n il M - MANCHESTER HERALD. Monday. Oct. 12. 1987 t - l Automotlva CMS CMS UoklRg for a BUSINESS & SERVICE DIRECTORY RMUIE RMSIILE Champs: Twins claw Missloniaty: Teen-ager works in India / p a ^ 13 USED CAR? RENAULT Alllancot DATSUN IIW 310 OX. Tigers for the crowr Look to Lyocfc.. 1003, 1004. Excollont 40,000 mllot. Sunroof. » TOYOTA OCmOUA condition, fully Mr- Excollont condition. TIMIOKMaAL ED vlcod. Mutt M il ono. 01500. 646-7407. in the AL / page 18 Tf TOm>F1l04lt« DATSUN 510 mo. Auto­ CMUCME a m m a p a ' 742-0476. RicH: Billionaires’ ranks nearly double / ^ a g ^ l TIQMCFAMVAN matic tranimifsion, ISSSHI njUFCHMOKH body In good condition, CHILDCoro. RotpentlMo m 6 n t e Carlo-1001. T - nVYVNAMIT excollont 2nd cor, now worm porton for l NAWRitTRiknmeE Top, poYvor tioorina, MCMtV CITATION THOil BUYS WHO brakot, windows, •0 FONO FAINMONT bottory, ond now tmoll cHild In our M .T .8 . Boeliol. tniok S oMppar. M FOfO OftANADA muffltr. Runt sroot. Homo. 20-25 Hours- PAINT Slump romoval. Fioo locks, and trunk. Runt DODGE 1873 Mldos Mo­ •0 FOND MUfTANO $750 or bott otfor. AAuit /woolc. Days. 644-307A B U IL D E R S Inlorlor and oxtorior otUmalat. Spadai aroat, looks aroat. tor Homo. 19W'. WMIHC MONARCH palnibig. Coll Ibday for a MucH moro. AAutt too. Mini Coll647-0314aftor A A kviirriR Avoiiobio. oontMarationIon teroMody* Automotle<rulM con­ •OFONTFIMBIK) 5. Atk tor Poul.o 6 4 6 -2 7 8 7 frto otnmalo. Tom or Ed and handiMppad. Atkino S4S00. Coll Joo Hours 2-10. Low pay. 643-1700. trol, owning, solf con- Low Colt Alllonco45,000milM, Rolloblo rotpontiblo 048-2215 tolnod, opproxlmotolv •CUSTOM HOMES •47-7553 58K. Englno rocondlH- Fioaociog A/C. AM-RM CotMtto. porton. Coll 640-7201. VW A u o ' 1^5. Now tiros 71 02200. or bott otfor. •Aomnoiis > 0 4 • o o o f*o^o‘ onod witH S8K. Good AvallaMo plus oxtrot. Bott offer. condition througHout. 071-6451 oftor 0pm. •BARMES MSimANEOUB PHone 640-7436. MFONTtUNIIM) DELIVERING Evenings. Asking 15788 nsgotlo- •0 TOYOTA 4 YVD FU RicH form loom, 5 yards, bls. Mornings. 7424758. •0 TOYOTA CIUCA •DECKS 075 plus tax. Sand, gravol, •1 CHIVMALWU TAKE A LOOK CAR Houior-trallor. •1 CHIV CHfYfTTE 02 Uno. Town Car CLEANINGS 0 mutt but •CONCRETE WORK ODD Idbt, Trucking. and ddcorotlvo ttono. 8'x16'x6'; dual oxlo. 4 •1 DATSUN 20MX IMna •7995 no timo to dust? Coll •FRAMINO CREW Homo ropolrt. You SCRANTON oxtro 15” tires. 20160- liaiirlirstpr) Manchester A City ot Village Charm HrraI^ 443-9504 •1 OATMJN 8210 8L 80 Pontlao tunMrd Undo 643-6220. noma It, w6 do It. Proo CNRYtUR - nfooUTN rlc brokss; Htovy duty - -,V ■ •1 M8R0 COUOAR Q8 •3195 AVAILABLE ostlmotot. fnturod.643- CHnvtLBrracunw___________jvtMCiat vtMciat romps; nsgotloblo • 1 ou>8 ouTLAU cn 03 Mazda Pickup 0304. ANOttllCTUttOOMn- •1FLYMUANT •3700 tOMt M » nNANOWM on LIMI $958. Mornings 742- •1 SUBARU OL CARPOITRY/ 8758. Tuesday, Oct. 13,1987 •1 TOYOTA CELICA OT 04 Mazda 020LX •14,686 •7995 •UtmUWKIKBVKt L E T YOUR nowsDOpar 87 FIFTH AVE. « 30 Cents 87 LeBARON 01 Maro.'Marquit f u m m / "Fsr AN Yasr Hsads" help you keep fruit lort IMITD AH VablelM sparkling doon and swoot OTSTXiM •12,289 Brougham •3295 WaiTMitMdl C M K i m i Y g r m m R.R. tlss, planting. smoHIng. Wash lors. dry 87 RAIDER 4x4 •12,785 87 Uno. Continontal 87 RAMCHAROER ExtawSad SAVE RfMOMUNO KRVieiS T r e t wdrk. complotoly tHen put o •17,585 Warraatlaa OompMa Homa lapalfa and ra- CALL lorga piece of newtpopar ST SHADOW „ „ „ DPUC approver transfer of two water companies 0 86 NISMn Stanza nMxMlng. Wa •paefilw In balb- 4 Or. •6795 Hang Tape and 647-7186 Inside the lor and put tho TweeZLoidN •10,805 AvallaMa OPS rooma and kNenana. BmaS aeaN lid on, THo paper will AUTO SERVICE t2 MAZDA t2S LUX. 86 Lino. Town Car ^ eommarolal work. RagMaraSl In* For PrsB Estlmsts 87 DODGEPuaodHW •16,085 By Bruce Matzkin the DPUC. Spray Sheet Rock. absorb any moisture. Let Water Co., which serves 187 homes fire marshal on the status of fire which LAM and Elm have been finally approved the sale last r t2 OLDS CUTUW8 SUP fMOkMM pAVE aurad, ralaiancaa. 88 LASER 0*4. •13,489 Herald Reporter Wittenzellner, who owns the t2 OLDS CUTLASO 84 Moro. Marquia 0 cloetlflad od In your in the Coventry Hills and Pilgrim hydrants in the LAM system, which under court-appointed receiver­ February after Wittenzellner and • 4 M 1 6 9 Buyer meats sellar In 86 LeBARON tar. I •10,686 • Oil Lube Filter Aqua Treatment and Service Co. in ClinnA Srougham ^ ^ -f A V E David Slivinsky newspaper find 0 cosH 86 DODGE tw OMois- •14.408 Hills sections of Coventry, and will serves 106 homes in Manchester's ship. In 1983, former owner George the estate worked out a settlement Bv •2FONT2000-L2 Classified ... and It’s Special *16.99 The state's Department of Public Stafford and operates several other 22 FONT gONNEVILLB 86 8sbl#“L8” buyer for most anything SODOOGEmoomi •14,705 be connected to 98 condominium Redwood Farms subdivision in Koppelman became ill and aban­ on the debts. - Call 228-9153 hoppy masting for both. you Hovo tor solo. Utility Control today approved the area water companies, must show units being built in Coventry Hills. 22 FONT torn L2 40r,Uaa4«.tDtiil. *11,400 643.2711. • 80 RELIANT 8.W. •8,885 • Ccmplate Brake southwest Manchester, Blood said. doned the two companies, leaving 22 TOYOTA OILIOA OT 84 Mazda Pickup •4500 ' a a a a‘ a ' 80 DODGE Syatema transfer of Manchester’s LAM the DPUC within 60 days that the Blood said Wittenzellner must Some residents were concerned them in a state of disrepair. He died But before the sale could take FI 22 TOYOTA TBACBL Water Co. and Coventry's Elm considerable debts of LAM and Elm n gucK nt OAL 83 Lynx Wg., m. ac •3995 CHARGER •7,895 also provide a rate proposal and because the fire hydrants don’t several months later, leaving the place, a hearing before the DPUC ea •10,295 • Tune up Speciala Water Co. to John Wittenzellner of have been settled, Blood said. Most information on funding for an 22 tUICK SKYHAWK 84 Toyota Cellos 8SCHY. GTSTume work because of the low pressure in companies with large debts. was required for final approval. W4 C ttgUOKSKYIARK as RELIANT 4 Or. •7695 Stafford. of the debts are for taxes owed to additional water supply source he AT. AO FS. MX •8900 • Ceding Syatema the LAM system. Wittenzellner has Wittenzellner, the court- The hearings began in Manchester c ac 22 DATSUN 2008X CARS 86 LaBARON oonvt •13.495 DPUC spokeswoman Ton! Blood the state and the towns of Manches­ intends to install for Pilgrim Hill 22 DOOOl VAN 87 Mazda RX7 CMS CARR WANTED TD • Alternatcra, Ills said that if possible, he will try to appointed receiver of the water on July 2. and were not completed MFononconr MmL Tiifke, Muf^ A FM 8ME OD FDR SALE a FOR RALE 85 CAMARO coup# •8895 said the decision was announced at ter and Coventry, Blood said. customers. increase the pressure to make the systems, has been negotiating to until ^ p l. 9 In Coventry. tl MinCUnY LYNX fMCOlMMever m 9 s2 0 0 BUY/TRADE 85 MUSTANG aait •5995 Startara, and a meeting of DPUC officials at 9 Wittenzellner must also submit a Wittenzellner is also required by hydrants work. ml t l TOYOTA CAMAY LE buy them from the Koppelman 75 89 Olds Calais 85 HORIZON 4*. •4,395 Tire Service a.m. Blood said that the approval is detailed plan for installing meters the DPUC to submit a joint letter of The DPUC approval Is the estate for more than two years. A Wittenzellner was unable to be tt TOYOTA OEUOA OTS ACVLM4t4 •7495 DODGE Mlrodo 1982. 1980 CHRYSLER Le- 84 TOYOTA OAMRY •8,995 ga •2 TOYOTA COnOLLA subject to certain conditions set by in the homes of customers of Elm understanding with the Manchester culmination of a 4*/t-year period in West Hartford Probate Ctourt judge reached for comment this morning. t4 CHEVY CAMAnO a6MazdsRX7 8 onn CLYDE Good condition, A/C, Boron 6 cylinder auto­ mart 84 FORD TEMPO •5,795 • Bcdy werk and do •12,900 CHEVROLET-BUICK, INC. I t4 CHEVY CELEORITY Power windows and matic olr, stero, 66,000 84 RELIANT wto. •5,395 Rust repair thi t4 CHEVY CELEB. CL R O U T E 83, V E R N O N locks, crulM , AM -FM miles. Very clean. 646- 84 PONT. 6000 STE •7495 84 MAZDA tSSTOUn SDN. cassette.S2508.647-7045. 0619 oveningt or wee­ Choppers1 • Car den’t run? MORIARTY 83 LaBARON 4 *. •5,795 T t4 OLDS CUSTOM N 51 Dodga DISC PU *4885 kends. S1800. Free towing for Missile Hits CRUISSn 52 Cantury ooup* •Bl 65 S 83 DODGE 4001*. •4,005 T 84 OLOS OUTLAM CR. BROTHERS FORD 1975 Maverick. Shop the 78 MONTE CARLO oustomor sarvTca oars Costa Rican president 53 Bonnavllla 4 *. •6995 t4FONTtOOO 301 Cantsf 8t Running condition. MUSTANG. 1967. Auto- AwtOL MK Orl. Oiw- only In Msnehostar. 24 FONT FIBRO SPORT S3 CHavy 810 T a h M •7195 SISO. Phone 6494620. motlc, runt and looks Classifieds. Ovriwr latt. MM1 '3.WWO Iraq scHool; I CFS ManehBsiBr, C T good. WHito. $2200. 77 DODGE aundnoof S4 FONT FIBRO 8/E S3Ragal4<i,. •6995 dfiaw.MKigiuemL •4,885 I/O MIKE FLYNN S4 FONT OR.
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