lile Newark' Post \'OLUME xv NEWARK, DELAWARE, SEPTEMBER 17, 1924. NUMBBR 34 efense Day Here Is FAR~ER KILLS SELF BY HANGING; I rr~~~~~IFA Very Poo~ly Attended FASHIONED NOOSE FROM GRAPEVINE I ColHn}!oR~~~e,entative RM HousioB'b~~FJND Claringbold Loses I 40 Civilians Re ort F J h • I Roberts Home Near Summi't Hoffecker Winner 10 n y P or 0 n M. Starr, Tenant on Samworth Farm, Found b Frank ollins, of Newm'k, ' , GOP P " "H Duty in Teat of Strength- . Employer in Neighboring Woods , Yl confirmed last night the report Destroyed Saturday Night; "" " nmanes ere Exercises in Armory Sunday that he is a Democratic candi- Firemen Respond 1.1I'u rts to bring Newark into line date from the Ninth District to Mrs. Whittingham Defeated itl> other towns of t he country in the J ohn M. StaJ'l', aged 39 year'S, a Disct]J}leal'ed Satu?'Clay Night . the General Assembly at Dovel'. ( pecial on'6 RpOll dcnce ) for Representative in Pen- fe n!; (' Day l st on Friday last, met tenant of t he farm of Thomas G. MI'. Collins stated that persis- The home of MI'. and Mrs. l saac eader-Local Workers bul pas ive r esponse, according amworth, in the Pike Greek section The events leading up to the dis- tent urgings on the part of his Rober·ts, between Gla gow and Sum- Active at Polla info rmation received f rom leaders covery of the body began about 4 friends here caused him to mit Bridge, was destroyed by fire be- till' mov ment. of Mill Cree k Hundred, committed o'clock aturday afternoon. change his position. He has tween eight and nine o'clock atur- More than u ual intere t centercd ui ci de some time between Saturday Starr, who has been farming the heretofore steadfastly refused dllY night. It is thought that it , tart- about the polls in White lay reek [n all, about 40 civilians reported to evening and dawn Sunday morning Samworth place since last June, left to be a candidate. ed in the kitchen while MI'. and Mrs. Hundred Saturday when the Repub­ offic rs of Battery E here for duty last. the house to bring in the cows, saying MI'. Collins and Robt. J. Crow Rober·ts were at Middletown on busi- lican primary elections were held. ('a: c of an emergency. that he wanted to get the barn work lire so far the only candidates ness. The complete dwelling WIIS Although the contests amon~ -local \'arious reasons have been ad- His body was found dangling from done early so that they could g'O into on the Democratic ticket. The bUl'ned and all the co ntests except peopl ~ wer e few, what ther'e were fo r the showing in Newark. a grapevine noose, about a half mile Newark for the evening. Mrs. Starr winner at their primaries will the furniture in the two lower front wel'e made by the Defense from his home, in the woods of George then set about preparing an early oppose James C. Hastings at the rooms. aroused pl enty of action among po­ ittee, of which Major supper. I I t' . N litical workers, candidates and the A. Short was chairman, to Knotts. The gruesome discovery was When Starr failed to come back genera e ec Ion In ovember. Three fire companie responded to voters themselves. an adequate representation pres- made by MI'. Samworth, his employer. within a reasonable tl'me hl's \vl'fe t,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ thepeake call City, for Newarkaid. They and were,Middl Chesa­etown. Although his opponents predicted Dr~ e ~~ ~~: f::~~:~e:o::ro: ~~~ The fact that Starr ' said nothing ~oti~ed I~r . ~amworth, who with his The outbuildings were all saved owing to his wife or fl'iends which would in- ami y rve In another part of the C Ib rt F d N t" I to the wind protecting them by its the result, the defeat of Thomas R. dicate his desire to end his life, added ~ig farmhouse. The latter suspect- 0 e - a er up la S course and the work of the three fire Clarlngbold for Levy Court Commis­ to the discovery that he had fash- Ing that Stan might have been sud- Held Tbl"s Ev . companies. sioner by George W. Burris, of New plans were not completely ioned the noose from which he hung denly taken ill, went out across the enlog Castle Hundred, came as a surprise from a long piece of wild grapevine, meadow to find him and the cows. He Wedding of Great Local In­ KASSING CONVICTED to many. MI'. Claringbold managed sho rL plIl'ada was held early Fri­ which he adjusted and made fast came upon the herd in its usual place tereal Solemnized in Pre•• E lkt011, Md. (Special) :- Charles to carry this hundred with a major­ evening, starting from the Ar- himself, combine to make the case but saw no trace of his tenant. ' by'erian Church at to Elkton Road, thence to Main one of the most unusual and tragic to 1s night drew on, both Mrs. ·Starr 7 P. M. Kassing was today convicted for com- ity of about 18, but he was beat­ down Main to Chapel, to come to light here in many years. an ~he Samworths became extremely plicity in the murder of Joseph en in the second district. A heavy te and back to Armory. The pa­ won'red and at nine o'clock the owner A wedding of great local interest, Doranco, near Barksdale, over a year vote polled in Red Lion and New Cas­ was led by Major Short, follow­ His body was brought to Newark of the place sent out a call to neigh­ since the bride and groom are both na­ ago. Sunday morning by Robert T, Jones, bors and organized a searching party. tie Hundreds won for Mr. Burris. His by the Continental Band. Battery tive Newarkers, will be performed in The jury in the Kassing case re- with about 40 men in line followed, local undertaker, and prepared for The gI'OUP, with lanterns in hand the First Presbyterian Church here turned this morning with a verdict of plurality was about 240. John F. then a group of civilian vol un- shipment to Starr's home in Carey, went to all parts of the farm, investi~ this evening at seven O'clock, when manslaughter which carries wth it a Richards also of Newark, ran a poor Ohio. The dead man is survived by a gated thickets and revines, but failed Miss Florence Elizabeth Colbert sentence of from one to ten years in third. stands of colors failed to ar­ wi~ e, abo.ut the same age, and one Ito finde a trace of Starr. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert J: pl·ison. Large Vote Polled time for the start of the pro­ child, a girl about seven years old. (Continued on Page 9.) Colbert, of Delaware Avenue, will be­ Mrs. Dora Vaughn was called for About 15,000 votes wel'e polled but were put in line during come the wife of John Raymond Fa­ trial this morning. Trouble was ex­ throughout the city and county for march. der, son of the late Gottlieb and Mary perienced in getting a jury and two Newark Golfers Wallop IROTARY CLUB PLANS Fadel', founders and for many years panels were exhausted. · the contenders for places on the Re­ Speaking In Armory head of Fader's Bakery, on Main publican ticket. One of t he unlooked [m mediately after the parade, a Easton, Score 19 -10 VIS~O_COLLEGE Street. The ceremony will be per­ FOOTBALL SOON for results were the heavy majorities peaking program was held in • Afternoon and Evening of formed by Rev. H. Everett Hallman Newark High School opens with accorded David Hutchinson for Clerk , in which about 150 citi­ pastor of the church. ' Dover here on September 26th, it has of Orphans' Court; William N. Lank Win Deciding Match On Club September 27 t'h Set For for Sheriff, and Harvey K. Wadman k part. The meeting was Grounds Saturday-Arm- Annual Outing The spacious church has been beau­ been announced. by Major Short, who, after a tifully decorated for the affair with Aero Squadron from Aberdeen here for Coconer. address, introduced Hon. James • trong Stars Ar'rangements are now, being made cut flow ers and palms forming the on September 27th, on the Continental Newark stood by Harvey Hoffeckel' of Wilmington. Mr. fOI· the annual Rotary Club outing at chief scheme of arrangements. The September 27th, on the Continental for re-nomination to the Prothono­ Both the English poloists and the tary berth, and he came through with centered his talk upon pre­ Easton, Md., golfers struck snags the Women's Co llege this year. The pulpit has been banked on all sides Field. as the only sure protector date set is Saturday, Septembel· 27th. with flowers forming a beautiful bow­ flying colors, easily defeati'ng George Saturday afternoon. BARROW SMASHUP Wigglesworth. His address was well pre­ The Englishmen and their futile Members of the Wilmington Club, er' undel' which the wedding party IN Ralph Barrow, local barbel', figured A most spirited contest for repre­ d thoroughly applicablE\ to quest are already known. But it is their wives and lady friends will no will stand during the ceremony. in a bad smashup late last night, and sentative took place down in Pencader Day. for us to chronicle the fact that for­ doubt motol' down in a body, arriving Miss Nellie B.
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