Queensland Parliamentary Debates [Hansard] Legislative Council WEDNESDAY, 1 NOVEMBER 1905 Electronic reproduction of original hardcopy 1378 Death of Hon. B. D. Morehead. [COUNCIL.] AdJournment. LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL • .WEDNESDAY, 1 NOVEMBER, 1905. The PRESIDING CHAilniAN (Hon. A. Norton) ook the chair at half-past 3 o'clock. PAPER. The following paper, laid ot1 the table, was >rdered to be printed :-Repmt of the Engineer 'or Harbours and Rivers for the year ended 30th rune, 1905. P:B;TITIONS. METROPOLITAX HosPITAr.s Bn.L. HoN. :B'. H. HART pre,ented a petition from ;he council of the city of Brisbane setting forth ·easons why the Council should amend or reject ;his BilL Petition read and received. Petitions of" similar purport and prayer were presented by the HoN. A. J. THYNNE from the council of the city of Rout h Brisbane, the council of the shire of Oaboolture, and the cnuncil of the shire of Kedron; by the HoN. J, T. ANN EAR from the council of the town of \Vindsor and the council of the shire of Tin­ galpa; by the HoN. :F. T. BRE:t\TNALL from the C•lUncil of the shire of Balmoral, the council of the shire of Be!rnont, the council of the shire of Coorparoo, and the council of the shire of Stepbens ; by the HoN. G. \V. GRAY from the council nf the town of Hamilton, from the council of the shire of Toombul, and from the council of the town of Sandga.te; by the HoN. E. J. STEVJ:;JNS from the council of the shire of Beenleigh, the council of the shire of South­ port, and the council of the shire of N erar•g; by the HoN. F. CLEWETT from the crmncil of the shire of Redclifl'e, the council of the shire of Pine, and the council of the ,!Jim of Sherwood; by the HoN. P. MACPHEI{SON from the council of the shire of Indooroopilly, the council of the town of Ithaca, and the council of the shire of Enogg-era; by the HoN. B. B. MORE­ TON from the council of the shire of Cleveland and the council of the shire of Waterford ; and by the HoN. A. J. CARTER from the council of the shire of \Vynnum and the council of the shire of Yeerongpilly. Petitions received. ADJOURNMENT. The SECRETARY :FOR PUBLIC IN­ STRUC l'lON (Hon. A. H. Barlnw): I beg to move, without previous notice, that the Council, at its rising, do adjourn until to-morrow. The Late Hon. B. D. Morellead. [l NovEMBER.] Methodist Union Bill. 1379 The PRESIDING CHAIRMAN: Is it the bearing my testimony of appreciation of the char­ desire of the Council thiit the motion be put acter of the late Hon. B. D. :\1orehearl. He has without notice? occupied conspicuous and important positiuns in the public life of this country, and it can be said, Ho;-;oUHABLE GEXTLE>IE:"f : Hear, hear ! and I believe it will he said, that his desire 1,~uc:;tion IJUt and passed. alway8 was to b~~nefit the peop1P, and to advance the bmdness \vith which hu wa~ associated. I cannot expres" a~ I ~hould like to dn rny feelings ACTIXG CHAIRMAN OF Co:\11\IITTEES. on this occa-.ion, and I do not think that any­ Hox. R. H. Sl\JITH. thing we can say wnl do rnore than faintly The SEC1U£TARY :FOR PUBLIC IX­ expres.'::i our sPnRe of the loss we ha,ve sustained STlUICTIOX: I also beg to move, without in the death of the late bon. gentleman, and of previous not.ice, that, for this day only, the Hon. the regret we feel that we shall not again have R. H. Smith do act as Chairman of Committees. the gratification and pleasure of seeing him in this Chamber. Leave to move without notice having been given, The PRESIDfl'~G CHAIRl\fAN: Before putting the ruotion, I should like, with your HoN. A. J. THYNNE: I have not much to pernlis::;ion, to say a very few vvordR in addition Bay in npposib()fi to the proposition of _the to those which have already fallen from hon. Minister. I may hay that during- the late Hon. gentlemen who have 'poken. [1:-Lnrour,thle B. !!. 1\lorehead's i!l,w,s the Hon. 1\ir. Smith gentlemen : Hear, hear!] The Hon. :Mr. More­ performed the duties of Acting Chairman of bead I claimed as " friend from the time we Committees with a great deal of sati-faetion to first became acquainted in politics in another membet·s of the Council, but there is a feAling place in the end of 1~78. Dming all the years a1nnng somA hon. gentlernen that some Inember which have elapsed since that time we had to who has been longer in the House should be work n1ore or le,..s together in cunnection vvith selected for the position. I merely mention this matters which c•mcerned the welfare of this fact now su that when the l\llini.,;ter gives notice State and the w>lfare of its pe"ple I have of a motion for the appointment of an Acting always thought of the late Hon. l\tr. 3t1on .. head {Jha;rm:tn of Couunittees he ruay take it into with tlL: rno~t kindly feelillg-:;, hectt11H8 I believe ~onsideration. he ahmvs strove to do the rluty which he had undert,l.ken to do :;,; a public rnan. On sorne THE LATE HON. B. D. l\lOR:b,HEAD. occa~irms we differt~d, on 1nost occasions we ExPRESSION OF SENSE OF l'CllLIC Loss. agreed, and the rmmlt has been that throughout all tho:-:e twenty-seven years we have always The SECRETARY EOR PUBLIC IN­ n1a,intained a very sincere and genuine friend­ .:3TRt;CTION, in moving- .ship. To n1e, it is a matter (,f great regret that That this Council dcsirel" to expre~s and place on we have lo;;t nne with whmn HO ·:record i1:-; deep se11sc of tlH:l g-reat lJHblic loss sn~tained through ths detlth of' the late HonouralJle Bo.) d DunlolJ [4 p.m.] many of us have been ns"•ciated ]Jore!JJ~ad~ for so u1any ye~rsi and I feel it to 'aid: I can add nothing- to what I said yesterday be a duty tn m.v~elf, a::, well as to hi;;; mernory of the kindly g-ood fellow, if l may use the ex­ and to the friends who mourn his loss, to speak pre:-~sion, whn iLlS been rernoved from this world, these fe .v words on the present r·.ccasion. and frmu our rr1id~t. I therefore cuutent myself Question put and passed. :novv with tnoving the mntion. Eox. A. J. THYKNE: I can only say that I Amnmss OP CmmOLJ,~KCE TO EELATIVES. 11tn thoroughly in accord with the propo-;ition made by the Minister. 'rhere is ver;· little for Th.e SECRETARY :b'OR I'UBLlC IN­ I move-~ me to add to the expression I gave utteranse to STRUCTIOX : That the following address be fonvardf'd to J.1rs. yesterd"y of my deep grief for the hss of one Mord1c·tul by the Honourable the Presi<ling Chair­ whom I esteemed so highly. I cordiall0 mpport llUlll :-- the rnntion. ,, "~r, the mf'mher•« of thp, Legishtive Council of ' HoN. P. MACPILERSON": I thank the t2neen~lar~d. in l'arliam!mt as~cmble<1. desire to express onr deep ~ensn of the )!ri::'at lo8s wl11ch we Rnd the jyiinister for the opportunity he has afforded public of this State ll:n·c su~tained hy the lamented Ine of joinin~ in this expre-;:':iion of sympathy death of nn1r late buslJan(l, t.I!C IIotJ"urable Bovd and rqTRt. I hope the Hmme will hear with Dun lop \IOr~~Iwad, who at 'ariou- periods of his life­ me if n1y utteran~t~ i::< Fnn1ewhat haltinQ". Onr time oceupie<l tlw dh.tmgnis;he t p•'<;itions of iJremior of departed friend, while still a verv young man, (Jneenslantl, TIICllllWl' or the Federal Council. rlele~mte to the Fcdcntl ConvPntion, reprPl'.entative of the GtWel'n­ occuviPd a pnt'ition \vhich gave hiln a wide and mt'nt in tllis Cuunml, and Acting Cllait·man of Com­ comprehen;;;ive kn<nvlcrlge of the leading io<lnstry mittees tllcrPoL of Queensland, >llld which led to his taking an ''·we rl.esire to convey to You. to the childrPn, and active pout in politics, and to hi~ ul. irnately relatives of the deee;!SCtl vg-putlernan, our Pl'ofound attair1ing the highest office that any citizen can sympathy in this ben:avcmenL." :reach in this comrnnnity~t.bat of Prernier of Question put and passed. tho State. The lofty standard of hononr which he set for himself in the disch<trge of his public duties he invariably followed throughout nlETHODIST UNIOX BILL. his long business career, whether fortune 1-itniled READING. Dr frovvned. G-Pnerous in hi<:; ilnpul.ses, warrr1 and s~;coxD sincere in his friendships, brigiJt, kindly, anrl HoK. ]<'. T. BREl\"l'N ALL: It is a matter nf cheerful in his intercourse, we shall all miss him sin cerA pleasnr~ to 1ne 1hat I am able to rr1nve sadly. [Honourable gentlemen : Hear, hear !] the second re>Lding of the .Methodist Union Bill I can only add that he was of the salt of the without the proRpt·ct nf snch ~t~rious opposition earth. to it as appeared to exist when I moved the first Hox.
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