Britt to Speak at Field House Joint Convocation Will Highlight AWS, Student Council Elections by Bob Bonneau The Association of Women Students and the Student Council will hold an All University Convocation^ Apr. 10 at 1 p.m., in Lewis Field House. The convocation is 'being held for the election of candidates to AW S, Student Council, W RA, representatives to the Student Union Board, and officers for the three upper classes. Stu­ dents in the three upper classes will also elect ah outstanding mem­ ber of the Senior class to be awarded the medal for the Hood Achievement Prize on the basis of character, scholarship, personal V O L . N o. 39 Issue 23 Z413 Durham , N. H ., M arch 30, 1950 PRICE — 7 CENTS popularity, and leadership. The well known sports announcer, Jim Britt, will be the featured speaker. Britt, famous in New England for his sports Pops Symphony Orch. broadcasts, will speak on his interesting Blue Barron Orch. to be Attraction experiences in the field of sports. Jim Britt was born in San Francisco Gives CampusConcert and was educated in various sections of Every year the Boston “Pops” Sym­ Detroit, intending to pursue law as a pro­ A t First Country Club Weekend phony Orchestra presents a concert hon­ fession. However, he was given the op­ oring some college or university in New portunity to broadcast the football games by Barbara Pritchard England. This year, on May 27, the for his alma mater, and he’s been at the Pops will do tonal homage to the Uni­ microphone ever since. From Detroit, versity of New Hampshire. It was an­ Plan WRA Balloting; nounced that songs and music particular Mr. Britt did broadcast work at South to the campus will be featured. Also on Bend and Buffalo, and later moved to the program will be sections by the UNH Boston. Postpone Convocation Concert Chorus. Jim Britt is well known to baseball The concert will be held in Symphony fans through his New England Base­ Votes will be cast for Women’s Recre­ Hall at 8 p.m. Reserve tickets are avail­ ball Network broadcasts of all the home ation Association officers today in spite of able at Notch Hall from members of the fact that the joint election convoca­ Opus 45. There are 300 tickets avail­ games of the Boston Red Sox and Boston tion has been postponed until after va­ able to students and faculty which will Braves. cation. Voting will take place in all be sold on a first come first serve basis. Candidates for all offices may have dorms and sororities from 12 noon to Persons* interested may buy the $4.00 photos of themselves posted in the lobby 8 p.m. tickets, which not only includes the re­ of the Field House. To do so, women The sports chairmen in each house are serve seat at Symphony Hall, but also responsible for publicizing the elections a round trip by bus to and from Boston. candidates must turn in snapshots or and seeing that each girl casts her ballot. The hall is unusual in that it has tables photos to Phyllis Killam, Congreve South House council members in the dorms will by noon, April 10. Male students must be at the ballot box to check the names at which five people may sit. It was sug­ sybmit their photos to the office of Dean in the directory. Sorority members can gested that groups sign up in fives so that they may sit together. of Men by noon, April 10. take care o f their voting at meals. Nominees for offices of the WRA board are: President, Jean Morrison, Barbara Neville; Secretary, Irene Heav- ner, Janet Tasker, Imogene Opton, Joan Men’s Student Council Conference Watson, Elizabeth Brown; Treasurer, Virginia Watson, Julie Phelan, Evelyn Blish; Director of Co-Rec, Mary Lue First of Its Kind in New England Barton, Lucille Newell, Edith Swindle- by George Liamos ment. Among those mentioned by Dr. hurst, Marilyn Waris; Director of Inter- Lippitt w ere: that a democratic student class, Eloise Stoddard, Ann Schultz, A t a general meeting last Fri. night government have as its central purpose Marnie Brazier; Interhouse, Marcia Sul­ in the Commons Organizations Room, the welfare of the whole campus and all livan, Virginia Bailey, Patricia Yeaton, the first New England Land Grant Col­ those on it; that a democratic student Hilda Smith, Rhoda Pickwick. lege Conference on Men’s Student Gov­ government guarantee to all the members ernment officially opened. Sponsored by of the campus community the right to the UNH Student Council, the confer­ share in determining the purposes, poli­ ence had delegates from the Universities cies, and practices of the governing body, of Maine, Vermont, Massachuestts, and that a democratic student govern­ Announce USAF Rhode Island, and Connecticut. ment uses democratic methods in its own In panel groups, the delegates dis­ organizational functioning. cussed campus elections, disciplinary _ Saturday morning, the various panel Career Opportunity problems, student government structure, discussions were held. Under the chair­ Lt Col. H. K. Gilbert, Professor of fostering interest in governing bodies, manship of the University of Connecticut, BLUE BARRON Air Science and Tactics, announced to­ and membership in the Yankee Confer­ the panel discussion on Membership in Blue Barron, master of the sweet strains of American swing day that career opportunities for college ence. Each of the visiting colleges pre­ the Yankee Conference was held in Nes­ pared a report for the panel discussions. mith Hall. Stating that the U. of Conn. music, will be the guest band at the 1st annual Country Club Week­ men in the U.S.A.F. are better today than ever before. Friday night, after a brief address of had been using the Yankee Conference end dance on Fri., May 12, at New Hampshire Hall. The old welcome by President Adams, and an as a club to prevent much normal athletic College graduates who have completed introduction by Donald G. Benoit, Gen­ development, and that it had not definitely fashioned music of his band was one of the main reasons behind its the Air Force ROTC program will be eral Chairman of the conference, Dr. given the “conference” idea a real play, selection; and the Three Blue Notes, famous from coast to coast given first chance to sign up for pilot Gordon Lippitt of Union College deliver­ the U Conn’s proceeded to offer resolu­ and navigator training classes. These for their mellow harmony, will make the trip to Durham with the ed the keynote speech of the conference, tions for a constructive program to im­ flying training programs offer many ad­ “Hallmarks of a Democratic Student prove the Yankee Conference. band. vantages to the student officers. The Government.” In the panel discussion on the Role Blue Baron attended Ohio State Uni­ cadets receive approximately $355.75 a Mentioning the great deal of talk about of Student Government in Disciplinary versity before forming t his orchestra. month in salary, in addition to living democracy on campuses, the little action Problems, the question of whether stu­ His blend of -showmanship and commerc­ quarters and medical and dental care; that followed, and the apathy towards dents should handle their own problems, ial music has made him a favorite with Grant House Women a $250 uniform allowance; and, best of student government found among stu­ was overwhelmingly agreed upon in the college crowds all over the country for all, an unequaled flight training program dents and faculty on many campuses, Dr. years, and especially since the end of the worth many thousands of j dollars. affirmative, with a possible faculty ad­ war, when he reorganized his band and Given Opportunity Lippitt proceeded to point out six “Hall­ visor. defied the currents in music at that time There has been established in the A ir marks” of a democratic student govern­ (continued on page 5) toward bop and progressive jazz. His Force Section of the Military Depart­ ment in Pettee Hall the necessary ad­ theme has always been “Music of Yes­ ministrative boards* to fully screen in­ terday and Today,” and Blue has tried For Campus Rooms terested applicants. For information on to keep his orchestrations constantly tra­ Upperclass women of Grant House, Students Aid Polio Drive the required qualifications for pilot or ditional and constantly good. H e is a who have been asked to leave their pres­ navigator training in officer grade, as crowd pleaser. ent quarters next semester to make room Aviation Cadets, inquire of the Mili­ for freshmen girls have been provided Other aspects of the Country Club tary Department, Pettee Hall. Weekend, which has been designed as an­ with adequate housing in the College other big campus weekend to replace the Road Apartments. Junior Prom, are a poster coptest, Scotch A t a meeting held M arch 24, the girls foursomes in golf, and tennis matches be­ affected met with Everett B. Sackett, tween the various social organizations on Dean of Student Administration and campus. Ruth J. Woodruff, Dean of Women. It Official Notices The poster contest will cover the theme was then announced that the apartments All students are responsible for knowledge o f the Country Club Weekend. Every­ would be available next semester due to of Notices appearing here. one is eligible to submit his trial poster the decreased demand for them by veter­ to Bill Spain at Theta Chi before April ans. 20. The only stipulation is that the This situation, explained Dean Sackett, Convocation. A joint convocation for posters must be twenty-two by sixteen has been caused by a shortage of approxi­ men and women students for the inches.
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