"MY MEAT IS TO DO THE WILL OF HIM THAT SENT ME, AND TO FINISH HIS WORK." VOLUME XV OOLTEWAH, TENNESSEE, OCTOBER 6, 1921 NUMBER 41 Tennessee River A GREAT WORK While Israel was under the leadership of Nehe- Office Address, 322 Jackson Bldg., Nashville, Tenn. miah erecting the walls of Jerusalem, enemies M. A. HOLLISTER, Pres. C. B. CALDWELL, Sec'y-Treas developed within and without to hinder the work. The record given is this: SUNDAY LAWS "That Sanballat and Geshem sent unto me Without doubt, most of you have heard of the saving, come let us meet together in some one fact that William Jennings Bryan has allied him- of the villages in the Plain of Ono. But they self with the Sunday Law forces of the South- thought to do me mischief. And I sent messen- west. I believe his plan is, that after getting the gers unto them, saying, I am doing a great work, South lined up on this issue, he, with other ad- so that I cannot come down; why should the work vocates, will swing their strength into the Dis- cease, whilst I leave it, and come down to you? trict of Columbia and thence on over the United Yet they sent unto me four times after this sort; States. Mr. Bryan has been well informed as and I answered them after the same manner." to our attitude in this question, and I believe Now, you will notice that four times they sent must be going into it with his eyes wide open. after Nehemiah to come to the Plain of Ono. Others, perhaps, may not have the same in- Yes, they even sent the fifth time but the fifth formation. time they made accusations that a wrong motive Noah Cooper, one of the most radical and fan: is causing Nehemiah to rebuild the walls of atical blue law reformers, has entered the race Jerusalem. for United States Senator on the Sunday law plat- I wonder if we cannot get a lesson from this form. Thus the issue is being brought squarely experience. Here we are doing a great work— before the political forces of the country. This the Harvest Ingathering work—but the enemy, should remind us of the fact that the Lord has perhaps our thoughts, wishes us to come unto stated that one day "Legislators will yield," the Plain of Ono. In other words, make us think, and we can see that it would not be a difficult 1 can't. But listen to Nehemiah, "Why should matter for men to do this, with the exception the work cease whilst I leave it?" So we should of those who recognize great principles and stand answer in the same manner, for if we stop, or do for principle rather than politics. not even begin, we are doing just what the In view of these facts, I believe that our duty enemy wishes, but let us keep right at it, for is becoming more and more apparent; that we indeed it is a great work, and even if wrong must do all in our power to educate the people, motives may be employed by our enemies without and who is better fitted than we? Who has better or within, yet in the end the result will be the literature than ours? Really, friends, the time same as in Nehemiah's day, "The wall was has come for us to do a great deal more than ever finished," and "When all our enemies heard.... before. We should begin systematic work along they were much east down . for they perceived this line that all may be warned and that our that this work was wrought of our God." liberties may be preserved a little longer. Will I might also take the words of Gamaliel, "If you not look about to see what you can do in it be of God, ye cannot overthrow it.". So friends, your neighborhood, and then do it with your let us not listen to the call to come unto the might? Thee contest will soon be on between Plain, of Ono—I can't—but let us do with our, the keeping of the Commandments of God and might what our hands find to da, and God will Commandments of man, and our future will bless us as verily as he blessed Nehemiah and his largely depend upon our present attitude. Let workers of old. M. A. HOLLISTER. us remember that the Lord will give us wisdom in handling these matters in such a way that His name will be glorified and souls saved. "Work harder and pray harder, leaving the M. A. HOLLISTER. results with God." 2 - SOUTHERN UNION WORKER COLPORTEURS' REPORT Thelma O'Brien GC 6 9.50 FOR WEEK ENDING SEPTEMBER 24, 1921 Lee Page BR 33 19 95.00 J. W. Rowe BR,OD 61 43 135.00 27.75 Louisiana-Mississippi Conference Eugene Sanders CS 58 3 65.50 27.25 I. O. Wallace Hrs Orders Value Del", BR 60 48 255.75 12.50 [...Jame R. Waits BR,PG 11 9 48.00 John Harzman* OD 57 11 35.50 166,54 T. E. Wheeler GC 16 24 73.50 L. R. Babylon* OD 57 7 33.50 30.50 E. B. Whittier PPF 47 42 150.00 58.50 Wash Speed BR 26 16.95 67.90 COLORED R. W. Babylon GC 20 2 14.00 14.00 Wm. Fort 'PPF 50 60 161.00 4.50 Mrs. Runnels BR 23 3 27.75 35.25 C. D. Minnis GC,BR 104 37 200.00 140.00 Mrs. E. Warren F 6 13.50 13.50 Julia Slaughter BR 9 1 5.00 22.00 COLORED W. Slaughter GC,PPF 39 2 22.50 24.00 R. I. S. Thompson OD 70 36.36 Mattie Stafford PG,BR 13 2 10.00 22.50 West Brown GC 54 10.40 10.40 W. H. Barker OD 53 11 37.25 4.25 Totals 776 408 1794.50 724.25 Wm. Watts BR 47 57.00 Thos. Longware GC 40 21 126.00 Alabama Conference S. A. Douglas OD 38 5 19.00 7.00 W. E. Campbell* OD 70 9 36.00 42.50 H. T. Barnhart OD 46 8 37.50 109.00 Elijah Butler OD 34 50 161.00 4.50 R. D. Capps BR 16 14 76.50 J. Wheatley BR 27 1 5.00 5.00 T. Hilderbrandt BR 20 9 47.50 E. S. Scales BR 22 47 283.75 22.00 J. C. Holland GC 20 212.50 Emily Billups GC 8 11.00 Clayton McNeill GC 20 3 15.00 Bibles 50.95 W. S. Mooney OD 15 161.75 M. S. Peppers BR 10 50.50 Totals 654 175 914.55 515.66 R. B. Rowe DR 24 182.18 * Two weeks report. J. R. Staton HM 12 38.00 Honor Roll COLORED John Harzman 40 Hours R. J. Cook BR,OD 40 20 80.00 3.00 L. R. Babylon 40 Hours H. Smotherman BR 18 8 43.50 Wash Speed 40 Hours Colored Totals 241 62 300.00 756.93 R. I. Thomson 70 Hours Tennessee River Conference West Brown 54 Hours W. H. Barker 53 Hours M. Odegaard BR,CK 42 21 88.00 Wm. Watts 47 Hours J. E. Miller GC,PPF 35 13 54.00 6.00 Thos. Longware 40 Hours Geo. E. Cothren GC 42 5 40.75 7.25 0. Christensen BR,CK 44 10 41.00 Kentucky Conference Mrs. M. Hinds CK 25 15 35.55 3.45 R. J. Hyatt BFL 10 18.50 11.70 Mary Aldridge GC 6 43.50 Wm. J. Keele DR,BFL 5 1 12.00 8.50 C. J. Ashlock PPF 45 50 181.00 3.00 Bibles 6.15 G. T. Ashlock BR,OD 2 5 14.00 16.00 COLORED J. F. Ashlock GC 33 28 187.00 Louis Rayford PPF 22 11 35.50 3.75 G. F. Brown GC 55 25 187.25 1.25 H. H. Guffey OD 90 19 57.00 Totals 215 86 331.45 40.65 Anna Horning 8 10.75 Honor Roll Claude Hughs DR 30 252.75 M. Odegaard Geo. Cothren Otto Christensen is Ureic V/ ' ./4,9,07 .647 /AMINSIOSItage4Z/X///AM448ffitlffidetWaraWMVP/AW 40.41591/1AINSWO/- /4927/ARSUOTAMY///////, 40// rOM,/ az9 \NW, 4.77 .44.1% .07 Le/ //AMffilittMe."/7/1 a:WASSIterNASSISINVOMPZ, ///d/ 41,10,7/07/1/7.4'., MPORIMONECO:07 / .4 SPECIAL OFFER WHERE IS JESUS? While they last.-A few hundred copies remain A Sabbath school teacher once asked her class, in stock of the Liberty Magazine for the past four "Where is Jesus?" A little girl whose father was quarters. Two of these issues deal directly with a colporteur answered, "He is out canvassing." the situation in Tennessee. Until the supply No doubt this little girl had heard her father is exhausted, we will, mail these numbers post- read from the Manuel for Canvassers, page 40, paid twenty-five copies for one dollar, or four that Jesus Christ stands by the Colporteurs' side, dollars a hundred. Order early and do not be and that He is the chief worker. disappointed. Tennessee River Tract Society, Perhaps if this teacher had asked, "Where are 322 Jackson Bldg., Nashville, Tenn. the angels?," she would have received the same SOUTHERN UNION WORKER 3 1111 0 111111 11 miommeitimiiims itiiimr tiains rimunio.minisusimmummnimmummin11111111. TRAINED LEADERSHIP INTERNATIONAL SERVICE INDUSTRY AND FAITH CQLLEGEDALE NOWS NOTES The basket factory has about one hundred Professors Howell and Shaw, of the General dozen bushel baskets on hand, and is now turn- Conference are expected to be with us next week.
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