GOVERNMENT OF PUDUCHERRY I)., 7, OFFICE OF THE SUB COLLECTOR (REVENUE) SQPJH., '1".! * * * * * * ., ". / U i'r' No: 6971/DCRS/LAl2016-17 Vitlianur;-dt. 13/05/2019 I.D.Note Sub: SCRS - LA - Acquisition of lands at Kurumbapet & Odiampet Revenue Village for formation of link road south of Puducherry - Villupuram Railway line by passing of Arumparthapuram - Natesan Nagar segment of NH45A - Publication of Draft Rehabilitation and Resettlement Scheme - Public Affixture in the notice board - Reg. ****** Adverting to the subject cited, I am to send herewith a copy of the Draft Rehabilitation and Resettlement Scheme in respect of the above said purpose, which shall be published by affixture in your office notice board for information of the General public and to fumish a certificate to that effect. (SHASHVAT SAURABH, I.A.S) SUB COLLECTOR (REV) SOUTH - CUM - ADMINISTRATOR (REHABILITATION & RESETTLEMENT) Encl: As stated above To 1. The Tahsildar, Taluk Office, Villianur, 2. The Commissioner, Villianur Commune Panchayat, Villianur, 3. The Block Development Officer, Villianur. Copy submitted to: J The District Collector - cum - Land Acquisition Officer, - For favour of information please. DRDM, Puducherry Copy to: The Special Officer, - With a request to host the draft scheme in the official DRDM, Puducherry website www.collectorate.py.gov.in and ) www.puducherry-dt.gov.in. GOVERNMENTOFPUDUCHERRY OFFICE OF THE SUB COLLECTOR (REVENUE) SOUTH ****** No: 6971/DCRS/LA/2016-17 Villianur, dt. I3/05/20 19 NOTICE Whereas, notice is hereby given that the preliminary notification under section 11 (I) of the "Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act, 2013" was published by the District Collector vide Extra Ordinary Gazette Part - I No.170 dt. 04.12.2018 in respect of the lands specified in the appended schedule and situated in the villages of Odiampet and Kurumbapet in Villianur Taluk, in the District ofPuducherry which are required for public purpose namely formation of link road south of Puducherry - Villupuram Railway line by passing of Arumparthapuram - Natesan Nagar segment ofNH45A. 2. Whereas, the Sub Collector (Revenue) South, Villianur is the Administrator ,K..:haLlllllau011 ..\.. Resettlement) under sec.43 of the said Act, for the purpose of preparation of the Rehabilitation and Resettlement Scheme for the affected families. A draft Rehabilitation and Resettlement Scheme has been prepared and copy of the draft scheme has also been served to the affected land owners I interested persons and published in the following modes- a) By Publication in the official gazette b) By way of notice in English and Tamil Dailies. c) By public affixture, and d) In the government website. 3. A Public hearing of the interested persons for their claims and objections with regard to the Rehabilitation and Resettlement entitlement will be conducted on 30.05.2019 at 10.30 AM in Office of the Sub Collector (Revenue) South, Villianur. Therefore, the interested persons are at liberty to appear in person or through a representative and to adduce or any oral document evidence in support of their objections. SCHEDULE OF LAND UNDER ACQUISITION Taluk: ViIIianur Revenue Village: 46-0diampet SI. Re-survey Total Extent Name and address of the Boundaries No No. Extent under person interested/Revenue (HAC) Acquisition Records N E W S (H.A.C) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (i) Patta No.353, Thiru. Pakkinathan, S/o. Mariyadoss Mudaliar (ii) Thiru. Parthasarathy, 65/IA/2 65/1Rl2 1 65/1A/2 pt 0.15.40 0.00.96 65/1AIlpt 65/2B S/o. Suburayalu Naidu pt No.39, Vinayagar KoiI Street, Manavely, ViIlianur (i) Patta No.76. Thiru. Ramalingam Pillai, S/o. Kandasamy Pillai (ii) Tmt. Devi, W/o. Balasubramaniyan 0.02.36 73 661 lpt 66/1 pt 66/Ipt 2 66/1 pt 1.02.50 No.12, Mariamman Koil Street, Mary oulgaret, Reddiyarpalayam, (iii) Tmt. Sundari, W/o. Anantharaman . No. No.12, Mariamman Koil Street, Mary oulgaret, - Reddiyarpalayain (i) Paita No.49i, .; ,I Thitti. RamachaH~ra t1~<b~at~x, " Sid. Sarahgapahy 3 68/98 0.17.50 0.01.97 72 (ii) Thiru. MaripsoZhapt I 68/108 68/8B 68/9A S/o. RamacHariHll-a Boopathi N().IS, Mariyaj:mri~n Koil Street, ArumparthapuHih1, Villianur Patta No.620, Thiru. Nandagdpdlilh Nayakar, 8/0. 4 82/2B 2.75.50 0.60.43 thillaigovinda Naicker 82/2 pt 83 82/1 pt 82/2 pt No.SS, Main Road, Arumparthapuram (Soutll), Villianur TOTAL 0.65.72 Taluk: Villianur Revenue Village: 33-Kurumbapet SI. Re-survey Total Extent Name and address of the No Boundaries No. Extent under person interested I Revenue (H.A.C) Acquisition Records N I (H.A.C) E I W I s (I) (2) I (3) (4) (5) I (6) Patta No.686, 1 176/1 B/2 0.01.70 0.00.73 Tmt. Sukanya, W/o. Nanu No.7, Villianur Main Road, 175 176/IC/2 176/1A/2 176/1Bpt G.N.Palayam, Villianur (i) Patta No.345, Thiru. Narayana Chettiar, S/o. Govindasamy Chettiar (ii) Patta No.345, Thiru. Franzuvaa Pozhadn, 2 177/2Bpt 0.31.00 0.02.06 S/o. Mizhel Pozhaan 177/2B 175 177IlB pt (iii) Tmt. C. Jothi 177/2A W/o.Chandrasekaran, No.65, 3rd Main Road, Annai Theresa Nagar, Moolakulam (i) Patta No.590, Thiru. Nagalingam, ., S/o. Jadadeesa Nayakar .) 180/38pt 0.26.50 0.04.35 (ii) Patta No.590 I SOill\. lllUIl JoUI3B pt Mis. Vishnu Saw Mill 180/4N2 loU/3A12 Arumparthapuram (i) Patta No.265, Thiru. P. Dinakaran S/o. Palanisamy, 4 (ii) Patta No.265, ISlI28pt 0.52.00 0.04.79 Thiru. Shanmugam, 181/2B 181/1 ISI/2B pt S/o.Subbaramanian pt ISI/2A/I (iii) Patta No.265, Tmt. Kalaiselvi, W/o. Muthukumaran TOTAL 0.11.93 \~,-<'') (SHASHVAT SAURABH, I.A.S) SUB COLLECTOR (REV) SOUTH - CUM _ ADMINISTRATOR (REIIABlLl IATiO!\'.1.I IH'\';1o"1I I I. v r • -, •. lIgpifC8-ffl ~1J8r 8-lTIill LaIT6'lJL L ~L 5lUJIi .(6'lJ(!96'lJITuJ) Q~ !D@>, (;illru 6\5lUJ WIT rr 6T6lim 6971/0CRS/LA/2016-17 6illru6\5l11JWITr1 ,C~~. 13/05/2019 lIgp ifC8- ffl LaIT!b1ru io, 6illru 66111JWITr1 6'lJLL Lb, 6J'~1lJ LbUL (B La!D gu io @(!9LbUITUL(B 6'lJ®6'lJITuJ &llJITLOrh.J&@9&@ ~LULL £W&&6limL ~LL6'lJ6lf)6mtUlru &6limL @!b~ !b1rurh.J&6lf)611 QUIT~ C!bIT&&~~!D&IT& ~~IT6'lJ~ 45-A C~5111J Q[b(B<¬ !!:>8-IT6lf)rutUl6in ~®LbUITIi~~lIlJLb - !bCL8-6in !b&r1 @6lf)6mLll,J Ll!D6'lJ~if8-IT6lf)ru&&IT& Ll~ifC8-ffl - 6illQ:gULllJLb Q~ITLr16'lJ6lim1.q.UUIT6lf)~&@ Q~WC& ~6lf)LO&& C!1>6lf)6'l.JU U(B&l!D~ ~!1> oO'rU1.q. @!1>oO'r6lf) LO ~!fjlbffi &6lf)&1lJ IT6'Ol~ !b1ru Lb 6lf)&lLJ &UU (B~!1> so, LO!!)J6'l.JITW6'lJ6111ULl LaWgu Lb [email protected] C [bffl UJ 8-ffl uj(B LO!Dgu Lb Q 6'lJ6111UU6lf) L ~!1>6in6lf)LOa,ffl6lf) LO 8"L L to 2013" 11-~ to LJ1(i)6ill6in (1h~J,to ~L LJ1(i)6lj 6'lJ6lf)&@6lf)!DtUloO'r £W LaIT6'lJL L ~L 5llLJ rr - LO!Dgu io -!b1ru in 6lf)&UJ&Uu(B~~Lb ~~6'lJrur1 ~6'lJr1&611ITru Ll~ifC8-(i) LOIT!b1ru ~lJ51~~ru 04112/2018 ~6ingu §l!DULl Q6'l.J61l1u5(B U@~ -I 6T6lim.170 co Q6'l.J61l1tUlLUULL~" 2. ~!b!b1ru ~1i~!1> U6unfI&61l16in 6J'® U@~lLJIT&, "Ll~ifC8"(i) !b1ruLb 6lf)&lLJ&Uu(B~~ru, LO!!)J6'l.JITW6'lJ6111ULl LaWgu Lb Lagu@>1.q.lLJLali6illru C [b(i)lLJ 8-(i)uj(B LOW gu Lb Q 6'lJ6111UU6lf)L ~!1>oO'r6lf)LO l2.... (i)6lf)LO 8"L L to ,2013" LJ1(i)6lj 43 6in U1.q. 6'l.J6lf)lJ6lj LOgu6'lJITW6'l.J61l1ULl LOWguLb LO!!)[email protected] ~LLLb !1>lUIT(i)&& 8"ITr1Ll LOIT6'l.JL L ~ L 5l11J rr (6'lJ® 6'lJITtiJ) Q~ W@, 6illru 661lU WIT rr ~ 6'l.Jr1&6YT Lagu 6'lJITW6'lJ6111U Ll LOW gu Lb LO!!)[email protected] LOr16lj !b1Ii6'lJIT&llU IT& !b111JLfil& & U UL (B6YT6llITr1. C LO~ Lb, 6'lJ6lf)IJ6lj LaW 6'lJITW6'lJ6111U Ll LOWW Lb LO!!)[email protected] ~LLLb ~lUIT(i)&&UUL(B UIT~&&UULL ~ru ~(i)6lf)LOUIT611r1&6YT 1 6ill®UU@6YT6116'l.Jr1&6YT LOWWLb QUIT~LO&&6YT UITr16lf)6'lJ&&IT& £W&&6limL @6lf)!DtUlru Q&IT(B&&UUL(B6YT611~. a) ~~&ITlJ@6lf)!D ~lJ51!1>~ru Q6'l.J61l1tUl(B!1>ru b) ~ rh.J&lru Lb LOWgu Lb ~ LBI W [bITC611(B&61l1ru Q6'l.J6111tUl(B!1>6b c) ~lJ8r ~gw6'lJru&rh.J&61l1ru 6J'L(B 8-ITr1LlQ8"tiJ~ru d) ~lJ§l6in ~~&ITlJ@6lf)!D @6lf)6mlLJ!1>611~~ru U~C6'l.JW!!)J!1>ru 3. 6T~r16'lJ®Lb 30.05.2019 ~6ingu &IT6lf)ru 10.30 L06l5mllLJ6116illru 8-ITliLl LOIT6'lJLL ~L§lUJr1 (6'l.J®6'l.JITtiJ) Q!1>W@, 6illGU 661lU WIT r1 ~6'lJ r1&61l16in ~ ~ 6'l.Jru &~~ru LOW 6'lJITW6'lJ61l1U Ll LO!Dgu Lb [email protected] r16lj ~ (i)6lf)LO Q!1>ITLr1UIT6'Ol ~rh.J&61l16in C&IT(i)&6lf)&&6YT LO!DWLb ~LC8-U6lf)6'Ol&6YT Q!1>ITLr1UIT& QUIT~ 6ill8"ITlJ6lf)6m CLOWQ&IT6YT611UUL ~6YT611~. 6T6'OlC6'lJ, UIT~&&UULLI~r16'l.J@6YT611 [bUr1&6YT ~ITrh.J&611IT&C6'l.JIT ~ruru~ !1>rh.J&6YTLJ1lJ~!b1~ @ruLaIT&C6'l.J IT ~L C 8"U6lf)6'Ol&6YT@®!b!1>ITru 6'lJITtiJQ LOIT~ ~ ru ru ~ ~ 6'lJ6m 8"IT6in!!)J &6YT @6IJLb 8"LOr1uLJ1&&ruITLb 6T6ingu Q!,!>(i)6ill&&Uu(B&l!D~.
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