J remple B'eth-EL Broad & Glenham Sts. t~~~~~1THProvidEence ."JR.E ·w· 1s· H HERALD The Ku Klux Klan · "I ho11or the Ku Klux Klan. honored them in the old re- VOL XVI No. 40 PROVIDENCE. R. I .. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1941 .5 C~ THI COPY construction days and I honor ------------------------------------------------------ them today. These Klansmen 52 000 M d d H •t / Ch •Jd ' H ' were trying to do the right , Ur ere OSpl a , I ren S ome Welles Ptomises :~~~~n~~~e~;~t!!'~~:s:r:~ ::::r~! In Kiev Pogrom$ Plan Stollerman .Testimonial . Refugees Asylum they used the wrong methods." So spoke Ike Wingrow, a Jew- Nazis Continue Policy 9vic, Political Leade1s Immediate· Task ish attorney, when he appeared Of Jewish Extermination To -Attend Dec. 2 Affair Is to Beat Hitler on behalf of six Klansmen in a LONDON. _ Fifty-two thous- ' Leaders in the city's philan­ BALTIMORE, ·Md, - Undersec­ clemel\cy hearing before Gov~r- and Jews, incltlding men, wo­ thropic, political and civ.ic life ret~ry of Stole Sumner Welles nor Talmadge, of Georgia. men and children, were systema- are expected lo attend the Testi­ yesterday pledged that after the This defence of the Klan, out- tically and methodically put to m0nial Dinner for Mburice Stol­ war the United Stales will join spokenly anti-Semitic, fascist in death in Kiev foBowing the Na­ lerman, superintendent-elect of with other governments to find action, by a Jew, has evoked ~i occupation of the Ukrainian Miriam Hospital, which occurs permanent homes in new lands considerable criticism in the capital, according to informatiori next Tuesday evening at the Bilt­ ·for millions made homeless by South, especially by church- received here. more Hotel, under the joint spon­ oppression and conquest. men. The details a-vailable establish sorship of the Board __9.(- Direc­ In the meantime, Mr. Welles \Vingrow's proceedure is dif- that the victims did not lose their tors, Jewish Children's Home of said in an address broadcast by ficult to explain unless one a­ Ii ves as the result of a mob pog­ Rhode Island, and the Board of CBS and carried by short wove dopts the l'heory that his hatred rom, but a systematic, - efficient Trustees, · Miriam Hospital. Ben­ to Latin-American Republics, the of unionism transcends that of execution carried out in accord­ jamin Brier, chairman of the tes­ lJnited Stales will do everything ,the Klan or similar constituted ance, with lhe cold-blooded Nazi timonial committee, stated· this possible to provide havens fo r organizations. This anti-labor policy of Jewish extermination. week that the dinner is being individuals and families in coun­ viewpoint has resulted in many The sources for this information tendered Mr. Stollerman in r ec- tries of refuge. strange marriages - and this of are in position to state that ognition of his services as super­ "Solution of the greater a Jew and the Klan is one of whether or not the mass execu­ intendent of the Jewish Child­ problem of mass r esettlement," the weirdest ever recorded. tions were ordered from Berlin, ren's Home, and equally to feli­ he said, "cannot be undertaken, It is possible of course that high quarters there were cogni­ citate him on his appointment as however, until the war is over Wingrow's deed was based on zant of what bad taken place, superintendent of Miriam Hospi­ and the world has seen the final deep-seated selfish motives. But MAURICE STOLLER.MAN and utter defeat of those respon­ Certainly, there has been no tal. mens J, France, director of the whateve r the reason, he has single official repudiation or rep­ sible for this cruel tragedy which done his country and his relig­ Invitations have been extend­ State Department of Social Wel­ shame; our modern world.1' \ rimand of those responsible, fare, is on the speakers' pro'­ ion, a disservice by his advoca­ ed to Govll"rnor J. Howard Mc- Mr, Welles spoke at the ·open­ gram. cy of a movement whose injus­ Grath and Mayor Dennis J, Rob- ing session of the first inter- tice and violence h as shocked Archibold Silverman will act American Jewish Conference, eris, it was announced, and Cle- the country for generations. No Jewish Army­ (Continued on Page 2) sponsored by the American Jew- j • h B • w ish Congress and attended by Lack of Materials eW/S_ LJS/nessman ins delegates from 18 Central and . Lindbergh for President LONDON. - The breakdown South Amer ic~n countries and Those who like to compare the rise of Fascist power in Eu­ in the negotiations between the Canada. British Government and the Jew- Ohio City Mayoralty Election / -., rope to incidents now occuring ish Agency for the establishment CIRCLEVILLE, Ohio, - Ben whelming majority against his l Postwar Help in this country will consider of a Jewish Army was attributed Gordon, Jewish business man of two opponents, both of whom Dorothy Thompson's most re­ this week by British authorita- this city, was elected Mayor at are not Jewish, Ben Gordon has d cent pronouncement on Charles live circles to the necessity of the November election despite the served as City Councilman for To Jews Urge Lindbergh, providing the Soviet forces with fact that, the Jewish populaJion the past four years. The Mayor , "Lindbergh thinks that Am­ all military equipn'1ent that Bri- in Ci rclevi11e is ~ftian. ,fhis c..t'vru- stated whi;n· he was- ele~:ted I.hat .i ... L~AN.Y. Po~lwar Eu~ppe~ 1 erica will enter the war," the lain can spare. munity in South-Central Ohio is his policy was apparently the muSI look to A~1cnca an_d thl- .. .._ famous woman columnist said, It was also learned here that famous as the home of Ted Lew- right one, "The spirit of good- other de.n~ocr~cies f?r . gmda J:i .:, "and he thinks America will · will between Jew and Gentile say a Bnhsh rndustnah ~t and\ an Lord Moyne, British Colonial is. English author w ho, with other lose it. He will then emerge as Secretary, in a letter s tated that Mayor Gordon received an over- can be accomplished through cor- New York week-end speakers ex.1. the one who said, 'I told you so.' the Russian war has imposed reel living and right doing." amirred the plights of subjugated He will then demand punish­ tremendous strain on British Aid to Britain Mr. _Gordon was born and edu- peoples, ment of the 'guilty warmongers' transport as well as curtailing a- cated in Circle'!ille, being one of -the New Dealers, Roosevelties, eleven children: seven brothers Between one and three million vailabJe military equipment. J · C I d E E pro-British and Jews - and in­ Reac hes $300 , 000 an,t three sisters, He is married, ews In enlra an astern u- dulge in stern suppressions on Ask Confiscation NEW YOHK. - More than His wife was the prominent rope face reduction lo the role the ground that "tolerance can­ $300,000 has already been raised Edythe Palet of Columbus, Ohio. of migrants after the war, the in- not· survive a war, especially a of Je· w·1sh Cloth1"ng The Mai•or has two sons, Fred, duslrialisl, Israel M. Sietr, told. lost war." for British war relief from Jew- aged s,·x, a nd Lar,·y, aged three. a conference of the United Pal- LISB'ON. A demand that ish individuals and organizations estine Appeal. Petain, the defeatist, and the Fascist Government confis- in America in less than a year of Darlan, the authoritarian, also cate all warm clothing and un- operation of the Jewish Section hated the democratic system. derwear now possessed by Jews of the British War Relief Soci­ Moscow Cluttered Leon Blum's Brother They, and their satellites, . un­ in Italy was voiced by the con- ely, ii was reported by its Chair­ dermined France's war efforts Shot by Nazis trolled Italian press, copies of man, Dr. Israel Goldstein. With Nazi Leaflets PAHIS, M. Lucien Blum, and prepared, secretly, for the which have just arrived here. The funds obtained had been day wh"'e n the Nazi invader STOCKHOLM, - Nazi planes aged 62 1 who was recently shot­ The Fascist papers proposed that used to acquire more than 100 this week dropped anti-Jewish by the Nazis in Paris as a "r e­ would be supre me. the dolhing seized from Jews mqbile kitchens for England and The pattern is open for- all to lea~lets over Moscow asserting prisal" fo r attacks on members of be sent to Italian soldiers serv- to establish six nursing homes that "every seventh person in the German Anny, was a brother see. With Lindbergh as head ing on the Russian front. for children there. of a party along pro-Nazi lines, Moscow is a Jew" and telling the of i\t Leon Blum, former French it is obvious he hopes to remake population tJ;rnt "the German Prime Minister. our governme ntal system and Delegates of Organizations army aims to liberate the Russian M. Lucien Blu111 was a business emerge as "Ame rica's savior." people from Jewish slavery." man, who had never played. any \\Tith the evacuation of all for­ part in politics. Name Robin Service Head eign diplomatic missions from Talmud Torah Paul J, Robin was elected Moscow to Kazfln, the Soviet capi­ NO PHONES FOR JEWS chairman of the Army and Navy tal is now bei ng fortified day GENEVA. - .Jews have been Committee of the Jewish Welfare and night by the civil population, barred from using public tele­ Appoints Principal Board at a meeting of delegates w ith every able-bodied .Tew vol­ pho~1Cs in Germany, even for Directors of the Sons of Zion of 15 organi zations held Jast week untce'ring for p;:irlicipation in the emergency calls in case of sick­ Talmud Torah this week an­ al the Community Center.
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