MINUTES MAY BE UPDATED BEFORE THEY ARE APPROVED AT THE NEXT PARISH COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF THE CALNE WITHOUT PARISH COUNCIL LANSDOWNE HALL DERRY HILL MONDAY 9th March 2020 19.30 CALNE WITHOUT COUNCILLOR ATTENDANCE Present (P): Apologies (A): Did Not Attend (X) Sue Baker P David Songhurst P Jim Cook P Richard French P Rob Hislop P Ed Jones (Chair) P Katharina Kronig P Lord Lansdowne P Matt Maddicks P Alan Malpas P Charlie Oram P Ioan Rees A Keith Robbins A Adrian Satchell P Barry Satchell P Wiltshire Council Unitary Councillor (Calne Rural) Christine Crisp also attended. 1 Apologies for Absence Apologies received from Cllrs Rees and Robbins. 2 Middle Ward Councillor The Chairman welcomed David Songhurst to the Council as the new Councillor for Middle Ward. Cllr Songhurst and the Clerk signed the Acceptance of Office. 3 Public Speaking/ Correspondence 3.1 Public Speaking Chairman agreed to take the public speaking immediately prior to item 10.2 3.2 Correspondence None 4 Declarations of Interest None 5 Chairman Announcements The Chairman made the following announcements: 5.1 Code of Conduct The Chairman reminded all Councillors that they are bound by the Council’s Code of Conduct and should abide by it even when expressing a different opinion to that of the Council. In particular a respect for the Council, its decision and its members should be maintained at all times. He also asked that Councillors remember that an email once sent to a member of the public is in the public domain please do not send anything that you would not be happy seeing published on social media etc. MINUTES MAY BE UPDATED BEFORE THEY ARE APPROVED AT THE NEXT PARISH COUNCIL MEETING 5.2 River Walk Cllr Rob MacNaughton of Calne Town Council has invited all Councillor to a River Walk on Saturday March 21st at 10am.in the car park next to Hazeland Mill. Please let the Clerk know if you wish to attend. 5.3 Derry Hill Post Office The Chairman asked Councillors approval for his letter to be sent to Mr and Mrs Strange expressing the Councils best wishes to Mrs Strange and the Council’s recognition of the importance of the shop and post office as a community asset and its appreciation for the service which Mr and Mrs Strange provide. Proposed: Cllr Cook Seconded: Cllr French Agreed unanimously: That the letter as drafted be sent. 6 Minutes Proposed: Cllr French Seconded: Cllr B. Satchell Agreed unanimously: That the Council approve the Minutes of the meeting held on 10th February 2020 as a true and fair reflection of the motions agreed by the Council and the discussions that took place and that these be signed by the Chairman as such. 7 Response to Actions from previous meeting Clerk had nothing further to add. 8 Accounts 8.1 Cheques/Internet payments The Clerk reported that the Lansdowne Hall invoice was not now being presented for payment as a revised invoice with the correct information had not yet been received. Proposed: Cllr Cook Seconded: Cllr A Satchell Agreed unanimously: That the following payments be approved: Broxap Dog waste bin for Cherhill £193.20 View (purchase approved 9th September 2019) Wiltshire Council Sign at the Knapp and Bus £652.77 stop improvements Stockley Sarah Glen Clerk salary February 2020 £713.68 That the following payments that have already been made are noted: Idverde Bin emptying (correction to £195.00 approved payment from Feb to £195.00 show full amount paid including VAT) 16/03/2020 1.0 First Draft 23/03/20 1.1 Corrections MINUTES MAY BE UPDATED BEFORE THEY ARE APPROVED AT THE NEXT PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Ace Shelters Bus shelter Stockley first £2063.40 50% payment 8.2 Balance and expenditure Proposed: Cllr Malpas Seconded: Cllr Cook Agreed unanimously: That the balance and expenditure statement for the period ending 29th February 2020 be approved. 9 Planning Following discussion of the planning applications currently out to consultation, Councillors had no comments to make. 10 Area Board: Requests for Highway Improvements A member of the public spoke in support of the Highways Improvement Request at 10.2 Councillors considered the issues raised in both requests and suggested that the best way forward was through the Council’s Road Safety Feasibility Study. Cllr Oram offered to pass on reports of any Hill’s HGV’s using roads that they shouldn’t. 10.1 Blacklands/Calstone: HGV damage to water pipes, road surface & Danger to road users 30mph speed limit and Weight restriction. Proposed: Cllr Cook Seconded: Cllr Malpas Agreed unanimously: That the Council does not support the request at this time. However, the Council recognises the residents concerns and the area is identified in the Council’s Road Safety Feasibility Study for consideration and recommendations. 10.2 Blacklands: reduce speed limit and/or introduce traffic calming Proposed: Cllr Cook Seconded: Cllr A. Satchell Agreed unanimously: That the Council does not support the request at this time. However, the Council recognises the resident’s concerns and the area is identified in the Council’s Road Safety Feasibility Study for consideration and recommendations. 11 Human Resources Committee The Clerk reported that the WALC (Wiltshire Association of Local Councils) Course may not be going ahead but that an SLCC (Society of Local Council Clerks) course was also available but at a cost of £350.00 ex VAT. Proposed: Cllr Cook Seconded: Cllr Baker Agreed unanimously: That the Council notes the decision of the Human Resources Committee to approve the Clerk’s enrolment on the CiLCA (Certificate in Local Council Administration) course at a cost of registration fee for the course which is £350.00 non vatable and a series of 4 training days run by WALC ( Wiltshire Association of Local Councils) at a total cost of £240.00 plus VAT and also approves the cost of the SLCC ( 16/03/2020 1.0 First Draft 23/03/20 1.1 Corrections MINUTES MAY BE UPDATED BEFORE THEY ARE APPROVED AT THE NEXT PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Society of Local Council Clerks) course at £350.00 ex VAT if the WALC course is unavailable. 12 Finance Committee Cllr Cook reported that the Road Safety Feasibility Study had been sent to 4 Consultants and it was hoped that the results would be able to be reported to the April meeting. 13 I.T. Strategy and Communications Working Group 13.1 Website update Cllr Cook to provide a verbal update. 13.2 Annual Parish Meeting Councillors discussed the Annual Parish meeting and decided not to have refreshments and that the Chairman’s report should include the Council’s work on Blounts Court and the existence of the Community Governance Review. Proposed: Cllr Jones Seconded: Cllr French Agreed unanimously: That the topics for the Agenda and publicity of the Annual Parish Meeting as drafted be approved. 14 Community Governance Review The Council decided not to send a representative to the Wiltshire Council meeting to speak. 15 Stockley Bus Stop Waste Bin Proposed: Cllr Baker Seconded: Cllr Oram Agreed unanimously: 1. That the Parish Council approve the purchase of the Broxap Dinbin 50 litre in black with fixings and delivery. Clerk 2. That the payment of the invoice, if required before delivery, be approved subject to the checking and approval of the Clerk, Cllrs French and Baker 16 Tile Court Benches Proposed: Cllr Malpas Seconded: Cllr Jones Agreed unanimously: 1. That the Parish Council purchase 2 Buckingham benches from Broxap with bolt Clerk fixings and delivery at a cost of £1147.00 ex VAT. Budget: Infrastructure Power: Parish Councils Act 1957, s1 2. That the Parish Council thank Green Square for allowing and assisting in the removal and replacement of the benches. 3. That the Parish Council advise the relatives of those commemorated on the original benches that they are welcome to place a new plaque on the new benches 16/03/2020 1.0 First Draft 23/03/20 1.1 Corrections MINUTES MAY BE UPDATED BEFORE THEY ARE APPROVED AT THE NEXT PARISH COUNCIL MEETING when installed subject to the Clerk and Chairman’s approval of the size and wording. 4. That other individuals can request to put a plaque on the benches in memory of members of the community subject to the approval of the wording and size. 17 Wiltshire Council Open Space and Green Infrastructure Survey and Rural Facilities Survey The Clerk agreed to send Councillors paper copies of the maps for them to mark up. Cllrs Councillors to let the Clerk have answers to the Rural Facilities survey questions for each settlement. Completed surveys to be presented for approval for submission at the next meeting. 18 West Ward, Noticeboards, Signage and Dog Waste bins Cllrs discussed the lack of progress with the Dog Waste bin for Studley. West Ward West Ward Councillors to agree a position for the bin that is acceptable to the landowner and accessible Cllrs for collection. And bring back to the next meeting. 19 Other Matters 19.1 Cllr Baker asked for the painting of the bridge railings in Stockley to be consider for referral to Calne Community Transport Group if necessary. 19.2 Lord Lansdowne announced his intention to retire from the Council in the near future. Cllr Cook and the Chairman expressed their gratitude to Lord Lansdowne for his long service and invaluable input to the Parish Council. 20 Confidential Session Proposed: Cllr Jones Seconded: Cllr B. Satchell Agreed unanimously: That under the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960, the public and representatives of the press and broadcast media be excluded from the meeting during the consideration of the following items of business as publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest because of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted.
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