Missouri University of Science and Technology Scholars' Mine The Missouri Miner Newspaper Special Collections 19 Feb 1954 The Missouri Miner, February 19, 1954 Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarsmine.mst.edu/missouri_miner These newspapers reflect the attitudes, perspectives, and beliefs of different times. Neither the library nor the university endorses the views expressed in these collections, some of which contain images and language which may be offensive to some readers. Recommended Citation "The Missouri Miner, February 19, 1954" (1954). The Missouri Miner Newspaper. 1466. https://scholarsmine.mst.edu/missouri_miner/1466 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by Scholars' Mine. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Missouri Miner Newspaper by an authorized administrator of Scholars' Mine. This work is protected by U. S. Copyright Law. Unauthorized use including reproduction for redistribution requires the permission of the copyright holder. For more information, please contact [email protected]. U.\l\t , __ ll, 1ss1 SCRO~ BYJ,HOCIJrr BUY YOURSEARLY AT TICKETSST. FORP AT'.S MINER r~t~YN.1.C. THEMISSOURI LASTYEARS LOW PRICE !°'Port'fr; Ile. ;rat"1tityn, lhe DAN.CESNOW ON SALE NO INFLATION! !uden1sConrer. econin, Jo1u,t !•stions'":'d lhe lfrate,._;i'.'lhe FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1954 NUMBER 17 fnivers:t ) scho. VOLUME 40 ROLLA, MO., 1 Yofllet. ---'- - - --- - !frat"1tit· 11111111111111111111m111~111111111111111111111111111m1111111111111hMSMGRADUATE SPEAKS lute a scb~un­ INTERNATIONAL GROUP _detettnine ~~c Class Officer Elections AT JOINTMEETING OF Pictorial Travelogue Uig.A eUg,. ACCLAIMSINTERESTING NEXT WEEK'S l'd U.Slunan l"~'d by, Ira. t Th d TALKAT LAST MEETING INTERVIEWS ASME AND AICHE he se~at leasta T0 b e .H e Id Nex urs ay Over 90 members and guests Tuesday evening, February Enjoyed Miners ernational Fellowship By . tnesterPre­ of the Int llllllltllll11111111Jlllllllll1111111111111111tllll\111111111111tlllll11, A.E.M.E. and A:I.Cb.E. had n, IVhicbb acc laimed the · interesting talk Monday, February 22 - School a joint meeting in the new lec­ "PPertlas.,...,: presented by the Very Rever­ holiday. Thomas Bruns Elected ture room of the Chemical En­ TWO-PARTYSYSTEM TO en d Sidn ey E. Sweet D.D. at Tuesda y, Feb. 23, 1954 - North AIEE ~IRE Makes ~Ulative index gineering Building . The speak­ EXPLORERS'CLUB OF President of I.F.C. the group's me eting last Frid ay, American Aviation , Inc. - CE, BEUSED FOR THE 1ST ers for the meeting were Mr. Plans for Rest rat,rnityCoun,u The Interfra te rnity Council February 12. Dean SWeet 's ad­ EE, and ME. J ack Wilson and Mr. Amos Nor­ ROLLAPRESENTS FREE SCbo~ticPle,jg. h eld its first meeting of the new dress, ''Features of American 24 - Emerson TIMEON MSM CA MPUS Wednesday, Feb. man of Corn Products Refining Of Semester semester February 9 at the Kap­ ba sed on the bndil'ictuaifra. The election of class officers Heritage" was Electric Company - (ME and Company. The program for the remain­ TRAVELPICTURES BY pa Sigma hJuse. The main busi­ ideals represented in the Na­ venotahead will be heid at Parker Hall on EE). der of the year has been formu­ adopttheir ow!_ ness was the election of new tional , Seal of the United States. She l~ Mr. Wilson describ ed the pro­ NOTED PHOTOGRAPHER Thur sday, F ebruary 25, between Thursday, February 25 - lated by the Executive Commit­ officers .for the coming year. Tom A very ent husiastic question cesses used and the probl ems, Parker Hall was the scene of 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. Student Coun­ Oil Company - Chemists, ChE, tee or the Joint Student Br anch atenutyCoun,u Bruns, former Vice-President of period followed Dean Swe et's E. both chemical and mechanical, an extremely inte re sting color cil members will be present to CE, EE, ME and Min. of AIEE-IRE with the next the Council, was elec ted to re- ta lk in wh ich opinions and in the refining of trave logue presented by Mr. Jul­ ;_~Olasticr,. casting' their National Gypsum Company - confronted meeting schedu led for Thur s­ assist students in Jim Hubeli questions were exc han ged fr ee­ ian Gromer, one of the world's ~tiation. To be place Al Burgess. Ch.E, ME , and Min & Phys. corn. He stated that the corn day, February 25. An interest­ ballets . The ques­ ta!1on,a student was elected Vice-President and I Jy by the audience. Aberdeen Proviqg Grounds - refining industry is hiring en- ing program is in the making most renowned photographers. lers, and sportsmen on ltldex of 2.25 asT~~ll:~:~ f::c~h est~::~~n \;; ~ Al Burgess r eplaced Jim Hubel~ tions touched on a great variety ( Ch.E, ME, EE, and Ph ys. & gineers, not only for basic en- for that evening along with the trave 1 on world affairs and .Feb. 16, at 8:00 p.m. '~gini- as Secr eta ry-Tr easure r . The new of subjects Math.) gineering \~~r~, b_ut al~o for fu- opening of the Spring memb er­ Tu esday, domestic problems, including Coast ," ulativeindex vote only once and will vote only officers we r e installed immed- Friday, Feb. 26 - Shell Oil ture admm~strative Job~ be- ship drive for Nationa l Mem­ The film, "The Atlantic the busi- the censorship of literature in Rolla Ex- for the officers in his class. Ei- iately and carried on Company - Chemists, Cb.E , CE, cause ~f .their und~rstaq.dmg of berships in American Institute was presented by the public schoo ls and libraries. "1litie, should ther a "strai•ght" fraternity or a ness of the meeting. EE, ME, and Min. E. the refmmg operations. · of Electrical Engineers and In- plorers ' Club in conjunction with "straight " independent or a The main issu e of debate was Dean Sweet pr esented hi s views the General Lectures Program of ho fail to nieet National Gypsum Co. - Ch.E, Mr. Norman, who graduated stitute of Radio ' Engine ers. Tak e "mixed" ball bt may be cast. No the point system used to elect on many of th e questions posed M .S.M. rementsfor as ME, and Min. & Phys. from M. S. M. in 1948 with a the time to review the merits of allowance has been made for the Fraternity man of the year. for over an hour afte r his for­ The film depicted a scenic toar !lllester, follow- B. S. in M. E., gave a very in­ each organization from letters "write-in" candidates, since it Becau ~ of numerous loophol es mal talk. Reverend 0. V. J ack­ of the coasta l cities of the Unite d teresting talk on his expefiences availab le from your EE instruc­ was felt that the two party sys- and un certainti es in judging, a son of the Epis copa lian Church State s and the many types of while working for Corn Prod- tor or the EE office. tern best r epresented the entire committee was appointed at a in Rolla , introduced Dean Lindenwood Host to industry which are to be found ucts Refining Company. He de- student body. The fraternity and previous meeting to revise the Sweet as guest speaker at the It was announced that plans along the Atlantic Coast. The M S M GI ClU b OVer scribed the company training independent candidates are as system of scorin,g. Their sug- meeting. The Fellowsh ip is par­ • • • ee are being made for an in spec­ background music blended beau­ program and re lated some of the follows: gestions were voted upon to ob- tic ularl y indebt ed to Rererend Eventful Weekend tion trip to Bagnell Dam and tifully with th e colorful scenes, '.QUORS going Office - Fraternity - Independent tain a clear and fair system of Jackson !or arranging the many The ·weekend of Feb. 6 marked troubles he had while Power Station on April 3rd. while Mr. Gromer's t;iumorous Phone74' through it. Seniors scoring in the future . details of Dean Sweet 's visit to narrations added to the enjoy­ =--1 b:oa~~ lusion of Mr. Nor- foi~=~~ho::e!:nt~ul~:ti~o Pres. - ~- Wa lsh - F. Campen -------- the M. S. M. campus. ~.;~;. e~fee:ie~~;b ina;:sd:, e~~: At the conc ment of the program. ~ in g meetings and programs of Mr. Gromer has received na­ - C. Miller The many activities planned that was the weekend on which man's talk, refreshments were Vice-Pres. D. Hampe l Business Leaders tional ac claim for his many in­ Sec . _ R. Williamson_ P. Bennett by the Fellowship for this se- said singing group sang at Lin- saebrveradtoirny.the unit operations your organization. denwood. When they ari;ived 1 0 teresting travelogues, some of Treas . - T. Berenato - J. Highfill Plan to Employ More mester are reflected by the nu­ merous com mitt ees appointed there about 2:00 p.m. after a Remember the prizes to be which are "African Lif e," "Co­ Juniors ·of This year's Grads during the meeting. Mr. Bruno grue llin g bus ride , they found offered in the Student Papers lumbi a River Adventure," "On Contest this March. Plan to en- Pres. - R. Skubic - J. Miles Hake (Germany) will manage that there was quite some time INTERFAITHCOUNCIL the sho res of Lake Michigan ," V-Pre s. M. Praeger - A. Baebler EVANSTON, Ill. (I.P.) the radio series during the se­ to kill-a couple of hours, at ter now. Hawaiian Paradise, " " In the Sec. - K. Sma y - S. Fitzgerald Business and industrial leade r s mester which will consist of l east.
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