A usfra"a.siafi NUMBER 11 NOVEMBER 1976 TlEITYCEm' What are anti-Kerr liberals after? Facelift for bossesl Ildemocracyll Abolish the Senate and Governor General! Fight for a workers government! When ALP Opposition leader Gough Whitlam, year to put a tougher, more predictable regime in in The Australian on 20 October, promised to act power. The obstructionist use of the Senate, the "with propriety" if re-elected and not sack blocking of supply bi lis and the unprecedented Governor-General Sir John Kerr, the bourgeoisie sacking of a government by an unelected,sup­ heaved a sigh of relief. The conservative Sydney posedly ceremonial figurehead (obviously in col­ Morning Herald headlined its "Canberra comment" lusion with Fraser and conservative elements in two days later "Welcome Back Mr Whitlam" and the stote apparatus) have produced widespread coiigrafuiCjfean.m~or1-miOing himseii oi "his mor­ diSIllUSionment ana cynicism amongst workers. bid pre-occupation with November 11". Even The mossive resentment at Kerr's blatantly Murdoch's editorial writers now extend their chum­ undemocratic actions has given rise to a wide­ my advice, previously reserved for ACTU Presi­ spread but diffuse constitutional reform movement, dent Hawke, to Whitlam. Whitlam certainly de­ centred around demands to "sack Kerr" and, more serves it. Not onl y has he made a sufficiently recently, for a new or reformed constitution. It obsequious reconciliation with the colonial anach­ has grouped together elements across the politi­ ronism that last year so rudely unseated him from cal spectrum - including right-wing liberals like office; but by his call for another referendum to academics Donald Horne and Manning Clarke, empower the federal government to legislate on former ALP Minister for Labour Senator James prices and incomes, in public opposition to ("Diamond Jim") McClelland and Jack Mundey, Hawke, he made it clear that Labor is back in the the resident ecologist of the reformist Communist market, contending with Fraser for the job of im­ Party of Australia (CPA). A so-called "Com­ posing the capitalists' needed austerity drive. mittee of Concerned Citizens" organised an over­ For twelve months Whitlam has "maintained flow "Kerr and the Consequences" meeting at the rage", watching in implicit encouragement Sydney Town Hall on 20 September and, renamed the series of boycotts, demonstrations and spon­ "Citizens for Democracy", they have laid plans taneous abuse that have dogged Kerr since he for a similar meeting in Melbourne and "rallies used the "reserve powers of the Crown" to sack for democracy" in both capi tals on 11 November. the Labor Government last November. Whitlam's Donald Horne and historian Manning Clarke campaign against Kerr has always been loyally exemplify the class character and constituency within the framework of ruling-class concern to of the movement> disillusioned liberal intellec­ refurbish popular illusions in "democracy" and tuals distressed that their democratiC: ideal has Parliament. But Whitlam is a realist and is pre­ been sullied by unscrupulous politicians and paring for an early election which it is specu­ fearful that the polarisation of classes will upset lated Fraser might attempt late next year. So it their comfortable and privileged lives. Manning is not surprising that he recognises bourgeois Clarke is quite open about his motives for joining opinion is united around one thing: Kerr must the campaign: "The methods used to oppose the stay ... at least for the time being. To dismiss Whitlam Government may provoke violent revol­ Kerr, to question the role of the governor-general, ution and a People's Government - and I don't would be to question the legitimacy of the con­ want that to hapDen" (quoted in The Australian, stitutional machinery used in the events of last 23 September). November. Any lingering doubts about the movement's However Australian capitalists have paid a "respectable" bourgeois intentions were quashed Top: the Governor-General reviews the troops. Bottom: cops assault anti-Kerr price for their successful drive at the end of last Continued on page seven protestors in Melbourne last June. Myths of SWP preaches Ker(s Ilfree speech II ll IICOUp for fascists SEE PAGE FOUR Stalinists slander Munoz defence! The international campaign to rescue Chilean committee of the Vietnam Moratorium Campaign and following its decision at its 29 April meeting to revolutionary Mario ~runoz and his family from a former elected editor of Apena. Macquarie endorse the campaign. the reactionary Argentine military junta came to University student paper. Both have attested a successful conclusion 30 September when Munoz' (2.) It is not true of Mario Munoz that "at no that the records were completely in order and time was he in the hands of his hunters". companion. Olga Meneses Ibaseta. and their family Cooper described them as "a well kept record ... arrived in Paris. The Munoz campaign. carried which compares very favourably with the records Bill Logan out with scrupulous honesty free from any sec­ of similar appeals made from time to time in the for the Mario Munoz tarian motives. stands as a model for the kind of progressive movement". In snidely insinuating Defence Committee broad-based labour-centred efforts necessary to that funds were somehow misdirected through the cc: Gisele Mesnage rescue the thousands of working-class militants Partisan Defense Committee. an anti-sectarian still hounded and imprisoned by the blood-stained organisation for class-struggle defence. whose dictatorships of Videla and Pinochet. It is for policy is openly in agreement with that of the 5 October 1976 this reason that we consider it necessary to deal international Spartacist tendency. Mesnage con­ fully with unsubstantiated and politically motiv­ sciously ignores one fact: the SPA has been ex­ The Secretary. ated allegations raised in t\~O letters printed in plicitly invited to arrange for a representative Mario Munoz Defence Committee the Socialist. paper of the prO-MOSCOW Stalinist to inspect the PDC accounts! Needless to say. Dear Friend. Socialist Party of Australia (SPA). Such alle­ the SPA has not responded at all to this offer. gations. if left unanswered. can only engender an We have received and read with care a letter atmosphere of distrust and thereby discredit The SPA's charge that Munoz' life was never from your Committee. signed by Bill Logan for the future campaigns upon whose outcome hangs the endangered -- echoing. incidentally. the line Mario Munoz Defence Committee. and dated 24th fate of endangered militants. taken by the bloody Argentine junta's spokesmen September. 1976. -- simply cannot be taken seriously. A statement A letter by SPA member Gisele Mesnage. printed by Orlando Letelier. a leading figure in the We have noted your complaints. and in particu­ without comment in the Socialist (15 September). Allende Government who was recently assassinated lar your allegation that the letter we published made the following charges: (1) The Spartacist by Pinochet's DINA secret police in the US. in "The Socialist" over the name of Gisele League is "a few hundred dollars richer" as a verified Munoz' valiant efforts on behalf of the Mesnage. implied misappropriation of funds. result of the Munoz campaign; (2) The "elusive Chilean working masses. efforts which the blood­ At this stage we do not concede validity of Mario Munoz" was never endangered ("at no time thirsty juntas sought to avenge by his torture that allegation. but we note that you invite was he in the hands of his hunters"); (3) "The and execution. Comrade Letelier. who offered "Representatives of organisations of the workers' policy of the Chile Solidarity Committee was that valuable assistance to the Munoz defence. de­ movement .... to inspect the Committee's financial no committee should be formed for any individual scribed Munoz as "a very active union leader in records". political prisoner or refugee" -- only "one of the Chilean province of Aconcagua. During a Before dealing with this matter any further we their members" endorsed the campaign and not the period of time Mario MUNOZ Salas was a member of Committee as a whole as was claimed in ;·funoz De­ the Socialist Party of Chile. Before the fascist have decided to accept that invitation and this fence Committee literature. Elsewhere on this letter will authorise Gisele Mesnage to make such page we reprint in full a letter from Bill Logan military coup in Chile he was very active in an inspection on our behalf. on behalf of the Mario Munoz Defence Committee to organizing mining workers in the Aconcagua and When we are in receipt of the outcome of that the Socialist. which they refused to print. re­ right after the coup he went to exile to futing the slanderous charges. The dishonesty Argentina." On 2 July of this year Munoz and a inspection we will again consider your letter of with which the SPA has treated this serious ques­ number of comrades were arrested by the Argentine September 24th and advise you of our intentions. tion is clear from the statement by the editor of police and released only because of protests out­ We assure you that there will be no delay on the Socialist in the 27 October issue. which side the police station and the international this matter on our part. neither confirms nor retracts Mesnage's charges. pressure brought to bear on the junta as a result of the defence campaign. nor even admits they were made. but only notes Yours fraternally. Logan's letter and Mesnage's examination of the The real motive for the Stalinist SPA's re­ L.J. McPhillips. Defence Committee's financial records as an auth­ fusal to defend Munoz seeps through in Mesnage's National Organiser. orised representative of the SPA. Here is letter: he "tore up his membership card in the SOCIALIST PARTY OF Mesnage's statement as printed in the Socialist: Communist Party".
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