Unraveling Health Risk and Speciation of Arsenic from Groundwater in Rural Areas of Punjab, Pakistan

Unraveling Health Risk and Speciation of Arsenic from Groundwater in Rural Areas of Punjab, Pakistan

Supplementary Information Unraveling Health Risk and Speciation of Arsenic from Groundwater in Rural Areas of Punjab, Pakistan Figure S1. Arsenic concentrations in groundwater samples collected from rural areas of Punjab, Pakistan. On each box, the red mark is the mean, the black mark is median, the edges of the box are the 25th and 75th percentiles, the whiskers extend to the most extreme data points not considered outliers, and outliers are not plotted. Table S1. Arsenic contamination level in groundwater around the world adopted from Rahman et al. [1] and Naidu et al. [2]. Country Level of As (µg L−1) National As Standard (µg L−1) Pakistan ND–906 50 Bangladesh ND–4730 50 India ND–3380 50 Cambodia 1–1610 50 China 50–4444 50 Myanmar - 50 Nepal ND–2620 50 Taiwan 0.15–3590 10 Vietnam 1–3050 10 USA 50–1700 10 Canada >3000 10 Hungary 60–4000 50 Mexico 8–624 50 Brazil - 50 Poland - 10 Australia 1–5000 10 Japan ND–293 10 As, Arsenic; ND, Not Detected. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2015, 11 S2 Table S2. Concentration of As and other drinking water quality parameters in groundwater samples collected from three rural areas of Punjab, Pakistan. 2− − − 2− − Sample Depth As EC CO3 HCO3 NO3 SO4 Cl F Sample Name pH Source (m) (µg·L−1) (dS·cm−1) (mg·L−1) (mg·L−1) (mg·L−1) (mg·L−1) (mg·L−1) (mg·L−1) CW1 EP 34 126.8 7.53 0.14 36 75.64 954.61 750.83 114.31 ND CW2 EP 34 129.9 7.43 0.17 19.2 73.2 632.54 1028.53 68.87 ND CW3 EP 27 200.7 7.38 0.16 20.4 52.46 1328.42 982.32 276.9 ND CW4 EP 27 108.3 7.12. 0.28 30 68.32 810.83 1447.04 381.27 ND CW5 EP 27 199.8 7.49 0.14 31.2 78.08 1246.56 801.36 163.3 ND CW6 EP 30 73.47 6.81 0.20 21.6 198.86 1336.33 1264.54 215.84 ND CW7 TW 61 23.3 7.31 0.15 25.2 214.72 2229.18 888.62 131.35 ND CW8 TW 64 88.74 7.98 0.18 27.6 75.64 974.55 856.66 203.77 ND Vh9 HP 34 1.97 7.41 0.05 32.4 101.26 934.64 180.49 78.1 ND Vh10 EP 27 4.60 7.48 0.06 8.4 89.06 1573.62 307.31 93.72 ND Vh11 TW 67 53.48 8.06 0.06 14.4 71.98 1204.15 157.98 42.6 ND Vh12 EP 30 12.23 7.42 0.08 25.2 53.68 1463.54 247.64 115.73 ND Vh13 EP 27 6.08 7.52 0.07 20.4 80.52 ND ND 100.11 ND Vh14 HP 27 7.70 7.31 0.49 12 54.9 1449.96 104.28 73.13 ND Vh15 EP 37 120.9 7.31 0.06 38.4 73.2 1336.32 210.06 136.32 ND Vh16 HP 34 4.35 7.35 0.09 14.4 109.8 2029.89 308.63 136.32 ND Vh17 HP 37 34.94 7.50 0.08 25.2 71.98 1794.68 481.95 94.43 ND Vh18 TW 96 30.61 7.54 0.11 12 52.46 1469.92 180.82 39.76 ND Vh19 HP 37 18.61 7.57 0.09 18 71.98 1938.63 594.98 136.32 ND Vh20 TW 98 134 7.76 0.11 14.4 109.8 2072.55 232.02 41.18 ND Vh21 EP 24 144.3 7.61 0.05 22.8 43.92 1268.68 182.99 61.06 ND Vh22 EP 27 95.28 7.55 0.06 96 39.04 1352.89 241.15 47.57 ND Vh23 EP 27 12.4 7.20 0.12 38.4 104.92 1719.70 134.70 217.97 ND Vh24 EP 34 7.67 7.49 0.08 31.2 146.40 675.39 312.83 107.92 ND Vh25 EP 30 24.88 7.53 0.05 20.4 165.92 37.04 173.32 64.61 ND Vh26 EP 30 12.89 7.51 0.16 108 276.94 1944.19 516.02 133.48 ND Vh27 EP 30 32.63 7.14 0.07 10.8 86.62 2209.61 394.22 217.97 0.09 Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2015, 11 S3 Table S2. Cont. 2− − − 2− − Sample Depth As EC CO3 HCO3 NO3 SO4 Cl F Sample Name pH Source (m) (µg·L−1) (dS·cm−1) (mg·L−1) (mg·L−1) (mg·L−1) (mg·L−1) (mg·L−1) (mg·L−1) Vh28 TW 107 80.03 7.73 0.03 12 32.94 656.58 85.75 106.5 ND Vh29 EP 30 1.33 7.52 0.11 15.6 240.34 1300.73 445.54 80.94 ND Vh30 EP 30 52.87 7.65 0.08 21.6 70.76 1610.51 752.45 121.41 ND Vh31 EP 34 46.47 7.60 0.08 36 62.22 1131.09 340.83 76.68 ND Vh32 EP 37 9.92 7.66 0.09 10.8 222.04 1486.55 469.49 95.85 ND Vh33 EP 34 19.36 7.68 0.12 8.4 106.14 1918.11 215.88 9.94 ND Vh34 EP 24 143 7.61 0.06 22.8 36.6 2364.95 143.90 7.1 ND Vh35 EP 27 41.66 7.21 0.15 7.2 32.94 1028.37 171.80 83.78 0.04 Vh36 EP 34 5.75 7.43 0.15 14.4 45.14 1097.70 174.35 60.35 ND RYK 37 HP 20 8.78 7.85 0.34 45.6 9.76 971.85 410.11 546.7 ND RYK 38 HP 18 5.82 7.8 0.04 32.4 32.94 5370 92.28 220.1 ND RYK 39 HP 21 2.52 8.35 0.04 24 95.16 ND 141.67 142.71 ND RYK 40 HP 23 3.01 8.0 0.16 20.4 64.66 612.45 400.51 291.1 ND RYK 41 HP 24 25.45 8.07 0.14 18 61 1193.52 680.49 454.4 ND RYK 42 HP 27 3.99 7.3 0.16 32.4 132.98 1156.18 812.76 901.7 ND RYK 43 HP 30 4.47 7.25 0.15 16.8 46.36 1528.41 429.45 497 ND RYK 44 HP 9 2.67 7.1 0.05 24 48.80 4050 148.68 104.37 0.045 RYK 45 HP 14 3.01 7.55 0.08 81.6 64.66 1613.98 176.69 211.58 ND RYK 46 HP 12 5.75 7.2 0.08 21.6 98.82 2235.94 152.07 306.72 ND RYK 47 HP 17 11.33 7.8 0.07 24 30.50 1199.82 189.88 96.56 ND RYK 48 HP 18 7.13 8.05 0.14 38.4 50.02 3540 190.79 418.9 ND RYK 49 HP 23 13.13 7.4 0.07 7.2 90.28 3630 210.69 511.2 ND RYK 50 HP 23 8.92 7.5 0.11 15.6 37.82 3750 1081.88 265.54 ND RYK 51 HP 24 4.23 7.85 0.07 55.2 59.78 2365.28 197.85 66.74 ND RYK 52 HP 26 5.32 8.2 0.03 13.2 82.96 2314.71 82.16 60.35 ND RYK 53 HP 24 17.58 8.3 0.09 24 48.80 3480 394.11 545.99 ND RYK 54 HP 26 31.05 7.8 0.02 33.6 50.02 2131.31 101.94 46.15 ND Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2015, 11 S4 Table S2. Cont. 2− − − 2− − Sample Depth As EC CO3 HCO3 NO3 SO4 Cl F Sample Name pH Source (m) (µg·L−1) (dS·cm−1) (mg·L−1) (mg·L−1) (mg·L−1) (mg·L−1) (mg·L−1) (mg·L−1) RYK 55 TW 46 27 7.4 0.07 64.8 53.68 2950.52 183.68 170.4 ND RYK 56 HP 24 7.40 7.7 0.03 26.4 28.06 1567.42 99.68 39.05 ND RYK 57 HP 24 9.73 7.3 0.04 32.4 63.44 2881.29 20.34 47.57 ND RYK 58 HP 15 1.66 7.21 0.03 14.4 30.5 1297.52 86.40 61.77 ND RYK 59 HP 18 7.80 6.9 0.05 57.6 36.60 2650.61 80.01 97.27 ND RYK 60 HP 21 2.58 7.3 0.04 31.2 62.22 3330 84.12 68.87 ND RYK 61 HP 23 14.67 7.6 0.03 34.8 51.24 0 107.96 51.12 ND RYK 62 HP 23 4.21 7.8 0.06 85.2 29.28 2682.83 238.69 124.96 ND Sample Depth Fe Si P B Al Ca Mg Na K Sample Name Source (m) (mg·L−1) (mg·L−1) (mg·L−1) (mg·L−1) (mg·L−1) (mg·L−1) (mg·L−1) (mg·L−1) (mg·L−1) CW1 EP 34 0.14 6.4 0.04 0.64 0.001 36.34 19.43 0.24 11.29 CW2 EP 34 0.12 7.89 ND 0.27 0.0002 77.08 37.13 363.2 14.11 CW3 EP 27 0.17 8.43 0.01 0.13 0.0025 110.9 44.71 252.3 14.33 CW4 EP 27 0.56 8.4 0.02 0.27 0.027 88.76 36.82 364.2 14.42 CW5 EP 27 0.15 8.11 ND 0.52 0.002 59.89 36.94 332.6 10.97 CW6 EP 30 0.19 9.79 0.04 0.65 0.001 65.71 42.1 397.8 17.19 CW7 TW 61 0.12 7.19 ND 0.65 0.0003 45.52 24.2 373 35.76 CW8 TW 64 0.12 9.38 ND 0.58 0.00008 53.51 45.7 384.8 15.01 Vh9 HP 34 0.62 9.12 ND 0.12 0.001 56.48 17.07 73.59 7.06 Vh10 EP 27 0.09 9.47 ND 0.12 0.0009 61.2 24.55 65.5 7.81 Vh11 TW 67 0.13 9.23 ND 0.12 0.0001 52.92 18.22 70.9 32.09 Vh12 EP 30 0.09 7.92 ND 0.19 0.0004 41.92 24.28 131.3 9.06 Vh13 EP 27 0.12 8.66 ND 0.13 0.0002 55.66 34.60 80.92 10.53 Vh14 HP 27 1.93 5.71 ND 0.04 0.038 39.33 13.19 32.77 4.78 Vh15 EP 37 0.14 8.28 ND 0.18 0.0004 59.48 21.96 103.1 9.11 Vh16 HP 34 0.21 8.81 ND 0.22 ND 47.57 34.68 155.3 10.86 Vh17 HP 37 0.17 8.37 ND 0.24 0.0001 89.97 30.62 139 10.44 Int.

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