is one»- ' ' :-"> ' I our official duties prescribeprescribe' lo us. lack Supfrli.* Cloth, afraid to propagate in Great Britain, consequence mo*t to he deprecated fliinnabli mised do. When M<*. Cohbet ha* descanted up­ We lament that it ever should be­ isiJtoGive Notice, and in order that he may be enabled on all these points, in hi* prolix, maty is, the neglect of public business, firncrcs, come necessary that any of the judi­ which we think must <.nsue. tor who »'-d a gteat variety of] Anne-Arundel coun. to introduce into England, *>t leasfup- ner, in what way are the ci'izenn of^o* cial institution* of our government kuitinj, e OrphM. Court «* on cheaper term*, the political produc­ will tug out a. six months session at United Stale* to be ht'tered by hisTu- should impose a moral control over e*ns, County, in Maryland, letter. tions of lhe United State*. cubration* flsjbe* he wish the Ameri­ congress, when ne receives his jj/leeu , on the personal estate of is colours, In these allegations and projects cans to draw the conclusion, that, the the conduct of it* idminUtration, hundred doUurt, if he remains tmt a, ' xnd twill d, blue anH l»'e of Aimt-AruwW c«int;r. for we hold it as a maxim of vital is fur pamalcti, A" P"t°r,« having elaimt **a'n« there is an obviou* contradiction : For English people being in a very wretch­ week ? A war bilk or tax bill will . « h^b, warned loyhl- if it he true, that It is the tyrannies! ed condition, a* he asserts, and their interest to the American people, drive a timid member home, who ith th« vouchers ihetiof, to hand of lhe British ministry and of the rulers very corrupt, if the American* that each planetary part of their go- (ears his vote sHbuld he known to « or befo* the 6». da, Of British post-office that prevent* Mr. Vernment should move uncontroled i»r m»r °«h«r»"« b? Uw "* are less wretched and their ruler* less the doubtful sentiments of his con­ Cobbett from publishing fact*, and re- corrupt, tlis,fcwe in this country, ought in it* own orbit, yet whenever these stituents. Where is our security Wfit of the :*l , publish'.ng America!) document*, in hik to be satisfied and happy° That our political sphere* are transcended, bind thi» lad day of own country, the same tyranny iftay for their services ? We see none ! ha opines* in to be measured by con­ we hold it the duty of all subordi­ Daily wages are changed into sala­ • 1 I.inthicum, Admr. still prevent him from doing so by trast wilh that of a foreign people ? nate institutions, to guard them­ means of his American establishment, And, until wo reach the alledged mise­ ries of office the simple habits of selves by constitutional mean*, a* republicans, to the emoluments of liis letters to America may be slopped, rable condition of. lhat ireople, that we gainst the licentiousness of such chant Tailor, . th»i D»»id Owen* brought however attempted to be conveyed, ought to i-rgird oursolve* a* the mo»t power and he who serves his coun­ knowledgmeniitohtil, r ajus«k*of the peace either thrown lhe agency of lhe Eng- enlightftnfi. il.e freest, and the most aberration!. Feeling ourselves plac­ try in congress but a day is better :oura^-cnieni tnrvharei oil county. »» » *<r»r. *° * Cott' \t£h post offioee or cuitonvhotisea as virncvj,. ; 'habitant* of Ibis globe!1 ed in this situation^ we arr now rewarded btian the poor soldier who i leave to inform them t 1 «noa.»ith I blue face. GiV»n ui>- compelled to animadvert in a firm, lert a«M>rtrrxnt of So may letters or packet* sent to him. or Now, in our judgment, this would Jlghts her btUtltsfur a ytar. Jidda* of M»7- |8| *K to others for him, from this nide of the be a ve<-v »illy conclusion. There are calm and dispassionate manner, up­ es. Nankeen. Black Gerard H SnoodM. If then American freedom is to leijr of other W*it_ water. Thus, then, the motive assigned many decree* of nin before a man come* on the high-handed procedure inaur tmtrof ifce abo»e Colt i* itnuttwd be cloven down by such insidious I selection of Striped l> '" u*e by Mr. Cobbett fail*; and we must to be ii* bad as the devil; and many legislature atid in congress, to con­ measures, let not the curse fall upon Mil i all»hi:hbc wiDr, took elsewhere for the true cause of his »had«» of wretchedne** before a nalion trol the free exercise of the elective t notice,in the mo»i fufcj] us .nor let it be said, we stood by accommodating ttnriioi] rtuchr* the dark night of dp*poU»m. franchise, by attempting to impose and saw* the citadel of her lib«ni*« Ofraany things that Mr. Cobbett ha* Hv the way, we by no mean* consider ined tn Favour him wnk i upon the American people, a presi­ in flame* and dar<d not bring the • haa alwayt on hand i County, viz. written some have been for lhe good of the British monarchy a* a despotism. dent not of their own choice; a* wicked incendiary b> justice,* e above aititles. cotifi, that Pet<*r Linrrnfelter, mankind; some have been very detri­ On the contrary, we believe that where freemen, we can't but view with fora me tb* suStcriber a juitict »f mental to it The early part of hi* lhe crown, or the government, is not Louis U.
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