.,.. 0 I •v i IN ARTS & MORE I I'w •... I a: If I• t ...~ :~~3 i~~i aCommunity Newspaper Company • www.townonline.com/ allstonbrighton JANUARY 5 - JANUARY 11, 1999 Vol. 3, No. 38 • 64 Pages Two Sections 50¢ Tolman Jakes the next step.: Brighton resident discusses his state Senate agenda By Jeff OIL~bome TAB Correspondent olitics in Allston-Brighton aren't sexy. If you doubt that, Pjust consider state Rep. Steven Tolman (D-Brighton) sitting in his office at the State House, surround­ ed by crayon-drawings from his three kid~. Decent and respectable? Yes. Sexy? No. And that's not going to change when Tolman moves into the ...................... ICl and Suffolk Stale Senate issues will not surprise anyone who has followed him over the last few years. Indeed, it DIDds like he intelllb =up where be left off in lbe . ~-.:1'-ilpngmtw.• ipeCill-meds palOllll. Also, beallb- available to~­ one. I want to work on the [failed] HMO piece and the WhistJeblower Bill. that protects health-care work­ ers who report subpar care," Tolman TOLMAN, page 22 City fmds unsafe housing conditions locally without the proper permits. None of "It was established in response to A court order issued to the Crackdown yields the property owners have fully com­ a need for stepped-up inspections of McDevitts requires that any tenants citations against six plied yet with the orders to correct "It was established in properties 'with suspected illegal in excess of four per unit be evicted their violations, but most have been response to a need for occupancies and alleged violations immediately. property owners cooperative with the city, said of life-safety regulations," said The owners must also: place a lnspectional Services Department stepped-up inspections Fothergill. sign in the front hall of both build­ By Debra Goldstein spokeswoman Julie Fothergill. of properties with The violations at 12 and 16 South ings stating the buildings' legal use TAB Staff Writer Plumbing, electrical, building, St. were considered life threatening and occupancy; remove all doors hen the city of Boston health, fire and housing inspectors suspected illegal because of an excessive number of from the basement rooms so they launched a crackdown descended on l 2 and 16 South St., occupancies and residents and lack of fire protection can no longer be used as sleeping W on unsafe rooming 315 Foster Stand 27 Orkney Road systems. Therefore, in response to quarters; post no-parking signs in houses last October, Allston­ in Brighton on Oct. I, in an unprece­ alleged violations of the uncorrected violations, the front yard; and post signs stating Brighton was the first neighborhood dented multiple-agency crackdown life-safety regulations." Inspectional Services filed com­ that parking is limited to four vehi­ hit. Since then, the owners of six on ilJegal rooming houses. The plaints in Suffolk Superior Court cles per address. The McDevitts Allston-Brighton properties have inspectors made up the Rooming against the owners of 12 and 16 were also fined $1,000 and required been cited by the city's new House Initiative team, which does Julie Fothergill, lnspectiona/ South St. They are Patrick McDevitt to remove lead from the buildings. Rooming House Initiative for code joint inspections in response to tips Services Department spokeswoman of Brookline and John McDevitt of The crackdown did not stop there, violations ranging from overcrowd­ from community groups or the Brighton, both trustees of Donegal however. The court order also ing to parking vehicles in a yard police or fire departments. Trust, according to city documents. ROOMING HOUSE, page 22 • PROGRESS REPORT 4,6'Q ,LBS. WoRKING~"A S_EC_ll~-~ w_.~R_IH _ see classifieds p .;.·, . tl:t-t · &-~t 1'1J [' 1r;•41, J' • l · - · 1.~•tl /t 1·r,, '. •' ~ .-,i,t,\ c • > l 11'b·..:- c,1,i,\ •·r ·, · Page 2 Tba Allston-Brighton TAB, January 5-11, l 999 ·www.towfi6nline.comf allsl6nbrigtiton I news : businesses I entertainment I classifieds I I oman nets s ' oan on er mouse • For the fastest financial transactions around click on townonline.com salons, from travel services to entertainment brought to you by your local community newspaper. 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Your Name --=---.:----....,,..------------------~ Ad~ ------------------ www.townonline.com/allstonbrighton January 5-11, 19'J9 The Allstoll-Brighton TAB, page 3 I • ; t I • ' ,. ' ' ( Workers suffer as NBA millionares bicker FleetCenter get it together," said Maurice Thorpe, who earns about $75 per employees are game working as an usher captain, a second job he keeps along with losing out his full-time gig as a court clerk in Roxbury. 'They live in a different By Jeffrey Klineman realm than I live in, because I live TAB Staff Writer in a world of hard work. I'm not hile the National saying I'm poor or rich, but $700 a Basketball Association month helps." W players and owners The FleetCenter employs about fight over $2 bilJion in league rev­ 650 part-time workers for each of enue, part-time FleetCenter employ­ its 41 Celtics games, among them ees, some of whom earn about $75 approximately 70 ushers, 60 securi­ per game, are losing hundreds of ty guards, 11 police officers on dollars per month as Celtics' games detail work, 450 vendors, 35-40 continue to be canceled. Bull Gang workers and the arena's FleetCenter vendors, ushers, basketball-only organist and shot security guards and the ''Bull clock operators. Many of those Gang," which changes the arena event-night employees would be floor from the Bruins' hockey ice able to work concerts or high to the Celtics' parquet floor, work school tournaments ifthe on an event-tcrevent basis. Because FleetCenter had enough advance of canceled games, they are com­ notice to book them, but officials ing up short on their anticipated claim NBA teams are notifying the wages as the six-month-old NBA arenas of cancellations of each lockout threatens to scuttle the week of the season only a few entire season. Local bars and eater­ weeks ahead of time, too little lead ies have also been hit hard by the time to schedule anything else, lack of the pre- and post-game they say. business that the Celtics typicalJy ''It's not like you can pick up the bring in during their 41 home phone and say, 'Sting, I want you games. here next week.' " said Larry Celtics and Bruins before the terminates the rest of the season. "I'm looking at losing $600 to ice crew is a group of full-time Moulter, the fonner chainnruN>f FleetCenter opened in 1995. Euthanizing the season would be arena maintenance workers who do $700 a month because they can't the Boston Garden, the home of the NBA owners locked out their. tine for many angry employees, everything from driving the ice­ players this summer when the two both parttime anC! fulltime, who smoothing Zamboni machines at sides were unable to agree on a miss the green of currency more hockey games to putting up the "I'm sick of these once-a-week negotiations way to divide approximately $2 than Celtic green. Ending the sea­ baskets for Celtics games to fixing billion in annual league revenue. son might allow other events to be the seats in the arena stands. When where they sit around eating caviar and shrimp, Negotiations have been contentious scheduled, giving them a chance to they work a changeover from the when the hot dog vendors can't and infrequent as the two sides make up some income, the workers Bruins to the Celtics, or any other argue over salary caps and televi­ say.
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